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Adding heft to diplomacy with some help from science
Feb 23, 2021

Adding heft to diplomacy with some help from science

The pandemic gives India a unique space to mainstream science and technology in its domestic and foreign policies

Additive manufacturing in India
Dec 14, 2023

Additive manufacturing in India

With the incorporation of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 4D Printing, additive manufacturing is to be one of the primary

Addressing Dhaka
Jun 24, 2014

Addressing Dhaka

Bangladesh offers a rare strategic opportunity to transform the geopolitics of the subcontinent. A comprehensive partnership with Dhaka might be the key that will eventually open the door to a productive engagement with Pakistan.

Addressing India's missing girls: Time to re-evaluate strategies
Jul 28, 2015

Addressing India's missing girls: Time to re-evaluate strategies

The government is approaching the issue of declining sex ratio with a new commitment. It should be tackled with nuanced policy interventions. Instead of introducing more schemes, the existing schemes could be made more accessible and the loopholes could be confronted.

Addressing inequities for balanced urban development of Delhi
Apr 20, 2011

Addressing inequities for balanced urban development of Delhi

A select group of urban sector professionals in the government and the civil society acknowledge that the problems of inequity observed in almost all Indian towns and cities could be overcome by adopting a balanced and participatory approach to urban development.

Addressing stunting: A critical concern in Africa
May 24, 2024

Addressing stunting: A critical concern in Africa

Stunting remains a significant public health challenge in Africa, with far-reaching implications for child health, development, and future prospects

Addressing the SIDS challenge: An India-Australia-SIDS trilateral?
Apr 24, 2024

Addressing the SIDS challenge: An India-Australia-SIDS trilateral?

While India and Australia prioritise cooperation with the SIDS, in the face of current geopolitical competition, the SIDS also gain from fostering a d

Aditya-L1 Mission: Another Feat for India’s Space Program
Jan 20, 2024

Aditya-L1 Mission: Another Feat for India’s Space Program

India’s maiden solar mission undertook a journey of around 1.5 million km from Earth, taking 127 days to reach its final destination.

Admiral Gorshkov to INS Vikramaditya
Nov 19, 2013

Admiral Gorshkov to INS Vikramaditya

While the state of defence cooperation between India and Russia could be described as "healthy and robust", there are some underwater reefs the two sides should carefully steer past.

Adopting the One Health approach
Apr 05, 2024

Adopting the One Health approach

Constitutional provisions for the right to health cannot be realised without integrating frameworks for the health of people and the planet.

Advancing women's role in India's economic progress
Oct 05, 2023

Advancing women's role in India's economic progress

India’s female workforce participation remains paltry and calls for an urgent review of India’s policies and schemes related to women’s empowerm

Advertisement hoardings in Indian cities
Oct 19, 2022

Advertisement hoardings in Indian cities

Multiple citizen complaints have forced municipal authorities to undertake measures to curb the unauthorised erection of billboards in the city

Aero India 2011: Glimpses of State's changing mindset
Mar 11, 2011

Aero India 2011: Glimpses of State's changing mindset

Aero India 2011 raises a few issues for future debates. Should aerospace modernisation be a national priority as India enhances its hard power? An affirmative answer validates the significance of Aero India. But, such fundamental issues need to be debated beyond the confines of the government.

Aerospace power: IAF’s doctrinal overview
Feb 10, 2023

Aerospace power: IAF’s doctrinal overview

The newly revised doctrine seeks to overcome the past inadequacy in the wider knowledge and leveraging of air power in India’s national security and

Affirmative action in higher education : Insights from recent empirical research
May 11, 2023

Affirmative action in higher education : Insights from recent empirical research

Affirmative action, especially in the form of reservation policies, to address the issues of inclusion and equity has been in place in India for a long time. The available evidence suggests that the policies of reservation have not been an unqualified success. Indeed, implementation of the reservation policies has faced a variety of issues ranging from problems of identifying the beneficiary groups and the creamy layer to legal interpretation of

Afghan President's Taliban predicament
Apr 20, 2015

Afghan President's Taliban predicament

More than six months into his tenure, Afghan President Ashraf Ghani is possibly as far from achieving a breakthrough with the Taliban. There is no unanimity in the Taliban for peace talks. And Pakistan's failure to bring the Taliban to the table could possibly be a reflection of its limited influence over the group and a bigger obstacle to the talks may be the Taliban itself.

