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US elections: Decoding the role of Indian Diaspora
Oct 23, 2015

US elections: Decoding the role of Indian Diaspora

While India watches the elections with interest, whether it is a Republican or a Democrat who comes to power, US-India ties are set to improve because of bipartisan consensus in the US that the relationship has to grow stronger in view of shared concerns and interests in the Indo Pacific.

US elections: For the cynical, of the cynical
Sep 26, 2016

US elections: For the cynical, of the cynical

The most watched upcoming US elections promises to be an edge of the seat thriller has its first faceoff

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era
Oct 28, 2020

US Engagement in the Indo-Pacific: An Assessment of the Trump Era

There is no dearth in analyses that sound the alarm on the current United States (US) administration’s policy in the Indo-Pacific. This paper conducts an evaluation of the US’ engagement in the region, and finds it to be contrary to alarmist predictions. President Donald Trump’s administration has reaffirmed commitments towards traditional allies, built on the predecessor president’s courtship of nascent partners, and encouraged partners

US export of Mahanian thought and India’s alignments in the Indian Ocean
Dec 09, 2019

US export of Mahanian thought and India’s alignments in the Indian Ocean

Seeking to share the burden in the Indian Ocean, Washington is eager for New Delhi to assume the role of a regional goods provider

US faces slowdown
Aug 16, 2011

US faces slowdown

While in India, China and many other countries, the main worry is the inflation, the US, the biggest economy in the world, is not facing inflation but a colossal public debt which crossed the government's stipulated limit recently. Currently the US debt stands at $14.6 trillion.

US failure to create enough jobs a major worry
May 16, 2011

US failure to create enough jobs a major worry

US consumer spending and consumer confidence have to pick up, but this can happen only if people have jobs and regular incomes, and the private sector which runs 80 per cent of the US economy starts hiring more people. Also the manufacturing growth will have to pick up and the dependence on Chinese goods needs to be reduced.

US FONOP in India’s EEZ is indicative of Biden’s agenda for US-India defence ties
Apr 13, 2021

US FONOP in India’s EEZ is indicative of Biden’s agenda for US-India defence ties

The US Navy’s recent Freedom of Navigation Operation in India’s Exclusive Economic Zone underscores Biden’s shift in priorities for US-India def

US in a changing order
Sep 29, 2020

US in a changing order

It will be a world where neither America nor China can set the terms

Feb 22, 2005


President George Bush announced on February 17, 2005, his nomination of John Negroponte, an officer of the US Foreign Service, who is presently the US Ambassador to Iraq, as the first US Director of National Intelligence (DNI). He would assume charge after he is confirmed by the Senate.

US keen on investing in alternate energy sources: US official
Jul 02, 2015

US keen on investing in alternate energy sources: US official

The US is keen on investing in alternate energy sources, especially in Southern India where there is high potential for such innovations, says Samuel F Rothenberg, Political/Economic Officer at the US Consulate-General in Chennai. He said around $1 billion has been earmarked by the US Exim Bank to ensure the implementation of such plans.

US leaving Afghanistan? There is plenty of time for script to change
Mar 02, 2013

US leaving Afghanistan? There is plenty of time for script to change

Neither Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel nor John Kerry, the new Secretary of State, will find it easy to sketch a credible exit strategy from the Afghan war which according to Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz has already cost $700 billion. Surely this vast expenditure has to be explained in terms of some gains for Washington.

US makes impressive moves in Asia Pacific
Dec 02, 2011

US makes impressive moves in Asia Pacific

In the Asia-Pacific region, the US has made its return in an effective manner and this is likely to continue without any time limit. By marking his attendance at the Bali conference, President Obama became the first US President to attend a summit of East Asian leaders, a region that China sees as its rightful sphere of influence.

US Midterm Elections 2022: ‘अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनावी नतीज़ों के निहितार्थ’
Jul 27, 2023

US Midterm Elections 2022: ‘अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनावी नतीज़ों के निहितार्थ’

अमेरिका में मध्यावधि चुनाव के नतीज़ों के बाद लगता है कि ड�

US Midterm Elections: अब यूक्रेन जंग में बाइडेन को मदद करने से नहीं रोक पाएंगे ट्रंप
Jul 26, 2023

US Midterm Elections: अब यूक्रेन जंग में बाइडेन को मदद करने से नहीं रोक पाएंगे ट्रंप

Joe Biden help Ukraine यूक्रेन की मदद को लेकर बाइडन प्रशासन की बड़ी चिंता क्‍या थी. ट्रंप समर्थकों ने बाइडन को यूक्रेन में दी जा रही मदद को लेकर को क्‍या कहा. क्‍या अब बाइडन यूक्रेन को दी ज�

US mistakes: Will Ukraine be the next?
Mar 20, 2014

US mistakes: Will Ukraine be the next?

It is said of the US that it comes to the right course of action after making all the mistakes. Unfortunately, it is others who end up paying the real price. And that includes Pakistan too. Ukraine looks to be the next candidate.

US must reciprocate Indian stand on Internet governance
Jun 25, 2015

US must reciprocate Indian stand on Internet governance

Even as Washington expects India to be a net security provider in the Indo-Pacific region, the country is offering itself as a key partner in managing the cyber oceans. The US must now reciprocate.

US needs a federal data protection law right now: Marietje Schaake
Jan 29, 2021

US needs a federal data protection law right now: Marietje Schaake

If this is a moment that will change the Internet, how will that process proceed from here? And for whom will it change?

