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3420 results found

Reel v/s real: Examining anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh
May 14, 2024

Reel v/s real: Examining anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh

The credibility of the 'anti-India' sentiments emerging in Bangladesh warrants scrutiny, as reality portrays a different narrative from what is depict

Refusing setbacks to equity and resiliency in post-COVID-19 cities
Jan 30, 2021

Refusing setbacks to equity and resiliency in post-COVID-19 cities

As cities emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, they cannot afford a setback in the struggle to build more equitable and resilient urban areas. They must

Regulating AI in Public Health: Systems Challenges and Perspectives
Jul 27, 2020

Regulating AI in Public Health: Systems Challenges and Perspectives

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly proliferating the healthcare landscape and has immense promise for improving health outcomes in a resource-constrained setting like India. With emerging technology still finding its footing in the healthcare industry in the country, there are systemic roadblocks to hurdle before AI can be made transformative up to the last mile of public health. AI also carries immense challenges for India’s mostly t

Regulating fees will not improve quality of Indian HEIs
Dec 11, 2019

Regulating fees will not improve quality of Indian HEIs

India’s demographic dividend will pay off only if the youth are either enrolled in higher education programmes or made job-ready with effective skil

Reimagining Multistakeholderism: Challenges for Internet Governance
Dec 05, 2014

Reimagining Multistakeholderism: Challenges for Internet Governance

Concerns remain in the developing world that about whether the ICANN/IANA transition will create a truly plural process. This issue brief discusses three challenges 'multistakeholderism' must address from the perspective of the developing world: access, equity and sovereignty.

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy
Oct 27, 2020

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy

The debates around work and the welfare architecture in India need to be urgently reframed and translated into practical reform.

Renewables: Can they renew Indian power utilities?
Jun 13, 2024

Renewables: Can they renew Indian power utilities?

Renewable energy played a significant role in India's power sector in 2022-23, but economic and market challenges hinder its full potential

Reopening Nepal-India border
Nov 02, 2021

Reopening Nepal-India border

After nearly 19 months, both the governments decided to lift the border closures. Does this reopening enable a review of the current arrangement of mo

Restoration and finding a consensus on China — Biden on Europe
Nov 10, 2020

Restoration and finding a consensus on China — Biden on Europe

The pursuit of a mere restorationist agenda will hardly address the need to recalibrate the partnership’s raison d’être.

Rethinking urban green financing for accelerating India’s cleantech system
Feb 20, 2023

Rethinking urban green financing for accelerating India’s cleantech system

ULBs can effectively contribute to and accelerate India’s cleantech system only if a proper financial framework is put in place

Retreating Glaciers and Water Flows in the Himalayas: Implications for Governance
May 11, 2023

Retreating Glaciers and Water Flows in the Himalayas: Implications for Governance

The Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region is one of the most vibrant, distinct, intricate mountain systems in the world. An estimated 210 million people live within these mountain systems, and some 1.3 billion people who live downstream of the HKH rely on the freshwater obtained directly or indirectly from the rivers and tributaries of the region. Recent data shows that significant areas of glaciers in the HKH region are retreating at an alarming rat

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?
Jul 26, 2019

Return of the Holbrooke thought in US’ South Asia policy?

Trump’s comments on Kashmir during Imran Khan’s visit may reflect the US undoing its India-Pakistan dehyphenation policy.

Revamping Water Governance in India: The Pathway to a New National Water Policy
Feb 12, 2024

Revamping Water Governance in India: The Pathway to a New National Water Policy

Despite the call for a global paradigm shift in water governance—from the traditional reductionist engineering approach to the more holistic integrated river basin governance framework—a change is not yet perceptible in India’s water governance architecture. The hesitation to change has led to ecological problems and conflicts at various levels. This paper identifies the knowledge gaps that inhibit the paradigm shift and explores the lacuna

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’
Jun 08, 2018

Revenge of the geeks — The secret ingredient of high performance teams & ‘stubborn minorities’

The future of work is deeply tied to the ties that bind great teams inside the workplace. Until robot overlords upend the world, we humans will be per

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government
Apr 04, 2020

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government

To give gainful employment to those migrants who do not want to go back to the cities as it happened during demonetisation is a big challenge for the

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government
Apr 04, 2020

Reverse migration: An opportunity for the government

To give gainful employment to those migrants who do not want to go back to the cities as it happened during demonetisation is a big challenge for the

Reviewing India's Non-Ownership Housing Scheme
Sep 30, 2022

Reviewing India's Non-Ownership Housing Scheme

There is a need to provide access to safe and affordable rental housing complexes in urban areas to economically weaker sections of society.

