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3007 results found

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?
Jul 20, 2019

Imran Khan goes to Washington: What’s on the agenda for US-Pakistan security relations?

A closer look at some of the security-related agenda items for the upcoming development and how they could impact bilateral ties.

Increasing internal security concerns in Tamil Nadu
Dec 24, 2012

Increasing internal security concerns in Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu has a history of Dalit-centric violence, which has erupted independently in the southern districts, and also the western Dharmapuri belt, where Naxalites have thrived and revived from time to time.

India and a Stable Indo-Pacific: Managing Maritime Security Challenges in the Bay of Bengal
Mar 27, 2024

India and a Stable Indo-Pacific: Managing Maritime Security Challenges in the Bay of Bengal

India has the longest coastline in the Bay of Bengal, making it critical for the country to manage maritime security challenges in this space. However, given the transnational nature of most maritime threats, India must cooperate with other Bay littorals and the major powers to address these issues. The Bay of Bengal is a vital part of the Indo-Pacific geostrategic construct, and a secure Bay is fundamental to a stable Indo-Pacific. By addressing

India and Israel's cyber security partnership could be a potential game changer
Jul 10, 2017

India and Israel's cyber security partnership could be a potential game changer

A cyber partnership can be critical for India to meet its immediate goals in securing its cyber infrastructure and expanding opportunities for the country’s tech sector.

India and Saudi Arabia: The Scope for Greater Security Cooperation
Aug 23, 2023

India and Saudi Arabia: The Scope for Greater Security Cooperation

Saudi Arabia and India recently signed a defence cooperation agreement, signalling a shift in ties. This issue brief looks at the importance of Indo-Saudi relations from a geopolitical perspective, outlines the trajectory of their bilateral defence partnership, and emphasises the symbiotic nature of their relations and the increasing scope for greater cooperation.

India at the United Nations: An analysis of Indian multilateral strategies on international security and development
Mar 29, 2018

India at the United Nations: An analysis of Indian multilateral strategies on international security and development

This paper explores how India has been able to achieve cooperation in the sphere of international development, but has been unable to replicate such success on issues of international security. It maps out India’s engagement on these two issues through four case studies and places them in the context of multilateral theory and international cooperation theory. It further considers factors within the game theoretic models of cooperation, includi

India has a role in UN Security Council
Apr 22, 2005

India has a role in UN Security Council

Professor Joseph Nye,Dean, John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, who visited ORF recently, gave an e-mail Interview to Dr. Harinder Sekhon, Senior Fellow, on US foreign policy trends, especially in West Asia and the future of Indo-US relations.

India is Embracing a ‘Net Security Provider’ Role in the Indian Ocean Region
Mar 11, 2024

India is Embracing a ‘Net Security Provider’ Role in the Indian Ocean Region

New infrastructure built by India in Mauritius demonstrates New Delhi’s commitment to cementing its security presence in the IOR.

India needs a systematic overhaul in agriculture to ensure food security
May 07, 2018

India needs a systematic overhaul in agriculture to ensure food security

Indian agriculture cannot afford to rely on unsustainable ways. Sustainable agriculture, which applies less pressure on natural resources, is the need of the hour.

India needs to maintain tight security
Oct 21, 2010

India needs to maintain tight security

India should be prepared to face the prospects of unending jihadi attacks not only in Kashmir but also in any part of the country. Eternal vigilance is the price India has to pay.

India needs to review its security measures
Dec 14, 2010

India needs to review its security measures

Following the Wikileaks, now one can draw the conclusion that Pakistan would never give up supporting the terror groups like the LeT and would use them for creating problems for India, at least in Jammu and Kashmir.

India's cyber and space security policies
Jan 02, 2015

India's cyber and space security policies

While many countries still regard cyber security and space security as 'future challenges', or issues that will need to be dealt with in the coming years, India is already tackling them today.

India's Military Space Efforts and Regional Security Considerations
Jan 19, 2011

India's Military Space Efforts and Regional Security Considerations

Following up with the SIPRI-ORF-SWF seminar in New Delhi earlier this year, the Secure World Foundation organised a panel discussion in Washington on "India's Military Space Efforts and Regional Security Considerations".