US needs to treat India as an exception
Dec 07, 2013

US needs to treat India as an exception

The United States needs to treat India as an exception given the uniqueness of the US-India relationship, argues Dr. Anit Mukherjee of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore.

US Official Warns of China’s Growing Offensive Cyber Power
Feb 28, 2024

US Official Warns of China’s Growing Offensive Cyber Power

FBI Director Wray, in particular, sounded the alarm about China’s targeting of U.S. critical infrastructure for potential cyber attacks.

US on Arunachal
Dec 21, 2012

US on Arunachal

The real challenge for US policy comes in East Asia, where China's growing power is testing American alliances. America's allies that feel bullied by China have no option but to rely on US power.

US pivot and the Indian dilemma
Jul 10, 2012

US pivot and the Indian dilemma

India is still coming to grips with the emerging multi-polar world order and managing great power relations still appears to be a major challenge for Delhi. India is keen on developing stronger partnership with the US. But, on the other hand, it is also concerned about the reaction of China and, increasingly, of Russia.

US Policies Towards Africa: In Search of a New Paradigm
Aug 23, 2023

US Policies Towards Africa: In Search of a New Paradigm

There seems to be a revival of American interest in Africa. What are the reasons for this? What are the past and current US policies towards the region? Are these interests and policies different from those it had during the Cold War? How do Africans perceive the US? What are the implications of a renewed US interest in Africa for India? These are some of the questions that this Issue Brief attempts to answer.

US Policy options in Pakistan
Oct 13, 2011

US Policy options in Pakistan

Pakistan will face severe consequences if they do not change their policies in dealing with terror networks, said Dr. Lisa Curtis during a talk on "US Policy Options in Pakistan" on October 13, 2011 at Observer Research Foundation.

US policy towards potential flashpoints in Asia Pacific may determine US role
Jan 31, 2014

US policy towards potential flashpoints in Asia Pacific may determine US role

In the face of China's growing assertiveness, the United States' policy toward potential flashpoints is certainly going to play an important role in determining America's role in the Asia-Pacific, according to experts.

US presidential election: A game theorist's delight
Oct 07, 2016

US presidential election: A game theorist's delight

US Presidential Election 2016 make a strong case to be included in Game Theory classes at Universities across the world

US proposal on Space Code of Conduct: International Responses
Jan 23, 2012

US proposal on Space Code of Conduct: International Responses

It is in India's interests to institute a code of conduct for guiding certain responsible behavior in order to ensure a cleaner, safer, and less congested outer space, and also bringing in certain restraint on China.

US read the script wrong
Jun 11, 2014

US read the script wrong

America's release of five Taliban leaders recently in exchange for one of its troopers has grave implications for not just Afghan security but also the India-Pakistan détente.

US reshaping China policy
Feb 16, 2021

US reshaping China policy

The emphasis will be on engagement, competition and cooperation

US response on Pulwama unlikely to go beyond rhetoric
Feb 20, 2019

US response on Pulwama unlikely to go beyond rhetoric

Despite the US calling Pakistan out on the Pulwama attack, three ongoing developments are likely to dampen the American response in support of India i

US returns to human spaceflight
Jun 12, 2020

US returns to human spaceflight

The growing private space sector is beginning to create new energy and excitement about space.

US rules aim to derail China’s chip industry
Oct 12, 2022

US rules aim to derail China’s chip industry

When China set up the ‘Big Fund’ in 2014, its mandate to companies was chip-making rather than the development of a self-reliant industry based on R&D. This strategy has left gaps in China that the US is now intending to exploit through its new rules. It has introduced a sweeping set of export controls that will make it more difficult for Chinese companies to develop cutting-edge technologies, especially semiconductors.

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent
Aug 21, 2023

US sanctions on Pakistan and their failure as strategic deterrent

The US has subjected Pakistan to a unilateral sanctions regime at several crucial junctures in the history of their bilateral ties. Though the reasons for cutting off economic and military aid to Pakistan have been contingent on strategic exigencies prevalent at different points in time and therefore not singular, countering Pakistan’s nuclear ambitions has been a recurring theme. It is widely believed that these sanctions have not been able to

US secondary sanctions: Framing an appropriate response for India
Jan 07, 2019

US secondary sanctions: Framing an appropriate response for India

Sanctions, a mechanism to penalise international legal violations, usually prohibit nationals of the “sanctioning country” from engaging in specified activities with the “targeted country.” Secondary or extraterritorial sanctions, on the other hand, penalise third-country individuals and companies for dealing with sanctioned countries. Recent measures adopted by the US—the enactment of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanc

US shifting focus back to Indo-Pacific
May 25, 2022

US shifting focus back to Indo-Pacific

As of now, the Quad’s formal agenda is modest. It remains a platform for leaders of the four countries to meet each other collectively and bilaterally. Meetings have so far taken up the issue of providing vaccines, building supply chains, mitigating climate change and providing humanitarian relief. An unstated aspect of the Quad grouping is supply-chain resilience and the need to have a chain which is not linked to China.

US should empower the rise of China: Economist
Jun 21, 2013

US should empower the rise of China: Economist

Saying that the rise of China and the declining power of the US hint to a new vacuum, Dr. Arvind Subramanian argues that the US should empower the rise of China rather than contain it. By giving China the necessarily positions in existing multilateral institutions, it would force it to behave as a responsible stakeholder, he says.

US strategy to help Kabul fight narco-terrorism
Dec 26, 2017

US strategy to help Kabul fight narco-terrorism

The root cause of insecurity — which hampers Afghanistan’s state-building process and sustainable development — lies outside of the country. The