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875 results found

यूक्रेन का संकट: संप्रभुता और अंतरराष्ट्रीय क़ानून
Feb 25, 2022

यूक्रेन का संकट: संप्रभुता और अंतरराष्ट्रीय क़ानून

यूक्रेन के संकट ने किसी देश की संप्रभुता और ‘प्रभाव के क्�

भारत की समस्या बढ़ाने वाला यूक्रेन संकट
Feb 24, 2022

भारत की समस्या बढ़ाने वाला यूक्रेन संकट

आज दुनिया यूक्रेन की ज़मीन पर जिस संकट को पनपते हुए देख रही

The growing divergence in Europe over Russia
Feb 21, 2022

The growing divergence in Europe over Russia

How will a divided Europe face the threats emerging from the Russia-Ukraine crisis that is brewing in their backyard?

यूक्रेन संकट और भारत: जीत और कलह का संतुलन
Feb 21, 2022

यूक्रेन संकट और भारत: जीत और कलह का संतुलन

यूक्रेन मोर्चे पर जैसे-जैसे तनाव बढ़ता जा रहा है, क्या भार

Decoding the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy
Feb 19, 2022

Decoding the Biden administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

A dedicated Indo-Pacific strategy has been released by the Biden administration, showcasing the US’ long-term commitment to the region

The Ukraine crisis: Sovereignty and international law
Feb 18, 2022

The Ukraine crisis: Sovereignty and international law

The Ukraine crisis is raising a few integral questions around our understanding of state sovereignty and the rising “spheres of influence”.

Chinese views on the evolving dynamics of US-China-Russia ties
Feb 16, 2022

Chinese views on the evolving dynamics of US-China-Russia ties

The benefits from Russia-China relations outweighs the benefits that each could receive from their relationship with the US, however, uncertainty loom

यूक्रेन संकट: कितना वास्तविक है रूस से मिलने वाला ख़तरा?
Feb 15, 2022

यूक्रेन संकट: कितना वास्तविक है रूस से मिलने वाला ख़तरा?

रूस अपने प्रभाव क्षेत्र का विस्तार करने में जुटा है. वो यू

‘यूक्रेन की गुत्थी और भारत का रुख़’
Feb 11, 2022

‘यूक्रेन की गुत्थी और भारत का रुख़’

पश्चिम जितना अधिक रूस को अलग-थलग करेगा, मॉस्को और बीजिंग क

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation
Feb 10, 2022

The Ukraine crisis and India: Balancing triumph and tribulation

Would India be able to keep up its balancing act between the great powers as tensions soar high on the Ukraine front?

India’s balancing act between Russia and the US amidst growing tensions
Feb 10, 2022

India’s balancing act between Russia and the US amidst growing tensions

India’s recent abstention at the UNSC indicates that it will continue to maintain favourable relations with both the countries whilst prioritising i

The Ukrainian crisis: How real is the Russian threat?
Feb 09, 2022

The Ukrainian crisis: How real is the Russian threat?

Russia, in its quest to expand its sphere of influence, will continue to put the West and Ukraine to the test

Biden’s options on Ukraine: Superpower stretched thin
Feb 04, 2022

Biden’s options on Ukraine: Superpower stretched thin

The Biden administration’s inability to compete on two strategic fronts sets it on the back foot

As diplomacy falls short, will Russia retaliate militarily?
Jan 27, 2022

As diplomacy falls short, will Russia retaliate militarily?

As the dialogue between the US and Russia is witnessing no major breakthroughs and Russia is “running out of patience”, the West could reconsider

Crisis as opportunity: Towards a new European security architecture?
Jan 24, 2022

Crisis as opportunity: Towards a new European security architecture?

