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Japan's new Asian diplomacy: Is it China-driven?
Jan 28, 2013

Japan's new Asian diplomacy: Is it China-driven?

Japan's new Prime Minister understands very well that peace and strategic stability in East Asia would depend on how effectively Japan and the US maintain their security alliance. And the Obama administration is supportive of Abe's moves and would be interested in initiating regular triangular security talks with Tokyo and Seoul.

Leveraging Canada's global energy diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific and beyond
Dec 02, 2020

Leveraging Canada's global energy diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific and beyond

Canada’s world-class energy resources and national interests in global energy diplomacy must be articulated coherently and to the fullest

Maldives: 'Democracy-deficit' and 'coercive diplomacy'
Mar 20, 2015

Maldives: 'Democracy-deficit' and 'coercive diplomacy'

A Male criminal court's sentencing of former President Mohammed Nasheed on 'terrorism charges' for 13 years in prison has revived 'democracy-deficit' charges and consequent global (read: West) discourse, this time against the government of incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

Mid-summer diplomacy in New Delhi
May 30, 2014

Mid-summer diplomacy in New Delhi

While it may be necessary to keep channels to Pakistan open, so long as the Pakistan military remains the arbiter of Pakistan's destiny, it may be prudent to keep in mind what may be in store for both India and Afghanistan.

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy
Nov 30, 2015

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy

India has always been shy of adding a religious tint to its foreign policy. In the last decade, however, the aspiring global power began engaging in what has come to be called 'Buddhist diplomacy' in its outreach to countries in the South, East and Southeast Asia. 􀀫e prime minister is diligently pursuing India's 'Buddhist agenda' and taking it beyond its borders, emphasising the Indian and Hindu links with Buddhism. Concurrently, another Asian

Modi in Nepal: Religion and diplomacy
Nov 24, 2014

Modi in Nepal: Religion and diplomacy

One hopes that by the time Modi gets to places like Janakpur, Lumbini and Muktinath, India would have taken concrete steps towards the promotion of trans-border connectivity and tourism between the two countries.

Modi's cricket diplomacy: Renewing political contact with Pakistan
Feb 13, 2015

Modi's cricket diplomacy: Renewing political contact with Pakistan

Cricket has always come in handy for India and Pakistan leaders to break political ice at difficult moments. And this World Cup has provided Modi with an opportunity to end the current diplomatic impasse. Modi called up Sharif to wish Pakistan well in the Cup and offered to send the new foreign secretary to Islamabad.

Myanmar's military diplomacy
Aug 09, 2012

Myanmar's military diplomacy

Myanmar's military chief General Min Aung Hlaing's recent India visit is another significant step in Myanmar's military diplomacy. Myanmar knows its interest lies in keeping a balanced military engagement with major powers and it would be the last that would want a strategic rivalry of the great powers be played out in its country.

Needs Based Sharing Model, hydro diplomacy suggested to tackle India-China water issues
Feb 15, 2014

Needs Based Sharing Model, hydro diplomacy suggested to tackle India-China water issues

Needs Based Sharing Model and hydro diplomacy were among the many solutions that were suggested by experts at a discussion on "River of Conflict or Rivers of Peace - Water Sharing between India and China'' at Observer Research Foundation, Kolkata.

New High In Indian Diplomacy
Oct 19, 2011

New High In Indian Diplomacy

For Afghanistan, it was the first time that it entered into any such strategic pact with any country as it did with India.

Northeast's growing salience in regional diplomacy
Sep 29, 2014

Northeast's growing salience in regional diplomacy

That economic diplomacy through the Northeast has over-shadowed security-related concerns in India's regional diplomacy is a major departure from the past. Connectivity has been identified as a priority area of the Modi government.

Obama Supports India's "Diplomacy by Default"
Nov 12, 2010

Obama Supports India's "Diplomacy by Default"

In search of saliency in the Obama visit, pundits have missed out on "Indo-US" co-operation in Afghanistan, a major shift since the narrative so far has been about US-Pak collaboration in the Af-Pak theatre.

On nuclear diplomacy, a window has opened
Oct 19, 2004

On nuclear diplomacy, a window has opened

As a responsible nuclear power, India is ready to work with like-minded countries in strengthening the global non-proliferation system. That was the clear message from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at his recent joint press conference with the visiting German chancellor, Gerhard Schroeder.

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation
Aug 24, 2017

Paradiplomacy in India: Evolution and operationalisation

Paradiplomacy as it is conducted by sub-state governments introduces the idea of decentralisation of political power to make regional governments prominent actors in the international sphere. This paper examines the scope for subnational diplomacy in India, as the country seeks to appreciate the significance of federalism and regionalism in promoting local interests, as well as identity, in current international politics. Regional governments ope

Peripheral diplomacy
May 19, 2015

Peripheral diplomacy

After much bonhomie in Beijing, PM Modi has moved on to raise India's strategic profile in two key states on China's periphery - Mongolia and South Korea. Although geography limits New Delhi's role in East Asia, Modi is betting India can win friends and partners through active engagement.

