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1905 results found

The Council of EU: France assumes Presidency under Macron
Jan 06, 2022

The Council of EU: France assumes Presidency under Macron

As France takes over the presidency, it aims to achieve an ambitious programme over the course of the next six months

Pop culture and strategic messaging: How Netflix got caught in the South China Sea dispute
Jan 03, 2022

Pop culture and strategic messaging: How Netflix got caught in the South China Sea dispute

China’s claims over the South China Sea are being pushed forward not just by military intelligence and show strength, but also by soft power

अंतरिक्ष : लगातार बढ़ते सैन्यीकरण की चपेट में ‘ग्लोबल कॉमन’
Jan 03, 2022

अंतरिक्ष : लगातार बढ़ते सैन्यीकरण की चपेट में ‘ग्लोबल कॉमन’

अंतरिक्ष जिस तरह युद्ध का अगला मैदान बन रहा है, उसे देखते �

यूरोपीय संघ विश्व का प्रवेश द्वार : प्रासंगिकता और अदृश्यता के बीच संकीर्ण रास्ता
Dec 30, 2021

यूरोपीय संघ विश्व का प्रवेश द्वार : प्रासंगिकता और अदृश्यता के बीच संकीर्ण रास्ता

क्या ग्लोबल गेटवे की पहल यूरोपीय संघ को बदलती वैश्विक व्�

The EU Global Gateway: The narrow path between relevance and invisibility
Dec 23, 2021

The EU Global Gateway: The narrow path between relevance and invisibility

Would the Global Gateway initiative help EU to reconfigure its role in the changing world order?

रूस और यूक्रेन का सीमा संकट: यूरोप के लिए फ़ैसले की घड़ी
Dec 22, 2021

रूस और यूक्रेन का सीमा संकट: यूरोप के लिए फ़ैसले की घड़ी

रूस, पश्चिमी देशों को चिड़ाते हुए यूक्रेन के मसले पर लगाता�

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning
Dec 18, 2021

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning

Much to the chagrin of the West, Russia continues to display aggression on the Ukraine front. Does this represent an opportunity for closer EU-Ukraine

India’s strategic petroleum reserves: Cost and benefit 
Dec 11, 2021

India’s strategic petroleum reserves: Cost and benefit 

Is the cost of maintaining India’s strategic petroleum reserves justified?

पेट्रोलियम पर लगने वाले करों पर महंगाई की नकेल
Dec 10, 2021

पेट्रोलियम पर लगने वाले करों पर महंगाई की नकेल

कच्चे तेल की नीची क़ीमतों ने केंद्र और राज्य दोनों सरकार�

How can cooperation with Taiwan benefit India and Maharashtra in the global supply chain shift?
Nov 29, 2021

How can cooperation with Taiwan benefit India and Maharashtra in the global supply chain shift?

Working in close partnership with Taiwan can bring benefits beyond the ICT sector for a state as diverse and skilled as Maharashtra

The EU must support Lithuania against China on Taiwan
Nov 22, 2021

The EU must support Lithuania against China on Taiwan

Lithuania’s recent acknowledgement of Taiwan provides the EU with an opportunity to stand up to China’s bullying tactics

Why a narrative of the #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated risks prolonging the pandemic
Nov 22, 2021

Why a narrative of the #PandemicOfTheUnvaccinated risks prolonging the pandemic

Should unvaccinated people be held solely responsible for the sudden rise in COVID-19 cases in Europe?

कार्बन उत्सर्जन में गिरावट: एक समसामयिक पड़ताल
Nov 19, 2021

कार्बन उत्सर्जन में गिरावट: एक समसामयिक पड़ताल

आज दुनिया में कार्बन की रोकथाम से जुड़ी ज़िम्मेदारियां द

Inflation tames petroleum taxes
Nov 19, 2021

Inflation tames petroleum taxes

Upward trends in crude oil prices and inflation have made a further increase in taxes on petroleum prices unlikely.

India-ASEAN relations in the maritime domain—an analysis
Nov 17, 2021

India-ASEAN relations in the maritime domain—an analysis

Both India and ASEAN need to act on the ample opportunities available to advance a cooperative and  mutually beneficial maritime relationship

यूरोपीय संघ के लिए क्यों ज़रूरी है पश्चिमी बाल्कन
Nov 15, 2021

यूरोपीय संघ के लिए क्यों ज़रूरी है पश्चिमी बाल्कन

हालिया शिखर सम्मेलन के नतीजों के बावजूद पश्चिमी बाल्कन क

A Green New Deal must be global
Nov 11, 2021

A Green New Deal must be global

To achieve global carbon neutrality, developed nations needs to look beyond domestic green deals and provide Global South with the capital to go green

অউকাস: একটি এশীয় এবং ইউরোপীয় দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি
Nov 07, 2021

অউকাস: একটি এশীয় এবং ইউরোপীয় দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি

অউকাস জোটের আওতাভুক্ত হওয়ার ফলে তার এবং ইউরোপীয় বন্ধু-দে

Could Poland leave the European Union next?
Nov 02, 2021

Could Poland leave the European Union next?

The growing disjunction between Brussels and Warsaw sheds light on the overall questioning of Eurocentric values in the region.

China and Africa—Is it the end of the honeymoon period?
Oct 27, 2021

China and Africa—Is it the end of the honeymoon period?

The fading of Sino-optimism seen in African countries and the emergence of new western initiatives in counter to BRI are ample reasons for China to re

An India-Europe Trade Corridor? The geoeconomics dimension of an emerging West Asia Quad
Oct 24, 2021

An India-Europe Trade Corridor? The geoeconomics dimension of an emerging West Asia Quad

India could leverage evolving ties with West Asia to expand on muli-modal links from Mumbai to Europe, via the Arab world

Why the Western Balkans matter to the European Union?
Oct 22, 2021

Why the Western Balkans matter to the European Union?

