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Health equity through transparency and accountability
Sep 25, 2017

Health equity through transparency and accountability

Healthcare in India could use the help of better data and analysis from both public health systems and private sector interventions.

Health is Wealth: Indian Private Sector Investments in African Healthcare
May 22, 2023

Health is Wealth: Indian Private Sector Investments in African Healthcare

The increasing range of cross-boundary health issues has prompted the integration of health into the discipline of diplomacy, and this trend is reflected in India-Africa partnership. India’s development partnerships are, however, predicated on the idea of development effectiveness, which requires active private sector engagement. By focusing on four opportunity sectors — medical tourism, tele-health, frugal innovations, and the pharmaceutica

Health Perspective of the G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration
Oct 25, 2023

Health Perspective of the G20 New Delhi Leaders Declaration

The New Delhi Declaration’s policy commitments in the health sector emphasise the role of the G20 in revising the existing financial and global heal

Health policies of BIMSTEC states: The scope for cross-learning
Nov 22, 2017

Health policies of BIMSTEC states: The scope for cross-learning

Public health is identified by BIMSTEC member countries as one among its fourteen priority areas for cooperation. Such collaborations, however, have been limited around traditional medicine. This year’s launch of the JIPMER-BIMSTEC Telemedicine Network (JBTN) which combines public health, communication, and technology, is bound to change the status quo. In per-capita terms, three BIMSTEC members are wealthier than India, while three are poorer.

Health security: A national policy priority in the post-pandemic world
Feb 22, 2024

Health security: A national policy priority in the post-pandemic world

Ensuring health security is a simple task, albeit not a simplistic one; it will require us to invest domestically in preparedness and response and enh

Healthcare transformation through regulation: The potential impact of India's Pharmacy Bill
Nov 27, 2023

Healthcare transformation through regulation: The potential impact of India's Pharmacy Bill

The draft bill's focus on international collaboration, technological adaptability, and integration of traditional practices can enhance the quality of

Heart of Asia summit: India, Afghanistan team to isolate Pakistan on terror
Dec 03, 2016

Heart of Asia summit: India, Afghanistan team to isolate Pakistan on terror

As Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani arrives in India on Saturday for the Heart of Asia (HoA) ministerial conference in Amritsar, India's Afghan policy is becoming more robust.

Height of folly
May 15, 2006

Height of folly

The story doing the rounds in Delhi is that in another exhibition of generosity, India is about to withdraw from the Saltoro Ridge (commonly referred to as the Siachen Glacier) in the interest of peace, but without securing the country¿s strategic interests.

Held back by Hindutva
Dec 23, 2014

Held back by Hindutva

If Hindu extremism prevails, India will have little to give the world and be in no mood to learn. Unless the PM acts now to check these negative forces, Modi and the agenda for India could end up being a minor part of the vast collateral damage.

Help Bangladesh to ensure credible elections: Experts
Apr 20, 2013

Help Bangladesh to ensure credible elections: Experts

At a roundtable on the situation in Bangladesh, experts underlined the need for ensuring a credible election in Bangladesh for the country's stability and the strengthening of India-Bangladesh relations.

Herat fightings and after
Mar 04, 2004

Herat fightings and after

If internecine clashes in the eastern Afghan city of Herat are a sign of the things to come, peaceful political evolution of the country seems to be a messy affair. Around 50 people had been killed in those clashes that continued for eight hours in one of the more stable cities of Afghanistan.

Here’s what young Indians really want from life
Oct 06, 2018

Here’s what young Indians really want from life

Young Indians are ambitious and show greater autonomy in their career decisions.

Heroes Humiliated in the name of Security
May 27, 2015

Heroes Humiliated in the name of Security

In Delhi, the Army still honours its martyrs in the airport parking lot as, ostensibly due to security concerns, it doesn't have access to the reception area built last year.