India's nuclear security: Strengths and gaps
Jun 14, 2017

India's nuclear security: Strengths and gaps

A study conducted by Observer Research Foundation in 2014-15 found that India has a fairly strong nuclear security policy.

India's Strategic Culture and Security Challenges
Feb 01, 2010

India's Strategic Culture and Security Challenges

Delivering the 30th Bhimsen Sachar Memorial Lecture for 2009 in New Delhi, the former Chief of the Army Staff highlights the flaws in India's strategic thinking and stresses the need for a more focused and clearly defined vision for the future.

India, stability, and ‘new world order’ - Global security from New Delhi’s vantage
Mar 19, 2024

India, stability, and ‘new world order’ - Global security from New Delhi’s vantage

India has embarked on a large-scale infrastructure development program, ranging from highways to airports, a critical government-led push to provide the economy a strong base to build upon.

India-Africa partnership for food security: Beyond strategic concerns
Apr 24, 2020

India-Africa partnership for food security: Beyond strategic concerns

India and Africa’s complementary sectoral priorities and similar roles in the evolving global food markets present numerous opportunities for collaboration in the agricultural sector. This paper analyses the potential for India-Africa cooperation towards food security and capacity building. It makes an assessment of Indian partnership with African countries in the areas of agriculture and food security, outlines current initiatives in both regi

India-Africa Partnership For Food Security: Issues, Initiatives and Policy Directions
Jun 23, 2016

India-Africa Partnership For Food Security: Issues, Initiatives and Policy Directions

India has made significant strides in agricultural production since the days of green revolution and has valuable lessons to share with its development partners, including countries in the African continent. This paper argues that there is a strong rationale for India-Africa collaboration on food security, given their common challenges of hunger, undernutrition, and low productivity. The paper finds that India plays an important role in augmentin

India-Australia security relations: They’ve only just begun
Oct 20, 2020

India-Australia security relations: They’ve only just begun

It’s fashionable to be pessimistic about the India-Australia partnership, but in fact it is steadily improving.

India-Bangladesh Dialogue on Security
Dec 06, 2009

India-Bangladesh Dialogue on Security

The main objective of the Dialogue was to explore the security perspectives of India and Bangladesh, with special focus on the threat of terrorism in the region

India-France Agree on Space Security Dialogue
Sep 07, 2021

India-France Agree on Space Security Dialogue

India has held such dialogues with the U.S. and Japan in the past.

India-Saudi security ties getting stronger
Feb 19, 2021

India-Saudi security ties getting stronger

While energy security continues to dominate the agenda, security and defense cooperation are becoming more important in the India-Saudi relationship.

India-US homeland security cooperation in the time of Modi and Trump
Aug 29, 2017

India-US homeland security cooperation in the time of Modi and Trump

Bilateral ties between India and the United States have strengthened remarkably in recent years and nowhere has cooperation been greater than in the area of security. Despite certain divergences, both countries realise that there is a need for cooperation in combating terrorism to keep their homelands safe from extremist threats. Ever since the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in May 2014, India has invested political capital in improving

Indian food security and the WTO deal
Jan 27, 2014

Indian food security and the WTO deal

A host of issues that were crucial to the interests of developing countries, and to a large extent India's, were off the table at Bali. For instance, rich country farm subsidies. The US has still not budged from its position vis-à-vis farm subsidies, despite years of push from poor countries, including in Africa.

India’s Coal Supply Security: Pushing Imports at the Expense of Domestic Reforms?
May 11, 2023

India’s Coal Supply Security: Pushing Imports at the Expense of Domestic Reforms?

Coal India Ltd. (CIL) has not been able to supply the committed quantity of coal to the powerproducers, forcing them to source coal from other countries. Apart from this, many coal blockswhich should have been in operation by now are yet to come on-stream.

India’s Coastal Security Challenges and Policy Recommendations
Jul 31, 2023

India’s Coastal Security Challenges and Policy Recommendations

The November 2008 terrorist attacks on Mumbai the commercial capital of an economically resurgent India?left a deep and indelible impact on the Indian security psyche. The attacks exposed the lackadaisical attitude of the Government, at both the Central and state level, towards coastal security and the sheer illpreparedness of the country to combat such terror threats from the seas.

