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Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy
Apr 29, 2020

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy

The formation of ‘The Resistance Front’ should be seen as an attempt to consolidate strengths, manpower, weaponry, and training of various militan

Pakistan's naval transformation: Dangerous delusions, soaring ambitions
Dec 12, 2016

Pakistan's naval transformation: Dangerous delusions, soaring ambitions

The combination of dangerous delusions, soaring ambitions and a fatal nuclear obsession could spark another round of strategic brinkmanship in South Asia, with disastrous consequences for regional security. Navy is supposed to be the new domain for another round of brinkmanship

Pakistan, and not just its 'non-state actors', are responsible for Pulwama attack
Mar 05, 2019

Pakistan, and not just its 'non-state actors', are responsible for Pulwama attack

The way it is currently configured, Pakistan is unlikely to to mend itself any time in the foreseeable future.

Pakistan: Anxiously waiting for its first democratic transfer of power
Mar 11, 2013

Pakistan: Anxiously waiting for its first democratic transfer of power

It may not have been pretty, but the finish-line is within sight for the Zardari-led coalition government in Pakistan. And the first democratic transfer of power is a significant milestone in the growth of democracy in the country.

Pakistan: From Annus Horribilis into Annus Miserabilis – I
Jan 05, 2023

Pakistan: From Annus Horribilis into Annus Miserabilis – I

The first in a two part series on the problems that are plaguing Pakistan into the new year

Pakistan: From Annus Horribilis into Annus Miserabilis – II
Jan 05, 2023

Pakistan: From Annus Horribilis into Annus Miserabilis – II

This second of a two-part series on the issues that portend a tumultuous 2023 for Pakistan

Pakistan: Military ties with Russia strengthen
Jul 03, 2015

Pakistan: Military ties with Russia strengthen

Throughout the Cold War - and afterwards - Russia's relations with Pakistan remained almost non-existent. However, with the United States and NATO pulling out its troops from Afghanistan in 2013,

Pakistan: Relationship with US deteriorating
Jun 28, 2015

Pakistan: Relationship with US deteriorating

The relationship between the United States and Pakistan is one that grew exponentially in the first decade of the new millennia. However, following the post-US drawdown from Afghanistan, the United States' relationship with Pakistan has hit a roadblock of sorts.

Pakistan: The difficult task of continuing legacy of Chief Justice Chaudhury
Dec 13, 2013

Pakistan: The difficult task of continuing legacy of Chief Justice Chaudhury

Justice Iftikhar Chaudhary, who retired on December 12 after heading Pakistan's apex court for seven years, has left behind a contentious legacy of judicial activism, in many senses unprecedented and extraordinarily difficult to follow.

Pakistan: What did Kayani say on August 14?
Aug 31, 2012

Pakistan: What did Kayani say on August 14?

Pakistan Army chief Gen Ashfaq Kayani's Independence Day address at Pakistan Military Academy, Kakul, attracted widespread comments, mostly positive. In fact, Gen Kayani's speech eclipsed the standard presidential address on the occasion in the media.

Pakistan’s Afghan dilemma haunts the Islamabad-Rawalpindi nexus
May 09, 2022

Pakistan’s Afghan dilemma haunts the Islamabad-Rawalpindi nexus

Pakistan’s strategic calculations in Afghanistan have backfired, leaving it entangled in the complexities of the South Asian geopolitics.

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A policy rooted in delusions and wishful thinking
Jan 21, 2022

Pakistan’s National Security Policy: A policy rooted in delusions and wishful thinking

Would the new NSP bring about much-required reform in Pakistan or will it just double down on its past rhetoric?

Pakistan’s offensive on Kashmir will persist. India must be ready
Oct 01, 2019

Pakistan’s offensive on Kashmir will persist. India must be ready

Islamabad will deploy all political and diplomatic tools to lobby in the West. But it senses failure

Pakistan’s use of terror as a tool
Nov 24, 2018

Pakistan’s use of terror as a tool

Pakistan’s strategy of ‘bleeding India by a thousand cuts’ has been implemented by exploiting religious sentiments and whipping up passions on c

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties
Jan 12, 2021

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted two features of the Nepal-India economic relationship: Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit, and unrestricted cross-border movement of people of both countries. Attributing the trade deficit entirely to supply-side constraints is neither accurate nor conducive to the overall health of the relationship. This brief suggests ways towards more sustainable trade relations between India and Nepal, among them, India r

Pannun case will remain mere blip in surging India-US ties
Dec 11, 2023

Pannun case will remain mere blip in surging India-US ties

World's two major democracies are getting better at riding through the bumps

Participatory planning: The catalyst for building sustainable cities
Jul 06, 2022

Participatory planning: The catalyst for building sustainable cities

India can emulate other global models by including all the stakeholders in the decision-making process to develop resilient urban cities.

Partnerships Matter: That City on the Hill; A Ship Adrift; A Lighthouse in the Tempest
Jul 07, 2023

Partnerships Matter: That City on the Hill; A Ship Adrift; A Lighthouse in the Tempest

India is the breakout partner for the US, defying what may once have seemed an improbable relationship.

Path to full GDP recovery is likely to be long and arduous
Sep 08, 2021

Path to full GDP recovery is likely to be long and arduous

A statistical analysis of the recovery the Indian economy post pandemic

Patronage leaves us powerless
Aug 09, 2012

Patronage leaves us powerless

Get away from the barter system of vote bank politics. Politicians need to rise above petty politics and show they haven't got feet of Vernacular clay. This will be the first step to prove to the world that we are a mature democracy.

Pelosi’s visit spurs Chinese discussions on a two-front crisis
Aug 20, 2022

Pelosi’s visit spurs Chinese discussions on a two-front crisis

Once Taiwan is taken over, it is argued, the PLA will have a freer hand to deal with India and even recover other disputed territories.

Pensions: Constitutional office holders must lead by example
Jan 24, 2023

Pensions: Constitutional office holders must lead by example

The old pension scheme is a deform that is practically, morally and colonially out of tune with a 21st century modern India; Parliament must start at

Perilous Pursuit of Altruism?
Jun 14, 2023

Perilous Pursuit of Altruism?

Worldcoin aims to create a vast network that would benefit all individuals, but it raises concerns about exclusion and limited benefits for those outs

Pipelines to swords: How Covid-19 shifted focus from energy cooperation to securitisation in the Eastern Mediterranean
Jun 06, 2020

Pipelines to swords: How Covid-19 shifted focus from energy cooperation to securitisation in the Eastern Mediterranean

Covid-19-related economic repercussions have rendered the unifying, cooperation-creating element of a common energy market in the Eastern Mediterranea

PLA attempting for expeditionary status, says expert
Sep 18, 2014

PLA attempting for expeditionary status, says expert

There are strong indicators of a regionally dominant People's Liberation Army of China attempting for an expeditionary status, says Mr. Abraham M. Denmark, Vice President of the National Bureau of Asian Research.