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Israel and a changing Middle East
Feb 22, 2022

Israel and a changing Middle East

The Gulf region witnesses a shift as Israel is being accepted within the folds of regional politics.

Israel and Palestine to resume peace talks
Jul 24, 2013

Israel and Palestine to resume peace talks

After three years of being at a standstill, peace talks are to resume between Israel and Palestine, according to US Secretary of State John Kerry. He said in a statement, "I am pleased to announce that we've reached an agreement that establishes a basis for resuming final status negotiations between the Palestinians and the Israelis."

Israel election: A vote for maintaining the status quo
Apr 15, 2019

Israel election: A vote for maintaining the status quo

Given the history of India-Israel ties, not much will change regardless of the government in power in New Delhi

Israel offers all help to make PM's 'Make-in-India' scheme a grand success
Feb 19, 2015

Israel offers all help to make PM's 'Make-in-India' scheme a grand success

Israel's Defence Minister, Mr. Moshe Ya'alon, on Thursday ( February 19) delivered the 6th R.K. Mishra Memorial Lecture, organised by Observer Research Foundation in memory of its Founder-Chairman.

Israel Swerves Right
Apr 07, 2015

Israel Swerves Right

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu created history, defying pre-poll predictions, by leading his right-wing Likud Party to victory in the recently concluded national elections in Israel. The stunning result gave Netanyahu's Likud party 30 seats in the 120 seat Israeli Parliament, the Knesset.

Israel Unrest: Benjamin Netanyahu, synonymous with crisis, faces yet another
Mar 28, 2023

Israel Unrest: Benjamin Netanyahu, synonymous with crisis, faces yet another

Netanyahu revived his political career through an alliance with far-right groups. His acceding to their drastic demands like the overhaul of the country’s judiciary has ended up exposing the deep fault lines behind Israel’s chronic political instability

Israel's growing public diplomacy focus on Asia and new media
Jul 20, 2017

Israel's growing public diplomacy focus on Asia and new media

The thirst of developing countries to copy Israel's model of success — that some say “Jewish Success Story" — needs focus on technology.

Israel, Iran, and shadowboxing for deterrence
Apr 20, 2024

Israel, Iran, and shadowboxing for deterrence

The chase for strategic one-upmanship by Iran and Israel could lead to an expanded regional war with global, long-term ramifications

Israel, US and Terrorism
Dec 04, 2003

Israel, US and Terrorism

The presentation on Israel, US and Terrorism, by Mr.B.Raman, Convener, ORF Chennai at the weekly ORF Chennai interaction on November 29, 2003 had a first to its credit ¿ it was the first video conference carried out by the Chennai Chapter of the ORF. On this particular occasion

Israel-Hamas War: A challenge for the ‘new’ Middle East
Oct 11, 2023

Israel-Hamas War: A challenge for the ‘new’ Middle East

The recent shift by the Middle East prioritising geoeconomics over the Palestinian issue could suffer a setback. The crisis ignited by Hamas highlights that the gap between top-heavy policy decisions and groundswell public opinions, movements, and crisis points need to be addressed by regional powers to ensure long-term sustainability of economic cooperation programmes

Israel-India cooperation: Great scope on various areas, including energy
Feb 18, 2013

Israel-India cooperation: Great scope on various areas, including energy

During the recent INSS-ORF dialogue, there was a consensus that, while perhaps the origin of the terror threat is different, this is an area where cooperation can and should be enhanced.

Israeli President offers expertise in cyber, food security
Nov 18, 2016

Israeli President offers expertise in cyber, food security

Israeli president Reuven Rivlin has offered his country's expertise to India to make the world safe.

Israel’s Nationality Bill is challenging the core of Jewish identity
Jul 21, 2018

Israel’s Nationality Bill is challenging the core of Jewish identity

It is a distinct divergence that has defined the debate over a critical question of identity and politics and cracked open a faultline moderate Israeli (Jewish) society has tried to brush under the carpet for the last seven decades.

Israel’s normalisation with UAE and Bahrain: A prognosis for the region
Oct 01, 2020

Israel’s normalisation with UAE and Bahrain: A prognosis for the region

Discreet relations already existed between all three countries and the ceremony in the White House merely marked the consummation of the surreptitious

Israel’s rapid vaccination drive against COVID-19
Jan 25, 2021

Israel’s rapid vaccination drive against COVID-19

Israel has already vaccinated more than 72 percent of those aged 60 and above of its population.

Israel’s Silicon Wadi: A promising semiconductor partner for India
Jul 20, 2023

Israel’s Silicon Wadi: A promising semiconductor partner for India

As India aspires to become a global semiconductor hub, Israel can be a model to follow and a partner to work with

ISRO's commitment to India's national security
Nov 02, 2016

ISRO's commitment to India's national security

India abstains from talking space technology in the context of national security.

ISRO’s DSSAM and the expectations of India’s armed forces
Dec 28, 2020

ISRO’s DSSAM and the expectations of India’s armed forces

The ISRO and potentially some players from the private sector should be enlisted, unless it is already happening, to develop the requisite technology

ISRO’s GISAT-1 is a first for India
Mar 30, 2020

ISRO’s GISAT-1 is a first for India

Compared to other countries, where does India stand in the launch of this category of satellites?

Issues after Confession
Feb 17, 2004

Issues after Confession

Now that Pakistan has admitted that its scientists were involved in the transfer of nuclear technology,1 three major issues/questions need to be studied and analyzed. Is the problem over for General Musharraf or is it a new beginning of another round of problems? How will the Opposition react? What would be the US response?

Issues for Bangladesh
Nov 02, 2021

Issues for Bangladesh

As a leader of vulnerable nations, Bangladesh calls for greater commitment, ambitious targets, and solidarity of the global community to make the worl

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China
Jul 27, 2013

Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China

Settling territorial disputes and balancing multilateral relationships are the twin challenges before India and China, opined speakers at the ORF seminar on 'Issues in Sino-Indian Relations and Leadership Change in China' held in Kolkata on July 27, 2013.

Issues of Drones in our daily lives
Mar 31, 2014

Issues of Drones in our daily lives

Drones are no longer esoteric and confined to military precision strikes. The impending, almost inevitable, arrival of drones into our daily lives raises three issues that we need to start thinking about -- reconceptualisation of connectivity and infrastructure, the need to re-imagine airSpace and the third, privacy.

Issues that worry Madhya Pradesh voters
Nov 23, 2018

Issues that worry Madhya Pradesh voters

Both the ruling BJP and the opposition Congress in Madhya Pradesh are battling on development plank, offering slew of populist measures for the St

It doesn’t help to be a princess in the Gulf
Jul 18, 2019

It doesn’t help to be a princess in the Gulf

Saudi Arabia, a regional ally of the UAE, is infamous for the treatment of its female population.

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets
Oct 30, 2021

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets

Multilateral groupings such as the G20 should aim to regulate the cryptocurrency space as it will be the defining asset of the future internet economy

It is time for space governance talks
May 24, 2020

It is time for space governance talks

The window of opportunity for such talks is shrinking, and delay could see space emerge as an active domain for conflict.

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks
Jan 15, 2021

It may be time for Bay of Bengal countries to skirt BIMSTEC’s roadblocks

It is too easy to imagine that formalising a group of countries into a multilateral organisation with a constitution and a secretariat will give it su