Search: For - urban

850 results found

Budget 2021 — What is there for the cities?
Feb 17, 2021

Budget 2021 — What is there for the cities?

Direct budgetary support for urban sector schemes do not show any appreciable increase.

Refusing setbacks to equity and resiliency in post-COVID-19 cities
Jan 30, 2021

Refusing setbacks to equity and resiliency in post-COVID-19 cities

As cities emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic, they cannot afford a setback in the struggle to build more equitable and resilient urban areas. They must

लचीले व टिकाऊ शहरों की ओर: डिजिटल तकनीक का उपयोग और वैश्विक शहरी गठजोड़
Jan 29, 2021

लचीले व टिकाऊ शहरों की ओर: डिजिटल तकनीक का उपयोग और वैश्विक शहरी गठजोड़

कोविड-19 की महामारी की स्थिति के बीच सबसे बड़ी वास्तविकता �

Placing women at the centre of building resilient and inclusive cities
Jan 29, 2021

Placing women at the centre of building resilient and inclusive cities

Marginalised sections of the urban population, particularly women, are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and extreme climate ch

Reimagine cities, rethink urban policymaking, realign its purpose
Jan 28, 2021

Reimagine cities, rethink urban policymaking, realign its purpose

It is about recognising that while cities offer economic opportunities to millions, they come with poor and overcrowded housing, lack of safe water an

Building resilient cities: Getting the budget math right
Jan 27, 2021

Building resilient cities: Getting the budget math right

Improving the fiscal state of cities will need a holistic push from all tiers of the government.

शहरों की ग़रीबी और गांवों में व्याप्त निर्धनता किस तरह से अलग हैं?
Jan 14, 2021

शहरों की ग़रीबी और गांवों में व्याप्त निर्धनता किस तरह से अलग हैं?

निर्धनता से जुड़ी सरकारी नीतियों का ज़ोर ग्रामीण भारत पर

Managing India’s urban transition in 2021
Jan 04, 2021

Managing India’s urban transition in 2021

In 2021, India’s imperatives include uplifting the lives of marginalised populations, creating mechanisms for people’s participation in civic affa

जलवायु में बेहतरी की ओर: शहरी भारत में स्वच्छ आवागमन की पहल का अर्थ
Dec 23, 2020

जलवायु में बेहतरी की ओर: शहरी भारत में स्वच्छ आवागमन की पहल का अर्थ

शहरों में गाड़ियों के चलने से ग्रीनहाउस गैस का उत्सर्जन �

Creating new urban centralities: The way ahead for Mumbai in 2021
Dec 22, 2020

Creating new urban centralities: The way ahead for Mumbai in 2021

Mumbai must spearhead the positioning of India as the third economic superpower, in between the forecasted East/West civilisation confrontation.

Are megacities the best option for the future?
Dec 22, 2020

Are megacities the best option for the future?

While megacities generate mega economy, they hurtle down the hill on almost all benchmarks of livability — a way must reverse this trend.

The cultural resilience factor in planning future cities
Dec 22, 2020

The cultural resilience factor in planning future cities

In the global urban context, cultural identity is becoming increasingly synonymous with the nature of prevalent collective activities.

Decarbonising Cities: The 2021 post-pandemic resilience mantra
Dec 22, 2020

Decarbonising Cities: The 2021 post-pandemic resilience mantra

Creating low carbon cities calls for a paradigm shift in government policies related to the built environment, particularly pertaining to land use, ho

Cities for Women: Taking stock of gender-sensitive urban planning and design
Dec 22, 2020

Cities for Women: Taking stock of gender-sensitive urban planning and design

Gender-sensitive planning will help mitigate adverse and unequal impacts — and build resilience.

Non-motorised transport should top the global urban agenda in 2021
Dec 22, 2020

Non-motorised transport should top the global urban agenda in 2021

As the world grapples with the new normal, public transport and mass mobility are poised to undergo a transformative change.

Creating ‘doughnut’ cities for resilience in 2021
Dec 22, 2020

Creating ‘doughnut’ cities for resilience in 2021

The transition towards circular urban economies in India needs policy frameworks that allow the development of skills and the inclusion of informal wo

Are vertical forests a solution to Mumbai’s climate problem?
Dec 18, 2020

Are vertical forests a solution to Mumbai’s climate problem?

Vertical forests are a way of urban reforestation and are key towards allowing humans and various other species to coexist.

Pushing city administrations towards innovative ‘feminist urbanism’
Nov 30, 2020

Pushing city administrations towards innovative ‘feminist urbanism’

Cities will need to give special attention to the needs of women and ensure that it builds on their economic productivity and recognises their contrib

How is urban poverty different from rural?
Nov 25, 2020

How is urban poverty different from rural?

The past practice of seeing all poverty in a rural light and applying rural solutions in urban conditions will not yield the expected results.

शहरी स्थानीय निकायों में नागरिकों का सशक्तिकरण
Nov 19, 2020

शहरी स्थानीय निकायों में नागरिकों का सशक्तिकरण

‘एरिया सभा’ या नगर राज विधेयक के विपरीत, ‘जन सभा’ के फ़ैसल

भारत के शहरी इलाकों में इमारतों के ढहने की समस्या: एक विश्लेषण
Nov 05, 2020

भारत के शहरी इलाकों में इमारतों के ढहने की समस्या: एक विश्लेषण

समस्या का हल बहुत सीधा है. पहला कदम नीति को सही तरीके से तय

Have Indian cities bid farewell to the Bus Rapid Transit System?
Nov 03, 2020

Have Indian cities bid farewell to the Bus Rapid Transit System?