Revisiting Damascus
Jul 24, 2012

Revisiting Damascus

India's old formulaic discourse is no longer capable of dealing with the multiple tragedies and manifold transformations playing out in the Middle East. India will have to approach the Middle East on the basis of its own internal dynamics rather than preconceived ideas and preferences.

Revisiting India’s own ‘15-minute city’ mixed-use planning concepts, town planning schemes
Sep 24, 2020

Revisiting India’s own ‘15-minute city’ mixed-use planning concepts, town planning schemes

Masterplans and planning initiatives do not lack foresightedness with respect to accessibility in cities. There is a need to endorse more micro level

Revisiting the “paradox of thrift”: India’s Union Budget 2022 through a holistic development lens
Feb 01, 2022

Revisiting the “paradox of thrift”: India’s Union Budget 2022 through a holistic development lens

Budget 2022’s attempt to deal with critical challenges that the Indian economy will face is welcome, but a more holistic approach is still the need

Revival of BIMSTEC: A step forward for the Bay of Bengal community
Sep 09, 2018

Revival of BIMSTEC: A step forward for the Bay of Bengal community

Often the success of a summit is weighed from the number of deals signed during it, and in the present summit, only a Memorandum of Understanding on BIMSTEC Grid Interconnection was signed, giving reason to doubt the jubilation about the summit. A closer view of the summit suggests more than one reason to be optimistic.

Reviving Assam silk industry: Few suggestions
Apr 03, 2013

Reviving Assam silk industry: Few suggestions

The government should establish a price regulation mechanism for the Assam silk weavers so that the small traders are not exploited. This can be done by setting up a Silk Auction Board on the lines of the Tea Auction Board. This will also make Assam silk a large global brand like the tea industry and transform it into a modern industry ensuing competition at the global level.

Reviving reciprocity to tackle behavioural anomalies during COVID19
Apr 07, 2020

Reviving reciprocity to tackle behavioural anomalies during COVID19

The outbreak of COVID19 has riddled a man’s life with a range of uncertainties; the uncertainty of keeping one’s job (or, receive a pay-cut), the

Rewards for Pakistan, punishment for Afghans
Jul 10, 2019

Rewards for Pakistan, punishment for Afghans

While the old thinking on Pakistan is back in the US, the Afghan government is being seen as a hindrance in US' South Asia policy.

Riots, resignations, and resurrections amidst Sri Lanka’s national crisis
May 13, 2022

Riots, resignations, and resurrections amidst Sri Lanka’s national crisis

Would the newly appointed Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, be able to steer Sri Lanka away from the economic and political crisis?

Rise of the common man: The changing dynamics of Indian politics
Dec 30, 2013

Rise of the common man: The changing dynamics of Indian politics

It is now clear that Aam Aadmi Party will be the major contender in the Lok Sabha elections in the first quarter of 2014 and would give all other veteran parties like the Congress and the BJP a real challenge. The AAP could even halt the march of Narendra Modi towards Delhi.

Road emission control: Electrifying personal mobility in India
Oct 09, 2021

Road emission control: Electrifying personal mobility in India

India aims to decarbonise its road by pushing for EVs, but would decarbonisation of road transport through electrification without decarbonisation of

Road Safety: Why do Indian roads top the international table of road deaths?
Jun 23, 2022

Road Safety: Why do Indian roads top the international table of road deaths?

A detailed analysis of why India ranks at the top of the international table of fatalities caused by road crashes, and the measures the Indian governm

Roadmaps and frameworks for achieving net-zero targets
Nov 02, 2021

Roadmaps and frameworks for achieving net-zero targets

Large climate financing is a prerequisite for net-zero transformation and innovations to reduce emissions. However, such financing must be recognised

Rohingyas Adrift in the Bay of Bengal: The region needs to response
May 21, 2015

Rohingyas Adrift in the Bay of Bengal: The region needs to response

The region need to response to the unfolding migrant crisis in the Andaman Sea. India and the Indian Navy must move quickly with other regional players to bring an end to the humanitarian crisis in the Bay of Bengal.

Role of water pricing in addressing water scarcity
Mar 21, 2024

Role of water pricing in addressing water scarcity

There is a need to establish a mechanism that regulates water valuation to achieve a fair and efficient allocation of resources amidst growing water s

Roots of Extremism in Bangladesh
Jan 18, 2005

Roots of Extremism in Bangladesh

In many ways, Bangladesh seems an excellent place for al-Qaeda to find sanctuary in the decisive years ahead. It is an impoverished Islamic nation, politically weak and backward in its economic development. Its ports have been active hubs for transnational crime, including weapons running.

