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1675 results found

2021 में ब्लू इकॉनमी: समंदर से घिरा सेशेल्स किस तरह करे इसका आर्थिक उपयोग
Mar 27, 2021

2021 में ब्लू इकॉनमी: समंदर से घिरा सेशेल्स किस तरह करे इसका आर्थिक उपयोग

सेशेल्स को अपनी अर्थव्यवस्था के पुनर्निर्माण के लिए अपन�

Bangladesh: Model for the developing world and an emerging regional connectivity hub
Mar 25, 2021

Bangladesh: Model for the developing world and an emerging regional connectivity hub

Bangladesh is trying to engage in various sub-regional connectivity projects via road, rail, and sea routes with India.

Index of Industrial Production glitches continue to cloud GDP optimism
Mar 23, 2021

Index of Industrial Production glitches continue to cloud GDP optimism

The Indian economy cannot attain normalcy in the long run without addressing glitches in its industrial sectors — particularly in manufacturing.

Five tracks for the next ten years: Could this be India’s decade?
Mar 19, 2021

Five tracks for the next ten years: Could this be India’s decade?

As the nation swam through the challenges actuated by the pandemic, its economy faced a fair share of learnings along the way.

Canada’s pandemic management and economic recovery
Mar 11, 2021

Canada’s pandemic management and economic recovery

Canada holds the dubious distinction of having the worst deficit, the worst unemployment and the worst vaccination rates in the G7.

Right to the city: Urban mobility for women empowerment in the decade of action
Mar 08, 2021

Right to the city: Urban mobility for women empowerment in the decade of action

Improved mobility not only broadens women’s economic and social opportunities, but also plays an important role in curbing urban congestion and envi

Reimagining the Indian economy requires reimagining everything for women
Mar 08, 2021

Reimagining the Indian economy requires reimagining everything for women

It is crucial that we do everything possible to get it right for women.

Biden lays out his worldview
Mar 06, 2021

Biden lays out his worldview

Biden and his team know that the key to an expansive global agenda lies in “a dynamic, inclusive, innovative national economy.”

कोविड-19 के बाद: फ्री-इकॉनमी या वेलफेयर स्टेट, क्या हो आगे की राह?
Mar 03, 2021

कोविड-19 के बाद: फ्री-इकॉनमी या वेलफेयर स्टेट, क्या हो आगे की राह?

क्या हम आज भी उस स्वप्निल दुनिया के वासी हैं जिसमें फ्री-इ

क्या हिंद महासागर क्षेत्र को ब्लू इकोनामी से जोड़ने वाली रूपरेखा की ज़रूरत है?
Feb 24, 2021

क्या हिंद महासागर क्षेत्र को ब्लू इकोनामी से जोड़ने वाली रूपरेखा की ज़रूरत है?

ब्लू इकोनामी के विकास के लिए भी एक सुसम्बद्ध रूपरेखा की आ�

Chinese strategy is clear: The world has much to think about
Feb 20, 2021

Chinese strategy is clear: The world has much to think about

The PRC perceives a natural and ineluctable shift of power from the West to the East.

जब चीन का निर्यात बढ़ रहा हो, तो उसकी अर्थव्यवस्था से अलग हो पाना मुश्किल होगा
Feb 16, 2021

जब चीन का निर्यात बढ़ रहा हो, तो उसकी अर्थव्यवस्था से अलग हो पाना मुश्किल होगा

चीन के साथ आर्थिक अलगाव यानी डिकपलिंग (Decoupling) के आसार बेहद म�

America’s sectoral sanctions are against the Syrians
Feb 15, 2021

America’s sectoral sanctions are against the Syrians

Since America passed the Caesar Act which threatens sanctions on any third country that invests in Syria, countries have placed their plans to rebuild

Reorienting sustainability in the “post-normal age”: India’s policy imperatives
Feb 12, 2021

Reorienting sustainability in the “post-normal age”: India’s policy imperatives

There are growing calls amongst a section of political and industry leaders for a “great reset” of capitalism.

