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New horizons for satellite Earth observation
Dec 01, 2016

New horizons for satellite Earth observation

The rise of small satellite platforms has brought a paradigm shift in the manner satellite Earth observation (EO) business is conducted.

New knowledge paradigms for Tech and I: Toward a more ethical digital society
Jun 06, 2019

New knowledge paradigms for Tech and I: Toward a more ethical digital society

Measuring the proportion of internet users globally is done in disparate ways, and even those who have some degree of access may not have meaningful a

New Land Bill a missed opportunity?
Mar 19, 2015

New Land Bill a missed opportunity?

Land is at the heart of India's current development predicament. Hundreds of its mega projects and big ticket projects are caught up in the land logjam. But the proposed Land Bill still lacks effective provisions to provide reasonable price to land owners in rural areas where there is no land market.

New Myanmar: A Real Opportunity
Dec 26, 2011

New Myanmar: A Real Opportunity

As every stakeholder, both inside and outside Myanmar, is trying to seize the opening, US has taken he lead with its Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's ice-breaking visit to Myanmar and her meetings with President Thein Sein and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

New opportunities ahead for greater India-US cooperation
Jun 09, 2014

New opportunities ahead for greater India-US cooperation

During a closed door discussion with US Assistant Secretary Nisha Desai Biswal, Indian strategic thinkers and foreign policy experts discussed the new opportunities lying ahead for greater India-US cooperation.

New opportunities for India-US collaboration in Afghanistan
May 17, 2013

New opportunities for India-US collaboration in Afghanistan

The NATO drawdown from Afghanistan presents new opportunities for long-term collaboration between the US and India. Successful coordination and collaboration during the next two years will do much to bring about a post-2014 Afghan scenario amenable to both our countries and the region at large.

New political developments in Maldives
Jun 12, 2023

New political developments in Maldives

Maldives’ political front seems to have been upturned as new political parties emerge in the face of the upcoming presidential elections

New raja likely to be a good fit at Mint Street
Dec 19, 2018

New raja likely to be a good fit at Mint Street

The first two governors of the RBI worked under the Raj.

New socio-political churn reshaping India?
May 22, 2019

New socio-political churn reshaping India?

Four major churns are discernible with long-term impact on the future trajectory of India.

New States: Small may be beautiful, but where will it stop?
Aug 12, 2013

New States: Small may be beautiful, but where will it stop?

Can India, in its present state of economy, afford the colossal amount of expenditure and administrative confusion in creating new States? The answer is firmly in the negative. Therefore, it is advisable for the UPA Government to remain firm and refuse to accede to the demand for a new commission for the reorganisation of States.

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options
Feb 16, 2019

New terror attack exposes India’s limited options

Despite the severity of the attack and the pressure for action, New Delhi’s choices are much more limited than they may initially appear.

New trends in digital transactions
Mar 06, 2017

New trends in digital transactions

It's possible to calculate the extent to which the level of digital transactions relates to the underlying trends.

Nexus with politicians helping the PWG
Oct 13, 2003

Nexus with politicians helping the PWG

THE politician's lust for power is a significant factor that has allowed the People's War Group (PWG) Naxalites to grow and gain in strength. Routinely, several political leaders at various levels have sought the rebels' support to win elections. In April 2003, a local legislator in Warangal district went to pay "homage" to a PWG leader killed in a police encounter, Polam Sudarshan Reddy "Ramakrishna",

NFHS-5 data reiterates the challenge of breaking the Intergenerational Cycle of Undernutrition
Jan 18, 2021

NFHS-5 data reiterates the challenge of breaking the Intergenerational Cycle of Undernutrition

Successful stories of change across India suggest investment in girls and women and heightened delivery of health and nutrition interventions in bring

Nigeria must not forget its poor in the Covid-19 world
Apr 10, 2020

Nigeria must not forget its poor in the Covid-19 world

As the government begins to shut down its cities to flatten the Covid-19 infection curve, here’s what Nigeria can do to cater to its poor.

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections
Aug 24, 2022

Nigeria’s worsening security situation may jeopardise the 2023 elections

Many young people across the country might have registered to vote. However, the current security situation could spell trouble.

Nipah virus: The need for contextually-situated public health responses
May 29, 2024

Nipah virus: The need for contextually-situated public health responses

With shifting climate patterns, and rising viral transmissibility, the risk of Nipah outbreaks remains substantial, thus emphasising the need for ethi

Nirmala Sitharaman’s 2 cuts raise 4 expectations
Sep 20, 2019

Nirmala Sitharaman’s 2 cuts raise 4 expectations

Economic growth is — finally — a priority and the entrepreneur a key participant in that conversation.

