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28196 results found

Why Doklam and Bhutan matter: India can’t be seen to abandon its allies
Jul 03, 2017

Why Doklam and Bhutan matter: India can’t be seen to abandon its allies

One of the key Chinese objectives in initiating the Doklam standoff seems to be testing India’s resolve to stand by Bhutan. Leaving Bhutan to its devices at this juncture cannot be good for India’s elusive pursuit of regional primacy.

Why engagement with ASEAN should be high on the priority list for India
Jun 21, 2022

Why engagement with ASEAN should be high on the priority list for India

The strengthening of relations in the geopolitical sphere has also given a push to the India-Asean economic ties, with Asean now India's fourth-largest trading partner engaging in bilateral trade in 2019-20 worth $86.9 billion.

Why Europe must resist war rhetoric
Nov 20, 2015

Why Europe must resist war rhetoric

Europe has to come to grips with the fact that not even the USA is strong enough to create a new order anywhere in the world, neither in Afghanistan nor in the Middle East. Instead, anything that will increase the conflict without an achievable goal will play into the hands of the IS.

Why Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal shouldn't concern India
Mar 30, 2018

Why Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal shouldn't concern India

Trying to influence elections using tools like targeted messaging, fake news and negative campaigning have for long been part and parcel of politics.

Why FDI is not enough for Modi's Make-in-India strategy
Oct 27, 2015

Why FDI is not enough for Modi's Make-in-India strategy

India has pulled ahead of China and United States as the most favoured destination for foreign direct investment. But is being number one good enough to make the Modi government's 'Make in India' productivity reform a success story and achieve its desired 8-8.5 per cent growth?

Why France is a reliable strategic partner for India
Jan 20, 2020

Why France is a reliable strategic partner for India

From geopolitics to space cooperation, Paris has always been supportive of New Delhi’s decisions

Why gender justice is crucial for achieving India’s climate targets
Oct 28, 2016

Why gender justice is crucial for achieving India’s climate targets

Lack of monetary resources may prove to be a major impediment to India achieving its climate targets and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Why gender would have more of a role in Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign
Mar 09, 2015

Why gender would have more of a role in Clinton's 2016 Presidential campaign

If Hillary Clinton runs for office in 2016, it seems that she will be campaigning for herself as herself - an exceptional professional, a controversial former secretary of state, and a woman.

Why Geopolitical Strategy is Key to Sustaining American Power
May 26, 2015

Why Geopolitical Strategy is Key to Sustaining American Power

The costs of a hot conflict in the Asia Pacific would be high and have difficult consequences. The challenge for US and its partners would be to deter Chinese aggressive posture without risking an escalation of conflict.

Why Germany should deal generously with Greece's call for reparations
May 26, 2015

Why Germany should deal generously with Greece's call for reparations

A legalistic position towards the Greek demand for reparations is neither sufficient nor politically wise. A generous gesture towards Athens would strengthen Germany's position as a country that is more than a leader by default in the EU.

Why Government should give immediate attention to MSME sector
Jan 14, 2019

Why Government should give immediate attention to MSME sector

Strengthening the credit structure to help MSMEs will be important in 2019.

Why governors are more favoured than elected governments in Kashmir
Jun 13, 2019

Why governors are more favoured than elected governments in Kashmir

It is ironical that despite being an outsider the governor manages to strike a chord with the locals. What is it that the governor does right which ev

Why Gurdaspur attack was no 26/11
Aug 04, 2015

Why Gurdaspur attack was no 26/11

While superficial similarities between the recent Gurdaspur attack and the Mumbai attack may be apparent, there are major differences in the manner both planned and executed. The scale of the attack itself suggests that it certainly doesn't seem to have had the support of the highest echelons of power as in the Mumbai attack.

Why hauling up Pakistan before international community is counter-productive
Oct 05, 2015

Why hauling up Pakistan before international community is counter-productive

Any attempt by India to haul up Pakistan before the international community, including the UN, could prove counter productive. It could start with India itself 'internationalising' the issue, and formally allowing the rest of the world to tell us what we should do to Pakistan, and on the vexatious Kashmir issue.

Why have we failed to create institutes of excellence, like in West?
Dec 11, 2017

Why have we failed to create institutes of excellence, like in West?

There is reluctance in offering absolute autonomy to institutes in something as basic as issuing degrees. When it comes to financial autonomy, it is a

Why inconsistent Pakistan policy is India’s best bet for now
Feb 06, 2018

Why inconsistent Pakistan policy is India’s best bet for now

Policymakers in New Delhi face dilemmas from Pakistan, which are two-fold — the real threat Pakistan poses and India’s available responses.

