Progammes & Centres
- Raisina Dialogue
- Cape Town Conversation
- Sagarmanthan: The Great Oceans Dialogue
- Yerevan Dialogue
- The Energy Transition Dialogues
- CyFy
- CyFy Africa
- Kigali Global Dialogue
- U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: North-Eastern Dialogues
- BRICS Academic Forum
- Colaba Conversation
- Asian Forum on Global Governance
- Dhaka Global Dialogue
- Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- Tackling Insurgent Ideologies
- Climate Action Champions Network
सोशल मीडिया में AI का बढ़ता दखल: नई तकनीक़ के साथ नई ज़िम्मेदारियों का आगमन...!
The road from Hiroshima
India’s potential influence on the need for global governance of biobanks
Building an equitable ‘data for development’ space for the G20
China’s expanding tech lead through Digital Silk Road
Chinese spy station in Cuba looms over Sino-US thaw
Too big to fail: Shortcomings of large-scale AI
Why data is a double-edged sword for financial supervision
Trinity of Big Data, RegTech, SupTech: Is it panacea or problem for financial regulators?
Archiving the internet in DNA
Do internet search engines stifle human cognition?
Practising digital osmosis: India’s role in the global splinternet
Data free flow with trust: Is there a solution in sight?
Decentralised social networks and consumer agency
OCEN: A digital transformation of credit systems?
DNA Technology Regulation Bill: Concerns on data privacy, dependence, and bias
The ambiguities in India's attempt at data protection
Data flow and privacy - India’s role as the G20 President
Cybernorms for a democratic internet
Do no harm: Protect humanitarian private data
Do we need a new generation of Human Rights for cyberspace?
A decade into India’s open government data journey
Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact
India: Crucial cyberwarfare capabilities need to be upgraded
IPEF and India’s digital trade dilemma
The ethical cost of NFTs in Art: A focus on the fashion Industry
Leveraging data privacy by design
Long COVID: The pandemic's shadow on data and dissent in China