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11793 results found

The contours of an Israel-Saudi Arabia rapprochement
Oct 03, 2023

The contours of an Israel-Saudi Arabia rapprochement

While Israel-Saudi normalisation will bring a long-standing divide to an end on paper, in practice, a full gambit of regional situations will need to

The Contributions of Smart Cities Mission: A Stocktaking
Nov 17, 2023

The Contributions of Smart Cities Mission: A Stocktaking

The Smart Cities Mission in India, launched in 2015, is a unique experiment undertaken with the aim of improving people’s quality of life in cities. It bypasses traditional institutional approaches and employs innovative methods to achieve its targets. This brief provides an overview of the work initiated under the mission since its inception and explores the gains so far. It documents sectoral reforms and conducts a critical appraisal of the m

The counterterror dimension to the planning of smart cities
Aug 21, 2023

The counterterror dimension to the planning of smart cities

The Indian government’s “Smart Cities Mission” aims to drive economic growth and improve quality of life through “smart” solutions for the delivery of infrastructure and services. This is expected to transform living spaces, enhance quality of life, and provide employment opportunities, in turn helping reduce crime rates and promoting law and order. Among the challenges to the “Smart Cities” programme is terrorism—especially in ur

The Crucial 60 Percent: Building the Commonwealth’s Youth Capital
Jul 17, 2023

The Crucial 60 Percent: Building the Commonwealth’s Youth Capital

Young people across the world today are facing multiple challenges: lost school years due to the pandemic-induced lockdowns, the looming climate crisis, increasingly dangerous virtual spaces, and food and energy security concerns triggered by the Ukraine-Russia conflict. This paper analyses the challenges facing the youths of the Commonwealth, where 60 percent of the combined population are under 30 years old, and explores the investments require

The curious case of the PLAN 093-147
Oct 10, 2023

The curious case of the PLAN 093-147

The tragic loss of life aboard a Chinese nuclear attack submarine should be a moment of reflection for the PLAN and other nuclear submarine operating

The death of entitlement
May 27, 2019

The death of entitlement

In the epic clash between aspiration and entitlement, the latter has suffered a crushing defeat.

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia
Dec 28, 2020

The decade of Mahanian defence — Maritime security trend lines in littoral-Asia

In a post-COVID world — with tasks increasing and budgets shrinking — the challenges at sea are daunting.

The Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI): Lost in the acronym bowl
Dec 10, 2020

The Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI): Lost in the acronym bowl

The consequences of DTTI fizzing out would not be adverse to India, but the great opportunity to realise the full potential of India-US defence cooper

The defining relationship of South Asia
Sep 06, 2022

The defining relationship of South Asia

It is hoped that Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s visit to India not only heightens bilateral relations between the two countries but also benefits the entire region

The Delhi-Beijing battle in South Asia
Jan 06, 2021

The Delhi-Beijing battle in South Asia

It is India that is not only challenging China when it comes to the major ideas of our times, but is also standing up and confronting China to preserve its vital interests.

The Democracy Turning Its Back on Ukraine
Mar 15, 2022

The Democracy Turning Its Back on Ukraine

For reasons to do with history and strategy, India will not abandon Russia.

The Disappearing Crafts
Feb 04, 2005

The Disappearing Crafts

Indian designers seem to be gaining in importance both in India and abroad because they are using a lot of embellished textiles in which intricate embroidery, zari, beads and semi precious stones are sown into the fabric. Unlike the western designers who use the cut of the dress or suit as the unique selling point,

The Distracted City: Increasing distress by deviating from the ordained path
Feb 23, 2021

The Distracted City: Increasing distress by deviating from the ordained path

The Indian municipal financial pie is woefully narrow, and a large unfunded mandate is the city’s sad fate.

The domestic and international significance of protests in Kazakhstan
Jan 10, 2022

The domestic and international significance of protests in Kazakhstan

What does the growing instability in the oil-rich Central Asian country mean for India and the world?

