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371 results found

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa
Sep 15, 2023

Debt Diplomacy in Action: An Overview of China’s Loans and Investments in West Africa

In recent years, China has increasingly invested in West Africa to further its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, diversify its supply chains, and acquire critical minerals and raw materials for its domestic industries. Indeed, China sees immense potential in West Africa for the region’s ability to provide a secure supply of critical minerals and energy resources insulated from the West. Beijing is now the region’s largest bilateral trading

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy
Apr 14, 2021

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy

As a primarily economic discipline, the circular economy must empower business and industry.

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority
Aug 16, 2023

Decoding Rural Revitalisation, Xi Jinping’s New Priority

As the world grapples with uncertainty in the post-COVID-19 era, China appears to be focusing on bolstering its rural economy. China claims to have brought nearly 100 million people out of poverty since 2012, but the regime feels that unbalanced development can jeopardise the gains of poverty alleviation. The widening economic gap could also foment unrest in the rural areas. Additionally, the government believes that the reliance on grain

Delhi के लिए उपलब्ध जलस्त्रोतों पर पैनी नज़र!
Jul 27, 2023

Delhi के लिए उपलब्ध जलस्त्रोतों पर पैनी नज़र!

दिल्ली के जल स्त्रोतों की समीक्षा से ये पता चलाहै कि, राजध

Developing a regional Single Window System in the Indian Ocean Region
Jun 02, 2023

Developing a regional Single Window System in the Indian Ocean Region

India and Australia can support the development of a Single Window System in fellow Indian Ocean Region states for trade facilitation at the regional

Developing clean energy alternatives for industries
Jun 02, 2021

Developing clean energy alternatives for industries

There is possibility of active policy interventions. What is needed is international collaboration with an aim to achieve development goals.

Digital twin: Making India’s clean energy architecture versatile
Mar 26, 2024

Digital twin: Making India’s clean energy architecture versatile

The use of digital twin technologies in renewable energy ecosystems will benefit producers, consumers, and governments alike

Disruption of the global aerospace and aviation industry — and lessons for India
May 05, 2020

Disruption of the global aerospace and aviation industry — and lessons for India

Now is time for India to rise to the challenge and be the leader in the opening up of the aviation sector.

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19
Apr 20, 2020

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19

While India has numerous policies for social security when it comes to education, healthcare, skilling, food security and pensions — most of these s

Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022: Getting the regulatory incentives right
Aug 22, 2022

Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022: Getting the regulatory incentives right

The primary focus of this bill is to open the supply side in distribution to competition in the market.

Energy News Monitor | Volume XVI; Issue 10
Aug 19, 2019

Energy News Monitor | Volume XVI; Issue 10

According to the Ministry of Power’s “Vision 2024” document, the power demand in India is expected to grow in the foreseeable future, and the supply will struggle to keep pace with it. This piece traces the recent developments in the energy sector in the form of a detailed commentary.

Energy security: Yours, mine, or ours?
Oct 17, 2023

Energy security: Yours, mine, or ours?

Western narratives on energy security that tend to exaggerate threats to scare the rest of the world into action are mostly about their interests. The

Enhancing Trade and Development in India’s Northeast
Jun 17, 2021

Enhancing Trade and Development in India’s Northeast

The strategic location of India’s North Eastern Region (NER) offers ample opportunities for enhancing the country’s economic ties. However, supply-chain constraints at the regional level hamper the trade-growth linkages, as do trade barriers, social unrest, and inadequate infrastructure. Enhancing and improving commercial exchanges with neighbouring countries, such as Bangladesh and Myanmar, will strengthen bilateral and regional networks. Th

Estimating the Productivity of India’s Agricultural Waters: Towards Water and Nutritional Security Through Crop Choices
Jul 21, 2023

Estimating the Productivity of India’s Agricultural Waters: Towards Water and Nutritional Security Through Crop Choices

This paper presents an approach towards promoting nutritional security on one hand, and water security on the other, in an integrated framework. Using econometric models, it delineates water use efficiency on the basis of calorific estimates of the productivity of agricultural water use in the context of various crops. Based on the estimated marginal product of water across the various crops, the paper finds that alternative crops such as maize a

EU-China ties: Deficits, de-risking, and dual-use tech
Dec 08, 2023

EU-China ties: Deficits, de-risking, and dual-use tech

Accompanying these country-level strategies is a range of defensive measures that the EU has put in place. These include two-way screenings of investments and anti-coercion mechanisms under the umbrella of its 'derisking' approach. At the same time, Europe is attempting to diversify its trade partners and supply chains in favour of more 'like-minded' nations in Asia, Latin America and elsewhere.

Europe accelerates its free trade agenda
Dec 01, 2022

Europe accelerates its free trade agenda

With the growing need to diversify supply chains, the EU needs to revisit the process of free trade agreements without alienating its members

Explaining the Rise of Minilaterals in the Indo-Pacific
Sep 16, 2021

Explaining the Rise of Minilaterals in the Indo-Pacific

Heightening great-power rivalry has impeded consensus-making in multilateral institutions. This has given rise, in recent years, to minilaterals especially in the Indo-Pacific. Even as there are criticisms that minilaterals are too informal and lacking in structures that are required for focused debates, China’s belligerence has galvanised support for, and focus within minilateral groupings in the region. Over the past year, the fallout of the

Exploring India’s economic diplomacy with the US
Apr 26, 2021

Exploring India’s economic diplomacy with the US

The opportunities and challenges for Indian economic diplomacy in its efforts at engaging the US over the next decade are immense.

