Simran Walia is an Associate Fellow at the Centre for Air Power Studies, New Delhi and is pursuing PhD in Japanese Studies under the Centre for East Asian Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She has also completed M.Phil in Japanese Studies and worked at Observer Research Foundation. Her Research Interests include Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy, Indo-Pacific Dynamics and East Asian Foreign Policy. She has published articles and Papers in magazines and Journals like the Diplomat, Asia Times, National Interest, Global Policy Journal among others.
इंडो-पॅसिफिक क्षेत्रात नाटोचा जपान आणि इतर भागीदारांकडे कल
Deteriorating Japan-South Korea ties threaten trade and diplomacy
अमेरिका-इराण वादात जपानची गोची
Japan-Russia dilemma over the territorial dispute