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US-Japan alliance after Obama's visit
May 08, 2014

US-Japan alliance after Obama's visit

During the US President's visit to Asian countries, Obama and Abe underscored their commitment to economic and security cooperation with ASEAN countries where Chinese influence has seen a marked surge in recent years.

US-Japan Summit: Future-proofing the Indo-Pacific
Apr 16, 2024

US-Japan Summit: Future-proofing the Indo-Pacific

For Japan, which is facing growing Chinese belligerence, combining capacities with the US with a new strategic intent may just be what it needs

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)
Apr 07, 2023

US-Pakistan Military Operations in Pak-Afghan Border (Vol. I Issue)

The US-Pakistan deal is as simple as it can get: Pakistan will cooperate with the US to hunt Al Qaeda and in return the US will not annihilate the Taliban which serves Pakistani strategic interests in the region.

US-Philippines security ties: A growth  
Aug 23, 2023

US-Philippines security ties: A growth  

As the China challenge grows in the Pacific, the US looks to tether its Pacific strategy around the Philippines by strengthening their security ties

US-Vietnam security cooperation: One step at a time
Aug 08, 2013

US-Vietnam security cooperation: One step at a time

Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang's recent visit to Washington crystallised cooperation on non-traditional security matters such as counter-terrorism, and enhancing maritime security, which will not raise red flags in Beijing. Significantly, the meeting avoided the more militaristic features of national security.

Using digital technology for strategic management of healthcare; Moscow shows the way
May 01, 2017

Using digital technology for strategic management of healthcare; Moscow shows the way

Moscow's Healthcare Department is closely working with the Information Technology Department since 2011 to achieve the goal of providing high quality

Using shared cultural heritage of South Asia for conflict resolutions
Sep 04, 2012

Using shared cultural heritage of South Asia for conflict resolutions

The SAARC region needed to be rescued from colonial era cultural definitions as they were too narrow and a broader range was sought to create cultural zones within the natural boundaries, argues well-known Sri Lankan archeologist Prof. Sudharshan Seneviratne.

Uttar Pradesh elections: Will welfarism triumph over the identity politics?
Mar 07, 2022

Uttar Pradesh elections: Will welfarism triumph over the identity politics?

The recent Uttar Pradesh elections indicate the rise of “new welfarism” as a political strategy

Uttarakhand: The politics of disaster
Jul 01, 2013

Uttarakhand: The politics of disaster

Uttarakhand devastation would not have been so furious but for years of human greed, administrative and political connivance. We greedily ravaged nature beyond its tolerance and without any rules. When nature responded with a kind of pent up fury, our response was sluggish and confused.

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific
Jan 14, 2022

Vaccine equity in the Indo-Pacific

As many countries in the Indo-Pacific struggle to meet their vaccination targets, India could spearhead a vaccine initiative in close collaboration wi

Valuing flexibility and stability of power supply: Options for India
Jun 27, 2023

Valuing flexibility and stability of power supply: Options for India

Creating a new system to stimulate investment in enough future capacity without interfering with the ancillary market's valuation and procurement of r

Valuing the Cold Carbon: A cost-benefit framework for transitions to sustainable cold medical supply chains in India
Jul 26, 2023

Valuing the Cold Carbon: A cost-benefit framework for transitions to sustainable cold medical supply chains in India

There exists a clear case for embracing sustainable cold medical supply chains in India that can pave the way for a climate-resilient healthcare syste

Valuing water for a smart and sustainable city: Lessons from Kolkata
Aug 21, 2023

Valuing water for a smart and sustainable city: Lessons from Kolkata

The issue of valuing water is contentious because of its physical, political and economic dimensions. Yet, it is an important debate, as valuation is key in estimating the benefits and costs of different management options. An effective valuation supports better informed decision-making in the allocation and use of the resource, as well as in the implementation of SDG6, i.e. to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanita

Verdict 2004: Myths and Reality
May 26, 2004

Verdict 2004: Myths and Reality

Results of the 2004 parliamentary elections have generated a serious debate among scholars and analysts following the unexpected ouster of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and the victory of the Congress-led coalition. Some see it as ¿the revenge of the poor against the pro-rich image of the government¿ and there are many who ascribe this to ¿the supposed maturity and ingenuity of the India voter¿.

Vietnam ropes in stakeholders to  counter China territorial dispute
Jan 24, 2014

Vietnam ropes in stakeholders to counter China territorial dispute

Hanoi's decision in granting oil blocks to New Delhi could make China uneasy as Chinese foreign policy, especially towards the South China Sea and the East China Sea, has undergone a major shift in the last few years.

