57 results found

Pakistan on a knife’s edge
Sep 06, 2023

Pakistan on a knife’s edge

Between the economic crisis and the lack of a credible leader, Pakistan is lost

पाकिस्तान: नए प्रधानमंत्री शाहबाज़ शरीफ़ के सामने चुनौतियों का पहाड़!
Jul 31, 2023

पाकिस्तान: नए प्रधानमंत्री शाहबाज़ शरीफ़ के सामने चुनौतियों का पहाड़!

सत्ता संभालने के बाद पाकिस्तान के नए प्रधानमंत्री शहबाज�

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?
Jul 30, 2023

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?

किसानों की तादाद सबसे कम होने के बावजूद किसानों का विरोध �

न्यायिक आधारभूत ढांचे के लिए केंद्रीय योजना में तुरंत बदलाव की ज़रूरत क्यों है?
Jul 30, 2023

न्यायिक आधारभूत ढांचे के लिए केंद्रीय योजना में तुरंत बदलाव की ज़रूरत क्यों है?

केंद्र प्रायोजित योजनाओं (सीएसएस) में बदलाव की ज़रूरत है �

मोन नरसंहार: क्या उत्तर पूर्वी राज्यों से AFSPA को हटाने का समय आ गया है?
Jul 29, 2023

मोन नरसंहार: क्या उत्तर पूर्वी राज्यों से AFSPA को हटाने का समय आ गया है?

नागालैंड में हाल ही में हुए नरसंहार के बाद आर्म्ड फोर्से�

क्या चुनावी ड्यूटी के चलते सीमा की सुरक्षा से समझौता हो रहा है?
Jul 29, 2023

क्या चुनावी ड्यूटी के चलते सीमा की सुरक्षा से समझौता हो रहा है?

सीमाओं से बार-बार जवानों को हटाना हमारी राष्ट्रीय सुरक्ष

वो सात (7) विचार जो साल 2022 में पूरे भारतवर्ष में बहस को जन्म देगी!
Jul 29, 2023

वो सात (7) विचार जो साल 2022 में पूरे भारतवर्ष में बहस को जन्म देगी!

महामारी से लेकर राज्यों में होने वाले चुनावों व नए राष्ट�

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?
Jan 16, 2023

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?

A period of instability continues to loom large over Nepal as, despite the overwhelming support garnered by PM Prachanda, it won’t translate into re

क्या पीएफआई पर लगा ‘प्रतिबंध’ भारत में बढ़ते कट्टरपंथ पर लगाम लगा पाएगा?
Oct 12, 2022

क्या पीएफआई पर लगा ‘प्रतिबंध’ भारत में बढ़ते कट्टरपंथ पर लगाम लगा पाएगा?

पीएफआई पर देश भर में कार्रवाई यह सवाल उठाती है कि क्या केव

रो बनाम वेड विवाद: अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति बाइडेन के लिए एक निर्देशात्मक एजेंडा
Oct 11, 2022

रो बनाम वेड विवाद: अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति बाइडेन के लिए एक निर्देशात्मक एजेंडा

रो राजनीतिक दरार को और आगे बढ़ाने के लिए रो बनाम वेड के फै�

इंडिया@75: भारत की कैबिनेट (मंत्रिमंडलीय) व्यवस्था
Aug 18, 2022

इंडिया@75: भारत की कैबिनेट (मंत्रिमंडलीय) व्यवस्था

लगातार बदलती दलगत व्यवस्था और उभरते हुए नेतृत्व के मिज़ा

উজবেকিস্তানের কারাকালপাকস্তানে বিক্ষোভ: একটি সোভিয়েত উত্তরাধিকার
Aug 08, 2022

উজবেকিস্তানের কারাকালপাকস্তানে বিক্ষোভ: একটি সোভিয়েত উত্তরাধিকার

কারাকালপাকস্তানের স্বায়ত্তশাসিত মর্যাদা কমানোর প্রস�

IPEF में भारत का किरदार: देश के मुनाफ़े का लेखाजोखा
Jun 18, 2022

IPEF में भारत का किरदार: देश के मुनाफ़े का लेखाजोखा

IPEF की रूपरेखा में ख़ामियों के बावजूद ये ढांचा भारत को दक्ष

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?
Mar 22, 2022

#किसान आंदोलन: किसानों के विरोध की पहेली?

किसानों की तादाद सबसे कम होने के बावजूद किसानों का विरोध �

#ब्रिटेन: ऋषि सुनक होने की चुनौतियां!
Oct 31, 2022

#ब्रिटेन: ऋषि सुनक होने की चुनौतियां!

10, डाउनिंग स्ट्रीट में ऋषि सुनक की आमद इतिहास बनाने वाली भले हो, मगर ये सफ़र बहुत चुनौतियों वाला है, जो किसी कमज़ोर दिल वाले के बस की बात नहीं.