Afghan presidential elections: Implications and the road ahead
Apr 16, 2014

Afghan presidential elections: Implications and the road ahead

The voluminous participation by the Afghans in the elections, in which all major candidates asserted their desire to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement with the US, does not bode well for the Taliban, which describes signing of the BSA as "a huge crime".

Afghan situation likely to become complicated, says Chinese scholar
Apr 20, 2011

Afghan situation likely to become complicated, says Chinese scholar

Cautioning that the security situation in Afghanistan may become complicated in future, Chinese scholars said since both India and China have interests in that country, it could provide an opportunity for both to play a bigger role, setting aside the disagreements regarding Pakistan.

Afghan vortex: Pakistan’s turn to reap what it sowed
Mar 22, 2024

Afghan vortex: Pakistan’s turn to reap what it sowed

If Pakistan plans to continue its war of attrition against Afghan extremists, it will have to do so on two fronts —inside its own territory as well

Afghanistan 2015: New Delhi's policy options
Dec 12, 2014

Afghanistan 2015: New Delhi's policy options

Delhi must not forget that the tyranny of geography limits India's role in Afghanistan. Delhi is in no position to compete with Rawalpindi in Afghanistan. Nor can it dream of replacing US military power across the Durand Line. For now, Delhi must welcome the current dialogue between Kabul and Rawalpindi.

Afghanistan and Turkmenistan: A model for regional economic cooperation
Jul 19, 2017

Afghanistan and Turkmenistan: A model for regional economic cooperation

Afghanistan and Turkmenistan fight against terrorism and radicalism by reducing extreme poverty.

Afghanistan and women's rights
Dec 19, 2013

Afghanistan and women's rights

Comparing Afghanistan and the rest of the world, Farkhunda Zarah Naderi, Member of the Afghan National Assembly, said that while the world is looking forward to achieve the status quo, Afghans are still fighting for their primary rights, be it women's, cultural or ethical.

Afghanistan in need: A devastating Earthquake and its aftershocks
Oct 28, 2023

Afghanistan in need: A devastating Earthquake and its aftershocks

In the aftermath of consecutive earthquakes in Afghanistan, the international community’s response to appeals for funding has been tepid

Afghanistan is now an Asian problem
Aug 08, 2022

Afghanistan is now an Asian problem

Area states should work together to address security concerns

Afghanistan since 9/11: Making progress amid violence
Sep 12, 2016

Afghanistan since 9/11: Making progress amid violence

The tragedy of 9/11 ended international negligence of Afghanistan’s need to stabilise and develop on a sustainable basis.

Afghanistan Today & Tomorrow
Oct 11, 2010

Afghanistan Today & Tomorrow

Saeed Naqvi, Distinguished Fellow at ORF, recently journeyed across Afghanistan where he met scores of political leaders, Taleban, US officials, filmmakers, journalists, NGOs, religious leaders and ordinary Afghans. The result is an insightful document on Afghanistan at the crossroads. Do Americans have an Endgame planned? Or, more important, can a superpower in a theatre of strategic importance, have a linear exit plan when multiple strategic op

Afghanistan's tryst with reality
Dec 04, 2003

Afghanistan's tryst with reality

After months of painstaking deliberations, Afghanistan's draft Constitution was finally made public on November 3, 2003. However, the road to the final document would in all probability prove to be a daunting process as the formation of the draft was, and might end up being an inconclusive battle for supremacy between the liberals in charge of the country at present and the radicals who once called the shots.

Afghanistan, the US and the Taliban
Apr 07, 2015

Afghanistan, the US and the Taliban

The change in leadership in Kabul has provided a new opportunity for the US and Afghanistan to work together. Media reports suggesting a larger role for the United States post-2014 than originally envisaged have been doing the rounds for the better part of the past six months.

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!
Jul 26, 2023

Afghanistan-Pakistan relation: अफ़ग़ानिस्तान-पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते और अमेरिका की दख़लंदाज़ी!

लंबे समय तक अमेरिका और पाकिस्तान (US and Pakistan) के लिए एक-दूसरे क�

Afghanistan-today and tomorrow
Sep 17, 2010

Afghanistan-today and tomorrow

The US is unlikely to withdraw from Afghanistan, and the unstated reason for its prolonged stay in the area is to ensure the stability of nuclear Pakistan.

