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Steady, but Evolving: An Overview of Russia’s Migrant Labour Market
Apr 29, 2024

Steady, but Evolving: An Overview of Russia’s Migrant Labour Market

Russia has long depended on migrant labour. However, the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, and a devaluing Ruble have impacted migrants economically. These developments, coupled with institutional hurdles and rising xenophobia in Russia, have pushed migrant labourers to seek alternate employment destinations. Notably, workers from countries such as Kazakhstan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are swaying away from Russia, even as

Steer a middle course
Mar 15, 2022

Steer a middle course

The millstone around Pakistan’s neck weighs down India too

Stefania Petruzzelli

Stefania Petruzzelli, PhD., after an extensive period of academic research in Italian and Comparative Literature with a focus on anthropological, historical, and social issues, has directed her studies toward understanding the epistemological changes of our times, especially in the field of digital innovations, sociology, and sustainability. Her academic path began with a Master%E2%80%99s degree in Modern Philology and unfolded into her work with the Stanford Literary Lab in Digital Humanities, showcasing her interdisciplinary approach. Her professional journey has spanned academia, private sector consultancy, and governmental advisory roles. Luxury brands, thought leaders, and financial institutions sought her expertise in leveraging digital transformations like NFTs to enhance soft power and strategize within the Metaverse for political influence. She has provided insights into framing value propositions that intertwine the future of work with sustainable practices. In conjunction with her diverse research endeavors, Stefania Petruzzelli works as a Researcher and Content Specialist for the Future Food Institute to foster exponential and positive shifts in the global food system. She is also recognized for her active participation in international forums. Her publications demonstrate her comprehensive exploration of technology, culture, and sustainable development. Her expertise bridges the gap between theoretical research and practical application, offering a singular perspective on contemporary issues.

STEM and the digital economy for women
Sep 11, 2020

STEM and the digital economy for women

The under-representation of women in STEM sectors puts them at a high risk of being displaced by technology.

Stemming the tide: Towards a concerted South China Sea strategy?
Sep 02, 2020

Stemming the tide: Towards a concerted South China Sea strategy?

A more solid albeit gradual positioning appears to be taking shape, and it would be vital to not only bolster the policy approaches that are crystalli

Step towards stability
Nov 29, 2004

Step towards stability

Two sets of people are upset with the way India is pursuing the peace process with Pakistan. In the first group are those in Kashmir who are, quite abruptly, faced with the reality of being irrelevant in the entire process. The second group is in Islamabad which is not quite sure about the direction the process is taking and is therefore discomfited.

Stepping out more into the world, with a little help from a friend
Jan 29, 2015

Stepping out more into the world, with a little help from a friend

The Indo-US bus, stalled since 2009, is moving again. It has new tyres, engine and a coat of paint, and its cocky new Indian driver is determined to take it in his chosen direction: not just towards a particular country but the world at large.

Stepping stones: Is a Seoul-Tokyo rapprochement in the making?
May 26, 2023

Stepping stones: Is a Seoul-Tokyo rapprochement in the making?

The geopolitical realities are proving to be a strong catalyst for improved relations between Japan and South Korea

Stepping towards a health masterplan
Oct 01, 2020

Stepping towards a health masterplan

While India has some of the finest healthcare professionals — the sector which has the potential to be India’s sunshine sector is not supported th

Steps to restart public transit after lockdown ends
May 07, 2020

Steps to restart public transit after lockdown ends

It is necessary to detail the steps that our transit agencies can take in the face of the restart after 17 May.

Steps towards labour reform
Jul 31, 2019

Steps towards labour reform

In keeping the floor very low in the Wage Code Bill, the government seems to have succumbed to external pressure.

Stifle the jihadi network
Mar 05, 2019

Stifle the jihadi network

Better sense must prevail and both India and Pakistan must avoid serious conflict that will hardly help either. True progress will happen when Pakistan starts to wind up its terror factory

Still battling mistrust
May 18, 2015

Still battling mistrust

India and China have themselves shown how it is possible to manage disputes. However, it requires a pragmatic ability to confront festering issues and resolve them. By being unusually forthright in his speeches in Beijing, that is what Modi was trying to tell China.

Stock markets, volatile and vulnerable
May 20, 2004

Stock markets, volatile and vulnerable

The ¿steep fall¿ and the ¿smart recovery¿ of stock prices with every bit of new information, misinformation and disinformation, on government-formation at the Centre has once again proved the volatility of market sentiments, often not grounded in political realities or economic fundamentals.

Stoke ‘animal spirits’ to let India breathe again
Dec 27, 2019

Stoke ‘animal spirits’ to let India breathe again

The woes of the financial sector emanate from sick industries which are unable to pay their debt. It would be best to roll out a non-judicial version of the 4R (recognise, restructure, resolve, reform) approach.

Stop aggressive policies towards Syria: Al-Moallem
Oct 01, 2013

Stop aggressive policies towards Syria: Al-Moallem

Head of the Syrian delegation to the 68th United Nations General Assembly and Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Walid al-Moallem, said that aggressive policies towards Syria must stop for any effective solution to the Syrian crisis to develop.

