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Shadows in Khan's network
Mar 30, 2005

Shadows in Khan's network

It is amazing how the US investigating agencies have taken more than a year to figure out that Dr AQ Khan could not have set up his network of nuclear smugglers without the help of a whole lot of people than thought earlier. According to recent news leaks appearing in some major US newspapers, the investigating agencies are reportedly discovering missing links in Khan's network.

Shadows of the past loom on 2017
Dec 26, 2016

Shadows of the past loom on 2017

Many of the phenomena go back to the financial crisis of 2008, the biggest shock to the global economic system since the 1929. Nine years after 1929, a nervous, pessimistic and Hobbesian world was plunged into war. 2017 is nine years after 2008.

Shahbagh protests: Will Bangladesh set an example for the region?
Mar 04, 2013

Shahbagh protests: Will Bangladesh set an example for the region?

The Shahbagh protests could become a defining moment in Bangladesh's history, bringing back secularism in to the midst of political debate in the country.

Shake-up time for Sri Lanka
Mar 26, 2012

Shake-up time for Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka should understand the nuances of diplomatic existence, survival and self-assertion, appreciate them where possible, accept them where needed. India and others may be blamed for Sri Lanka losing the vote but it should rather shake up Colombo to look into what had gone wrong with its foreign policy strategy, instead.

Shaky Hand at Home Mars External Drive
Dec 29, 2010

Shaky Hand at Home Mars External Drive

India enter the New Year with a somewhat strengthened diplomatic hand with more international responsiveness to our concerns. However, 2011 will not produce any major breakthroughs in resolving our outstanding problems.

Shaping a new ethos: The role of emerging powers in the G20
Dec 18, 2018

Shaping a new ethos: The role of emerging powers in the G20

The G20 is a step in the right direction. It is only a step, however. Symbolic inclusion of the emerging and developing world through an arbitrary �

Shaping a trilateral as Rome looks to the Indo-Pacific
Jul 12, 2021

Shaping a trilateral as Rome looks to the Indo-Pacific

In the pushback against China, strategic cooperation between India, Italy and Japan can ensure a free Indo-Pacific

Shaping The Mind of The Oslo Killer
Jul 29, 2011

Shaping The Mind of The Oslo Killer

Oslo killer Anders Breivik is the creature of the Murdoch press which has throttled the Murrows of this world. His mind set would synchronize perfectly with Bill O'Reilly's the famous anchor of Fox News. The coverage of American military action in Afghanistan in November 2001 would have been orgasmic for Breivik.

Sharad Pawar's Move:  NCP's Growth or Decline?
Jul 17, 2010

Sharad Pawar's Move: NCP's Growth or Decline?

Union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar made two intelligent moves this month. The timing is perfect, but the move can go in any direction. It may either mark the decline of the NCP or contribute to spreading of his party beyond Maharashtra.

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador
Aug 14, 2015

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador

The shared values that the United States and India hold dear face profound challenges in a number of areas that threaten global security and the international order, according to the US Ambassador to India, Mr. Richard Verma.

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador
Aug 14, 2015

Shared values of US, India face profound global challenges, say US Ambassador

The shared values that the United States and India hold dear face profound challenges in a number of areas that threaten global security and the international order, according to the US Ambassador to India, Mr. Richard Verma.

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea
Sep 26, 2023

Shared Values, Common Goals: Finding Convergences in the Indo-Pacific Strategies of India and South Korea

India and South Korea stand as important middle powers whose influence in the Indo-Pacific region is expanding in their own ways. At the same time, their bilateral partnership today has even bigger potential to serve as a stabilising factor amid shifting regional geopolitical equations. The current year—the 50th since the two countries established formal diplomatic ties—is an opportune moment for harnessing their converging interests. This br

Sharif at ISI HQ
Jul 12, 2013

Sharif at ISI HQ

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's visit to the ISI HQ at Aabpara, Islamabad, on July 11 has raised eyebrows over its timing and content. Sharif and his ministerial colleagues stayed at the ISI HQ for five hours and were briefed by the chiefs of the Army and the ISI.