Rouhani and the Arab Gulf: Towards reconciliation?
Aug 09, 2013

Rouhani and the Arab Gulf: Towards reconciliation?

New Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's emphasis on political moderation and ending Iran's isolation is drawing attention to the potential reconciliation between Tehran and some of its Arab Gulf neighbours. He has also raised hopes for a productive engagement between Tehran and the West.

RSS chief Bhagwat’s annual sermon: Said and unsaid?
Oct 14, 2019

RSS chief Bhagwat’s annual sermon: Said and unsaid?

In the annual Vijayadashmi sermon to his adherents, Mohan Bhagwat, spoke on a range of issues while defending the Modi government on several fronts.

Running dry: Dissecting India’s water demand-supply gaps
Mar 21, 2024

Running dry: Dissecting India’s water demand-supply gaps

India's historical inclination to address water deficits by focusing on supply-side parameters underscores the urgency to implement a stringent water

Rural push can kickstart slack automobile sector
Dec 13, 2019

Rural push can kickstart slack automobile sector

More cars and commercial vehicles for rural India, however, are welcome. India has very low density of cars with 22 per 1,000 citizens compared to 980 in the US and 850 in the UK. Rural women would find work or business if there is a better system of transportation in the villages. It means a focus on the rural economy and making road connectivity better.

Russia and the Future of the Arctic
Oct 28, 2021

Russia and the Future of the Arctic

Russia—the state with the longest Arctic coastline—is embarking on an ambitious plan to benefit from the vast natural resources of the region, while undertaking a military modernisation effort that had been stalled after the end of the Cold War. As one of the strongest players in the high north, Russia will be key in determining the future of the region, which is facing challenges brought about by global warming. This paper examines Russia’

Russia not happy with India's efforts to diversify nuclear partners
Dec 21, 2012

Russia not happy with India's efforts to diversify nuclear partners

Despite efforts, Indo-Russian nuclear engagement has been limited, mainly because of two factors. One, there is an unstable status of legal framework for the transfer of nuclear technology and second, India's efforts to diversify nuclear partners have been a little upsetting for Russia.

Russia-Turkey deal and geo-politics of gas
Dec 30, 2014

Russia-Turkey deal and geo-politics of gas

At a time when it is facing Western sanctions and a proxy war on oil prices, Russia sprang a huge surprise early this month by signing a gas deal with Turkey. The deal will enable Russia to pump natural gas into a Turkish hub, near the Turkey-Greece border and from there into the southern EU market.

Russian pipeline
Jul 16, 2014

Russian pipeline

Given its vast coastline, Delhi should devote its attention for now to importing hydrocarbons by sea, investing in equity oil in Russia and other energy-rich countries, and concluding swap arrangements rather than grandiose transregional pipelines.

Sanctions on Myanmar will not work
Oct 18, 2007

Sanctions on Myanmar will not work

Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a brainstorming session on "Possible Approaches for India's policy towards Myanmar" on October 18, 2007. The meeting discussed a gamut of issues including India's Myanmar policy, sanction regime, the China factor, Myanmar's political transition, and international community's response to the recent uprising in Myanmar.

Sanders narrows down the gap with Clinton
Jul 08, 2015

Sanders narrows down the gap with Clinton

Unlike the crowded and competitive Republican presidential nomination field, the Democratic field, for a long time, looked empty with only Hillary Clinton. The strong entry of Sanders in the Democratic nomination has given the American voters a fair choice between Clinton and Sanders' respective brands of politics.

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India
Jun 27, 2017

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India

Mohammad bin Salman's ascent to the second most important position in the kingdom will reinforce Saudi Arabia's newly assertive foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia looks towards an Asian rehab for its oil addiction, and India should capitalise
Apr 01, 2017

Saudi Arabia looks towards an Asian rehab for its oil addiction, and India should capitalise

With King Salman expected to visit India later this year, New Delhi should be prepared to offer a smooth transition for Saudi investment into the Indi

Saudis in Pakistan
Jan 10, 2014

Saudis in Pakistan

Amidst the growing distrust of the US and the absence of domestic capabilities to confront a rising Iran, the Saudis are determined to strengthen their regional alliances, especially the historic partnership with Pakistan.