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11793 results found

What does the Chinese media coverage of Doklam crisis indicate?
Jul 11, 2017

What does the Chinese media coverage of Doklam crisis indicate?

For the last two years, not a week has gone by when the Chinese media, and the Global Times in particular, has not published disparaging articles about India.

What is the 'Hindu-German conspiracy'?
Oct 07, 2015

What is the 'Hindu-German conspiracy'?

If Merkel's Berlin republic is discarding its many postwar political inhibitions and reconstituting the Eurasian landscape, Modi's putative "third republic" is looking beyond non-alignment to the idea of India as a "leading power". In their second summit in six months, Modi and Merkel may have decisively nudged India and Germany towards a goal that was first articulated 100 years ago.

What Karnataka foretells: Not all gloom and doom
May 19, 2018

What Karnataka foretells: Not all gloom and doom

If the BJP has a long-term economic vision for India, it needs to shun acting in a purely transactional manner in the near term.

What Kashmir means to Pakistan
Oct 17, 2014

What Kashmir means to Pakistan

Getting Pakistan to end the Kashmir conflict has been a difficult task, because Kashmir means many things to them. At one level, it is a cause that unites everyone in that country - the jihadis, the army and the civilian elite. At another, it provides it a means to maintain a hostile posture towards India, something necessary for its current sense of national identity.

What Sushma Swaraj should look out for in Dhaka
Jun 25, 2014

What Sushma Swaraj should look out for in Dhaka

Friendly Indo-Bangla relations will play a major role in securing peace and prosperity in the South Asia and these can be achieved with sincere initiatives by the government in resolving outstanding issues. India's Bangla policy could be a for the new government in dealing with other countries in the Neighbourhood.

What the budget can and can’t do for our rise as a global power
Jan 31, 2020

What the budget can and can’t do for our rise as a global power

An economic revival would grant India the resources for power projection but strategy matters even more if those are scarce 

What the cash crunch foretells
Apr 21, 2018

What the cash crunch foretells

A common thread across the turbulences is uneven support from the government for beleaguered institutions and the absence of informed participation.

What the G20 can do for Small Island Developing States
Sep 12, 2023

What the G20 can do for Small Island Developing States

Against the contemporary background of strong systemic shocks to the global economy, the Group of Twenty (G20) must address the stagnation in developmental priorities and spur economic growth. As the current steward of the rotating presidency within the G20, India has acquired a unique podium to spearhead discussions on pivotal global challenges.

What the PM must get right with Nawaz Sharif and Sheikh Hasina
Jun 03, 2013

What the PM must get right with Nawaz Sharif and Sheikh Hasina

While Dr. Manmohan Singh must necessarily wait for Nawaz Sharif to determine the pace at which he might be comfortable moving forward with India, in the case of Bangladesh, the burden is entirely on Delhi to implement the historic agreements it had negotiated with Dhaka.

What the upcoming polls hold for South Asia
Jan 07, 2024

What the upcoming polls hold for South Asia

Hasina’s victory will likely put Delhi-Dhaka relations under more scrutiny -with the West expecting India to be vocal about the state of democracy in Bangladesh

What to expect at the UN Special Climate Summit
Sep 08, 2014

What to expect at the UN Special Climate Summit

As India, China, US and the European Union grapple with the need for equitable and meaningful climate action, strategies are also needed to address the differing needs and capabilities of the sub-national entities that make up these big players.

What to expect in 2024: Geopolitics
Dec 16, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Geopolitics

2024 will usher in a trickier and edgier world, where tensions will begin between states, but whose impact will be felt the strongest on companies, wo

What we can learn from China
Jul 21, 2017

What we can learn from China

India and China have a deep and old connect which can be revived with greater exchange of businessmen, tourists and scholars with easy liberal availab

What Xi should do
Oct 10, 2020

What Xi should do

Settle the border with India. With increasing US pressure, it is in China’s interest.

