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79 results found

भारत आणि युरोपमधील संबंधांची पुनर्रचना
Nov 15, 2024

भारत आणि युरोपमधील संबंधांची पुनर्रचना

युरोपीय राष्ट्रप्रमुखांच्या सलग भारत भेटींमुळे जागतिक

An Indo-European realignment
Nov 04, 2024

An Indo-European realignment

The back-to-back visits by European heads of state to India indicate the country's growing significance on the global stage

Ethanol blended petrol for energy security: India’s self-goal?
Oct 18, 2024

Ethanol blended petrol for energy security: India’s self-goal?

India's revised biofuels roadmap aims to boost ethanol blending from food crops by 2025, but has led to increased corn imports and higher global price

उद्याच्या हरित जगासाठी - भारताच्या सार्वजनिक खर्चाचा रोडमॅप
Aug 30, 2024

उद्याच्या हरित जगासाठी - भारताच्या सार्वजनिक खर्चाचा रोडमॅप

हवामानाच्या उद्दिष्टांशी संरेखित करण्याच्या दृष्टिको�

A green tomorrow: A roadmap for India's public expenditure
Aug 12, 2024

A green tomorrow: A roadmap for India's public expenditure

To align with climate goals, India must shift budgetary practices to include climate adaptation and mitigation, ensuring long-term resilience and sust

Budget 2024: Hard to abate, hard to ignore
Jul 24, 2024

Budget 2024: Hard to abate, hard to ignore

The FM, in her Budget speech, emphasised the imperative to develop a roadmap for transitioning ‘hard to abate’ industries

From unpredictability to risk management: Modi’s visit to Moscow
Jul 06, 2024

From unpredictability to risk management: Modi’s visit to Moscow

Amidst growing apprehensions about Russia-China and India-US convergences, India and Russia need to adopt a roadmap to make their bilateral ties more

Introducing NavIC 2.0: Leveraging India’s strategic space advantage
Apr 01, 2024

Introducing NavIC 2.0: Leveraging India’s strategic space advantage

NavIC 2.0 not only fortifies India's defence capabilities but also places it on par with leading nations in global satellite navigation

अर्थसंकल्प 2024: श्रीलंकेचा आर्थिक पुनर्रचनेचा मार्ग?
Feb 05, 2024

अर्थसंकल्प 2024: श्रीलंकेचा आर्थिक पुनर्रचनेचा मार्ग?

श्रीलंका देशाच्या २०२४च्या अर्थसंकल्पात देशाला पुढे ने

चीन: कोविड-युग के बाद आत्मनिर्भरता की ओर शी जिनपिंग का रोडमैप!
Jan 25, 2024

चीन: कोविड-युग के बाद आत्मनिर्भरता की ओर शी जिनपिंग का रोडमैप!

तीन रुझानों ने चीन के लिए साल 2023 की रूपरेखा गढ़ दी: अर्थव्य�

Budget 2024: Sri Lanka’s road to economic recovery?
Jan 17, 2024

Budget 2024: Sri Lanka’s road to economic recovery?

Sri Lanka’s Budget 2024 has ambitious proposals that could push the country forward, however, it continues to stare at a long road to economic recov

Pakistan: Persisting instability
Dec 19, 2023

Pakistan: Persisting instability

Going into 2024, Pakistan remains in the throes of a polycrisis, without a clear roadmap on how to navigate it

Moment of reckoning for India’s electric two-wheeler industry
Oct 28, 2023

Moment of reckoning for India’s electric two-wheeler industry

India can grasp world leadership in EVs, and the opportunity is at hand. It's the right time for policymakers and the industry to embark on this path

प्लास्टिक की सर्कुलर अर्थव्यवस्था में बदलाव: एक रोडमैप
Aug 03, 2023

प्लास्टिक की सर्कुलर अर्थव्यवस्था में बदलाव: एक रोडमैप

प्लास्टिक ने हाल ही में सर्कुलर अर्थव्यवस्था को लेकर चल �

Announced in Budget 2022, debut green bond performs better than expected
Jan 30, 2023