Sharif in China: How Are China-Pakistan Ties?
Nov 11, 2022

Sharif in China: How Are China-Pakistan Ties?

For all the right statements and claims of the unbreakable, iron-clad relationship between Beijing and Islamabad, there was very little substance to Sharif’s trip.

Sharif must strike against ISI fast and hard
May 14, 2013

Sharif must strike against ISI fast and hard

The one thing Nawaz Sharief should do on day one is to issue an order placing the ISI under civilian leadership. This will de-fang the Army of the most potent instrument it uses to distort Pakistani democracy.

Sharif's TTP challenge
Oct 01, 2013

Sharif's TTP challenge

Going by the frequency and nature of the TTP attacks, the militant group seems to be playing a larger game aimed at drawing the armed forces deeper into a protracted conflict in the tribal areas with the US withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan in mind. For the Nawaz Sharif government, and the military, the options are fast running out.

Sharing data across borders
Apr 03, 2018

Sharing data across borders

Indian authorities may now have the opportunity to directly access data stored on U.S. servers

Sharing space: Tech and terrorism
Jan 29, 2020

Sharing space: Tech and terrorism

Technology has as much potential to exacerbate as it does to mitigate the risks of terrorism. What takes place in the digital space is merely symptoma

Sharing the pain at Glasgow
Oct 11, 2021

Sharing the pain at Glasgow

Ahead of the upcoming COP26 Summit, India needs to redefine its transition path for achieving net zero emissions, and reconsider its dependency on coa

Sharing trans-boundary resources: Fluid lessons
Jul 18, 2012

Sharing trans-boundary resources: Fluid lessons

Powerful private interests will collude with the most powerful state to safeguard their mutual energy interest or the private sector may actually end up suggesting and implementing a joint framework agreement.

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010
Apr 23, 2015

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010

Dr. Gary LaFree of the University of Maryland says in his studies of the data gathered by his department, he has noticed that in recent years, terrorist attacks have become deadlier with advances in technological knowhow. However, attacks using high technology, radiological, chemical and biological attacks, made up only a meager percentage of the total number of attacks.

Sheltering the urban homeless
Nov 28, 2022

Sheltering the urban homeless

The state seems to have failed to undertake adequate measures to deal with the rising issue of homelessness

Shifting Perceptions of Power: Soft Power and India's Foreign Policy
Dec 15, 2010

Shifting Perceptions of Power: Soft Power and India's Foreign Policy

Soft power's importance has increased in the context of globalisation and the growing disquiet over the use of military power for achieving foreign policy objectives. This paper focuses specifically on soft power in India's foreign policy

Shifting public opinion sees US as the enemy number one
Jul 08, 2013

Shifting public opinion sees US as the enemy number one

In Pakistan, the debate today dominating the military and civilian circles is how to tackle the threat of terrorism, and not India. There is a growing feeling among the military leaders about the gravity of the threats posed by these terrorist groups to Pakistan.

Shifting terrain for India’s foreign policy
Jan 22, 2020

Shifting terrain for India’s foreign policy

A big election win for Modi lifted India’s confidence in tackling a changing global order and challenging its critics

Shifting tides: India’s port dominance in Myanmar
Apr 25, 2024

Shifting tides: India’s port dominance in Myanmar

Effectively managing Sittwe Port in Myanmar will allow India to play a vital role in promoting regional security and stability while also forging valu

Shinzo Abe and India:  A lasting legacy
Jul 08, 2022

Shinzo Abe and India:  A lasting legacy

Revisiting late Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s legacy on both domestic and international fronts.

