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When Liberalism Grows Up
Feb 02, 2021

When Liberalism Grows Up

For all its flaws, liberalism still has a future—it just may look different from what we are used to.

When ministers think aloud
Nov 28, 2016

When ministers think aloud

Everybody agrees that these weapons are enormously destructive and should not be used but the ministers ''personal opinion" has just outdone everything

When Modi flies to Japan, bleak chances for long-pending nuclear deal
Oct 25, 2016

When Modi flies to Japan, bleak chances for long-pending nuclear deal

Given Japanese apprehensions, it is not certain whether India and Japan will sign the nuclear deal during Modi’s forthcoming visit to Tokyo.

When Modi meets China’s Xi in Wuhan, India starts from a position of weakness
Apr 25, 2018

When Modi meets China’s Xi in Wuhan, India starts from a position of weakness

Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to talk peace with Beijing. Why?

When Modi meets Trump, things will be a lot different
Jun 19, 2017

When Modi meets Trump, things will be a lot different

This will be PM's fifth and shortest bilateral visit to the US since he took office.

When Myanmar opens up
Dec 29, 2011

When Myanmar opens up

The Government of Myanmar, in the past few weeks, has played host to a number of high-ranking foreign officials. These include the likes of the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra.

When SAARC Became A Tool To Embarrass Than Cooperate...
Oct 03, 2016

When SAARC Became A Tool To Embarrass Than Cooperate...

SAARC becoming a forum to embarrass rather than a tool to cooperate?

When Singh meets Kerry
Jun 26, 2013

When Singh meets Kerry

The construction of the India-US strategic partnership in the 2000s was an entirely unexpected political bonus. Making it work now is an absolute necessity for both Delhi and Washington as they struggle to cope with a challenging environment at home and abroad.

When soft power is not enough
Oct 11, 2018

When soft power is not enough

By overdoing soft power, India isn’t going to be able to fix the challenges of today, nor will it be able to exploit and benefit from the opportunities of today and tomorrow.

When strategy was technical
Feb 24, 2012

When strategy was technical

Antony figured the French were more likely to part with critical technologies needed to enhance India's defence aviation sector than any other country

When the going gets tough, the tough burn coal
Jul 25, 2022

When the going gets tough, the tough burn coal

With a robust increase in coal consumption worldwide, grand challenges await the entire world in future

When Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki
Jul 13, 2018

When Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki

The Helsinki summit presents an opportunity for the US and Russia to resume a dialogue even if to disagree on matters.

When two democracies talk
Aug 03, 2021

When two democracies talk

The United States is willing to listen and learn, India is willing to talk about its domestic evolution. The relationship has matured

Where do the two leading Democratic Party nominees stand on issues?
Aug 04, 2015

Where do the two leading Democratic Party nominees stand on issues?

The Democratic election nomination tussle between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is going through an exciting time as Sanders' far-left economic agenda is increasingly becoming more appealing to the party's base.

Where Does India Stand In the Indo-Pacific Nuclear Tinderbox?
Sep 22, 2021

Where Does India Stand In the Indo-Pacific Nuclear Tinderbox?

With more nations building their nuclear arsenal, the Indo-Pacific is becoming a high-risk place.

Where does India stand in the road to energy efficiency?
Sep 13, 2018

Where does India stand in the road to energy efficiency?

With the current government’s plan to build 100 smart cities in India, buildings sector in India has a huge potential to achieve enhanced efficiency

Where does India stand on intellectual property rights in the digital economy?
Aug 16, 2016

Where does India stand on intellectual property rights in the digital economy?

TPP, RCEP and TISA will entail some amount of IP norm-setting that shifts the balance established in the TRIPS towards rights-holders.

Where does the US-China relationship stand?
Jul 22, 2014

Where does the US-China relationship stand?

Will the globalization of the economic relationship trump the geo-politics that is being played out in East and South East Asia? For the US, the dilemma is acute, for it cannot ignore the pleas of its allies in the region nor allow an incremental drift to take place in the relationship.