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment
Aug 12, 2020

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by the

Why India and Nepal are hitting reset on bilateral ties
Apr 09, 2018

Why India and Nepal are hitting reset on bilateral ties

The outcome of PM K.P. Sharma Oli's visit suggests relations between the two countries are in a reboot mode.

Why India cannot afford to give up Siachen
Apr 16, 2012

Why India cannot afford to give up Siachen

The strategic advantage accruing to India in Siachen should not be given up for apparent short-term political gains. Giving up Siachen as a gesture of friendship would also mean that its recapture would be extremely expensive to India in men and material.

Why India cannot do away with indirect subsidy
Aug 05, 2014

Why India cannot do away with indirect subsidy

Giving huge amounts of cash subsidies in the developed countries also distorts market. Lowering the actual cost of production artificially, these countries have produced mountains and lakes of agricultural products which are then dumped in international markets which lower the prices.

Why India desperately needs an image makeover
Dec 19, 2018

Why India desperately needs an image makeover

The problem is less to do with ideology, and more about the clumsiness and coarseness with which the ideology is being spread.

Why India fears Trump’s emerging Afghanistan approach
Dec 28, 2018

Why India fears Trump’s emerging Afghanistan approach

A weaker American presence would only compound New Delhi’s existing Afghan conundrum.

Why India has not been able to resolve the Teesta stalemate
Nov 25, 2019

Why India has not been able to resolve the Teesta stalemate

The divergent views of the Centre and the state of West Bengal have led to the Teesta river being subjected to 'conflictual federalism'.

Why India Insists on Keeping Gilgit Baltistan Firmly in the Kashmir Equation
Jun 03, 2015

Why India Insists on Keeping Gilgit Baltistan Firmly in the Kashmir Equation

India's objections to Pakistan's plan of holding an election in Gilgit-Baltistan region and New Delhi's protests to Chinese activity there need to seen in the wider context of Sino-Pak nexus.

Why India is a big factor in Pakistani polls
Jun 11, 2018

Why India is a big factor in Pakistani polls

Any association with New Delhi is still seen as a kiss of death in Pakistani politics.

Why India is key to 21st century multilateralism
Feb 22, 2023

Why India is key to 21st century multilateralism

The G20 — with its mix of developing and developed countries — offers the perfect platform for India to infuse partner nations with foundational ideas

Why India must go all out for a stable Kabul
Oct 28, 2016

Why India must go all out for a stable Kabul

India has underscored the need for improving connectivity with Kabul for trade and transit potential.

Why India must make early outreach to Biden admin on Afghanistan
Jan 29, 2021

Why India must make early outreach to Biden admin on Afghanistan

India today has limited tactical options on how to preserve itself around the issue of Afghanistan.

Why India must put any overtures to Pakistan on hold
May 16, 2014

Why India must put any overtures to Pakistan on hold

Given our troubled relationship with Pakistan, we need to keep our security apparatus in a state of alert with state-of-the-art equipment. All bilateral issues with Pakistan -- political, military, economic -- will simply have to go on the back-burner till Pakistan decides it wants to live as a good neighbour.

Why India must revive its manufacturing sector
Feb 25, 2014

Why India must revive its manufacturing sector

The most urgent need is to upgrade India's physical infrastructure to encourage domestic and foreign direct investment in the manufacturing sector. This will absorb the rural labor surplus that is migrating to the cities by providing employment in labor-intensive, less technology-intensive manufacturing, regulated by humane labor laws catering to the contemporary needs of the economy.

Why India need not worry about Pakistan’s efforts to instigate OIC
Dec 02, 2020

Why India need not worry about Pakistan’s efforts to instigate OIC

OIC countries have repeatedly conveyed that bilateral ties with India are independent of their stance on J&K.

Why India needs an economic action plan for friendly neighbours
May 02, 2022

Why India needs an economic action plan for friendly neighbours

As financial crises brew in India's neighbouring nations, India should engage in new economic initiatives with these states to prevent the worsening o

Why India Needs More Aircraft Carriers
Sep 22, 2022

Why India Needs More Aircraft Carriers

New Delhi just commissioned its first indigenously built major warship. It will need more to challenge Beijing on the high seas.

Why India needs to buy better water data from China
Jan 13, 2020

Why India needs to buy better water data from China

Under a bilateral agreement water data on the Brahmaputra is shared by China with India on the Brahmaputra, but a weak understanding of hydrology means that the data is coming from the wrong places