Hidden failures and a malnourished south: Health and nutrition in Chhattisgarh
Nov 12, 2018

Hidden failures and a malnourished south: Health and nutrition in Chhattisgarh

While the Health Index 2018 accords a favourable position to Chhattisgarh in terms of annual incremental performance, the state ranks 12th in terms of

High likelihood of China coming in to Indian Ocean, says Bengal Governor
Nov 27, 2013

High likelihood of China coming in to Indian Ocean, says Bengal Governor

West Bengal Governor M.K. Narayanan thinks that India must carve out an area of influence for herself as China has made it clear that it is not going to restrict itself to Western Pacific, and so, there is high likelihood that China will come into the Indian Ocean because of its interest in oil.

High resolution picture in Kashmir
Feb 01, 2006

High resolution picture in Kashmir

It is becoming increasingly clear that a resolution to the Kashmir dispute cannot be delayed much longer if the peace process between India and Pakistan is to yield tangible results in the foreseeable future. This period cannot be longer than five years.

High time to assess internal security structures
Dec 11, 2014

High time to assess internal security structures

It is time that the Modi Government carried out a comprehensive assessment of our internal security structures and put in place measures to enhance their efficacy. Also, the feasibility of the earlier proposal by the army for permitting lateral movement of its personnel into the CAPF needs to be re-examined.

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?
Oct 14, 2014

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?

The government has to free India's top 50 institutions across all disciplines from the iron grip of UGC and AICTE. The institutions must be given the freedom to devise their own course curriculum. After all they have the best subject experts.

Highlights from the 8th Petro India 2009 conference
Nov 24, 2009

Highlights from the 8th Petro India 2009 conference

There is uncertainty in the availability of domestic coal and in this context there is probably a need to rethink India's energy security strategy based on domestic coal

Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
Nov 02, 2016

Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?

The three debates between Clinton and Trump are over and countdown to the big day has started. It has become a much tighter race than it was a week ago

Himalayan Triangle: A Historic Perspective
Nov 05, 2010

Himalayan Triangle: A Historic Perspective

Nepal's relationship with China has historical links and thus is not new. Their first recorded official engagement dates back to the middle of the seventh century when Nepal's adventurism in Tibet led to Chinese intervention in favour of the latter.

Himalayan upgrade
Nov 22, 2017

Himalayan upgrade

The elections in Nepal will complete the democratic transition. India must play an enabling role

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?
Jan 16, 2023

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?

A period of instability continues to loom large over Nepal as, despite the overwhelming support garnered by PM Prachanda, it won’t translate into re

Hitting the mark on defence exports
Jul 28, 2022

Hitting the mark on defence exports

Even a cursory look at the drivers of Indian defence exports reveals the salience of simplified industrial licensing, easing of export restrictions, and issuance of no-objection certificates

Hitting the sweet spot of demographic dividend
Mar 07, 2024

Hitting the sweet spot of demographic dividend

Fostering women's participation in the workforce is a cornerstone towards achieving not only a more equitable world but also promoting economic effici

Hizbut Tehrir Behind Afghan Violence?
May 13, 2005

Hizbut Tehrir Behind Afghan Violence?

This is the biggest protest campaign in Afghanistan since the ouster of the Taliban regime. This is bloody, widespread and countrywide.This also shows that they are fed up with the United States and they just needed a spark to vent their feelings.

home and the world indias dpi proposition
Nov 09, 2023

home and the world indias dpi proposition

India’s digital public infrastructure (DPI) model is a key offering to the world and is being considered, adopted or adapted by nations at varying s

Home Enquiry and the Rehabilitation of Trafficking Survivors
Dec 02, 2015

Home Enquiry and the Rehabilitation of Trafficking Survivors

Human traffcking remains a highly acute issue in India and rehabilitation efforts must be stepped up to make sure that those rescued from these hazardous situations are given a chance to rejoin mainstream society. However, various loopholes exist in the judicial and executive processes involved in the country’s rehabilitation systems. This paper describes such problems evident in the process of home enquiry for the rescued victims: fraugh

Hong Kong protests put China in a quandary, says expert
Nov 08, 2014

Hong Kong protests put China in a quandary, says expert

The central administration in China is wary of a protracted confrontation about the public in Hong Kong, and considering the nature of the demand, a prolonged protest would certainly be an embarrassment to China in the global political arena, says a China expert.

