Kriti M. Shah was Associate Fellow with the Strategic Studies Programme at ORF. Her research primarily focusses on Afghanistan and Pakistan where she studies their domestic politics as well as their relationship with each other the Taliban the United States and the larger South Asian neighbourhood. Her other areas of interest include the role of technology in fighting terrorism in Kashmir and the ongoing Pashtun Tahafuz Movement and its dynamic and tumultuous relationship with the Pakistani state.Prior to joining ORF she worked as reporter for NDTV. She is a graduate of McGill University in Montreal Canada.
The grim calculus behind Afghan tragedy
India Joins the Afghan Peace Negotiations
पुलवामा आणि बालाकोटची दोन वर्षे
पाकमधील निवडणुकीत इम्रान-सेना अडचणीत
खरंच अफगाण युद्ध संपेल?
अफगाणिस्तानात शांतता अद्याप दूरच!
पश्तून प्रश्नामुळे पाकची कोंडी
Pakistan military can’t handle growing Pashtun storm, so it’s blaming countries like India
अफगाणिस्तान, तालिबान आणि शांतता
The end of a jihadist lynchpin
Imran Khan may have won popular vote, but will it change who truly holds power in Pakistan
The political awakening of Pakistans Pashtuns
(Spy) games nations play
Radd-ul-Fasaad assessing Pakistans new counter-terrorism operation
As Quetta bleeds, Pakistan must remember what is at stake
India, Pakistan and hope for the future
Elusive quest for Afghan peace