Significant changes in India-Nepal diplomacy
Aug 05, 2011

Significant changes in India-Nepal diplomacy

There will soon be two important changes in the Nepal and India diplomacy, which are of significant importance to both the countries. Nepal's ambassador to India, Rukma Shumsher Rana, has been recalled while the Indian envoy to Nepal Rakesh Sood will be replaced by another career diplomat.

Sri Lanka, post-Geneva: It's politics now, not diplomacy
Mar 30, 2012

Sri Lanka, post-Geneva: It's politics now, not diplomacy

After the UNHRC meeting and the Indian vote against Sri Lanka, now it needs to go beyond Geneva, in the preservation of 'supreme national self-interest' in the case of both the countries. The ghost of Geneva would be hovering over them, yet Colombo should acknowledge the un-kept promises.

Strategic Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific: The Case of Japan and the Philippines
Jan 09, 2025

Strategic Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific: The Case of Japan and the Philippines

Shared concerns over China’s growing assertiveness in the Indo-Pacific are pushing Japan and the Philippines to foster a strategic partnership, particularly in the maritime domain. This brief examines the evolving dynamics of the Tokyo-Manila strategic relationship in the context of a tenuous Indo-Pacific. It traces the evolution of Japan’s defence engagement from post-Second World War pacifism to taking on a more proactive regional security

Strengthening India’s Global Influence through a Sound Public Diplomacy Policy
Oct 23, 2023

Strengthening India’s Global Influence through a Sound Public Diplomacy Policy

This brief tackles the crucial role of public diplomacy in enhancing India's global influence. It argues that India should exert effort to communicate its rich cultural heritage and economic growth story to foreign audiences, and recommends a roadmap that involves linking public diplomacy to national security, the establishment of a specialised public diplomacy agency, and creating the position of a chief public diplomat. A well-structured public

Summitry as a Tool of Diplomacy: The Case of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation
Dec 08, 2022

Summitry as a Tool of Diplomacy: The Case of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

As a tool of diplomacy, forum summits have allowed countries to interact, exchange views, and work together to cooperate on issues of mutual interest. This is true for the African continent, where there is a recent surge in high-level summits involving heads of state, ministers, and civil society organisations. These ‘Africa+1’ summits have provided countries in the continent with an institutional platform to engage with both traditional and

Suu Kyi focuses on neighbourhood diplomacy
Aug 22, 2016

Suu Kyi focuses on neighbourhood diplomacy

With her visit to China now, Suu Kyi has travelled to three of the five immediate neighbours of Myanmar.

The Aadhaar diplomacy
Nov 20, 2017

The Aadhaar diplomacy

India can proposition an Aadhaar-based alternative — one that is seen to be a ‘privacy first’ solution that lets governments retain jurisdiction over their data, while allowing indigenous enterprises to flourish.

The fractured diplomacy of countering terrorism
Feb 01, 2022

The fractured diplomacy of countering terrorism

What are the gains that diplomacy on counter-terrorism, resolutions of the UN Security Council and other such multilateral instruments bring to the table?

The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy
Jun 18, 2024

The Global Security Initiative: China Buttresses its Defence Diplomacy

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has historically been a key instrument of state power in modern China, from the time founder Mao Zedong famously said that power flows “from the barrel of a gun.” Today, in the era of Xi Jinping, China is strengthening its defence diplomacy through Xi’s so-called Global Security Initiative (GSI) that envisions a growing role for the Party-state’s arms like the PLA and the Ministry of Public Security. T

The trouble with India's Indian ocean diplomacy
Jun 27, 2018

The trouble with India's Indian ocean diplomacy

New Delhi’s record on this score is more mixed than some of the headlines seem to suggest.

Twitter Diplomacy: A Brief Analysis
May 11, 2023

Twitter Diplomacy: A Brief Analysis

In the past few years, Twitter has served as a versatile form of political public square for domestic and world affairs. The use of Twitter, largely propelled by the prominence of social media in the current environment for the discharge of diplomatic functions, has become an integral part of contemporary international relations. Indeed, Twitter has created its own form of diplomacy by incorporating itself to augment traditional diplomatic functi

Use diplomacy to check indoctrination
May 28, 2012

Use diplomacy to check indoctrination

During a discussion on the growth of militant groups in Pakistan and its effects on India, Jamiat-Ulama-i-Hind general secretary Maulana Mahmood Madani laid emphasis on retaining the ethos of Muslim Indians and warned against being co-opted and manipulated by foreign minds.

Warzone Diplomacy
Aug 22, 2024

Warzone Diplomacy

Modi’s visit to Ukraine isn’t about appeasing Western powers after his Moscow visit. It’s about being a credible voice of the global South, the poor nations that suffer when richer ones fight

We must not over-interpret China's grand moves of diplomacy on the world stage
Nov 28, 2023

We must not over-interpret China's grand moves of diplomacy on the world stage

Beijing is not doing as well as it would like us to think. Its economic challenges and isolation have meant it is keener than its put-off partners to achieve some normalcy in ties with other countries.