India’s coastal security paradox
Dec 14, 2017

India’s coastal security paradox

Despite significant improvements in India’s near-seas security architecture, the country’s coastal security project remains a work in progress. Recent developments show there have been more than a few “misses” in the near-littorals. This report attempts to document India’s enduring coastal vulnerabilities, identifying reasons why a number of promising initiatives have not added up to a system of efficient littoral management, and explai

India’s Growing Energy Insecurity: Volatile crude prices and a tattered road map to reform
Feb 13, 2009

India’s Growing Energy Insecurity: Volatile crude prices and a tattered road map to reform

Over the past few years, there is noticeable amongst India watchers an inescapable feeling of disappointment at what has been seen as a perceptible rolling back of many of the much vaunted reforms that had been the face of the country's efforts to integrate with world energy markets through the turn of the century. With an import dependence of over 70%, and increasing with each passing year, the petroleum sector had been the obvious choice to mov

India’s must look beyond ASEAN in regional security
Nov 08, 2019

India’s must look beyond ASEAN in regional security

In recognition of ASEAN’s limitations, New Delhi must also continue to strengthen its ties with other institutions, frameworks, and countries as well.

India’s national security election: Why it’s advantage Modi
Apr 11, 2019

India’s national security election: Why it’s advantage Modi

The Indian prime minister’s national security credentials are poised to have benefits at the polls.

India’s Nuclear Security Regime: Physical Protection and Crisis Management Measures
Jul 19, 2022

India’s Nuclear Security Regime: Physical Protection and Crisis Management Measures

The security of nuclear and radiological materials is a critical global issue due to the growing number of existing and emerging threats in the nuclear domain. Within the broad domain of nuclear security, several challenges and threats—such as the physical protection of nuclear materials, insider threat, transportation security, and cyber threats—have raised concerns among governments and the international community. This report focuses on th

India’s pursuit of United Nations Security Council reforms
Dec 24, 2017

India’s pursuit of United Nations Security Council reforms

The United Nations Security Council has emerged as the key arena and barometer for evaluating the promise and progress of accommodating new, rising powers in the international system. The case of India provides one of the best examples of a rising power coming to terms with its increased power, role and expectations of itself and of other powers, great and small, in negotiating its place in the reformed Council as a permanent member. This paper b

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor
May 28, 2009

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor

There is a fundamental transformation in the Japanese assessment of India's role in the shaping of new Asian security architecture. There has been a perceptible change in the nature of the bilateral partnership since the turn of the century. Rather than being centred on economic interactions. Indo-Japanese ties today cover a far wider spectrum of subjects...

Indo-US cyber dialogue should include hardware security
Jul 03, 2014

Indo-US cyber dialogue should include hardware security

Much like the Indo-U.S. strategic partnership, Indo-U.S. cyber engagement appears to have plateaued and could benefit from a tailored reset. Adopting various measures to ensure trust in defence hardware is essential to both India and the United States, and should therefore be explored as a mechanism for deeper cooperation.

Insider Threats and Nuclear Security During a Pandemic
Apr 23, 2021

Insider Threats and Nuclear Security During a Pandemic

Insider threats targeting nuclear plants have always been a concern. A stressful pandemic exacerbates those existing risks.

Interaction with Harold Furchtgott-Roth on China, 5G, and national security
Aug 14, 2019

Interaction with Harold Furchtgott-Roth on China, 5G, and national security

ORF organised an interaction on the extent and security risks of 5G spectrum technology and the role of Huawei as a provider of 5G technology and equipment. The discussion was led by Harold Furchtgott-Roth, chaired by Kanchan Gupta.

IORA members should address security issues themselves
Sep 05, 2014

IORA members should address security issues themselves

Noting that maritime disputes and strategic competition in the Indian Ocean are at the core of changing geo-politics in the IO, participants of the Indian Ocean Dialogue concluded that the members of the IORA should address the security concerns themselves rather than relying on international forces.