BRTS cities are now struggling with a surfeit of public transport systems — the normal bus service, BRTS and the Metro.

Master plan for Delhi – 2041: An opportunity for proposing effective solutions
Oct 29, 2020

Master plan for Delhi – 2041: An opportunity for proposing effective solutions

From 2021, Delhi’s new master plan, for guiding future development during 2021-41, will be applicable. The plan is currently under preparation and i

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy
Oct 27, 2020

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy

The debates around work and the welfare architecture in India need to be urgently reframed and translated into practical reform.

‘शहरीकृत गांवों’ को शहरी स्थानीय निकाय में शामिल करने का विरोध क्यों?
Oct 26, 2020

‘शहरीकृत गांवों’ को शहरी स्थानीय निकाय में शामिल करने का विरोध क्यों?

‘शहरीकृत’ ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों में उन विनियमों को अपनाना च�

Citizen empowerment in urban local bodies
Oct 19, 2020

Citizen empowerment in urban local bodies

Unlike the ‘area sabha’ of the Nagar Raj Bill, the decisions of the ‘jan sabha’ were to be binding on the wards committee in regard to local w

Restoring groundwater in urban India: Learning from Bengaluru
Oct 16, 2020

Restoring groundwater in urban India: Learning from Bengaluru

What steps are Indian cities taking in order to bring about the sustainable management of groundwater?

शहरी प्रवासी मज़दूरों को सम्मानजनक हाउसिंग मुहैया करना एक ज़रूरी महत्वकांक्षा
Oct 06, 2020

शहरी प्रवासी मज़दूरों को सम्मानजनक हाउसिंग मुहैया करना एक ज़रूरी महत्वकांक्षा

शहरों को विकास का केंद्र बनाने में प्रवासी मज़दूरों की म�

The menace of building collapses in urban India
Oct 05, 2020

The menace of building collapses in urban India

Solutions to the problem are pretty obvious. The first step is to set the policy right. Governments have to begin by scrapping the rent laws as they s

Affordable rental housing for the urban seasonal migrants in India
Oct 05, 2020

Affordable rental housing for the urban seasonal migrants in India

While there exists a weak and broken ecosystem of affordable rental housing, there is no ecosystem for seasonal urban migrants.

Property tax reforms key for India’s post-Covid urban transformation
Sep 24, 2020

Property tax reforms key for India’s post-Covid urban transformation

The very nature of this tax needs to be assessed to understand either why it is not paid or why recovery is poor.

Why do ‘urbanised’ villages resist being labelled as urban local bodies?
Sep 22, 2020

Why do ‘urbanised’ villages resist being labelled as urban local bodies?

‘Urbanised’ rural areas must migrate to regulations that would get urbanisation right.

Understanding Trump and Biden’s courtship of the white voter
Sep 17, 2020

Understanding Trump and Biden’s courtship of the white voter

While Trump attempts to expand his base from blue-collar whites to suburban white voters, Biden’s courtship of that crucial voting block stands ecli

Why we need a new social contract for our cities
Sep 08, 2020

Why we need a new social contract for our cities

Many cities are suffering due to the weakness of their disaster management capacities and inadequacies of community engagement mechanisms.

Controlling crowds in public areas as India unlocks
Aug 28, 2020

Controlling crowds in public areas as India unlocks

A decentralised cluster planning approach holds the key to social distancing in urban public spaces.

Urban Affairs in the Pandemic Era
Aug 25, 2020

Urban Affairs in the Pandemic Era

In the month of August this year, India has recorded about 60,000 to 70,000 Covid-19 positive cases every day, and the total number of cases has cross

Census 2021: Likely confirmation of past urbanisation trends
Aug 03, 2020

Census 2021: Likely confirmation of past urbanisation trends

How do states rank in 2021 in terms of urbanisation? What impact does reverse migration on account of COVID-19 have on demography and economy?

शहरीकरण की योजनाओं में शहरी बस्तियों की अनदेखी: स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्था पर असर
Jul 30, 2020

शहरीकरण की योजनाओं में शहरी बस्तियों की अनदेखी: स्वास्थ्य व्यवस्था पर असर

किसी भी शहर में बीमारियों पर स्थायी तौर पर क़ाबू पाने के ल

शहरी और बहु-राज्यीय सहकारी बैंकों में राज्य सरकारों का सीमित दख़ल
Jul 09, 2020

शहरी और बहु-राज्यीय सहकारी बैंकों में राज्य सरकारों का सीमित दख़ल

आरबीआई के द्वारा योग्य और उपयुक्त क्षमता के आधार पर मुख्�

कोविड-19 जैसे महामारी के प्रबंधन में हमारी शहरी योजना कितनी कारगर
Jul 06, 2020

कोविड-19 जैसे महामारी के प्रबंधन में हमारी शहरी योजना कितनी कारगर

शहरों में विशाल अवैध बस्तियों की समस्या का निपटारा काफ़ी