Announced in Budget 2022, debut green bond performs better than expected

Indian sovereign green bonds are critical for establishing a comprehensive sustainable investment architecture, thus a concrete roadmap needs to be ch

The 20th Party Congress and the way ahead for Chinese diplomacy
Oct 31, 2022

The 20<sup>th</sup> Party Congress and the way ahead for Chinese diplomacy

Much has been retained when it comes to the roadmap for China’s diplomacy, while the additions reflect a growing concern for the current internation

The 20th Party Congress and the way ahead for Chinese diplomacy
Oct 31, 2022

The 20th Party Congress and the way ahead for Chinese diplomacy

Much has been retained when it comes to the roadmap for China’s diplomacy, while the additions reflect a growing concern for the current internation

प्लास्टिक की सर्कुलर अर्थव्यवस्था में बदलाव: एक रोडमैप
May 02, 2022

प्लास्टिक की सर्कुलर अर्थव्यवस्था में बदलाव: एक रोडमैप

प्लास्टिक ने हाल ही में सर्कुलर अर्थव्यवस्था को लेकर चल �

Economic Survey 2021-22: Directions for energy
Feb 17, 2022

Economic Survey 2021-22: Directions for energy

Though the Economic Survey shifted its approach, it doesn’t provide a roadmap to guide the energy sector.

Roadmaps and frameworks for achieving net-zero targets
Nov 02, 2021

Roadmaps and frameworks for achieving net-zero targets

Large climate financing is a prerequisite for net-zero transformation and innovations to reduce emissions. However, such financing must be recognised

India’s focus on enhancing maritime security as the UNSC president: Leadership envisioning a global roadmap
Aug 26, 2021

India’s focus on enhancing maritime security as the UNSC president: Leadership envisioning a global roadmap

As the current President of the UN Security Council, India has provided dynamic leadership and direction in envisioning a global roadmap on enhancing

A roadmap for sustainable food security
Apr 26, 2021

A roadmap for sustainable food security

Given the rapidly growing population, resource constraints and climate change concerns, accompanied by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic — it is

The implications of climate change for Bangladesh–India relations
Mar 25, 2021

The implications of climate change for Bangladesh–India relations

Climate change, which has been the global poster agenda for the last two decades, could be used as a strategic area for further cementing a genuine an

“Winter is coming” and the pandemic made it quick
Dec 29, 2020

“Winter is coming” and the pandemic made it quick

The hanging question that needs to be addressed globally would be how to ensure the current competitive discourse on AI optimisation can move forward.

As India rebuilds its economy, it is time to make it circular and sustainable
May 28, 2020

As India rebuilds its economy, it is time to make it circular and sustainable

Circular economic model of growth offers India the roadmap for making ecological and economic welfare complement and sustain each other.

A roadmap for skills universities in India
May 25, 2018

A roadmap for skills universities in India

Setting up skills universities across the country is an ambitious and expansive initiative. It cannot afford to fall prey to the ignorance of the poli

Need for a ‘Chipko 2.0’ movement
Dec 20, 2017

Need for a ‘Chipko 2.0’ movement

Environment is becoming good politics. The timing is apt for both an administrative and political vision to give a Green Roadmap for India.

