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47 results found

पाकिस्तान सरकारला पाकिस्तान तहरीक-ए-इन्साफ चे आव्हान कायम...
Nov 13, 2024

पाकिस्तान सरकारला पाकिस्तान तहरीक-ए-इन्साफ चे आव्हान कायम...

सत्तेवरून काढून टाकण्यात आले असले तरी पाकिस्तान तहरीक-ए-

PTI's enduring challenge to the Pakistani government
Nov 05, 2024

PTI's enduring challenge to the Pakistani government

Despite being removed from power, the PTI continues to be a large political threat to the PLM (N)-led ruling coalition in Pakistan

Changing threads: Bangladesh’s setback fuels India’s RMG surge
Oct 16, 2024

Changing threads: Bangladesh’s setback fuels India’s RMG surge

In response to Bangladesh’s political unrest, global market dynamics have shifted orders away from its RMG sector to other countries, with India eme

Changing balance of power in post-coup Myanmar
Oct 01, 2024

Changing balance of power in post-coup Myanmar

The Junta's weakening grip on power, coupled with growing internal divisions and external isolation, suggests it may continue to lose ground

When the ‘flagship’ starts sinking: China’s CPEC is foundering in Balochistan
Sep 18, 2024

When the ‘flagship’ starts sinking: China’s CPEC is foundering in Balochistan

As Balochistan's unrest intensifies, China's calculus is being recalibrated: how useful is Pakistan and how much China needs to remain invested in it?

बांगलादेशातील राजकीय अस्थिरतेच्या कोंडीत निर्यातीत स्थैर्य राहणार?
Aug 09, 2024

बांगलादेशातील राजकीय अस्थिरतेच्या कोंडीत निर्यातीत स्थैर्य राहणार?

बांगलादेशातील सध्याची राजकीय अस्थिरता आणि कमी किंमतीच्

Concluding the ‘Golden Chapter’
Aug 06, 2024

Concluding the ‘Golden Chapter’

As mass unrest rages and intermittent military rule takes over Bangladesh, the geopolitical implications for neighbouring countries, especially India,

राजनीतिक संकट में बांग्लादेश: निर्यात की स्थिरता का सवाल
Aug 06, 2024

राजनीतिक संकट में बांग्लादेश: निर्यात की स्थिरता का सवाल

बांग्लादेश में इस वक़्त चल रही राजनीतिक उठा-पटक और कम क़ी�

Bangladesh at crossroads: Export sustainability amid political unrest
Aug 05, 2024

Bangladesh at crossroads: Export sustainability amid political unrest

The ongoing political unrest and dependence on low-value RMG exports threaten Bangladesh’s economic stability, highlighting the need for diversifica

उज़्बेकिस्तान में अशांति: संवैधानिक सुधारों का विरोध करते हैं कराकल्पक
Jul 22, 2022

उज़्बेकिस्तान में अशांति: संवैधानिक सुधारों का विरोध करते हैं कराकल्पक

हाल ही में मिर्जियोयेव सरकार द्वारा प्रस्तावित संवैधान�

उज़्बेकिस्तान में अशांति: संवैधानिक सुधारों का विरोध करते हैं कराकल्पक
Jul 22, 2022

उज़्बेकिस्तान में अशांति: संवैधानिक सुधारों का विरोध करते हैं कराकल्पक

हाल ही में मिर्जियोयेव सरकार द्वारा प्रस्तावित संवैधान�

Unrest in Uzbekistan: Karakalpaks oppose constitutional reforms
Jul 14, 2022

Unrest in Uzbekistan: Karakalpaks oppose constitutional reforms

The recent constitutional amendments proposed by the Mirziyoyev administration have led to widespread protests in Karakalpakstan.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less
Dec 29, 2020

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less

The pandemic has worsened the problems that Latin America and the Caribbean were already facing. 2021 will surely be challenging in terms of political

अशांति के साए में है कश्मीर का भविष्य
Mar 01, 2019

अशांति के साए में है कश्मीर का भविष्य

कश्मीर इस समय भारत का इस कदर सुलगता राजनीतिक मसला बन चुका

Unrest in Tibet and the Chinese response
Mar 30, 2009

Unrest in Tibet and the Chinese response

The current phase of disturbances in Tibet began when five monks in the monastery town of Derge in Gansu province on 27 January demanding the independence of Tibet and return of the Dalai Lama demonstrated outside the monastery attracting crowds of villagers

Unrest in Tunisia, protestors demand dissolution of government
Aug 05, 2013

Unrest in Tunisia, protestors demand dissolution of government

Protests broke out in Tunisia after opposition politician Mohamed Brahmi was assassinated outside his home on 25 July, 2013. His assassination is not the first in recent months.