Exploring Ways to Fill Delhi’s Unmet Water Needs
Apr 18, 2024

Exploring Ways to Fill Delhi’s Unmet Water Needs

Delhi—a city and union territory of India containing the country’s capital, New Delhi—continues to grow in population, posing challenges to civic agencies in the provision of citizens’ essential needs. This brief examines the experience of Delhi’s water agency in obtaining raw water, amid the growing gap in supply and demand that is only being exacerbated by climate change. The brief finds multiple reasons for the inadequacy of raw wate

FDI opening timed wrongly
Dec 05, 2011

FDI opening timed wrongly

Opening up retail trade should not have happened at a time when inflation is high, GDP growth rate is falling, industrial growth and exports are declining. Unfortunately, it would take a long time for the multi-brand retailers to establish their own supply chains and hence inflation is unlikely to come down in the near future.

Focus on pilots selection, training
Mar 30, 2015

Focus on pilots selection, training

Given that pilot training is solely based on an individual's ability to afford it, and his selection by airlines dependent not just on an assessment of his capabilities but also the question of supply and demand, we can be fairly certain that unless this aspect is given due consideration, incidents like that of Germanwings will continue to plague us.

Food safety during the pandemic—a matter of concern and opportunity to make it better
Jun 07, 2021

Food safety during the pandemic—a matter of concern and opportunity to make it better

On World Food Safety Day, we look at how COVID-19 has highlighted the growing concerns around food safety

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts
Aug 14, 2023

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts

China’s approach to trade has stood impervious to change. It is time for a new geoeconomic approach to counter China. Like-minded nations can fashion rapid arrangements to grow the supply chains that matter most, such as for electric vehicles (EV). The US and India, plus Australia, Canada, Japan, Britain, Taiwan, Korea, and Mexico can form an EV supply chain compact to create a level playing field within the group and incentivise their

Four famines in an interconnected world: What can the G20 do?
Jun 28, 2017

Four famines in an interconnected world: What can the G20 do?

Nearly 20 million people in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen are facing what has been described as the largest food crisis in the world in 70 years. Conflict is the main reason behind these famines, abetted by drought, climate change, poverty, and the existing vulnerability of the people in these countries. Security issues have led to a dramatic decline in agricultural production and have adversely affected the supply and distribution of

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade
Jan 04, 2021

From turmoil to clarity: International relations in the new decade

Indian foreign policy will have to respond to the meta-trends by crafting an approach that is more than just the sum of its bilateral and multilateral

Future of the pandemic in 2021 and beyond — Africa’s economic challenges continue
Dec 29, 2020

Future of the pandemic in 2021 and beyond — Africa’s economic challenges continue

For 2021, governments in Africa will focus on improving their revenue and ending the economic recession, way more than it will focus on managing the p

Global contest for medical equipment amidst the COVID19 pandemic
May 20, 2020

Global contest for medical equipment amidst the COVID19 pandemic

While the coronavirus pandemic continues to stay strong, the demand and supply for crucial medical equipment is highly unlikely to disappear.

Green lighting growth
Jun 09, 2023

Green lighting growth

Dialling down the tax and public debt-driven, active industrial policy model could greenlight private demand-led consumption and private investment-le

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India
Nov 17, 2020

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive economic and social fallout for India, as it has across the globe. In India, large numbers of people lost their jobs, and supply chains across industries and agriculture have been disrupted. At the same time, environmental indicators—notably air and freshwater quality—showed improvements following the long period of a nationwide lockdown. This brief outlines why India must make a focused decision to mov

Halfway to 2030:Unravelling Global food security challenges
Jan 12, 2024

Halfway to 2030:Unravelling Global food security challenges

To end the intergenerational cycle of poverty and eradicate all types of malnutrition, policymakers must intensify their efforts

Hamas-Israel war's global energy impact will depend on whether the conflict theatre widens
Oct 13, 2023

Hamas-Israel war's global energy impact will depend on whether the conflict theatre widens

Even if there’s a ground invasion by Israel into Gaza and an extended conflict, the impact on energy prices and the resultant OPEC response would depend on the scale and reach that the conflict takes. If it remains localised without affecting major oil producers or transit routes, prices may see limited immediate change, prompting OPEC to maintain current production levels

Has PMAY-U succeeded in providing affordable housing?
Aug 08, 2022

Has PMAY-U succeeded in providing affordable housing?

Although the scheme has ensured housing supply to millions of households, a focused approach is necessary to address the challenges of slum redevelopm

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis
Jan 03, 2024

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis

States are no longer insulated from distant geopolitical realities. As India has witnessed, trade and supply chain linkages can extend conflicts to uninvolved states

How Fares the PMAY (U)? Taking Stock of India’s National Housing Programme
May 12, 2022

How Fares the PMAY (U)? Taking Stock of India’s National Housing Programme

Across India’s burgeoning cities, the supply of affordable homes is highly inadequate to keep pace with the growing need; as a result, slums and other informally built areas, where living conditions are extremely poor, have grown. In 2015 the Indian government implemented a national housing programme, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (urban) or PMAY (U) to bridge the gap in affordable housing. This report evaluates the progress of PMAY (U), and finds

iCET: Promises and challenges
Feb 17, 2023

iCET: Promises and challenges

If the iCET crystallises into concrete reality, it will bring great gains for India

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?
Jun 06, 2022

Imported Coal: Source of Energy Security for India?

India's increasing use of imported coal undermines the country's strategy of being "self-reliant" in the energy security sector.

In pursuit of global labour mobility
Apr 29, 2021

In pursuit of global labour mobility

India needs to rethink its approach towards engaging in debates on the future of global labour mobility.

In search of a coherent international approach to governing technologies
Oct 17, 2021

In search of a coherent international approach to governing technologies

If States cannot agree on legally binding rules, norms are the next best option for shaping State behaviour in cyberspace, but is that enough?