What's the hoopla about Budget?
Feb 28, 2013

What's the hoopla about Budget?

A Budget is an imperative or otherwise a government will drift aimlessly, though that often seems to be the case even with the most minutely specific Budget. Having said that, one must wonder why there is such a fuss each year when the Finance Minister of India is about to present the Budget?

What’s brewing north of the Andaman Islands?
Apr 24, 2023

What’s brewing north of the Andaman Islands?

The growing military activities in the Coco Islands and its proximity to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands have prompted India to expand its own capacit

When Arabs Followed The Leadership Of A Hindu They Adored
Feb 27, 2012

When Arabs Followed The Leadership Of A Hindu They Adored

The poem, one of numerous written in that period, expresses admiration for the spell Nehru had cast by his deft navigation of foreign policy between the two blocs not for India alone but a whole group.

When calamity shows the way
Oct 13, 2005

When calamity shows the way

In the earthquake tragedy, India and Pakistan have a rare opportunity to forget past differences and bitterness, at least some of it to begin with, and forge a partnership of peace and development. Both the countries should shed past inhibitions and acrimony, and look for fresh opportunities to work together for a common cause: to rebuild Kashmir.

When in doubt don't write, just speak
Jul 04, 2011

When in doubt don't write, just speak

Telecom companies are stuck with falling ARPUs. Indian researchers from two unlikely companies show them new tricks of the trade

When Modi flies to Japan, bleak chances for long-pending nuclear deal
Oct 25, 2016

When Modi flies to Japan, bleak chances for long-pending nuclear deal

Given Japanese apprehensions, it is not certain whether India and Japan will sign the nuclear deal during Modi’s forthcoming visit to Tokyo.

When Modi meets Abe
Sep 08, 2017

When Modi meets Abe

What are the main topics that would draw attention of the two leaders at the India-Japan Bilateral Summit?

When Modi met Xi
Oct 15, 2014

When Modi met Xi

India's relations with China and Pakistan are unlikely to see any major strategic change in the years ahead. It is imperative for India to think afresh without losing old friends especially at a time of international flux. A US-Japan-India partnership in the 21st century would need to be worked out.

When Singh meets Kerry
Jun 26, 2013

When Singh meets Kerry

The construction of the India-US strategic partnership in the 2000s was an entirely unexpected political bonus. Making it work now is an absolute necessity for both Delhi and Washington as they struggle to cope with a challenging environment at home and abroad.

When small might be beautiful
Mar 29, 2020

When small might be beautiful

If community transmission can be mitigated or avoided altogether in the small population through extraordinary human-centred measures, the Seychelles

When soft power is not enough
Oct 11, 2018

When soft power is not enough

By overdoing soft power, India isn’t going to be able to fix the challenges of today, nor will it be able to exploit and benefit from the opportunities of today and tomorrow.

When strategy was technical
Feb 24, 2012

When strategy was technical

Antony figured the French were more likely to part with critical technologies needed to enhance India's defence aviation sector than any other country

When two democracies talk
Aug 03, 2021

When two democracies talk

The United States is willing to listen and learn, India is willing to talk about its domestic evolution. The relationship has matured

Where is Cambodia's foreign policy headed?
Jul 27, 2023

Where is Cambodia's foreign policy headed?

Until Cambodia is able to maximise its ties with other partners, it will continue to face the challenges brought upon by the exacerbating US-China com

Where is the clamour for getting Russia and Ukraine off the ramp?
Nov 05, 2022

Where is the clamour for getting Russia and Ukraine off the ramp?

The lack of platforms to broker peace between Russia and Ukraine does not bode well for the crisis; India could play a role, especially as it takes on

WHISPER IN A TEMPEST: Reflections on the CAG Report and Allocation of Captive Coal Blocks
Oct 03, 2012

WHISPER IN A TEMPEST: Reflections on the CAG Report and Allocation of Captive Coal Blocks

The Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on "Allocation of Captive Coal Blocks and Augmentation of Coal Production" for the year ending March 2012 has, among other things,

Who governs the high seas?
Jun 26, 2012

Who governs the high seas?