Where from here, after three PC polls?
Jul 24, 2012

Where from here, after three PC polls?

Now that the mood and methods have set in for three Provincial Council polls, the results would determine if the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa would want to go ahead with the process in five others before holding the first-ever elections.

Where from here, anti-graft drive?
Sep 03, 2011

Where from here, anti-graft drive?

The civil society outfits need to remind themselves that the discredited polity that they have sought to replace have their own uses, roles and responsibilities - which the former cannot shoulder unless they themselves convert to being one.

Where Has the Arab Spring Fled?
Aug 06, 2011

Where Has the Arab Spring Fled?

The gentle Arab spring is a long way behind the region which has entered a phase of unprecedented turbulence, conflict and worse. In Libya, some European leaders are about to eat crow, not the best dish in Ramadan.

Where is Cambodia's foreign policy headed?
Jul 27, 2023

Where is Cambodia's foreign policy headed?

Until Cambodia is able to maximise its ties with other partners, it will continue to face the challenges brought upon by the exacerbating US-China com

Where is Japan in its military push under Abe?
Mar 30, 2018

Where is Japan in its military push under Abe?

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe faces many challenges in terms of public perception.

Where is the clamour for getting Russia and Ukraine off the ramp?
Nov 05, 2022

Where is the clamour for getting Russia and Ukraine off the ramp?

The lack of platforms to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine does not bode well for the crisis; India could play a role, especially as it takes on

Where is US’s China policy headed?
May 18, 2023

Where is US’s China policy headed?

The escalating geopolitical competition has placed the US and China at odds. Both sides need to stabilise their relationship given the role they play

Where the gig worker fits inside the firm
May 15, 2018

Where the gig worker fits inside the firm

Reports of young guns ‘crushing it’ in the gig economy are still hard to come by. It gets lonely and the so-called flexible companies make tough d

Where the sea remains rough
Apr 16, 2024

Where the sea remains rough

China continues to warn regional players of negative consequences of their actions. Yet, it is Beijing’s own behaviour that is reshaping the Indo-Pacific landscape

Where the surprising US election leaves the new Biden team
Nov 26, 2020

Where the surprising US election leaves the new Biden team

What basic structural limits does the 2020 election outcome place on the new White House? Where will the new administration go from here?

Where's the other side of story in Mid East?
Feb 04, 2012

Where's the other side of story in Mid East?

One of the great tragedies of our time is the near total decline in the credibility of the Western media. There are some exceptions but only some.

Where’s the big idea? FM got optics wrong
Oct 26, 2017

Where’s the big idea? FM got optics wrong

Using disinvestment proceeds to inject public finance into private companies is a great idea.

While health services improve, NFHS-5 state level reports indicate #ZeroHunger a far away goal for India
Dec 15, 2020

While health services improve, NFHS-5 state level reports indicate #ZeroHunger a far away goal for India

India needs to enhance its programme effectiveness and reach. It calls for proactive measures and scaling up of innovations required to address malnut

WHISPER IN A TEMPEST: Reflections on the CAG Report and Allocation of Captive Coal Blocks
Oct 03, 2012

WHISPER IN A TEMPEST: Reflections on the CAG Report and Allocation of Captive Coal Blocks

The Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on "Allocation of Captive Coal Blocks and Augmentation of Coal Production" for the year ending March 2012 has, among other things,

White House 2019 economic report puts a shine on AI and its meaning for the future of work: Top takeaways
May 14, 2019

White House 2019 economic report puts a shine on AI and its meaning for the future of work: Top takeaways

Policy makers are asked to worry deeply about how workers will deal with the costs of reskilling if they aren’t paid for the duration of the reskill

Whither ASEAN centrality?
Apr 13, 2023

Whither ASEAN centrality?

Has ASEAN centrality in the Southeast Asian region waned in recent years?

Whither Nepal under PM Prachanda?
Jan 11, 2023

Whither Nepal under PM Prachanda?

How will Nepal under the new PM navigate power rivalry in the region as the room for hedging shrinks?