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3337 results found

Global order in transition — Has the liberal order crumbled even before the rise of a China-led parallel order?
Dec 28, 2020

Global order in transition — Has the liberal order crumbled even before the rise of a China-led parallel order?

Questions that were unthinkable at the turn of the century, such as whether democracy is a truly superior form of governance and whether the liberal w

Green hydrogen: A pie in the sky or an unfolding transformation?
Jun 06, 2022

Green hydrogen: A pie in the sky or an unfolding transformation?

For India to achieve net-zero by 2070, the Hydrogen Mission needs to closely align with its climate agenda systematically.

Green Transitions: Catalysing India–EU relations for a green future
Mar 02, 2021

Green Transitions: Catalysing India–EU relations for a green future

Ways to attain growth, create jobs, and meet developmental targets with minimal carbon emissions are priorities for both India and the EU.

Guarantee Afghanistan's neutrality
Jan 22, 2010

Guarantee Afghanistan's neutrality

Discussions between the American Foreign Policy Council (AFPC) and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) also saw a general agreement that the Taliban victory in Afghanistan will lead to a civil war with disastrous consequences for Pakistan

Guiding peri-urban transformation
Feb 07, 2022

Guiding peri-urban transformation

The rapid urbanisation of peri-urban areas across India requires targeted and planned intervention to allow cities to grow in a sustainable manner

Harbouring France in the Indo-Pacific: Assessing Macron’s visit to Sri Lanka
Aug 10, 2023

Harbouring France in the Indo-Pacific: Assessing Macron’s visit to Sri Lanka

President Macron’s recent visit to Sri Lanka intends to provide a larger diplomatic canvas for both countries to strengthen their geopolitical ties

Hassan Rouhani in India: Will India-Iran ties match the rhetoric?
Feb 16, 2018

Hassan Rouhani in India: Will India-Iran ties match the rhetoric?

As New Delhi welcomes Rouhani, the two sides will be hoping to assuage each other’s concerns even as they will try to build partnership, which has often struggled to match the rhetoric surrounding it.

Have Indian cities bid farewell to the Bus Rapid Transit System?
Nov 03, 2020

Have Indian cities bid farewell to the Bus Rapid Transit System?

BRTS cities are now struggling with a surfeit of public transport systems — the normal bus service, BRTS and the Metro.

Health equity through transparency and accountability
Sep 25, 2017

Health equity through transparency and accountability

Healthcare in India could use the help of better data and analysis from both public health systems and private sector interventions.

Healthcare transformation through regulation: The potential impact of India's Pharmacy Bill
Nov 27, 2023

Healthcare transformation through regulation: The potential impact of India's Pharmacy Bill

The draft bill's focus on international collaboration, technological adaptability, and integration of traditional practices can enhance the quality of

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?
Oct 14, 2014

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?

The government has to free India's top 50 institutions across all disciplines from the iron grip of UGC and AICTE. The institutions must be given the freedom to devise their own course curriculum. After all they have the best subject experts.

How Imran Khan unveiled the Oxonian version of Pakistani 'Islamofascism'
Aug 04, 2020

How Imran Khan unveiled the Oxonian version of Pakistani 'Islamofascism'

In the last two years, Imran Khan has proved to be a miserable failure who has in many ways turned the clock back for Pakistan.

How Imran's version of Pakistan is capitulating before its clerics
Nov 13, 2018

How Imran's version of Pakistan is capitulating before its clerics

Welcome to Naya Pakistan – just like the Purana Pakistan.

How India can maximise the potential from France’s EU Presidency
Feb 10, 2022

How India can maximise the potential from France’s EU Presidency

As France takes over the EU Presidency, both India and France can further enhance collaborations on multiple fronts

How the Iran nuke deal gives India room in the Greater Middle East
Jul 15, 2015

How the Iran nuke deal gives India room in the Greater Middle East

India's thinking about the Middle East, whether from the UPA or NDA, has tended to be ideological and rooted in their domestic political considerations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi needs to break from this tradition and develop a strategy towards the Middle East that is firmly anchored in realpolitik.

How US sanctions are fatal to Iran’s COVID19 fight
Apr 09, 2020

How US sanctions are fatal to Iran’s COVID19 fight

More than the inaction of the Iranian government, questions have been raised regarding the role of US sanctions in crippling Iran’s economy, infrast

How will the Trans-Pacific Partnership affect India?
Jul 21, 2015

How will the Trans-Pacific Partnership affect India?

The US-led TPP would face increasing competition as China recently concluded a free trade agreement with Australia (ChAFTA) and South Korea and is pushing for a broader Asia-trade pact - Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership.

Imran in his labyrinth
Mar 16, 2022

Imran in his labyrinth

Chaos ensues in Pakistan as Imran Khan’s power is being challenged with a No Confidence Motion.

Imran is in jail, but still not out of politics
Aug 06, 2023

Imran is in jail, but still not out of politics

Despite all the crackdown against Imran, he is arguably more popular today than ever 

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?
Jul 20, 2019

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?

A closer look at some of the security-related agenda items for the upcoming development and how they could impact bilateral ties.

Imran Khan has talked about fixing India-Pakistan ties. The first step should be a reality check
Jul 30, 2018

Imran Khan has talked about fixing India-Pakistan ties. The first step should be a reality check

There is no reason to believe that we will witness some change in Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Imran Khan's victory in Pakistan: An outcome foretold
Jul 30, 2018

Imran Khan's victory in Pakistan: An outcome foretold

How will India manage a Pakistan led by Imran Khan?

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup
Nov 03, 2022

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup

Though nobody is sure what will be the outcome of the march to Islamabad, it is clear that Pakistan is in for a period of continued instability

Imran Khan’s US visit: Will he triumph or be “trumped” by Trump
Jul 20, 2019

Imran Khan’s US visit: Will he triumph or be “trumped” by Trump

In what is expected to be a one hour meeting between Trump and Imran, the sort of ambitious agenda that is being talked about appears a little far-fet

Imran regime's drop scene: Climactic or apocalyptic
Mar 26, 2022

Imran regime's drop scene: Climactic or apocalyptic

As the No-Confidence Motion draws closer, Imran Khan seems to be running out of options

Imran’s innings end, but Pakistan’s troubles don’t
Apr 08, 2022

Imran’s innings end, but Pakistan’s troubles don’t

Pakistan will continue to be at sixes and sevens even if Imran Khan is on his way out.

Imran’s new challenge: Captaining a new, complicated team
Aug 01, 2018

Imran’s new challenge: Captaining a new, complicated team

A new innings begins for former cricket captain and now PM designate Imran Khan, but this time on an uncertain wicket!

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles
Dec 26, 2019

Imran’s paradox: Legal wins, political troubles

Recent verdicts have strengthened civilian authority in principle, but left the PM in a spot with the army

In Iran–Saudi tensions, the stakes are global
Oct 01, 2019

In Iran–Saudi tensions, the stakes are global

The ensuing kerfuffle between the US, Iran and Saudi Arabia has displayed the different directions that both Riyadh and Washington have taken, despite

In its mission to go green, India must focus on just transition
Jun 23, 2021

In its mission to go green, India must focus on just transition

The measure of a successful energy transition must go beyond statistics of installed capacity of renewables, investments and number of jobs. While these are important, the face of the transition should become the lives, livelihoods and well-being of the economy