Search: For - development

6908 results found

Development of Northeast and Modi's policy with its neighbours
Jun 26, 2014

Development of Northeast and Modi's policy with its neighbours

Along with proposing new measures and initiatives, the Narendra Modi government should focus on completing the already proposed projects that would benefit the region like the implementation of the Kaladan Multimodal transit project with Myanmar.

Addressing inequities for balanced urban development of Delhi
Apr 20, 2011

Addressing inequities for balanced urban development of Delhi

A select group of urban sector professionals in the government and the civil society acknowledge that the problems of inequity observed in almost all Indian towns and cities could be overcome by adopting a balanced and participatory approach to urban development.

Africa’s structural transformation: The untapped potential of India’s development partnerships
Jan 29, 2018

Africa’s structural transformation: The untapped potential of India’s development partnerships

Given Africa’s unusual pattern of structural transformation, India could be a natural partner as far as the search for new development models is concerned.

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap
Aug 17, 2023

An incomplete transformation: Multilateral development banks and the green infrastructure gap

The global effort to meet the targets set by the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals will depend crucially on reforming the structure of development finance. Mobilising private capital will be an essential part of this effort, and existing development finance institutions, led by the complex of multilateral development banks (MDBs), will have to re-orient their strategies and functioning to prioritise this mobi

BCIM corridor key to development of border regions
Dec 19, 2013

BCIM corridor key to development of border regions

The BCIM economic corridor has the potential of transforming a conflict zone into a cooperation zone. This can happen only if adequate measures are taken to check any possible negative impacts of the corridor by involving all of the key stakeholders.

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming
Mar 22, 2013

Bhutan: Sustainable development through organic farming

The small Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan, surrounded by two giant regional superpowers, India and China, is showing the world that simple resolve and strong political will can pave way for a huge change.

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role
May 24, 2023

Bhutan’s 20-year economic development and transition to democracy: An assessment of India’s role

Neighbours India and Bhutan have shared five decades of friendly ties. Using as a backdrop Bhutan’s transition from a monarchy to democracy beginning in 1998, this brief makes an assessment of India’s role in Bhutan’s economic development in the past 20 years.  It looks at India’s contribution to Bhutan in terms of trade, hydropower enrichment, and development cooperation. The brief argues that India and Bhutan’s relations have endured

BIMSTEC and the fourth industrial revolution: The role of technology in regional development
May 24, 2023

BIMSTEC and the fourth industrial revolution: The role of technology in regional development

After a hiatus of almost two decades, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) appears poised to once again assume significance in regional affairs. The renewed vigour has already resulted in a fresh agreement on tangible areas of cooperation and ways of resuscitating the organisation. This brief examines the role that will be played by technology and digital skilling in BIMSTEC’s goals toward

Blue Economy in the Indian Ocean: Governance perspectives for sustainable development in the region
Jan 18, 2019

Blue Economy in the Indian Ocean: Governance perspectives for sustainable development in the region

The Indian Ocean is vital to the economies, security and livelihoods of its littoral states. However, the economic and sustainable development issues in the rim are particularly challenging since the countries, with diverse political systems, development status and agendas, are home to one- third of the world’s population that rely extensively on the marine resources for sustenance, thereby subjecting the ocean’s resources to pressures from p

Blue Economy under Indian G20 Presidency: Not an altruistic intent, but a development imperative
Jan 07, 2023

Blue Economy under Indian G20 Presidency: Not an altruistic intent, but a development imperative

Given the global importance of the Blue Economy, India’s G20 Presidency brings about the unique opportunity to prioritise the BE for the purpose for growth, green economy and social equity.

Borrowed development fails
Dec 26, 2012

Borrowed development fails

The problem with the Indian state is less to do with capacity, than the state-society interaction being constrained by political dynamics. The state measures continue to be captive to narrow, patronage-driven political imperatives that are highly embedded in political returns at national and state levels.

BRICS Bank: A long overdue development
Jul 19, 2014

BRICS Bank: A long overdue development

The BRICS bank, now tentatively called the New Development Bank, is indeed a new and long overdue development. It is the first step towards reforming the world financial system. It has to be read against the decision of the BRICS nations to do trade more with each other on the basis of currency swaps.

BRICS in Africa: A development dream?
Mar 26, 2013

BRICS in Africa: A development dream?

The BRICS-Africa partnership provides the potential for positive cooperation between developing nations in the future. It is this potential that delegates from Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa will be trying to cultivate and deepen over the next couple of days in Durban.

Building a Follow-up and Review Framework for India’s Sustainable Development Goal on Health
Jul 22, 2016

Building a Follow-up and Review Framework for India’s Sustainable Development Goal on Health

The creation of a competent national indicator framework will be central to the tracking — and eventual attainment — of India’s sustainable development goals. Through an analytical study of India’s past efforts relating to the MDGs and its initial preparations for the SDGs, this paper identifies specific hurdles that must be overcome in building a health indicator architecture that is both globally relevant and aligned with national

Celebrating a unique 50-year relationship: India and Bangladesh are development partners with worrying challenges
Dec 22, 2021

Celebrating a unique 50-year relationship: India and Bangladesh are development partners with worrying challenges

The foremost geostrategic challenge for India vis-à-vis Bangladesh is to counter the machinations of the China-Pakistan axis.