The domestic motivations of Beijing's LAC aggression
May 28, 2020

The domestic motivations of Beijing's LAC aggression

Any appearance of weakness in Xi on the world stage could imperil his grip on power within China

The dragon in the room
Dec 21, 2012

The dragon in the room

India has indeed sounded the trumpet of defence diplomacy as part of its engagement with the ASEAN over the last two decades. If Delhi does not help promote a stable balance of power in Southeast Asia now, India's own security challenges in the future could get a lot more daunting.

The drift to a national security state
Aug 03, 2013

The drift to a national security state

Ensuring national security is an important attribute of a modern nation-state. But as the erstwhile Soviet Union realised, the threats to the state these days do not come from orthodox sources. And looking at India with its nuclear weapons and huge armies, it is even more difficult to believe that any combination of external and internal threats can actually pose an existential challenge to the nation.

The dying embers of the old order in Asia
Mar 30, 2017

The dying embers of the old order in Asia

Countries like India that have relied on the extant order for furthering their economic and security agendas will have to rethink their own roles and priorities

The Dynamics of LTTE’S Commercial Maritime Infrastructure
Jun 04, 2005

The Dynamics of LTTE’S Commercial Maritime Infrastructure

This paper examines the maritime infrastructure of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)--tracing the history of the development of its maritime organisation, infrastructure and strategy. The paper focuses on the salience of sea power as perceived by a violent non-state actor and provides a perspective on how non-state actors employ sea power in asymmetric conflicts

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity
Oct 15, 2005

The Earthquake: A Tragedy and an Opportunity

Fifty-six years after the ceasefire line was drawn between the Indian and Pakistan occupied Kashmir, the underlying seismic fault lines have made a mockery of this line. This map delineation, which was renamed as Line of Control after the 1971 Indo Pak war, has gone out of control, at least temporarily, by the fury of the nature when the earthquake struck this area on 8 October.

The Eastern Corridor and the Law of the Sea: Ensuring Sea-Lane Security
Dec 01, 2020

The Eastern Corridor and the Law of the Sea: Ensuring Sea-Lane Security

The Eastern Corridor is a crucial highway for global trade flows, where any disruption could severely affect the global economy. The route comprises some of the world’s most vulnerable Sea Lanes of Communication (SCLOs), with potential flashpoints such as the South China Sea. For years, these SLOCs have been characterised by tensions in South Asia and Southeast Asia; the more recent years are seeing a heightening of both intent and capacity for

The end of innocence: 2020 is the year the scales fell from our eyes, enduring challenges became visible
Dec 24, 2020

The end of innocence: 2020 is the year the scales fell from our eyes, enduring challenges became visible

It will be in the realm of ideas where the world would be seeking India’s leadership.

The essence of cognitive warfare: Focusing the lens toward Chinese strategies
Apr 08, 2024

The essence of cognitive warfare: Focusing the lens toward Chinese strategies

China has employed cognitive warfare tactics to sway the opinions and beliefs of the Taiwanese public without resorting to direct military confrontati

The European Union: An idea whose time has gone
Jan 18, 2019

The European Union: An idea whose time has gone

Once considered the best idea in global politics, today’s Europe is a pale shadow of its glorious past

The Evolving Arc of New Delhi-Canberra Ties
Mar 09, 2023

The Evolving Arc of New Delhi-Canberra Ties

Trust-based partnerships are re-defining the global landscape today and India is moving ahead with a degree of seriousness not seen in recent history.

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave
Dec 26, 2023

The evolving role of the Colombo Security Conclave

As the Indo-Pacific region grows in prominence, all the members of the CSC, which are democracies, will continue to play their cards based on domestic and external benefits.

The Expansion Challenge For BRICS
Aug 14, 2023

The Expansion Challenge For BRICS

India is trying to convey that any expansion of BRICS is futile without serious efforts to nurture trust and foster cooperation.