Viral whataboutism in Indian politics
Feb 27, 2018

Viral whataboutism in Indian politics

The string of financial fraud and chicanery that we have faced over decades has made the innocent suffer the most. We must make sure that public sector institutions are no longer the private entitlement of politicians.

Virtual Alarm: Social Engineering Attacks Imperil Cyber Security
Aug 23, 2023

Virtual Alarm: Social Engineering Attacks Imperil Cyber Security

Cyber security threats have amplified significantly in the last decade, creating security concerns across the globe. Media reports during this period have highlighted how information network systems have been exploited by cyber criminals-as well as States-on numerous occasions for espionage and intelligence gathering. In this backdrop, this Paper focuses on cyber security concerns related to Social Engineering.

Virtual Water Trade in water intensive agriculture commodities: An alternative to interlinking of rivers?
Jun 30, 2020

Virtual Water Trade in water intensive agriculture commodities: An alternative to interlinking of rivers?

The Virtual Water alternative presents itself essentially due to the highly tradeable nature of agriculture products.

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment
Dec 27, 2004

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An Assessment

Visit of Pakistan Prime Minister to China - An AssessmentD.S. Rajan

Vital sea lanes of communications as a core interest for China: Inferences for India’s national security
Aug 18, 2020

Vital sea lanes of communications as a core interest for China: Inferences for India’s national security

China’s energy interests, constant pursuit for natural resources, expanding commercial interests combined with a quickly growing diaspora in the Ind

Vladimir Putin visits Central Asia amid Russia–Ukraine War
Jul 13, 2022

Vladimir Putin visits Central Asia amid Russia–Ukraine War

Amidst the shifting geopolitical and geostrategic landscape, Russia renews its efforts to exert its influence over the Central Asian Region.

Voices within Pak for greater cooperation with India will be marginalised
Jan 13, 2014

Voices within Pak for greater cooperation with India will be marginalised

It is highly likely that the voices from within Pakistan that want greater cooperation with India and greater economic integration with the South Asian region in general will be marginalised.

Volatility in Global Energy Markets: Implications for India
Jul 10, 2022

Volatility in Global Energy Markets: Implications for India

In the background of the partial removal of Russian fossil fuels from the international market, there has been a volume of implications for the Indian

Vostok-22: Challenges of Diplomatic Promiscuity
Sep 04, 2022

Vostok-22: Challenges of Diplomatic Promiscuity

But New Delhi's decision to send a contingent of the Indian Army for the September 1-7 Vostok 2022 military drill in Russia's far east has raised eyebrows, particularly in the West that is trying to isolate Moscow after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is a major exercise involving more than 50,000 troops and 5,000 weapons units, including 140 aircraft and 60 warships, with the participation of troops from China, India, Laos, Mongolia, Nicar

Vote, both negative and positive
Feb 12, 2015

Vote, both negative and positive

Unlike the BJP, the focus of the AAP's campaign was not on lofty slogans, such as making a Delhi a 'smart city', but on issues that mattered to the public. No wonder it is commonly said that one should never underestimate the power of the common man.

Vulnerabilities in armed conflicts
Oct 31, 2013

Vulnerabilities in armed conflicts

There is no doubt that the armed forces personnel need some form of indemnification for killing or injuring non-combatants who get caught in the crossfire when the armed forces are acting in good faith in a counter-insurgency campaign.

Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models
Jan 30, 2024

Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models

While LLMs possess the potential for immense value creation, realising this potential hinges on prioritising safety as much as innovation

Vulnerabilities, equities, and progress
Apr 14, 2021

Vulnerabilities, equities, and progress

The ease and speed with which cyberweapons can be recycled heighten risks in ways that are incomparable to other domains of conflict.

Wait and watch: The most optimal strategy for sustaining Indo-Turkmen energy ties
Aug 13, 2019

Wait and watch: The most optimal strategy for sustaining Indo-Turkmen energy ties

The intervening time could be utilised to deliberate on carrying out technical and commercial feasibility studies, identifying logistical challenges a

Waiting for Godot - Aircraft carriers for India
Aug 12, 2013

Waiting for Godot - Aircraft carriers for India

Aircraft carriers for India have been somewhat of a waiting for Godot. By the time the elusive Vikramaditya joins the Indian fleet, India's lone and ageing Viraat would have completed nearly 60 years of service and reached the stage to retire.

Waiting in the wings — Will this be the decade for middle powers? 
Dec 28, 2020

Waiting in the wings — Will this be the decade for middle powers? 

In fluid strategic situations, middle powers tend to thrive more provided they are able to play their cards well.