All players involved in the current dialogue over the Ukraine crisis cannot afford for it to escalate but use the opportunity to reconstruct existing

Serving the purpose: Diplomacy versus war in latest US–Russia talks
Jan 18, 2022

Serving the purpose: Diplomacy versus war in latest US–Russia talks

Diverging takes on Ukraine and security measures in the region show that diplomacy is the best way forward for the two powers

रूस और यूक्रेन का सीमा संकट: यूरोप के लिए फ़ैसले की घड़ी
Dec 22, 2021

रूस और यूक्रेन का सीमा संकट: यूरोप के लिए फ़ैसले की घड़ी

रूस, पश्चिमी देशों को चिड़ाते हुए यूक्रेन के मसले पर लगाता�

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning
Dec 18, 2021

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning

Much to the chagrin of the West, Russia continues to display aggression on the Ukraine front. Does this represent an opportunity for closer EU-Ukraine

हांगकांग में उथलपुथल से सिंगापुर को फायदा हुआ तो बड़ी अजीब बात होगी
Dec 16, 2019

हांगकांग में उथलपुथल से सिंगापुर को फायदा हुआ तो बड़ी अजीब बात होगी

हांगकांग और सिंगापुर में कई चीजें कॉमन हैं. ऐसे में अगर हा

When Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki
Jul 13, 2018

When Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki

The Helsinki summit presents an opportunity for the US and Russia to resume a dialogue even if to disagree on matters.

#कारोबार में आसानी: ‘टॉप 50’ में पहुंचना आसान नहीं
Nov 17, 2017

#कारोबार में आसानी: ‘टॉप 50’ में पहुंचना आसान नहीं

विश्‍व बैंक की इस रिपोर्ट या रैंकिंग सूची में ‘शीर्ष 50 दे�

Trump Presidency and the future of US-Russia relations
Dec 13, 2016

Trump Presidency and the future of US-Russia relations

A major task ahead for Trump would be to negotiate with Russia on the future of US-Russia arms control.

Russia, China and Eurasian integration
Sep 06, 2016

Russia, China and Eurasian integration

Russia has its own Eurasian Economic Union plan, but as of now it appears that China is leading the game.

Crimea incident a threat to regional stability
Aug 19, 2016

Crimea incident a threat to regional stability

The recent incidents in Crimea have escalated tensions between Russia and Ukraine and pose a threat to the peace and stability in the region.

Ukraine Conflict: Putin’s desperation and cracks within Russia are beginning to show
Oct 12, 2022

Ukraine Conflict: Putin’s desperation and cracks within Russia are beginning to show

The tide of the war has turned against Moscow. But the Russian president and his close advisers do not acknowledge that reality and have resorted to nuclear sabre rattling

Ukraine crisis affects Tokyo's efforts to improve ties with Moscow?
Mar 31, 2014

Ukraine crisis affects Tokyo's efforts to improve ties with Moscow?

Going by Japan's response to the Ukraine crisis, it appears that Tokyo attaches more importance to its alliance with the US than to the prospects of a robust Russo-Japanese partnership. And, with President Obama scheduled to make a visit to Japan in April, Abe is keen to maintain full solidarity with the US.

Ukraine crisis: Are Cold War clouds gathering again?
Mar 28, 2014

Ukraine crisis: Are Cold War clouds gathering again?

For Ukraine, joining EU or NATO would not be prudent as well as joining the Eurasian Union as it would not serve Ukraine's national interest. A close association with Russia as well as special partnership with EU may be a better option.

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe
Apr 03, 2015

Ukraine crisis: China gains at the cost of Europe

Former Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Goran Persson, feels that India should take an active role in negotiating between the European Union and Russia, who are fighting over Ukraine. He believes that new developments will mean that China-Russia relations will prosper at the cost of Russia-Europe relations.

Ukraine has got another lifeline but it may be clutching at straws
Apr 24, 2024

Ukraine has got another lifeline but it may be clutching at straws

A new US aid package for Kyiv can’t mask the fact that its American support has been wearing out

Ukraine is about the future of Europe
Oct 13, 2015

Ukraine is about the future of Europe

President of Germany's Green Party affiliated Heinrich Boell Stiftung, Ralf Fuecks, thinks that Ukraine has to "return to sovereignty within certain safeguards" and that "an agreement with Russia is possible". He hinted this could be in the form of a free trade zone and a more comprehensive economic cooperation.

Ukraine needs a West-Russia deal for stability
Mar 07, 2014

Ukraine needs a West-Russia deal for stability

What Ukraine really needs at this point is for both the West and Russia to work towards Ukraine's political and economic stability. The solution should see the territorial integrity of Ukraine being upheld and a common solution acceptable to all the sections of that country.

Ukraine stand-off a lose-lose situation
Jan 28, 2022

Ukraine stand-off a lose-lose situation

Regime change policies are the staple of Anglo-American interventions in various parts of the world, including Ukraine.