Israel Unrest: Benjamin Netanyahu, synonymous with crisis, faces yet another
Mar 28, 2023

Israel Unrest: Benjamin Netanyahu, synonymous with crisis, faces yet another

Netanyahu revived his political career through an alliance with far-right groups. His acceding to their drastic demands like the overhaul of the country’s judiciary has ended up exposing the deep fault lines behind Israel’s chronic political instability

A halt in Indo-Bangla ties
Aug 07, 2024

A halt in Indo-Bangla ties

India must persist as future of South Asia is embedded in a firm Delhi-Dhaka engagement.

Balochistan Continues to Haunt Musharraf
Dec 29, 2004

Balochistan Continues to Haunt Musharraf

As already pointed out in our earlier articles on this subject, the unrest is, inter alia, due to anger over the suppression of the nationalist aspirations of the Balochs by the Government in Islamabad,

Bangladesh: Political violence on the rise again
Sep 23, 2011

Bangladesh: Political violence on the rise again

The violent incident on the streets of Dhaka involvingJamaat-e-Islami (JI) activists on September 19 has ignited fear among the people of Bangladesh that the country might again slip into a reign of chaos and unrest.

Countering insurgency in Kashmir: The cyber dimension
Jan 10, 2017

Countering insurgency in Kashmir: The cyber dimension

Countering the militancy in Kashmir has become a highly challenging task due to the exploitation of new information and communication technology by insurgent groups. The battlefield is now a multidimensional one, encompassing both physical territory and cyberspace. The overall capabilities of insurgents have been enhanced by tools in cyberspace that are inexpensive, ever more sophisticated, rapidly proliferating, and easy to use. Militants are sy

Dealing with violent civil protests in India
Apr 22, 2017

Dealing with violent civil protests in India

The citizens’ right to protest is a pillar of Indian democracy. While citizens are allowed to peacefully assemble, however, protests and demonstrations sometimes take a violent turn; recent examples are the Jat protests in Haryana and the Kashmir unrest following the death of militant leader Burhan Wani, both in 2016. During such occasions, it is the prerogative of the Indian state to deal with the violent civil protests in a manner that ensure

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority
Aug 16, 2023

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority

As the world grapples with uncertainty in the post-COVID-19 era, China appears to be focusing on bolstering its rural economy. China claims to have brought nearly 100 million people out of poverty since 2012, but the regime feels that unbalanced development can jeopardise the gains of poverty alleviation. The widening economic gap could also foment unrest in the rural areas. Additionally, the government believes that the reliance on grain

Enhancing Trade and Development in India’s Northeast
Jun 17, 2021

Enhancing Trade and Development in India’s Northeast

The strategic location of India’s North Eastern Region (NER) offers ample opportunities for enhancing the country’s economic ties. However, supply-chain constraints at the regional level hamper the trade-growth linkages, as do trade barriers, social unrest, and inadequate infrastructure. Enhancing and improving commercial exchanges with neighbouring countries, such as Bangladesh and Myanmar, will strengthen bilateral and regional networks. Th

Inflection point for the West-led global order
Feb 26, 2022

Inflection point for the West-led global order

Its future will be defined by how it responds to the crisis in Ukraine, and in the shadow of growing Russia-China ties

Lessons from Russia for India
May 26, 2022

Lessons from Russia for India

No amount of advanced technology can compensate for low morale and training, weak command, poor tactics and strategy

Lessons from the foiled Coup in Bangladesh
Feb 06, 2012

Lessons from the foiled Coup in Bangladesh

Three quick lessons can be drawn from the recent coup attempt in Bangladesh. These are growing unrest among political and military circles against the Awami League government for its policies towards India and fundamentalism;

Locating Xinjiang in China’s Eurasian ambitions
Sep 25, 2018

Locating Xinjiang in China’s Eurasian ambitions

The importance of Xinjiang Province in China’s Eurasian connectivity initiative—the Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB)—has received some coverage in the media. However, these news articles offer only a cursory view of China’s primary motive in pursuing the initiative, that is the ethnic unrest in Xinjiang. This paper argues that the conflict in Xinjiang is a main driving force to pursue SREB and that the initiative is congruent with a broader

Nepal: An uncertain future
Sep 19, 2014

Nepal: An uncertain future

It is almost a year since fresh elections to the Constituent Assembly in Nepal took place for the formation of a new government and the writing of a new constitution that would, as was expected then, be a breath of fresh air for a country long engulfed in political and social unrest -- and political and constitutional instability afterward.

