Search: For - development

6915 results found

Industrial corridors, if executed well, can lead to equitable and sustainable economic growth
Dec 03, 2020

Industrial corridors, if executed well, can lead to equitable and sustainable economic growth

Economic decisions and reforms are not a sprint, but a relay race where different types of economic reforms are required at various stages of a nation

Will China create another African debt crisis?
Dec 03, 2020

Will China create another African debt crisis?

After over a decade of unprecedented growth of Chinese finance, Africans are increasingly concerned over rising debt levels.

One District One Product: A potential gamechanger for Northeast economies
Nov 30, 2020

One District One Product: A potential gamechanger for Northeast economies

People in the Northeast have preferred sustainable thinking and planning, and community involvement has been a pre-condition for development-based ini

Destination Manila: New Delhi, Moscow and the BrahMos supersonic missile
Nov 28, 2020

Destination Manila: New Delhi, Moscow and the BrahMos supersonic missile

The sale of the missile will be a major development in the context of an often-tense Southeast Asia with misgivings regarding Beijing’s motives and

Creating 95-centimetre cities for infants, caregivers, toddlers (ICT)
Nov 25, 2020

Creating 95-centimetre cities for infants, caregivers, toddlers (ICT)

Children are not at the centre of city development as policies are planned for adults. It is time we start building a child policy for India.

Building a case for stronger counter-terrorism ties between India and Africa
Nov 17, 2020

Building a case for stronger counter-terrorism ties between India and Africa

Both India and Africa strongly acknowledge that peace and security is intrinsically linked to development, and that terrorism poses the biggest threat

Uable: Creativity-focused skill development in the 6-14 age group for next-gen leadership
Nov 12, 2020

Uable: Creativity-focused skill development in the 6-14 age group for next-gen leadership

An approach to building a child’s creative intelligence and skill development through real life roles, and building a strong sense of self and commu

Building African Capacity: What’s the story beyond the numbers?
Nov 10, 2020

Building African Capacity: What’s the story beyond the numbers?

Despite the importance of capacity building in India’s development cooperation programme with African countries, a comprehensive assessment of India

Tracxn: Data intelligence platform for investments and corporate development
Nov 05, 2020

Tracxn: Data intelligence platform for investments and corporate development

India is ranked third globally in terms of venture capital funding, behind only the US and China. With the total year-on-year funding amount increasin

Simpl: Platform for simplifying payments and credit wallet
Nov 03, 2020

Simpl: Platform for simplifying payments and credit wallet

India is ahead of the entire world when it comes to fintech. This is an unprecedented time, ripe for entrepreneurship.

Master plan for Delhi – 2041: An opportunity for proposing effective solutions
Oct 29, 2020

Master plan for Delhi – 2041: An opportunity for proposing effective solutions

From 2021, Delhi’s new master plan, for guiding future development during 2021-41, will be applicable. The plan is currently under preparation and i

अंतरराष्ट्रीय विकास सहायता प्रणाली पर कोविड19 का असर
Oct 28, 2020

अंतरराष्ट्रीय विकास सहायता प्रणाली पर कोविड19 का असर

अगर पारंपरिक दाता देश ऐतिहासिक रुझान का अनुसरण करते हैं �

Building a new digitalised world through technology centrism
Oct 24, 2020

Building a new digitalised world through technology centrism

When technology becomes important for a country’s development, governments should balance the advance of technology with openness and autonomy.

Maldives: Yameen camp’s efforts to take ‘India Out’ campaign to Parliament fails
Oct 20, 2020

Maldives: Yameen camp’s efforts to take ‘India Out’ campaign to Parliament fails

While there is greater cohesion in the government’s response to India-centric development agreements, it is also seeking to keep the China relations

भारत में आपदा प्रबंधन मॉडल: समुदाय आधारित विकास में ओडिशा की अग्रणी भूमिका
Oct 05, 2020

भारत में आपदा प्रबंधन मॉडल: समुदाय आधारित विकास में ओडिशा की अग्रणी भूमिका

संयुक्त राष्ट्र ने ओडिशा की तैयारी को ‘वैश्विक सफलता की �

Addressing challenges of rainwater harvesting in Delhi
Sep 21, 2020

Addressing challenges of rainwater harvesting in Delhi

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is a useful method to address the problem of water shortage. However, the Delhi government is unable to tap its full potent

Mumbai Metro 3 car shed at Aarey colony
Sep 18, 2020

Mumbai Metro 3 car shed at Aarey colony

The Maharashtra government should dispassionately conduct a rigorous cost-benefit analysis before committing to an alternative site for the Metro 3 ca

