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794 results found

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 2
Jun 14, 2020

The Simmering Boundary: A “new normal” at the India–China border? | Part 2

Past experience and Occam’s razor suggest wolf warrior diplomacy has seized the day.

When a pandemic meets the era of ‘infodemic’
Jun 12, 2020

When a pandemic meets the era of ‘infodemic’

The ideas of disinformation and misinformation are as old as history. What is new, are the technologies that enable its rapid spread.

The BRI and Covid-19: A tale of two crises
May 28, 2020

The BRI and Covid-19: A tale of two crises

The fallout from Covid-19 makes imminent two crises for BRI’s continued progression: a crisis of credibility and a crisis of viability.

Understanding the coming challenges to India’s pharma sector
May 22, 2020

Understanding the coming challenges to India’s pharma sector

India should use the likely shortage of Chinese APIs to its advantage and become a dominant player in the world pharma market

New Delhi’s Nepal conundrum
May 21, 2020

New Delhi’s Nepal conundrum

The present inflection point in Indo-Nepalese border tensions has evolved into an awkward position where neither of the two states can realistically b

Regional dimensions of global response to COVID-19
May 19, 2020

Regional dimensions of global response to COVID-19

The regional approach to collectively combat the pandemic may have allowed global institutions such as the United Nations and its agencies to engage r

Medical diplomacy by India and Europe can restrain Iranian hardliners
May 13, 2020

Medical diplomacy by India and Europe can restrain Iranian hardliners

As the US doubles down on its “maximum pressure” campaign against Iran, India and Europe can cooperate to stem the tide against the surge of Irani

Indian diplomacy in the age of COVID-19
May 02, 2020

Indian diplomacy in the age of COVID-19

New Delhi has been quietly focused on tackling the immediate aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis, trying to help others within its own limitations and bu

COVID diplomacy and regional dynamics in Southern Asia
Apr 30, 2020

COVID diplomacy and regional dynamics in Southern Asia

Several Chinese provincial governments have taken the lead on COVID diplomacy in continental Southern Asia.

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति
Apr 29, 2020

यूरोप में छद्म कूटनीति की आड़ में चीन की आक्रामक विदेश नीति

जिसतरह से महामारी को लेकर अनिश्चितता का माहौल है और जनता �

China’s COVID-19 relief diplomacy in West Asia
Apr 22, 2020

China’s COVID-19 relief diplomacy in West Asia

The Chinese outreach in West Asia has been arguably subtle and careful.

Sino-Indian transitions in the energy sector
Apr 20, 2020

Sino-Indian transitions in the energy sector

Where China and India indicate conspicuous commonalities, aim for similar objectives and reflect identical challenges — exploring Sino-Indian partne

COVID19: Taiwan, accountability and global institutions
Apr 10, 2020

COVID19: Taiwan, accountability and global institutions

Health crises may originate anywhere in the world, but the subsequent responses from the concerned countries characterise their roles as responsible c

कोविड 19: वैश्विक संकट के दौर में भारत की सार्क डिप्लोमेसी
Apr 04, 2020

कोविड 19: वैश्विक संकट के दौर में भारत की सार्क डिप्लोमेसी

पड़ोसी देशों के प्रति भारत के सक्रिय भूमिका निभाने से अन�

The NEST: A pragmatic addition to India’s external affairs ministry
Mar 30, 2020

The NEST: A pragmatic addition to India’s external affairs ministry

The NEST division is a significant development and underscores the importance of emerging technologies to India’s expanding digital landscape and do

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy
Mar 21, 2020

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy

Given Southeast Asia’s close geographical proximity to China and the number of tourists and workers who visit the ASEAN countries, if anything — t

India’s cultural battle with China in Israel
Feb 14, 2020

India’s cultural battle with China in Israel

While India and Israel share extensive cultural exchanges, China has adopted a different strategy to ‘woo’ Israelis all together.

The China story: Emerging public diplomacy actors
Feb 04, 2020

The China story: Emerging public diplomacy actors

Standing at a key juncture in a historical rise, China needs to show the appeal of its ideas and establish deep mutual understanding with the world.

अफ्रीकी देशों में भारत की आर्थिक कूटनीति कितनी कारगर?
Dec 13, 2019

अफ्रीकी देशों में भारत की आर्थिक कूटनीति कितनी कारगर?

भारतीय कर्ज़ से भारत की साख को प्राप्तकर्ता देशों में बढ�

Mutually Assured Diplomacy: Governance, ‘unpeace’ and diplomacy in cyberspace
Oct 19, 2019

Mutually Assured Diplomacy: Governance, ‘unpeace’ and diplomacy in cyberspace

Those working on the diplomatic challenges of cyberspace stability and internet governance have their work cut out.

Towards a more meaningful Indo–US energy partnership
Oct 10, 2019

Towards a more meaningful Indo–US energy partnership

Given the United States’ profile of being a major player as a producer, lead technologist and now one of the prominent suppliers of energy, the enha

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty
Oct 10, 2019

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty

Since war is a contest between animate entities, how is it possible for India to escape the realities of confrontation with both Pakistan and China?

Sky is not the limit in Asia: How China and India are shaping space diplomacy
Sep 12, 2019

Sky is not the limit in Asia: How China and India are shaping space diplomacy

A new space race is indeed warming up Asia, as China and India rapidly scale up their space programmes and build ties with the developing world.

The rising India on the rise in China’s diplomacy
Jul 18, 2019

The rising India on the rise in China’s diplomacy

‘Neighbourhood diplomacy’ has been prioritised for a long time by China, manifesting in the famous framework that big powers are the key; the peri

India’s soft power advantage in the great game of Afghanistan
Jul 01, 2019

India’s soft power advantage in the great game of Afghanistan

Ideologically and strategically, India seems to be utilising its soft powers better than Pakistan in dealing with their resourceful neighbour, Afghani

Abe’s difficult role in the US-Iran tangle
Jun 21, 2019

Abe’s difficult role in the US-Iran tangle

In trying to maintain a strategic alliance with the US and the Middle East, Japan seems to be standing at a crossroad.

Beyond the South Asia-centric notion of neighbourhood
May 30, 2019

Beyond the South Asia-centric notion of neighbourhood

As India’s interests move beyond its borders, the fixation with South Asia-centric notion of neighbourhood can no longer serve as a useful analytica

India should steward digital health - globally
May 16, 2019

India should steward digital health - globally

India must use digital health for diplomacy through south-south collaboration.

सटीक व्यापार कूटनीति पर फोकस करे भारत
Apr 02, 2019

सटीक व्यापार कूटनीति पर फोकस करे भारत

युद्ध को छोड़ कोई भी मुद्दा विभिन्‍न देशों और आर्थिक समू�

American retrenchment and the Chinese advantage
Feb 06, 2019

American retrenchment and the Chinese advantage

While America firmly takes steps to retreat into its own sphere of influence, it leaves the world with a sizable vacuum to fill. China is one of the c

India’s balancing act on Hamas is outdated diplomacy
Dec 11, 2018

India’s balancing act on Hamas is outdated diplomacy

By abstaining from the UN vote on condemning Hamas’ terrorism, the Modi government has sent a wrong message that India is tolerant towards terror in

Cam Ranh port: A lever in Vietnam’s naval diplomacy
Oct 06, 2018

Cam Ranh port: A lever in Vietnam’s naval diplomacy

Theoretically, sheer naval presence is a form of naval diplomacy that achieves multiple goals such as expressing intent, reassuring partners and deter