डिजिटल अर्थव्यवस्था और बजट 2021-22: कुछ साहसिक क़दम, कुछ कोशिशें
Feb 05, 2021

डिजिटल अर्थव्यवस्था और बजट 2021-22: कुछ साहसिक क़दम, कुछ कोशिशें

ऐसे कई क्षेत्र जो अब तक तकनीक से अछूते थे और जिन के लिए यह म

डिजिटल हरित अर्थव्यवस्थेकडे
Jan 30, 2021

डिजिटल हरित अर्थव्यवस्थेकडे

कृषी कायद्यांवर भांडत राहण्यापेक्षा, पारंपरिक पद्धती ब�

भारत के कृषि क्षेत्र में डिजिटल ग्रीन इकोनॉमी की शुरुआत के लिए निकले नई राह
Jan 28, 2021

भारत के कृषि क्षेत्र में डिजिटल ग्रीन इकोनॉमी की शुरुआत के लिए निकले नई राह

पर्यावरण बदलाव की ज़ोख़िमों के अलावा भरोसेमंद आंकड़ों क�

भारत की आर्थिक रिकवरी का शेप
Jan 27, 2021

भारत की आर्थिक रिकवरी का शेप

भारत की आर्थिक रिकवरी का शेप अलग-अलग है. अलग-अलग सेक्टर अल�

Ensuring transparency in data governance and the digital economy
Jan 27, 2021

Ensuring transparency in data governance and the digital economy

Governments are now required to adapt regulation in an agile fashion to ensure the protection of public goods throughout endeavours of economic growth

Paving the way for digital green economy in Indian agriculture
Jan 27, 2021

Paving the way for digital green economy in Indian agriculture

The need for the sector to transition from the traditional industrial model into a modern, digital and sustainable one is more urgent than ever.

Job creation, protection and equality: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Jan 27, 2021

Job creation, protection and equality: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

India’s leap into the services and IT sector without first going through the appropriate growth models and methods of educating and skilling its ent

The BIMSTEC and issue of regional integration
Jan 15, 2021

The BIMSTEC and issue of regional integration

The big challenge before BIMSTEC is to muster public support for the regional forum.

Putting vocational education centre stage in the implementation of NEP 2020
Jan 14, 2021

Putting vocational education centre stage in the implementation of NEP 2020

The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system was always a pressing need, even at the best of times, for meeting the requirements

India-Australia collaboration in the IOR: A case for Blue Economy
Jan 12, 2021

India-Australia collaboration in the IOR: A case for Blue Economy

The Blue Economy initiatives compel both India and Australia to acknowledge the untapped growth and power potentials.

The future of work in 2021: Perspectives from South Africa
Jan 08, 2021

The future of work in 2021: Perspectives from South Africa

One thing is for sure, the future of work is digital.

Blue Economy in 2021: Perspectives from Seychelles
Jan 08, 2021

Blue Economy in 2021: Perspectives from Seychelles

Seychelles will need to focus intensely on re-building its economy by creating, rejuvenating, and upscaling the country’s outlined Blue Economy sect

Japanese PM faces formidable challenges in the New Year
Jan 06, 2021

Japanese PM faces formidable challenges in the New Year

As the COVID-19 pandemic gets more complicated, Prime Minister Suga finds himself in a difficult dilemma struggling to strike a practical balance bet

Bangladesh: Reviewing the year 2020
Jan 05, 2021

Bangladesh: Reviewing the year 2020

Bangladesh will continue to enjoy political stability, its economy is expected to grow upwardly. However, securing the health of the population will b

Forking paths: Sustainable development in the time of a pandemic
Jan 04, 2021

Forking paths: Sustainable development in the time of a pandemic

We could either choose the way that leads to better institutions and global systems, or the other, which compromises on environmental, social and ethi

Gearing up for a riskier world
Jan 04, 2021

Gearing up for a riskier world

The economic fallout of the pandemic could last for several years, depending on how badly a country has been hit.