Stop the war in Ukraine
Mar 15, 2022

Stop the war in Ukraine

The priority of the international community should be to broker peace and end the Ukraine war before it takes a turn for the worse.

Storm in India’s monetary teacup
Feb 15, 2022

Storm in India’s monetary teacup

Concerns of slipping into a deeper economic crisis emerge as the RBI continues with its accommodative monetary policies

Storm in the tea cup!
Dec 26, 2017

Storm in the tea cup!

Time used to be when even in the post-Cold War era, where a new Russia — struggling both internally and externally to find its place in the new world without the Soviet Union — would be on Sri Lanka’s side, almost always. Not any more.

Storm Warning: Zero-COVID, Chinese Slowdown, and Supply Chains
Dec 07, 2022

Storm Warning: Zero-COVID, Chinese Slowdown, and Supply Chains

It needs to be understood that no policy for supply chain resilience will be complete without accounting for China as a supplier in the short term

Stormy seas in the South Pacific
Jun 02, 2022

Stormy seas in the South Pacific

China seeks to counterbalance the West's influence in the South Pacific region.

Story of Saltoro -- From Ababeel to Meghdoot
Apr 27, 2012

Story of Saltoro -- From Ababeel to Meghdoot

Some despatches have made out that India "after starting the war in 1984 occupies higher positions." India did not start the war in 1984, but today occupies the heights. Pakistan started the war in 1947 and has continued that in different forms since then.

Straddling cooperation and challenges at BRICS
Jun 30, 2022

Straddling cooperation and challenges at BRICS

India placed on the agenda the need for strengthening civil society organisations and think-tanks

Straddling free speech and censorship: What social media should do to stay afloat
Dec 30, 2020

Straddling free speech and censorship: What social media should do to stay afloat

Social media is straddling between saving freedoms at one end, and censoring content by restricting access to extremist groups and those who are poten

Strange verdict that must be reversed
Dec 03, 2016

Strange verdict that must be reversed

The apex court’s national anthem order is expanding its role and deciding it is at once lawmaker, rule-enforcer, adjudicator, and now moral guardian.

Strategic and Managed Retreat as Adaptation: Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Sundarbans
May 11, 2023

Strategic and Managed Retreat as Adaptation: Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Sundarbans

Storm strikes are common in the Indian Sundarbans Delta on the northern Bay of Bengal and will only become more frequent and intense in this era of climate change. Every time a cyclone has hit the Sundarbans, the attempt has been to adapt in situ by creating protective infrastructure, and later return to the same conditions prevailing prior to the disaster. Such reliance on the notion of ‘resilience’ has become increasingly unsustainable and

Strategic challenges for the Taliban around Afghanistan
May 23, 2022

Strategic challenges for the Taliban around Afghanistan

Aside from Afghanistan’s internal crisis, the Taliban also confronts some new strategic challenges.

Strategic Clarity Via Ukraine
Mar 17, 2022

Strategic Clarity Via Ukraine

Strategic clarity is often a by-product of wars and as nations count their dead, they also recognise their true friends as well as the limits of their liberal illusions about managing relationships with adversaries who see violence as perfectly legitimate instrumentality in pursuit of power and ambition.

Strategic crossroads: Maldives’ debt dynamics with China
Mar 15, 2024

Strategic crossroads: Maldives’ debt dynamics with China

The China-Maldives FTA encourages economic cooperation between the two countries, potentially resulting in China's debt share growing to unsustainable

Strategic dynamics in a melting Arctic
Apr 24, 2024

Strategic dynamics in a melting Arctic

While resource exploitation in the Artic may offer short-term gains, the long-term consequences for the planet outweigh them

Strategic implications of China's presence in the Indian Ocean
May 20, 2014

Strategic implications of China's presence in the Indian Ocean

Given India's high stakes in the Indian Ocean, it is important for it to ponder the possibility of using both soft and hard power resources to create dependencies for the other countries, and the same time, seek possibilities to engage with China.

Strategic implications of Chinese military modernisation
Jan 13, 2010

Strategic implications of Chinese military modernisation

A solely American perspective would be ill-suited to understanding the complex dynamics and goals of China's military ambitions

Strategic implications of Indo-Japanese cooperation on the ‘Asia and Africa growth corridor’
Aug 17, 2023

Strategic implications of Indo-Japanese cooperation on the ‘Asia and Africa growth corridor’

India and Japan’s economic vision is that of an ‘Asia and Africa Growth Corridor’ (AAGC) empowering states to peacefully counter and constrain Chinese revisionism. However, a stable AAGC will depend on enhanced security cooperation and the current rules-based order upheld by the US-led security framework. While current Indian and Japanese engagements in Asia are conducive to successful cooperation, weaker economic and military engagements w

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics
Sep 05, 2017

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics

India has been a beneficiary of Myanmar's democratisation. However, the positive trend in their bilateral relationship can be affected by the emerging