Shinzo Abe’s win will shape Asia’s future
Oct 26, 2017

Shinzo Abe’s win will shape Asia’s future

From envisioning a new security architecture for the Indo-Pacific region to seeing India’s potential as a key partner, he has shown great foresight

Ship-building policy needs change
Sep 03, 2013

Ship-building policy needs change

A performance audit by the Comptroller and Auditor General in 2010-2011 revealed that while shipyards in the US, France, South Korea and Russia took between 66-84 months from the award of contract to the construction of a ship, in India, it took 116 to 120 months.

Short-sighted Submarine saga
Aug 29, 2013

Short-sighted Submarine saga

The tragic accident of Sindhurakshak should serve as a clarion call for the Navy and the higher defence establishment for introspection over the institutional inadequacies and the need for re-evaluating policy decisions.

Short-sighted submarine saga
Sep 09, 2013

Short-sighted submarine saga

The tragic accident of Sindhurakshak should serve as a clarion call for the Navy and the higher defence establishment for introspection over the institutional inadequacies and the need for re-evaluating policy decisions. A refocused attempt to rectify the growing lack of underwater platforms and warship inventory is the dire need of the hour.

Short-sightedness in Colombo
Dec 18, 2021

Short-sightedness in Colombo

Expecting India to bail Sri Lanka out every time there is a crisis may work for some time, but it's a recipe for disaster.

Should China cozying up to Bangladesh worry India?
Oct 20, 2016

Should China cozying up to Bangladesh worry India?

India’s ties with Bangladesh have not been smooth and faced turbulence despite India supporting Bangladesh in its liberation.

Should death be our final stop?
Aug 04, 2014

Should death be our final stop?

The current debate around euthanasia and assisted death brings in spotlight what technological possibilities of the future may end up achieving for humanity.

Should India be disappointed on US-Pak nuclear deal?
Oct 13, 2015

Should India be disappointed on US-Pak nuclear deal?

A Pakistani nuclear deal would suggest that the US is determined to maintain good ties with both India and Pakistan. Those in India, who expected that Washington's unhappiness with Islamabad would result in undivided attention to New Delhi, will be disappointed. But, the US is following the logic of its geopolitical interests.

Should India be worried about Sino-Pak civil nuclear deal?
Oct 08, 2010

Should India be worried about Sino-Pak civil nuclear deal?

Pakistan is facing an imminent energy crisis. Hydroelectric projects like Kalabagh, or coal-based ones like the Thar have failed to address the nation's growing energy needs adequately.

Should India boycott Chinese goods?
Oct 24, 2016

Should India boycott Chinese goods?

Call to boycott Chinese goods can be taken up by civil society and leaders of business, trade and industry community in coordination with each other

Should India continue to stay out of ICC?
Nov 24, 2010

Should India continue to stay out of ICC?

Terrorism and the use of nuclear weapons could be taken up for consideration for inclusion in the International Criminal Court's purview. Effective participation by India, even as an observer, could influence the evolution of the ICC in the course of such discussions.

Should India embrace Universal Basic Income scheme?
Jan 31, 2019

Should India embrace Universal Basic Income scheme?

While the jury is yet to be out globally on the UBI, it has many takers in India.

Should India fear China's Navy?
May 19, 2012

Should India fear China's Navy?

If one really wishes to get a better appreciation of how the Indian Navy plans for an upsurge in naval rivalry with Beijing, the best thing to do is to carefully parse the refreshingly sanguine words of India's naval chiefs on the matter.

Should India promote democracy through foreign policy?
May 14, 2019

Should India promote democracy through foreign policy?

India lacks an institutional infrastructure for advancing the cause of democracy as a soft power.

Should Obama go to Sochi Olympics?
Jan 15, 2014

Should Obama go to Sochi Olympics?

US President Barack Obama should go to Sochi and send out the message to the world that despite differences, the two countries are together on the issue of terrorism. This would be a diplomatic win for him and resurrect the position of US in the international arena.

Should parties announce PM candidates?
Jan 29, 2019

Should parties announce PM candidates?

The knowledge and understanding of the past and the fundamental of democratic practice do not put any constraints on political parties to declare thei