Search: For - security

2829 results found

The Technology, Water and Security Nexus
Oct 26, 2022

The Technology, Water and Security Nexus

Can emerging technology and the fourth industrial revolution aid in the increasing water insecurity in India and globally?

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection
Oct 26, 2022

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection

The general impetus seems to be control of data flows by nation states and not protection of data and privacy

Cybersecurity for inclusive digital transformation in Africa
Oct 26, 2022

Cybersecurity for inclusive digital transformation in Africa

Bridging the digital divide in Africa will not be possible without adequate people-centred cybersecurity measures

Growing UAE-Israel ties shows political intent to deepen relations between the two countries
Oct 22, 2022

Growing UAE-Israel ties shows political intent to deepen relations between the two countries

The bilateral relationship between Israel and UAE has moved ahead with surprising speed post the Abraham Accords

Renewing historical ties between Egypt and India
Oct 21, 2022

Renewing historical ties between Egypt and India

The Egypt visit of Indian External Affairs Minister marks a thaw in India-Egypt relations after years of being in the “deep freeze”

भारत में इलेक्ट्रिक मोबिलिटी: पेट्रोलियम टैक्स रेवेन्यू की चुनौती
Oct 19, 2022

भारत में इलेक्ट्रिक मोबिलिटी: पेट्रोलियम टैक्स रेवेन्यू की चुनौती

पेट्रोलियम राजस्व को बदलने के दूसरे विकल्पों पर उतना ध्य

Sustainable food value chains for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Oct 17, 2022

Sustainable food value chains for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

The circular economy plays a pivotal role in tackling the climate crisis and achieving the SDGs

5G: New skills for a new era
Oct 15, 2022

5G: New skills for a new era

The current skill gap when it comes to 5G technologies must be closed if India is to transition to the era of economic growth 5G could enable

अशांत म्यांमार: क्षेत्रीय सुरक्षा फिर ख़तरे में
Oct 15, 2022

अशांत म्यांमार: क्षेत्रीय सुरक्षा फिर ख़तरे में

म्यांमार में लगातार जारी हिंसा राष्ट्र के भीतर और आसपास �

Trends in the Transatlantic Alliance
Oct 14, 2022

Trends in the Transatlantic Alliance

Although the transatlantic alliance has shown resilience so far, several emerging trends may impact relations in the coming months

Sustainability in space
Oct 11, 2022

Sustainability in space

Given the development of new and emerging technologies, the sense of urgency around space sustainability may soon skyrocket

ASAT weapons: A real threat to the future of Space
Oct 11, 2022

ASAT weapons: A real threat to the future of Space

Counterspace capabilities such as ASAT weapons have been criticised for accentuating regional insecurities rather than diminishing the threats faced b

CCP Congress: Assessing Xi’s tenure
Oct 11, 2022

CCP Congress: Assessing Xi’s tenure

Xi’s overall achievements may be a mixed bag, but his biggest success has been in carrying out wide-ranging reforms of the military and security app

Will the PFI ban curb the growing radicalisation in India?
Oct 06, 2022

Will the PFI ban curb the growing radicalisation in India?

An all-India crackdown on the PFI raises the question of whether merely banning radical organisations can halt the rise of radicalisation

Not-so-toothless norms for outer space
Oct 06, 2022

Not-so-toothless norms for outer space

Potential norms against ASAT tests can be used to hold states liable for possible damages

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!
Oct 06, 2022

#Cyber Warfare: भारत के लिये ये ज़रूरी है कि वो अपनी साइबर युद्ध की ताक़त को बढ़ाये!

भारत को साइबर युद्ध को लेकर ज़्यादा सक्रिय रवैया अपनाने �

साइबर संघर्ष के दलदल में फंसी दुनिया
Oct 04, 2022

साइबर संघर्ष के दलदल में फंसी दुनिया

हाल ही में ईरान द्वारा अल्बानिया पर किया गया हमला, साइबर द

ऊर्जा सेक्टर: भारत के नेट-ज़ीरो सफ़र की राह में सबसे बड़ी बाधा
Oct 01, 2022

ऊर्जा सेक्टर: भारत के नेट-ज़ीरो सफ़र की राह में सबसे बड़ी बाधा

अगर भारत को 2070 तक नेट ज़ीरो का लक्ष्य हासिल करना है, तो कोयल

क्वांटम प्रौद्योगिकी: आचार नीति और नैतिकता से जुड़े सवाल
Sep 30, 2022

क्वांटम प्रौद्योगिकी: आचार नीति और नैतिकता से जुड़े सवाल

अनेक फ़ायदों से लैस होने के बावजूद क्वांटम प्रौद्योगिकी

ऑस्ट्रेलिया: ऑनलाइन चाइल्ड सेफ्टी के मामले में नेतृत्वकारी भूमिका का प्रदर्शन
Sep 30, 2022

ऑस्ट्रेलिया: ऑनलाइन चाइल्ड सेफ्टी के मामले में नेतृत्वकारी भूमिका का प्रदर्शन

महामारी के समय ऑनलाइन बाल यौन उत्पीड़न और शोषण के मामलों �

Assessing Europe’s spiralling energy crisis
Sep 28, 2022

Assessing Europe’s spiralling energy crisis

As the implementation of various energy initiatives has not kept pace with the EU’s diversification plan, the road to achieving energy security rema

Military cooperation with MENA Region: An Indo-Egyptian connection
Sep 27, 2022

Military cooperation with MENA Region: An Indo-Egyptian connection

Strengthening bilateral ties between India and Egypt could lead to improved multilateral cooperation in the MENA region.