Yoga diplomacy
Jun 23, 2015

Yoga diplomacy

The impressive participation around the world on International Yoga Day is indeed a testimony to India's immense soft power. However, Modi should remember that India's soft power has the greatest impact when official New Delhi keeps its heavy hand away from it.

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?
Jun 28, 2022

#G7 Summit: रूस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच G7 और NATO के सम्मेलन के क्या हैं मायने?

G7 और NATO की बैठक के बीच कयास लगाए जा रहे हैं कि क्या इस युद्ध को रोकने के लिए कोई कूटनीतिक पहल हो सकती है. एक और सवाल कि क्या इसकी आंच भारत तक आ सकती है. इन तमाम सवालों पर क्या कहते �

#IMF: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष की मदद से संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का कितना भला हो पाता?
Jul 13, 2022

#IMF: अंतरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष की मदद से संकटग्रस्त श्रीलंका का कितना भला हो पाता?

इस क्राइसिस से जो संदेश मिला, वो यह कि जब एक अच्छी अर्थव्यवस्था का कुप्रबंधन किया जाता है, जब राजनेता सिर्फ अपनी जेब भरते हैं और लोगों की परेशानिया हल नहीं कर पाते तो उसका नत�

#श्रीलंका की आर्थिक-राजनीतिक दुर्दशा के बाद दुनिया के कई मुल्‍कों में बजी ख़तरे की घंटी!
Jul 20, 2022

#श्रीलंका की आर्थिक-राजनीतिक दुर्दशा के बाद दुनिया के कई मुल्‍कों में बजी ख़तरे की घंटी!

ख़ुशहाल और समृद्ध देशों में शुमार श्रीलंका की आर्थिक बदहाली के बाद दुनिया के इन मुल्‍कों की चिंता बढ़ गई है. इसमें पाकिस्तान और नेपाल भी शामिल हैं. बता दें कि श्रीलंका अपनी आ�

'Ugly American' is back: Shun all the failed ideas
Mar 17, 2018

'Ugly American' is back: Shun all the failed ideas

Prudence lies in following the Chinese strategy of subordinating muscular diplomacy to economic growth. It remains in India’s interest to adhere to the open economy model.

'यंग इंडिया' ला श्रीलंकेबद्दल काय वाटते?
Mar 18, 2024

'यंग इंडिया' ला श्रीलंकेबद्दल काय वाटते?

पंतप्रधान नरेंद्र मोदी आणि श्रीलंकेचे अध्यक्ष विक्रमसिंघे यांनी UPI सेवांचे उद्घाटन केले.

5 ways in which India-Russia relationship will shape the world in 2025
Dec 20, 2024

5 ways in which India-Russia relationship will shape the world in 2025

The ability to partner with nations that are deeply divided by geopolitics has been a feature of Indian diplomacy since Independence. The India-Russia relationship serves not just the two countries in question, but the world

A check over of the U.S.’s much anticipated National Security Strategy
Oct 31, 2022

A check over of the U.S.’s much anticipated National Security Strategy

The release of the National Defense Strategy, the Nuclear Posture Review and the Missile Defense Review reinforces the central message of the Biden administration’s National Security Strategy, which focuses on the current decade as being a ‘decisive’ one

A confident India is taking on the world
Jun 01, 2023

A confident India is taking on the world

New Delhi today is articulating a new voice on the global stage and is confidently able to steer through some of the evident contradictions in its approach.

A Second Quad in the Making in the Middle East?
Jun 01, 2023

A Second Quad in the Making in the Middle East?

Both the U.S. and India are exploring additional combinations of partnerships in the Middle East.

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship
Mar 08, 2023

A ‘Zeitenwende’ in the India-Germany relationship

Amidst geopolitical shifts and multipolarity, New Delhi’s ties with Berlin could be vital in shaping a new global order

Africa Summit: Between talk and action
Oct 27, 2015

Africa Summit: Between talk and action

During the UPA years, Delhi often proclaimed itself as a "net security provider" in the Indian Ocean and beyond. Modi has certainly put security cooperation at the very heart of his regional diplomacy. But the institutional framework in Delhi for such cooperation remains to be developed.

AgustaWestland Row: India-UAE bilateral ties helped extraditions
Feb 11, 2019

AgustaWestland Row: India-UAE bilateral ties helped extraditions

What India can learn from its recent successes in extradition, is to see the best practices it adopted, and implement it in its pending extradition requests.

An indefensible posture
Aug 08, 2014

An indefensible posture

The Modi government should recognise the advantages of a defence diplomacy that mobilises external partnerships to accelerate India's defence modernisation, shapes its regional strategic environment and helps Delhi emerge as an indispensable element of a new balance of power system in the Indo-Pacific.