Search: For - Israel

394 results found

Rantissi: Murder most foul
Apr 26, 2004

Rantissi: Murder most foul

An old maxim has it that, you can drive a man to murder, but can't make him think. What President George W. Bush's shameful and imperious encouragement to the unilateral Gaza pullout plan and the land grab that it entails in the West Bank do mean to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is in evidence.

Re-negotiating the Iran nuclear deal and trajectory of security in West Asia
Dec 07, 2021

Re-negotiating the Iran nuclear deal and trajectory of security in West Asia

As the two key players have returned to the negotiating table, it seems that it has become even more difficult for them to see eye to eye

Reactions to Rafah: Preventing humanitarian supply chain breakdown
Jun 06, 2024

Reactions to Rafah: Preventing humanitarian supply chain breakdown

The near breakdown of humanitarian supply chains and services in Gaza merits new measures from the ICJ against Israel.

Reading Hamas from an Indian security vantage point
Oct 19, 2023

Reading Hamas from an Indian security vantage point

Despite Hamas’s elevation in the scale of global terrorism, India’s reasons for banning this group are much more complex

Rebuilding Gaza: Navigating the challenges of post-war reconstruction
Jun 01, 2024

Rebuilding Gaza: Navigating the challenges of post-war reconstruction

Gaza's reconstruction must be holistic, addressing infrastructure and essential services while prioritising economic rebuilding, currency stabilisatio

Russia and the Iran nuclear deal
Jul 15, 2015

Russia and the Iran nuclear deal

What is interesting for Russia is how greater cooperation with Iran will affect its ties with other Middle Eastern nations, such as both Saudi Arabia and Israel, which has been a vocal opponent of a nuclear deal with Iran. Israel however does not occupy a special position in Russia's foreign relations as it does for the United States.

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India
Jun 27, 2017

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India

Mohammad bin Salman's ascent to the second most important position in the kingdom will reinforce Saudi Arabia's newly assertive foreign policy.

Shadow-boxing in West Asia
Apr 16, 2024

Shadow-boxing in West Asia

Iran has indicated that it is willing to call it quits, but will respond strongly if Israel retaliates

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024
Dec 26, 2023

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024

The year 2024 is poised to be a period of significant transformation, characterised by extensive changes on both domestic and international fronts

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security
May 24, 2023

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security

This brief examines state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking the cases of India, Israel, Brazil, Hungary and the United States. It studies the language utilised by the government leaders in these countries and finds extensive war-time semantics. The brief explores the interrelationship of such rhetoric with the legitimisation of extreme measures through the construction of an issue as an “existential threat”— a process analysts call

Syria: At the threshold
Oct 27, 2011

Syria: At the threshold

Everywhere in Syria the grand conspiracy of the US, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to overthrow the Assad regime is feverishly discussed. Turkey reportedly tried to mediate in this crisis by suggesting that Muslim Brotherhood should be included in the negotiations, but Damascus refused since the Brotherhood is a religious grouping.

Taking a wrong turn
Jun 06, 2006

Taking a wrong turn

Different states react differently to similar situations. When Israel is subjected to terrorist attacks, which is very often, the State reacts immediately and with force each time. In India, two days after Pakistan-backed terrorists kill innocent civilians in Srinagar, we send an official delegation to talk about cooperation in the war against terrorism with the sponsors of terrorism.

Tech-driven counterterrorism: Navigating new frontiers
Mar 29, 2024

Tech-driven counterterrorism: Navigating new frontiers

There is a growing need for adaptive counter-terrorism strategies and global collaboration to navigate the intersection of technology and terrorism ef

The Abraham Accords as India’s West Asia bridge
Aug 21, 2021

The Abraham Accords as India’s West Asia bridge

The signing of the Accords has helped remove strategic obstacles for New Delhi and aided defence cooperation

The Abraham Accords: Powerlifting West Asia’s geopolitics
May 11, 2022

The Abraham Accords: Powerlifting West Asia’s geopolitics

Rather than pinning all hopes to mitigate regional tensions in West Asia on the Abraham accords, regional actors should establish new channels of comm

The best of both worlds
Nov 15, 2013

The best of both worlds

The West has finally woken up to something that strategic analysts in India have been saying for decades: Saudi Arabia funded the Pakistani nuclear programme. In this connection, we have three questions to analyse; First, how valid is this information? Second, how is it then that Saudi Arabia gets away with so much? Third, why is Nato and Israeli intelligence taken seriously but not the Indians?

The complexity and durability of India’s intelligence culture
Oct 06, 2023

The complexity and durability of India’s intelligence culture

Despite the recent allegations, India’s intelligence culture has been characterised by its conflict resolution strategies instead of resorting to ta

The great American divide
May 03, 2024

The great American divide

The American political landscape has been witnessing a great divide due to the growing immigration problem and the US’ support to ongoing wars.

The I2U2 summit: Geoeconomic cooperation in a geopolitically complicated West Asia
Jul 14, 2022

The I2U2 summit: Geoeconomic cooperation in a geopolitically complicated West Asia

The I2U2 grouping could be a game-changer in the region as it provides a platform for all the member states to outline new areas of cooperation.

The I2U2: Where Geography and Economics Meet
Feb 27, 2023

The I2U2: Where Geography and Economics Meet

Minilateral organisations have increased in number in recent years, reflecting a new paradigm in international relations. The I2U2 (India, Israel, United States and UAE), launched in July this year, is one such minilateral. With its priorities set on a geoeconomic agenda, the I2U2 is being driven by both, the member countries’ own motivations and their shared interests. This brief gives an overview of the grouping and its objectives. It

The Indian Air Force and Indian Army Apache fleet need NLOS missiles
Dec 03, 2021

The Indian Air Force and Indian Army Apache fleet need NLOS missiles

The Indian Air Force and Indian Army along with the Ministry of Defence should jointly negotiate for the Israeli NLOS missiles to avoid unnecessarily

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?
Jul 31, 2015

The Iran deal: Will it have an impact on US elections?