Ukraine's future not in either East or West
Aug 25, 2014

Ukraine's future not in either East or West

It may be the strategy of Russia to bleed Ukraine dry, says Dr Andrew Kuchins, an expert on Russia. Ukraine has had 5-6 per cent negative economic growth this year. He says even a 30 plus billion dollar package from the IMF and others may not be enough to put Ukraine back on its feet again.

Ukraine-like change not acceptable to EU, says official
Apr 10, 2015

Ukraine-like change not acceptable to EU, says official

The past 18 months of the crisis in Ukraine has brought back memories of the Yugoslavian crisis, says Mr. Césare Onestini, the Deputy Head of delegation of the European Union in India.

Ukraine-Russia war: Vladimir Putin’s big gamble
Mar 03, 2022

Ukraine-Russia war: Vladimir Putin’s big gamble

Putin’s war against Ukraine is more about his domestic political standing, but it has already laid the foundation of a new global order that is unlikely to be of his liking

Ukraine: Heading towards civil war?
Jan 30, 2014

Ukraine: Heading towards civil war?

There have been fears expressed that if the situation in Ukraine worsens, it could spread across the border to Russia. While that appears highly unlikely at present, an escalation of the confrontation raises the spectre of a civil war in Ukraine.

#Ukraine War बेलारूस ने दिया रूस का साथ, अब क्या होगी नेटो की भूमिका ?
Oct 14, 2022

#Ukraine War बेलारूस ने दिया रूस का साथ, अब क्या होगी नेटो की भूमिका ?

पुतिन बेलारूस को रूस में शामिल होने के लिए दबाव बनाते रहे हैं. रूसी राष्‍ट्रपति पुतिन के इस नजरिए के बाद बेलारूस ने चीन और पश्चिम देशों के साथ निकटता भी बढ़ाई. बेलारूस नेटो स

#Ukraine War बेलारूस ने दिया रूस का साथ, अब क्या होगी नेटो की भूमिका ?
Oct 14, 2022

#Ukraine War बेलारूस ने दिया रूस का साथ, अब क्या होगी नेटो की भूमिका ?

पुतिन बेलारूस को रूस में शामिल होने के लिए दबाव बनाते रहे हैं. रूसी राष्‍ट्रपति पुतिन के इस नजरिए के बाद बेलारूस ने चीन और पश्चिम देशों के साथ निकटता भी बढ़ाई. बेलारूस नेटो स

#Ukraine War: क्‍या न्यूक्लियर हमले के लिए तैयार है रूस, बाइडेन ने आख़िर चेतावनी क्‍यों दी?
Oct 12, 2022

#Ukraine War: क्‍या न्यूक्लियर हमले के लिए तैयार है रूस, बाइडेन ने आख़िर चेतावनी क्‍यों दी?

आखिर अमेरिकी राष्‍ट्रपति बाइडेन ने क्‍यों दी विश्‍व युद्ध की चेतावनी. रूस-यूक्रेन जंग क्‍या विश्‍व युद्ध में तब्‍दील होगा. राष्‍ट्रपति पुत‍िन आखिर परमाणु जंग की धमकी क्‍�

All eyes on China as Russia’s war in Ukraine and the West's pushback hit a stalemate
Feb 22, 2023

All eyes on China as Russia’s war in Ukraine and the West's pushback hit a stalemate

The great power contestation of the past one year has been characterised by the economic woes of many countries of the Global South, a global leadership vacuum and the resurrection of hard power aided by technological shifts in warfare

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia
Nov 23, 2023

Amid Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Advantage China in Central Asia

The Central Asian Republics (CARs) have, in recent years, implemented multifaceted foreign policies to achieve strategic autonomy and limit China’s influence and Russia's traditional sway. But domestic uprisings in the CARs, the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, and now the Russia-Ukraine conflict have given China new opportunities to strengthen its presence in Central Asia. This brief investigates China's increased engagement with the CARs

Beijing's Ukraine
Mar 13, 2014

Beijing's Ukraine

China may have reasons to be relieved if a Cold War-like situation re-emerges in Europe and American attention is drawn away from Asia. As America plunged into two prolonged wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, China had the time and Space to build its comprehensive national power.