The accession talks between the EU and Western Balkans remain up in the air despite the recent summit. As the presence of foreign powers grow stronger

AUKUS: एशियाई और यूरोपियन दृष्टिकोण से ‘ऑकस’ का आकलन
Oct 19, 2021

AUKUS: एशियाई और यूरोपियन दृष्टिकोण से ‘ऑकस’ का आकलन

AUKUS:ऑस्ट्रेलिया को ऑकस का हिस्सा बनने के बाद अपने यूरोपियन

China aims to algorithmise Internet Information Services (IIS)
Oct 12, 2021

China aims to algorithmise Internet Information Services (IIS)

As a part of the ongoing tech crackdown, Beijing has decided to introduce AI Algorithm-based regulations to rein in the Big Tech

Carbon emission reduction: Taking stock
Oct 11, 2021

Carbon emission reduction: Taking stock

The reduction in carbon emission needs to be observed through a global perspective, as most countries have reformed the sectorial makeup of their econ

Direct air capture: Inching towards cost competitiveness?
Oct 11, 2021

Direct air capture: Inching towards cost competitiveness?

DACCS technologies can help mitigate climate crisis by reducing CO2 emission, however, there are certain limitations, therefore, these needs to be enr

Restoration of the Atlantic Alliance between the UK and US
Oct 05, 2021

Restoration of the Atlantic Alliance between the UK and US

After a tumultuous start with the new Biden administration over the Afghanistan crisis, the UK is back on track as it renews its alliance with the US

AUKUS, strategic autonomy, and the future of the Indo-Pacific: A French perspective
Oct 04, 2021

AUKUS, strategic autonomy, and the future of the Indo-Pacific: A French perspective

France’s vision for the Indo-Pacific is distinctly not pivoted towards being part of the US-China rivalry that is brewing in the region

The 16+1 Initiative: Judged Too Quickly?
Oct 02, 2021

The 16+1 Initiative: Judged Too Quickly?

The 16+1 initiative is seen as a Chinese Trojan Horse waiting for entry into the European Union

हिंद-प्रशांत के लिए यूरोपीय संघ की रणनीति का मतलब क्या है?
Sep 30, 2021

हिंद-प्रशांत के लिए यूरोपीय संघ की रणनीति का मतलब क्या है?

ईयू हिंद-प्रशांत रणनीति से पता चलता है कि यूरोपीय संघ का इ

AUKUS: An Asian and European perspective
Sep 30, 2021

AUKUS: An Asian and European perspective

Australia will need to bridge the trust deficit that joining the AUKUS has created with its European allies

Tapping a disaster: Mitigating the strategic implications of Sri Lanka's economic crisis 
Sep 27, 2021

Tapping a disaster: Mitigating the strategic implications of Sri Lanka's economic crisis 

Sri Lanka’s current crisis is an opportunity for India to draw the island nation away from China

Chip-ageddon? The Race to Ace Tech Sovereignty
Sep 26, 2021

Chip-ageddon? The Race to Ace Tech Sovereignty

From Taiwan and South Korea to China and the US and EU, the race towards manufacturing semiconductor chips has only just begun

Unlocking a new era: India–UK Early Harvest Trade Deal
Sep 22, 2021

Unlocking a new era: India–UK Early Harvest Trade Deal

The Early Harvest Trade Deal signals a change in India’s reluctance to pursue FTAs

अफ़ग़ान मसले के साये तले संपन्न हुआ ‘शंघाई सहयोग संगठन’ का सम्मेलन
Sep 21, 2021

अफ़ग़ान मसले के साये तले संपन्न हुआ ‘शंघाई सहयोग संगठन’ का सम्मेलन

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान एक ऐसा देश है जो भौगोलिक रूप से इस संगठन मे�

The muted magic of ‘Mutti’ Merkel’s chancellorship
Sep 20, 2021

The muted magic of ‘Mutti’ Merkel’s chancellorship

A lookback at Angela Merkel’s 16-year leadership of Germany

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान संकट और यूरोपीय संघ की राष्ट्रीयता का प्रश्न
Sep 18, 2021

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान संकट और यूरोपीय संघ की राष्ट्रीयता का प्रश्न

बगैर यूरोपियन यूनियन के सहयोगियों से सलाह मशविरा किए अफ़

What does an EU Indo-Pacific Strategy entail?
Sep 17, 2021

What does an EU Indo-Pacific Strategy entail?

The EU Indo-Pacific strategy signifies a shift in the EU’s perspective of the region from just economic to strategic

The EU-India Connectivity Partnership: Can Brussels step up its connectivity game in the Indo-Pacific?
Sep 16, 2021

The EU-India Connectivity Partnership: Can Brussels step up its connectivity game in the Indo-Pacific?

The possibilities and the drawbacks inherent in the EU and India’s venture to provide an alternative to the BRI

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit
Sep 15, 2021

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit

Looking beyond the SCO’s inability to come to a consensus on Afghanistan to the normalising of Beijing’s influence in Eurasia

मध्य और पूर्वी यूरोप में भारतः गुटनिरपेक्षता से बहुदेशीय व्यवस्था तक का सफ़र…
Sep 15, 2021

मध्य और पूर्वी यूरोप में भारतः गुटनिरपेक्षता से बहुदेशीय व्यवस्था तक का सफ़र…

नियम आधारित वैश्विक व्यवस्था के लिए भारत, मध्य और पूर्वी �

India in Central and Eastern Europe: From Non-Alignment to Multi–Alignment
Sep 13, 2021

India in Central and Eastern Europe: From Non-Alignment to Multi–Alignment

India and the Central and Eastern European countries can work together towards a rules-based international order