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties
Jan 12, 2021

Pandemic Reopens Contentious Issues in Nepal-India Ties

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted two features of the Nepal-India economic relationship: Nepal’s ballooning trade deficit, and unrestricted cross-border movement of people of both countries. Attributing the trade deficit entirely to supply-side constraints is neither accurate nor conducive to the overall health of the relationship. This brief suggests ways towards more sustainable trade relations between India and Nepal, among them, India r

Rapidly increasing protests in rising China
Aug 23, 2011

Rapidly increasing protests in rising China

As China surges ahead economically, there have been a ten-fold increase in the civil unrests (from 1993 to 2005) which in China is described as "mass incidents". Such incidents hinge on the issues of unemployment, pensions, wages, corruption, tax collection problems, misuse of funds, etc.

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan
Aug 17, 2013

Risk or Reward? – The Impact of Private Security Contractors and Militias in Afghanistan

To supplement the still lagging Afghan and ISAF security capabilities, alternative structures have been used or created, especially in rural or hard-to-reach areas. Two important groups among these are private security contractors (PSCs) and 'community defence' organisations or local militias. This paper assesses the impact of these entities on Afghan stability. Beginning March 19, 2003, the United States invaded Iraq, drawing both material an

South Asia: Towards dividend or disaster?
Dec 27, 2011

South Asia: Towards dividend or disaster?

Confronted with unemployment rather than gainful employment, rising aspirations and growing expectation, impatient youth could turn into a destructive force, giving rise to criminality and terrorism. Thus resultant social unrest may engulf South Asia.

The Chabahar Gambit: India’s Play for Influence in Central Asia
Sep 30, 2024

The Chabahar Gambit: India’s Play for Influence in Central Asia

Recent geopolitical disruptions and India’s geoeconomic and geopolitical ambitions necessitate the building of new, more reliable multimodal trade corridors. This report examines the strategic importance for New Delhi of the ten-year agreement on Chabahar Port in Iran, and how it aligns with India’s ‘Connect Central Asia Policy’ and historical ties with the region. The Chabahar Port, along with the International North-South Trade Corridor

The Ex Who Won’t Go Away
Dec 03, 2024

The Ex Who Won’t Go Away

An imprisoned Imran Khan directing street protests is a thorn in Pakistan army’s side. The political instability deepens Islamabad’s ‘polycrisis’

The Kashmir conflict: Managing perceptions and building bridges to peace
Oct 09, 2018

The Kashmir conflict: Managing perceptions and building bridges to peace

This brief examines the Kashmir conflict from the perspective of the young population who have grown up in tumultuous times in the Valley. It builds on findings of field surveys conducted by the author across the Kashmir Valley over the last two years, covering issues that remain unanswered three decades since the start of the insurgency. These topics include Kashmiriyat, the exodus of pandits, governance and administration, the post-2016 unrest

Unemployment: China's Internal Stability Concerns
Jun 06, 2015

Unemployment: China's Internal Stability Concerns

China has built up capacity to control unrest in the form of the ever increasing budget for maintaining domestic stability, but the state cannot forever use the tool of coercion to control unrest in the face of ever increasing unemployment.

इस्रायल मधील अशांतता बेंजामिन नेतन्याहू, संकटाचा समानार्थी सामना
Sep 26, 2023

इस्रायल मधील अशांतता बेंजामिन नेतन्याहू, संकटाचा समानार्थी सामना

नेतन्याहू यांनी अतिउजव्या गटांशी युती करून त्यांची राजकीय कारकीर्द पुनरुज्जीवित केली. देशाच्या न्यायव्यवस्थेच्या फेरबदलासारख्या त्यांच्या कठोर मागण्यांना त्यांनी �

दक्षिण कोरिया में बची लोकतंत्र की लाज
Dec 05, 2024

दक्षिण कोरिया में बची लोकतंत्र की लाज

लोकतंत्र को सही ढंग से काम करना है, तो लोकतांत्रिक संस्थाओं को मजबूत होना पड़ेगा.