Three trends in geopolitics and geoeconomics in 2021
Jan 04, 2021

Three trends in geopolitics and geoeconomics in 2021

The story of 2021 in the global economy will continue to be dominated by the pandemic — but examining these trends will help us understand the struc

Data for development: Revisiting the non-personal data governance framework
Dec 30, 2020

Data for development: Revisiting the non-personal data governance framework

Any new framework for non-personal data must consider that data is not just an economic resource to be commodified, neither is it an instrument of sov

The politics of geography and economy — Will Asian geopolitics become hostage to the Middle Kingdom narrative?
Dec 28, 2020

The politics of geography and economy — Will Asian geopolitics become hostage to the Middle Kingdom narrative?

With both China and the United States jockeying for position, nearly every geopolitical challenge facing Asia will be exacerbated by this new phase of

The elusive character of Eurasia — Will Russia’s plans for its integration finally materialise?
Dec 28, 2020

The elusive character of Eurasia — Will Russia’s plans for its integration finally materialise?

As the leading economy in the Union, Russia is yet to emerge as a strong economic player in Asia with looming concerns regarding overdependence on Chi

Inequality 4.0: Digital resurgence widening income gaps?
Dec 23, 2020

Inequality 4.0: Digital resurgence widening income gaps?

The coming decade requires an urgent effort toward the establishment of mechanisms that ensures an egalitarian re-distribution of the tech-revolution

Does the IOR need a cohesive Blue Economy framework?
Dec 23, 2020

Does the IOR need a cohesive Blue Economy framework?

Prioritisation of any one aspect — economic, social or environmental — would chart a lopsided course of development.

Moving Forward: A sustainable green transition amidst the pandemic
Dec 23, 2020

Moving Forward: A sustainable green transition amidst the pandemic

What we need is a shift of national economies away from fossil fuels on to a low-carbon footing and generate new jobs quickly.

Are megacities the best option for the future?
Dec 22, 2020

Are megacities the best option for the future?

While megacities generate mega economy, they hurtle down the hill on almost all benchmarks of livability — a way must reverse this trend.

Creating ‘doughnut’ cities for resilience in 2021
Dec 22, 2020

Creating ‘doughnut’ cities for resilience in 2021

The transition towards circular urban economies in India needs policy frameworks that allow the development of skills and the inclusion of informal wo

Smaller states are leading India’s path to a greener economy
Dec 18, 2020

Smaller states are leading India’s path to a greener economy

Our future as a country depends upon the route we take towards growth and, at the same time, how we resolve our environmental challenges.

‘आत्मनिर्भर’ अर्थतंत्र का विकल्प भारत के लिए नहीं है
Dec 05, 2020

‘आत्मनिर्भर’ अर्थतंत्र का विकल्प भारत के लिए नहीं है

अगर भारत RCEP पर दस्तख़त करता तो इसका सबसे अधिक असर चीन, ऑस्ट�

Pushing city administrations towards innovative ‘feminist urbanism’
Nov 30, 2020

Pushing city administrations towards innovative ‘feminist urbanism’

Cities will need to give special attention to the needs of women and ensure that it builds on their economic productivity and recognises their contrib

Mad Street Den: Building generalisable Artificial Intelligence architectures at scale
Nov 06, 2020

Mad Street Den: Building generalisable Artificial Intelligence architectures at scale

Retail is among the most ‘legacy’ industries there is today. Coupled with the fact that the consumer buying today is nothing like the industry out

Infibeam Avenues: One-stop for payments, digital infrastructure and platforms
Nov 05, 2020

Infibeam Avenues: One-stop for payments, digital infrastructure and platforms

As part of the Digital India movement, we see several initiatives in e-governance that are bound to transform India into a digitally empowered society

Data-centric innovation and digitalisation will catalyse India’s growth
Oct 29, 2020

Data-centric innovation and digitalisation will catalyse India’s growth

India’s strength lies in its large population, growing economy, pace of digital adoption and core tech competencies supported by a robust tech ecosy

Envisioning the digital, remote-first workspace
Oct 28, 2020

Envisioning the digital, remote-first workspace

This crisis will be etched in our memories long after we have found its cure but what we will remember the most is how we felt, what we did and who we