China’s Advances in Space: Taking Stock of Recent Developments
May 11, 2023

China’s Advances in Space: Taking Stock of Recent Developments

This paper examines major developments achieved by China in outer space in recent years, both from a technological as well as an arms-control perspective. The paper also looks at the implications for India in the domain and in the broader regional secu rity context.

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships
Mar 30, 2023

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed most economies into recession and heightened inequalities within and across countries. Mitigating current challenges requires greater solidarity, innovative thinking, and more effective international development cooperation. This paper makes a case for triangular cooperation as an instrument of development cooperation in current times. It outlines its advantages, examines the challenges involved in such partnerships,

Community Driven Development in Developing Countries
May 24, 2013

Community Driven Development in Developing Countries

This paper highlights the increasing importance of Community Driven Development (CDD) in the delivery of public services to the poorest sections and enhancing access, voice and accountability in developing countries. Community participation in the delivery of ‘public services’ to the poorest sections of the population in developing countries has often been regarded as an effective mechanism to enhance access, voice and accountability.

Corporate funding of elections: A scrutiny of some recent developments
Apr 12, 2012

Corporate funding of elections: A scrutiny of some recent developments

The pending Companies Bill provides for in an increase in the corporate funding to political parties from 5% to 7.5% of the average net profits. This increase is despite the fact that the presence of strong corporate funding laws has not hindered companies to squeeze out crores in bribes.

COVID19 Vaccine: Development, Access and Distribution in the Indian Context
May 12, 2023

COVID19 Vaccine: Development, Access and Distribution in the Indian Context

The race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine is gaining ground in many parts of the world. This brief examines the challenges that India must hurdle to successfully manufacture and distribute a vaccine. It argues for a fair and equitable distribution of vaccine with an aim to save the maximum number of lives. It suggests a multi-parameter model based on age, co-morbidity, income and profession to justify one’s claim for vaccine. The imperative is to

Delhi: A vote for PM's vision of development
Apr 27, 2017

Delhi: A vote for PM's vision of development

Can things change even before 2020, if Arvind Kejriwal resigns, admitting he has lost the mandate to rule?

Double-talk on development?
Dec 14, 2011

Double-talk on development?

Controversies over the safety of the Mullaperiyar dam in Kerala and Koodamkulam Nuclear Power Project in Tamil Nadu, development issues regarding Sangur and Nandigram in West Bengal have exposed the political double talk on the excuse of people's concerns.

Electronic silk road important for economic development
May 02, 2014

Electronic silk road important for economic development

Dr. Anupam Chander, Professor of Law at UC Davis, says a specific rule which necessitates the consent of data subject in order to process the data coming from foreign countries in India is effectively discouraging foreign investments in India.

Emerging Technologies in the Development and Delivery of CBRN Threats
Dec 27, 2024

Emerging Technologies in the Development and Delivery of CBRN Threats

Non-conventional weapons, specifically, Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN), pose threats to civilian safety, national security, and environmental sustainability. These threats are amplified by the use of emerging technologies such as Large Language Models, 3D printing, and drones, which can make the development and deployment of CBRN weapons easier and the implementation of countermeasures more challenging. This brief discusses

Enhancing Trade and Development in India’s Northeast
Jun 17, 2021

Enhancing Trade and Development in India’s Northeast

The strategic location of India’s North Eastern Region (NER) offers ample opportunities for enhancing the country’s economic ties. However, supply-chain constraints at the regional level hamper the trade-growth linkages, as do trade barriers, social unrest, and inadequate infrastructure. Enhancing and improving commercial exchanges with neighbouring countries, such as Bangladesh and Myanmar, will strengthen bilateral and regional networks. Th

Exploring New Trends in Development Finance through Private Capital
Jul 27, 2021

Exploring New Trends in Development Finance through Private Capital

This brief examines the efficacy of the inclusion of private capital in development finance, using the cases of certain countries that have met with success in utilising such a strategy. It underlines the experiences of institutions like the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) and the United States International Development Finance Corporation (US-IDFC) that use innovative financial tools to support international financial institution

Financing development: Fintech in Africa
Mar 22, 2019

Financing development: Fintech in Africa

In many African countries—some of the most unbanked areas in the world—digital banking applications are redefining what it is to bank in economies with shallow penetration of the formal banking sector, representing an innovative force that is breaking new ground in the long-standing challenge of financial inclusion. This brief explores the emerging world of fintech in the context of Africa, outlining why financial technology applications are

Financing development: India and beyond
Aug 19, 2015

Financing development: India and beyond

Focusing on financing sustainable development, in India and elsewhere, ORF organised a conference that explored the future of global financial architecture for development and highlighted the difference between financing and implementation.

Financing for Agenda 2030: Deepening India-EU Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
Feb 12, 2024

Financing for Agenda 2030: Deepening India-EU Development Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

As the world confronts multiple challenges which are intricately connected, our path for development stands at a crucial juncture. In the context of the embroiling polycrisis, progress on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) has been steady but fragile with major and persistent challenges. Financing for Agenda 2030 has emerged as a major bottleneck with several developing economies, especially the least developed countries (LDCs), low-income

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka
Mar 06, 2004

Foreign Role in the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka

The most recent Tokyo Conference on the Reconstruction and Development of Sri Lanka was held at Washington D.C., on February 17, 2004, as a follow-up meet to discuss the international community¿s support for Sri Lanka¿s peace process.

Go glocal: Sustainable Development Goals
Jul 13, 2021

Go glocal: Sustainable Development Goals

Considering the changes in modern living, glocalization could turn out to be a viable alternative to globalization