Hong Kong twilight
May 23, 2020

Hong Kong twilight

The protests In Hong Kong on Sunday will really tell us how the future will unfold. If millions participate, then it means Beijing is not going to fin

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India
Oct 08, 2020

Hong Kong’s National Security Law: Implications for India

China has enacted a National Security Law for the special administrative region of Hong Kong. The provisions of the law can be used to curb peaceful dissent and enhance Beijing’s control over the region. It has the potential to not only change Hong Kong’s legal and political autonomy, but also alter its status as a global financial centre. This paper offers an overview of the national security law and its implications for the ‘one country,

Hope on Abe and Modi to take relations to a new height
Jul 16, 2014

Hope on Abe and Modi to take relations to a new height

There is a strong sense in Japan today that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi would take India-Japan relations to a new height, say senior officials and scholars in japan.

Horizontal Accountability: The Quest for Effective Democratic Governance
Dec 12, 2007

Horizontal Accountability: The Quest for Effective Democratic Governance

Mr. Larry Diamond, Senior Fellow in Stanford University, US, spoke on 'Horizontal Accountability: The Quest for Effective Democratic Governance, at an Interaction of the ORF Chennai Chapter of the Observer Research Foundation, on 12 December.

Hosting ASEAN
Jan 30, 2018

Hosting ASEAN

India must step up its economic game with Association of Southeast Asian Nations, political payoffs will follow

Houthi attacks on shipping highlight a drone dilemma
Dec 29, 2023

Houthi attacks on shipping highlight a drone dilemma

The only realistic option for India and other Indian Ocean powers might well be to work alongside more able and willing partners

How a changing global order will emerge in the post-Covid world
Apr 15, 2020

How a changing global order will emerge in the post-Covid world

A changing global economic order will make many nations focus on India as a preferred destination for investment over China.

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival
May 23, 2020

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival

As if COVID-19 was not enough, Amphan has not merely damaged infrastructure, rendered many homeless, and affected small businesses — but has imposed a cost on the West Bengal economy whose indelible impacts will be felt in the long-run.

How America is hastily exiting Afghanistan, leaving it to the the Taliban, China and Pakistan
Feb 01, 2019

How America is hastily exiting Afghanistan, leaving it to the the Taliban, China and Pakistan

Even a flawed Afghan government will be better than the Taliban rule, but the US appears to accept any deal in a hurry to get its "boots on the ground" out of Afghanistan.

How American reticence to intervene militarily in Syria proved to be a gift for Moscow
Mar 20, 2021

How American reticence to intervene militarily in Syria proved to be a gift for Moscow

Ten years later, it is clear that the Syrian people on all sides lost the war — but Russia won on all fronts.

How an India-Japan alliance can help counter Chinese dominance
Feb 12, 2018

How an India-Japan alliance can help counter Chinese dominance

Japan is now being pushed to a leadership role in Asia following the election of Donald Trump as US President

How Beijing’s New Maritime Rules in the South China Sea Will Affect India and Others
Sep 06, 2021

How Beijing’s New Maritime Rules in the South China Sea Will Affect India and Others

China's new maritime law – in which foreign vessels will have to submit details to Chinese authorities when transiting through its 'territorial waters' – has now come into force.

How beneficial are joint exercises by the military?
Oct 26, 2015

How beneficial are joint exercises by the military?

Most of the joint exercises being conducted by security forces, like like the Malabar 2015, are of the simple basic variety and, hence, really provide no 'net value addition' to the Indian force that participates. Thus, approvals for such exercises should necessitate a case-by-case approach in the future.

How can BRICS survive amidst TTIP?
Jan 05, 2015

How can BRICS survive amidst TTIP?

With the US and EU, who together are responsible for the makeup of 46% of the world economy, preparing to enter into the largest trade deal in history, the TTIP, the question of how the BRICS adapt and consolidate their position globally is one that holds considerable relevance. The options available to the BRICS are limited.