As the US Congress scrutinises the Iran accord, partisanship on Capitol Hill might reach new heights and it will capture headlines. Whether Congress passes the Iran deal or not, it will loom large in the election debates because of its connection to American and Israeli national security, though it is unlikely to be a real game changer in the elections.

The Iran vote and after
Feb 17, 2006

The Iran vote and after

The excitement of the Board of Governor's meeting is over and the participants have not been slow to express their views at the outcome. The Iranians are defiant, the Americans triumphant, the Russians cautious, the Europeans smug, the Chinese inscrutable, the Arabs joyous at directing a new argument at Israel, the latter pleased over Iran's predicament yet angry over a dent in their nuclear ambiguity, and the Indians self-righteous.

The Limits of Military Coercion in Halting Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Programme
Aug 06, 2021

The Limits of Military Coercion in Halting Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Programme

Israel believes that the use of force is essential to stopping Iran from making the nuclear bomb. A vocal section of the strategic affairs community in the United States agrees with the proposition. This brief argues that military means are unlikely to sabotage the nuclear weapons programme of an advanced-stage bomb-seeker like Iran. Moreover, use of force could be counterproductive as it can incentivise Iran’s pursuit of the bomb, and it may e

The Middle East Initiative claptrap
Sep 30, 2004

The Middle East Initiative claptrap

In 1991, President George H.W. Bush proclaimed that the victory in the Gulf war presented an extraordinary opportunity to settle the Middle East conflict. This led to the Madrid conference, secret parleys between Israeli and PLO negotiators in Norway and then to signing of what came to be known as the Oslo accords in a grand ceremony at the White House in 1993.

The nuances of India’s de-hyphenated policy
Feb 06, 2018

The nuances of India’s de-hyphenated policy

New Delhi’s policies towards Israel and Palestine are shifting from mere symbolism towards one driven by substantial outcomes

The Red Sea crisis and political equity of non-state armed actors
Feb 02, 2024

The Red Sea crisis and political equity of non-state armed actors

The growing influence of non-state militant actors in the global order needs to be scrutinised

The Storm in the Arab Spring
Mar 03, 2012

The Storm in the Arab Spring

Tunisia, Eygpt, Syria?events may seem to be following a pattern but the changing dynamics in West Asia point to far more complex political and strategic games being played: The US role, Saudi phobia, Israeli and Iranian intrigues. Oil. And, to top it all, the Shia-Sunni face-off. Is Turkey being lured in as a possible Joker in the pack? Welcome to another Great Game.

Trump's peace deal failed even before taking off
Jul 08, 2019

Trump's peace deal failed even before taking off

Arab businessmen may begin openly conducting business with Israel, thus recognising its existence and acknowledging Israel as a state which has thus

Turkey- The New Target Of Pan-Islamic Jihadi Terrorism?
Dec 23, 2003

Turkey- The New Target Of Pan-Islamic Jihadi Terrorism?

November 2003 was a black month for Turkey, which has been grappling with problems arising out of its geo-strategic location in the Middle East and its Islamic identity and its close proximity to the Western world. Even before the country could recover from the terrorist blasts outside the Beit Israel and Neve Shalom synagogues in Istanbul that killed 25 innocent civilians and wounded

UN snubs Trump's Jerusalem move. What to expect next
Dec 27, 2017

UN snubs Trump's Jerusalem move. What to expect next

The UN General Assembly resolution called Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital “null and void”. The Resolution reaffirmed 10 earlier Security Council resolutions on Jerusalem, from 1967 onwards, requiring, inter alia, that the city’s final status must be decided in direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians.

Urban youth are seeking jobs abroad
Apr 01, 2024

Urban youth are seeking jobs abroad

Amidst the high rate of unemployment in India, many urban youth are taking up blue-collar jobs abroad

US 2024 presidential elections: A stocktaking
Jan 04, 2024

US 2024 presidential elections: A stocktaking

It seems like the 2024 US election is riding on issue-centric campaigns, given the limited impact of persona from either party

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge
Jan 22, 2024

US faces a renewed Shi'ite challenge

The US today is on the horns of a dilemma in the Middle East.

US-Iran conflict won’t leave India unscathed
Jan 07, 2020

US-Iran conflict won’t leave India unscathed

India has significant interests in the Persian Gulf region, but it appears to have dealt itself out of the game by tamely skewing its Middle East policy in favour of the informal US-Saudi Arabia-Israel coalition. Iran was given short shrift as New Delhi went along with Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ policy on Iran. New Delhi’s motives may have been practical.

US-Iran conundrum: Not all doors are shut
Jun 06, 2024

US-Iran conundrum: Not all doors are shut

Iran’s leadership crisis may have come at an important time for the US, amid an ongoing political slugfest at home in an election cycle and a litmus test for US relations with Israel.

War in West Asia: Expectations and trajectories for 2024
Dec 16, 2023

War in West Asia: Expectations and trajectories for 2024

With Israel’s intended strategy in the aftermath of the 7/10 attacks, the conflict is all set to go well into 2024

What next for Iran?
May 21, 2024

What next for Iran?

Although Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi’s death leaves the country to face an uncertain future, it would not have any significant short-term impac

What to expect in 2024: Global economy
Dec 18, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Global economy

In 2024, an increasingly volatile world will define the state of the global economy