Nirmala Sitharaman’s ASEAN summit visit is a step towards Manila
Oct 31, 2017

Nirmala Sitharaman’s ASEAN summit visit is a step towards Manila

As India and the ASEAN celebrate 25 years of their partnership, it is a politically opportune moment to upgrade India’s regional profile.

Nitaqat Law: Will it solve Saudi Arabia's unemployment problems?
Jul 08, 2013

Nitaqat Law: Will it solve Saudi Arabia's unemployment problems?

Saudi Arabia's Nitaqat system has achieved some early success. It has been able to generate jobs for the Saudi population. But its long term success is open to question. It remains to be seen whether 'Saudization' will be successfully implemented long term through quotas and threats of punishment.

Niti Aayog’s 'Vision 2032' disappoints
Apr 25, 2017

Niti Aayog’s 'Vision 2032' disappoints

Three years ago, when the Planning Commission was transformed into Niti Aayog, expectations were high.

No (Wo)Man’s Land: Breaking the gender barrier in the security space
Mar 08, 2021

No (Wo)Man’s Land: Breaking the gender barrier in the security space

Even today, young women scholars do not receive sufficient encouragement to enter the field.

No easy solutions to cyber security concerns: Karsten Geier
Oct 12, 2016

No easy solutions to cyber security concerns: Karsten Geier

Karsten Geier, head of the Cyber Policy Coordination Staff at the German Federal Foreign Office's interview on CyFy 2016

No Prime Minister, 'Terrorism' and 'Militancy' are not the same thing
Feb 05, 2019

No Prime Minister, 'Terrorism' and 'Militancy' are not the same thing

The Modi government has declared that virtually everyone who opposes its policies in Jammu and Kashmir is a terrorist. This makes it difficult to find a way out of the Kashmir miasma.

No Progress in China-India Military Talks
Jan 16, 2022

No Progress in China-India Military Talks

A 14th round of military talks ended with a joint statement but no real progress.

No solace in this quantum of accountability
Feb 26, 2013

No solace in this quantum of accountability

Deploying the "national security" argument against reform in the intelligence agencies is a fig leaf for defending cronyism, incompetence, inefficiency, and corruption. A proper regulatory mechanism can only strengthen national security, not weaken it. It is time to bring in facts and lessons from global best practices to this debate.

No ‘sayonara’ for Japan in Indo-Pacific geopolitics
Apr 03, 2023

No ‘sayonara’ for Japan in Indo-Pacific geopolitics

A Japan that is deeply invested in Indo-Pacific stability and prosperity is reassuring

No, Justin Trudeau's India visit was not a failure
Feb 26, 2018

No, Justin Trudeau's India visit was not a failure

Canada went out of its way to reassure India on the issue of terrorism and both sides agreed to respect each other's 'sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity'.

Nobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee believes in thinking “small”
Oct 18, 2019

Nobel Laureate Abhijit Banerjee believes in thinking “small”

Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo have been more concerned with measuring what happens in the real world, at the very bottom level than sophisticated

Non-geostationary satellite constellation for Digital India
Dec 06, 2016

Non-geostationary satellite constellation for Digital India

The LEO satellite constellation has important implications for transcontinental communications. It can be used for meeting the 25 million Indian diasp

Non-traditional security in the Bay of Bengal
Dec 13, 2021

Non-traditional security in the Bay of Bengal

Natural and man-made disasters continue to plague the Indo-Pacific region; therefore, greater attention should be paid in addressing these problem are

North Africa’s Invisible Partner: India’s political and economic influence in the region
Jun 27, 2023

North Africa’s Invisible Partner: India’s political and economic influence in the region

India can optimise its presence in North Africa by leveraging its unique approach of South-South cooperation to forge mutually beneficial partnerships

North Korea’s accelerated nuclear ambitions
Feb 16, 2022

North Korea’s accelerated nuclear ambitions

International condemnation, sanctions, and diplomatic efforts have not yielded results as Pyongyang continues to expand its nuclear capabilities

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics
Jun 03, 2023

Norway’s Arctic Council chairship: Priorities vs geopolitics

As Norway takes over as the Chair of the Arctic Council, it will have to tread a fine line between its priorities and the geopolitics in the regions