The extent of China’s soft power in South Asia
Jul 11, 2020

The extent of China’s soft power in South Asia

Soft power in South Asia has ushered a fear of retaliation; negative impacts such as debt traps appear less threatening to these countries than turnin

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia
Jan 04, 2018

The fall of ISIS and its implications for South Asia

With the territorial defeat of ISIS in Iraq and Syria, analysts are pondering the kind of organisational form the group would take next. The influence of the so-called Islamic State in South Asia may be minimal, but India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, have all had the shadow of ISIS’ global footprint land on their doorstep. This brief sheds light on how the influence of ISIS spread across South Asia, specifically after 2014, when pro-I

The fall of Nagorno-Karabakh and its impact
Mar 29, 2024

The fall of Nagorno-Karabakh and its impact

The fall of Nagorno-Karabakh could lead to the rise of a new geopolitical order in the Caucasus and beyond

The faraway neighbour
Jul 17, 2013

The faraway neighbour

Recent developments in Bhutan reflect India's growing foreign policy challenges in the Neighbourhood. They are a reminder that many of the traditional assumptions of India's regional policy are no longer sustainable.

The fiasco that need not have been
Mar 10, 2010

The fiasco that need not have been

What Salman Bashir did was a scaled down version of what Musharraf did at the India Today Conclave a year ago in New Delhi and much more scaled down version of his antics at the Agra Summit. It should have been déjà vu.

The final burial of non-alignment
Nov 17, 2015

The final burial of non-alignment

India, which clung to non-alignment as its international identity since Independence, had little inclination for defence diplomacy. But now New Delhi is slowly moving away from a fastidious avoidance of military partnerships in the past to making security cooperation an important part of India's foreign relations now.

The four faces of 21st century Asian geopolitics
May 11, 2017

The four faces of 21st century Asian geopolitics

As global geopolitics enters a multipolar era, there is a need to assess the extent to which strategic concepts from the bipolar era remain valid and useful. In this brief, the notion of a ‘strategic triangle’, which became prominent during the Cold War, is extended to a ‘great-powers tetrahedron’ for Asia in the 21st century. The brief describes this notion and examines four triangular relationships involving India, China, Russia, and t

The French connections
Mar 14, 2018

The French connections

The Macron visit underlined the growing strategic convergence that draws India and France together

The futility of the New Silk Route
May 01, 2012

The futility of the New Silk Route

A New Silk Road is magical thinking, given that Afghanistan remains a hotbed of instability plagued by daunting challenges. Lack of security has already delayed Tapi, the natural gas pipeline linking Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India.

The future beckons: What 2020 revealed for Russia in the long-term
Jan 04, 2021

The future beckons: What 2020 revealed for Russia in the long-term

It is the ongoing changes in the international system and impact of global recession that have laid bare the challenges before Russia.

The Future of Food: Reimagining Climate-Resilient Food Systems in the Post-Pandemic World
Jul 03, 2022

The Future of Food: Reimagining Climate-Resilient Food Systems in the Post-Pandemic World

Thinking about the future of global food systems has now become more critical than ever. Climate change impacts—among them, shifts in soil quality, precipitation, pest regimes, seasonal growth patterns, along with land degradation and reduction in biodiversity—have impacted agricultural and aquatic food production systems across the world. Indeed, the causal links between climate change and food security are manifesting more clearly, particul

The G-2 dilemma
Jun 11, 2013

The G-2 dilemma

The greatest impact of changing Sino-US relations will be on Asia, a primary theatre of interest for India. Beyond the simultaneous engagement with America and China, Delhi needs to deepen its partnership with its Asian friends and partners and raise India's own profile in the region.

The game of chicken in the Arabian Sea
Feb 22, 2018

The game of chicken in the Arabian Sea

In order to stall an Operation Cactus redux, Beijing would have had to signal India that it has the muscle to push Indian forces out of the Maldives if it so chooses

The gathering storm
Jul 20, 2013

The gathering storm

It is a troubled world that we live in today. However, so far India has been a sea of tranquility and it is too early to say if there is a link between the storm brewing on both flanks, but the security agencies, indeed the entire country, have a task on their hands.

The Global Dividend
Aug 19, 2023

The Global Dividend

A survey shows wide youth support for the Modi government’s foreign policy.