पोस्ट कोविड दुनिया: टिकाऊ और दीर्घकालिक विकास का ‘ट्रिपल-टी’ फार्मूला
Sep 16, 2020

पोस्ट कोविड दुनिया: टिकाऊ और दीर्घकालिक विकास का ‘ट्रिपल-टी’ फार्मूला

दुनिया के अलग-अलग देश महामारी की विकराल समस्या और विनाशक�

मुंबई: सोशल हाउसिंग में बहुत मददगार हो सकता है धारावी री-डेवलपमेंट प्लान
Sep 15, 2020

मुंबई: सोशल हाउसिंग में बहुत मददगार हो सकता है धारावी री-डेवलपमेंट प्लान

मुंबई के भूगोल की जटिलता के साथ-साथ इसकी बेतहाशा बढ़ती आब�

Demographic planning for cities
Sep 08, 2020

Demographic planning for cities

The megacities of India have multiplied their populations way beyond the projections arrived at by population studies undertaken by demographic expert

Stemming the tide: Towards a concerted South China Sea strategy?
Sep 02, 2020

Stemming the tide: Towards a concerted South China Sea strategy?

A more solid albeit gradual positioning appears to be taking shape, and it would be vital to not only bolster the policy approaches that are crystalli

Elections and civil-military relations in Myanmar
Aug 18, 2020

Elections and civil-military relations in Myanmar

The pragmatic relationship between the civilian government and the Tatmadaw is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain.

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment
Aug 12, 2020

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by the

Article 370: Ushering in the new normal
Aug 10, 2020

Article 370: Ushering in the new normal

Even those who had built their careers around the old institutional framework seems to have adjusted to the ‘new normal’ where the real stakeholde

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’
Aug 06, 2020

US-UK actions on China and the skewed ‘special relationship’

Although London’s actions on Hong Kong and Huawei suggest a renewed US-UK alignment against China, it also exacerbates Washington’s asymmetric pul

Boosting demand in the Indian economy: Role of formal and inclusive labour markets
Aug 06, 2020

Boosting demand in the Indian economy: Role of formal and inclusive labour markets

Reviving the economy will require addressing the two major challenges — of a rising informal labour force, and slackening demand.

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part II)
Aug 06, 2020

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part II)

The first part of this article examined the security and political in J&K, one year after August 5th. This, second part, looks the development sce

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part I)
Aug 05, 2020

J&K one year later: Not quite a success (Part I)

A two-part review of a year post the abrogation of Article 370 and bifurcation of Jammu & Kashmir. The first part looks at the security and politi

India’s continuing role in Nepal’s economic development
Jul 31, 2020

India’s continuing role in Nepal’s economic development

Cooperation on the economic front between India and Nepal can have a healing effect even during occasional ruptures.

Is India’s Chabahar calculus in trouble?
Jul 21, 2020

Is India’s Chabahar calculus in trouble?

Recent developments bring to light two key costs for India as it seeks to pursue its interests at Chabahar: access to Afghanistan and its leadership i

Dharavi redevelopment could create new paradigms in social housing
Jul 18, 2020

Dharavi redevelopment could create new paradigms in social housing

The complexity of Mumbai’s geography along with its bursting population has created lopsided informalities that the city needs to reconsider.

Sri Lanka to review India’s role in Colombo Port terminal work
Jul 17, 2020

Sri Lanka to review India’s role in Colombo Port terminal work

The two countries are holding talks for India to reschedule Sri Lanka’s $900 million India debt.

Water Wars: Could the dispute over GERD project push Egypt and Ethiopia closer to an armed conflict?
Jul 02, 2020

Water Wars: Could the dispute over GERD project push Egypt and Ethiopia closer to an armed conflict?

The challenge for leaders is to strike the right balance between Ethiopia’s developmental needs while considering Egypt and Sudan’s water rights a

A case for “GDP of the poor” to make conservation everybody’s business
Jul 02, 2020

A case for “GDP of the poor” to make conservation everybody’s business

That development is a multi-dimensional phenomenon entailing delineation of institutions, processes, and structures to ensure sustainability and equit

The migrant labour crisis must push for structural reforms
Jul 01, 2020

The migrant labour crisis must push for structural reforms

The Covid-19 pandemic has upended several long-held paradigms.

India Inc. — #RespondingWithResponsibility
Jun 23, 2020

India Inc. — #RespondingWithResponsibility

The pandemic has not only thrown on us a large number of socio-economic complexities — but the issues emerging in the post-pandemic period cannot be