Afghanistan: A 'regional strategy' for India
Mar 07, 2015

Afghanistan: A 'regional strategy' for India

The visit of Mr. S Jaishankar, India's Foreign Secretary, to Kabul this week came at the fag end of his trip to all the other South Asian neighbouring countries. During this brief visit, he met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and his Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah and reaffirmed India's commitment to stay the course in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: A fragile arrangement
Oct 08, 2014

Afghanistan: A fragile arrangement

In Afghanistan, there are concerns among Abdullah Abdullah's supporters that he may be reduced to a mere figurehead or that Ashraf Ghani, as President, could still seek to extend his powers.

Afghanistan: A new phase in ties with Pakistan?
May 17, 2013

Afghanistan: A new phase in ties with Pakistan?

Nawaz Sharief's election for an unprecedented third time as Pakistan's prime minister has been welcomed by the Afghan government. Afghan President Hamid Karzai congratulating Sharief called upon the new Pakistani government to enhance cooperation in order to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: A strategic and tactical battle between the Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan Province
Aug 31, 2021

Afghanistan: A strategic and tactical battle between the Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan Province

Though small at the moment, the ISKP has the potential to gain momentum from the rebuilding of Afghanistan post US withdrawal

Afghanistan: Anxiety over possible economic collapse and Taliban take-over
May 25, 2013

Afghanistan: Anxiety over possible economic collapse and Taliban take-over

The security situation in Afghanistan is deteriorating and there is an overall sense of anxiety about a possible economic collapse and a Taliban takeover. The role of Pakistan and China will add to India's challenging task to ensure stability in Afghanistan in the next few years.

Afghanistan: Biden’s first problem
Feb 22, 2021

Afghanistan: Biden’s first problem

The Taliban haven’t held up their side of the bargain — the intra-Afghan dialogue is stuck and a ceasefire is nowhere in sight.

Afghanistan: Can the private sector be a driver for growth?
Jun 27, 2014

Afghanistan: Can the private sector be a driver for growth?

The year 2014 is, in many ways, the year of reckoning for Afghanistan which is undergoing three simultaneous transitions - security, political and economic. Unlike the first two, the economic transition has not had the advantage of clear deadlines and roadmaps and has suffered from lack of long term planning.

Afghanistan: Challenges for the National Unity Govt
Aug 30, 2014

Afghanistan: Challenges for the National Unity Govt

Amidst claims by the Afghan Independent Election Commission (IEC) that the auditing process is in its final stages, there was hope that the presidential elections will be concluded sooner rather than later.

Afghanistan: COVID-19 exposes weaknesses in health infrastructure
Apr 20, 2020

Afghanistan: COVID-19 exposes weaknesses in health infrastructure

In the midst of growing political instability, emerging complexities in the peace process, and significant aid cuts, the coronavirus outbreak is intensifying the struggle on all fronts in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan: Foreign fighters complicate peace prospects
Aug 06, 2020

Afghanistan: Foreign fighters complicate peace prospects

The presence of foreign fighters in Afghanistan presents a serious challenge in securing counterterrorism gains of the past, while ensuring that the Taliban delivers on the promise of ensuring non-use of Afghan soil to plan attacks against the US or its allies.  

Afghanistan: Gearing up for presidential polls
Oct 18, 2013

Afghanistan: Gearing up for presidential polls

The registration process for the Afghan presidential elections came to a close last week. As many as 27 candidates have filed nomination and the vetting process, by the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC),

Afghanistan: Gender apartheid under the Taliban regime
Mar 18, 2023

Afghanistan: Gender apartheid under the Taliban regime

Labelling the discrimination against women under the Taliban as “gender apartheid” could work as a catalyst for change in Afghanistan

Afghanistan: India-Pakistan rivalry reignited
Aug 19, 2013

Afghanistan: India-Pakistan rivalry reignited

The Indian Consulate in Jalalabad was the target of a suicide attack on August 3. The attack, though did not harm the consulate or any Indian personnel, resulted in the death of 9 bystanders.

Afghanistan: Insurgency on the rise amidst international troop-drawdown
Oct 31, 2014

Afghanistan: Insurgency on the rise amidst international troop-drawdown

New Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fulfilled his promise of signing the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the U.S. and Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the NATO within 24 hours of taking office.

Afghanistan: Iran, the Taliban and the US drawdown
May 08, 2015

Afghanistan: Iran, the Taliban and the US drawdown

Much has already been written about both the drawdown of US troops from the region, and the recent Iranian nuclear deal and the possible impact it could have on Iran-US relations.