Intensification of Xi’s anti-corruption campaign
Sep 27, 2022

Intensification of Xi’s anti-corruption campaign

Xi Jinping’s security purge gathers steam ahead of China’s leadership transition.

Ukraine's counteroffensive and Moscow's response
Sep 23, 2022

Ukraine's counteroffensive and Moscow's response

With the approaching winter and referendum announcements by LPR and DPR, Kremlin is likely to double down on its efforts to secure its presence in the

Meta-ethics of quantum technologies
Sep 23, 2022

Meta-ethics of quantum technologies

Despite having several advantages, quantum technologies can adversely impact national security. Ethical frameworks to regulate them must be put in pla

Minimising losses to achieve agricultural resilience
Sep 22, 2022

Minimising losses to achieve agricultural resilience

The article highlights a three-point agenda on key interventions that will propel the agricultural sector’s resilience to shocks and extreme climate

#China: देश में विभिन्न धर्मों को नियंत्रित करने की चीन की क़वायद!
Sep 20, 2022

#China: देश में विभिन्न धर्मों को नियंत्रित करने की चीन की क़वायद!

CCP ज़बरदस्ती और सहयोगिता- दोनों का इस्तेमाल ये सुनिश्चित �

प्रोद्योगिकी के मोर्चे पर लोकतांत्रिक देशों में मज़बूत गठजोड़ ज़रूरी
Sep 20, 2022

प्रोद्योगिकी के मोर्चे पर लोकतांत्रिक देशों में मज़बूत गठजोड़ ज़रूरी

तकनीकी क्षेत्र में तानाशाही हुकूमतों की तेज़ प्रगति के म

Will Sheikh Hasina's foreign policy boost her re-election bid?
Sep 15, 2022

Will Sheikh Hasina's foreign policy boost her re-election bid?

The ‘India factor’ has played an undeniable role in the Awami League's past electoral triumphs.

Will Sheikh Hasina’s foreign policy boost her re-election bid?
Sep 15, 2022

Will Sheikh Hasina’s foreign policy boost her re-election bid?

The ‘India factor’ has played an undeniable role in the Awami League's past electoral triumphs.

China’s renewed push to tame religion
Sep 14, 2022

China’s renewed push to tame religion

The CCP uses both coercion and co-optation to ensure that organised religion remains aligned with its interests.

Central Asia is back in the “game”
Sep 14, 2022

Central Asia is back in the “game”

With the threat of instability looming over Central Asia, the need for regional cooperation has increased significantly.

Haiti: In the throes of a crisis
Sep 12, 2022

Haiti: In the throes of a crisis

Haiti is currently facing one of its worst crises in history. The need of the hour is practical intervention from the international community.

30 years of bilateral ties: What Indo-Israeli relations look like
Sep 12, 2022

30 years of bilateral ties: What Indo-Israeli relations look like

India's de-hyphenation policy in West Asia has been instrumental in sustaining bilateral ties with Israel.

आईपीईएफ और भारत के डिजिटल व्यापार से जुड़ी दुविधा!
Sep 10, 2022

आईपीईएफ और भारत के डिजिटल व्यापार से जुड़ी दुविधा!

डिजिटल क्षेत्र व्यापार को बहुत बड़ी शक्ति देता है. सीमा प�

#Maritime Operations: आईएनएस विक्रांत और समंदर में कार्यवाही!
Sep 09, 2022

#Maritime Operations: आईएनएस विक्रांत और समंदर में कार्यवाही!

एयरक्राफ्ट कैरियर (विमानवाहक पोत) हिंद महासागर में भारत �

राष्ट्रीय पोषण माह: बच्चों में कुपोषण की समस्या का समाधान ढूंढने का प्रयास
Sep 08, 2022

राष्ट्रीय पोषण माह: बच्चों में कुपोषण की समस्या का समाधान ढूंढने का प्रयास

इस साल के पोषण माह अभियान के तहत महिलाओं और बच्चों में कुप

Weak WTO and an uncertain global trade order
Sep 05, 2022

Weak WTO and an uncertain global trade order

Due to unilateral tariff imposition and other pre-pandemic trade restrictions that undermined the multilateral trade order, the focus has now shifted

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?
Sep 02, 2022

NATO’s eastern expansion: Was the Russo-Ukrainian War avoidable?

The Russo-Ukrainian War could have been avoided if Russian security concerns that were spelt out by previous conflicts were addressed.

New Delhi Recalibrates its Latin American Policy
Sep 01, 2022

New Delhi Recalibrates its Latin American Policy

New Delhi can and should view Latin America as one region, to develop a foreign policy that caters specifically to the region—one that is anchored i

A year into Taliban rule, women live in fear
Sep 01, 2022

A year into Taliban rule, women live in fear

Despite glaring evidence of women's rights violations in Afghanistan, the international community remains silent.