Centre for New Economic Diplomacy

Centre for New Economic Diplomacy

Centre for New Economic Diplomacy (CNED) seeks to strengthen the multi-stakeholder response to the important challenges and opportunities facing the global community.

Our Mission

The mandate of the Centre for new economic diplomacy (CNED) is redefining economic diplomacy in a changing world. The majority of its initial interventions were in the domain of development partnerships and development diplomacy. With a platter of disciplinary expertise in the domains of developmental discourses, the Centre has now emerged to establish a fresh approach to post-pandemic recovery and resilience, aiming to forge new paths for development in the Global South. To tackle the challenges faced by the global community, the Centre has actively sought to establish international partnerships and enhance multi-stakeholder responses. With a specific focus on regions such as South Asia, ASEAN, BIMSTEC, and Africa, where development challenges arise in different forms, including development deficits, environmental degradation and social costs of growth, the Centre has concentrated its efforts on addressing those. Key areas of intervention for the Centre include India’s development corporation, technology, climate change, health, food security, and nutrition. Recognising the importance of gender equality in development, CNED has also integrated gender as a crucial factor across its various initiatives.