Kerala is trying in a civilian court two Italian military men for actions they took in defence of their territories. Imagine trying a serving Indian soldier in a civil court for an incident resulting from discharge of duty in naxal-infested areas, the northeast or Kashmir.

Who says privacy is just about data?
May 18, 2013

Who says privacy is just about data?

Privacy and democracy have always had an uneasy relationship in India. However, now India has a unique opportunity to evolve a progressive and expansive legislation on privacy and protection of personal data. The report of the experts group chaired by Justice Ajit Prakash Shah is a good starting point.

Who will gain from 10% reservation for EWS?
Jan 14, 2019

Who will gain from 10% reservation for EWS?

The bill has to be a constitutional amendment as it overshoots the Supreme Court's 50% cap on quotas and takes the total to 60%.

Who will trust the RBI or government now?
Nov 28, 2016

Who will trust the RBI or government now?

People are going to have a hard time trusting the government or the RBI.

Why Afghanistan will be a new geopolitical pivot
Sep 16, 2021

Why Afghanistan will be a new geopolitical pivot

The Taliban’s return will lead to geopolitical realignment. India’s ties with major powers will also be readjusted to manage terrorism coming from the Af-Pak area

Why attending BRICS 2018 was so significant for PM Narendra Modi
Jul 30, 2018

Why attending BRICS 2018 was so significant for PM Narendra Modi

For Narendra Modi, going into elections next year, the focus has been to put across India as a major global economy.

Why BJP-PDP divorce in Kashmir was bound to happen
Jun 22, 2018

Why BJP-PDP divorce in Kashmir was bound to happen

The Indian state must use the opportunity that the political crisis has offered to fix the many things that are broken.

Why Brahmos sale to Vietnam is no violation of missile technology control regime commitments
Aug 23, 2017

Why Brahmos sale to Vietnam is no violation of missile technology control regime commitments

India’s potential sale of Brahmos missiles to Vietnam is not in violation of any MTCR rules or any commitments that India made when it became an MTCR member in June 2016.

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership
Nov 30, 2021

Why CAATSA sanctions would be counterproductive to the Indo-US strategic partnership

As India’s strategic partnership with the US deepens, it is not necessary that India get caught in the crosshairs of US-Russia tensions

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis
Apr 28, 2020

Why China and Pakistan need each other in the Covid19 crisis

While Beijing needs to flaunt its ‘true friend’ to the world, and Islamabad needs a counterweight to its ‘eternal enemy’ India.

Why data protection should not be an antitrust concern
Apr 09, 2021

Why data protection should not be an antitrust concern

The Competition Commission of India has treated data protection as a non-price competition parameter and found a compromise on this parameter by the d

Why Feel Good Is Just Not Enough
Jan 03, 2004

Why Feel Good Is Just Not Enough

On December 20, 2003, a landmark in the history of modern India was achieved. The nation's forex reserves for the very first time crossed the $ 100 billion mark, to be precise clocked 100.048 billion. The high, coming just after a decade of reforms, remember 1990-91, could well be termed as the coming of age of India¿s liberalisation program.

Why govt should focus on women’s employment
Oct 23, 2017

Why govt should focus on women’s employment

Half of India’s population is women, and according to a World Bank report, India could achieve double digit growth if women were participating more

Why hauling up Pakistan before international community is counter-productive
Oct 05, 2015

Why hauling up Pakistan before international community is counter-productive

Any attempt by India to haul up Pakistan before the international community, including the UN, could prove counter productive. It could start with India itself 'internationalising' the issue, and formally allowing the rest of the world to tell us what we should do to Pakistan, and on the vexatious Kashmir issue.

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment
Aug 12, 2020

Why increased activism has not translated into global women’s empowerment

India has hardly ever seen a purely women-driven movement where women have been the pioneers of a development and have stood up for a cause all by the