A Proposed Roadmap to Enhance Last-Mile Connectivity in India’s Metro Rail Transit Systems
Aug 14, 2023

A Proposed Roadmap to Enhance Last-Mile Connectivity in India’s Metro Rail Transit Systems

Evidence from several countries suggests that last-mile connectivity solutions—the transport options available to commuters from the origin of their journey to the point of accessing a public transit system—enhance citizens’ mobility and increase metro rail ridership. This brief evaluates India’s operational metro rail transit systems to identify the missing links in the provision and effective implementation of last-mile connecti

A Roadmap for India’s Climate Cooperation with Pacific Small Island Developing States
Aug 16, 2023

A Roadmap for India’s Climate Cooperation with Pacific Small Island Developing States

Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS) are highly vulnerable to disasters emanating from the impacts of climate change, geopolitical tensions, and fluctuations in global energy markets. To overcome this, the PSIDS have committed to ambitious carbon reduction targets, and to adopting renewable energy and low carbon emission initiatives. However, they must contend with critical barriers, such as the lack of finance, capacity, and te

A Roadmap for RIC
Mar 25, 2014

A Roadmap for RIC

Together, Russia, India and China occupy around 50 percent of Asia's landmass. The three countries constitute some of the largest economies in Asia. There are a lot of potential synergies among the three countries, making a compelling case for their collaboration.

Bridging the SDGs Financing Gap in Least Developed Countries: A Roadmap for the G20
Oct 27, 2023

Bridging the SDGs Financing Gap in Least Developed Countries: A Roadmap for the G20

Financing is a critical factor in realising the targets of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. In the decade of action (2021-2030), the least developed countries (LDCs) will be the battleground where the SDGs could be either won or lost. This paper estimates the level of SDG spending required in the LDCs, measures the current levels of domestic resource mobilisation and foreign aid and capital received by these countr

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap
May 13, 2024

Enhancing Aerospace Power Engagement Among the Quad Countries: A Roadmap

The Indo-Pacific region is becoming the world's new strategic and economic ‘centre of gravity’. Indeed, the accelerated trajectory of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) in recent years highlights the region’s growing importance. The Quad countries have committed to a rules-based order and a free and open Indo-Pacific, and are aiming to develop resilience across domains, such as in the maritime space, to counter and deter aggressive

Maldives: 'Roadmap Talks' still has a larger purpose
Jul 16, 2012

Maldives: 'Roadmap Talks' still has a larger purpose

There seems to be a need for conferring permanency of sorts for the All-Party Roadmap Talks that is now headed by Ali Mujthaba Mujthaba, aimed not only at national reconciliation but even more at national consensus and consequent national reconstruction.

Mapping Skills: A Roadmap for India and the UAE
Jul 06, 2020

Mapping Skills: A Roadmap for India and the UAE

The presence of almost nine million Indian nationals in the Gulf region makes India a key source of human capital for the six GCC nations. The majority of these Indians are blue-collar workers engaged in low-paying jobs. As countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) move up the technology ladder, they are increasingly seeking workers with specific, certified skills. This report outlines a pilot project for the mapping, harmonisation and accred

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks
Aug 14, 2012

MDP decision revives hopes on Roadmap Talks

MDP's decision to call off the daily protest demonstrations, demanding early presidential polls, has revived the hopes of early resumption of the All-Party Roadmap Talks, initiated by President Mohammed Waheed Hassan at the instance of Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai in March.

The 20th Party Congress and China’s New Roadmap
Aug 28, 2023

The 20th Party Congress and China’s New Roadmap

The 20th Party Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October 2022 and the subsequent leadership reshuffle gave a new mandate to a ruling elite that will sit at the helm till 2027. It happened at a time when the CPC is facing strong headwinds, among them a tech war with the United States (US) and a downturn in the domestic economy as a result of President Xi Jinping’s ‘zero-COVID-19’ policy. The CPC saw the protests that ensued a

The Implications of India’s Revised Roadmap for Biofuels: A Lifecycle Perspective
Aug 14, 2023

The Implications of India’s Revised Roadmap for Biofuels: A Lifecycle Perspective

Transport activity in India has increased more than sevenfold over the last two decades, its gasoline-fuelled pathway leading to a rapid rise in negative environmental externalities. To decouple the sector’s growth from high emissions, policymakers are scaling up efforts to deploy cleaner fuels for the sector; in particular, liquid biofuels have received a significant push. However, while biofuels help lower emissions at the point of us