Balancing Old and New in Delhi: Modern Delhi’s Perspective on Built Heritage Conservation
Aug 23, 2023

Balancing Old and New in Delhi: Modern Delhi’s Perspective on Built Heritage Conservation

While existing literature provides solid documentation of conservation policy and legislation, coverage of civil society's perceptions and role within conservation schemes is relatively sparse. This paper presents the under-represented perspective of modern Delhi on the policies and realities of heritage conservation.

Beyond the poll rhetoric of BJP's contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill
May 04, 2019

Beyond the poll rhetoric of BJP's contentious Citizenship Amendment Bill

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has been raising the issue of illegal immigration from Bangladesh for a long time now, identifying itself with the “anti-foreigners agitation” in Assam in the 1980s. The party has recently amplified its position, twin-tagging the issue of illegal immigration from Bangladesh with a promise to update the National Register of Citizens, and amend the Citizenship Act to grant citizenship to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges
Feb 13, 2013

Campaign Finance Reforms in India : Issues and Challenges

The essence of any democratic system is the healthy functioning of political parties and consequently free and fair elections. Free and fair elections imply not only a legal institutional framework for the conduct of elections and a transparent electoral process.

Centre-State Relations in India: Time for a New Framework
Apr 09, 2015

Centre-State Relations in India: Time for a New Framework

This paper assesses the major shifts that have occurred in the country's federal system in the last three decades. It also provides a list of recommendations to improve Centre-state relations in India.

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws
Aug 23, 2023

Corporate Funding of Elections: The Strengths and Flaws

This Issue Brief seeks to outline the history of corporate funding in India, legislation governing corporate funding, institutional innovations in corporate funding like electoral trusts, and international experiences and their relevance in the Indian context. Given the increasing clamour for transparent and accountable corporate funding of political parties, the Brief also explores the perils of over-reliance on corporate funding.

Gender and Identity on Social Media
Sep 13, 2023

Gender and Identity on Social Media

This Issue Brief looks at the world of digital spaces and analyses issues such as the politics of silencing women; propriety; and health and gender-specific vulnerabilities.

India’s Intelligence Agencies: In Need of Reform and Oversight
Jul 23, 2015

India’s Intelligence Agencies: In Need of Reform and Oversight

This report draws from the conference on the Future Challenges to India's Intelligence System organised by ORF in February 2015. What tasks face India's intelligence agencies in implementing reforms in order to address the more complex national security threats confronting the country today?

India’s Shifting Governance Structure:From Charter of Promises to Service Guarantee
Jul 25, 2012

India’s Shifting Governance Structure:From Charter of Promises to Service Guarantee

Once synonymous with inefficiency and slothfulness, India's public service delivery system is finally being overhauled and put on the path of reforms. Ironically, these reforms are being spearheaded by a set of state governments. This paper attempts to capture the key trends of this impressive development which has far reaching consequences for democracy and governance in the country.

Justice System in Crisis: The Case of India’s Undertrial Prisoners
Aug 20, 2015

Justice System in Crisis: The Case of India’s Undertrial Prisoners

Six of every 10 of India's prisoners languishing in jails across the country are undertrials: their cases have yet to be tried, and they are spending more time in jail than they would have, if convicted. The slow march to justice for undertrials must be seen in the context of a criminal justice system in need of an overhaul. This paper examines the plight of the country's undertrials and recommends ways to move forward.

Manifestos as a Tool for Accountability: A Content Analysis of the 2004-2019 UPA and NDA Poll Manifestos
Aug 14, 2023

Manifestos as a Tool for Accountability: A Content Analysis of the 2004-2019 UPA and NDA Poll Manifestos

This brief analyses the manifestos of the Indian National Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party in the past four Lok Sabha elections. It introduces the concept of “falsifiability” to evaluate whether promises made in manifestos can be verified, to begin with; it then outlines the poll promises that are falsifiable across various sectors. The authors examine whether or not the promises were fulfilled, and if not, if they were carried aga

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy
Nov 30, 2015

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy

India has always been shy of adding a religious tint to its foreign policy. In the last decade, however, the aspiring global power began engaging in what has come to be called 'Buddhist diplomacy' in its outreach to countries in the South, East and Southeast Asia. 􀀫e prime minister is diligently pursuing India's 'Buddhist agenda' and taking it beyond its borders, emphasising the Indian and Hindu links with Buddhism. Concurrently, another Asian

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India
Sep 13, 2023

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India

By most indications, India has arrived at a principled affirmation of net neutrality; the country must now turn its attention to its regulatory aspects. This essay examines whether the Competition Commission of India (CCI) can assume the primary role in enforcing net neutrality. It will trace the Commission?s short history to determine whether it has adequate jurisdiction and the strength of precedent to regulate the internet.

Nuclear Safety and Regulation in India: The Way Forward
Sep 13, 2023

Nuclear Safety and Regulation in India: The Way Forward

While the regulatory and safety structures of India's civilian nuclear programme have served the country well, they are in need of an upgrade. This paper examines the paths that lie ahead.

Statehood or Autonomy: Rethinking Governance in India’s Capital
Oct 30, 2015

Statehood or Autonomy: Rethinking Governance in India’s Capital

Delhi, India's national capital, has long been the subject of a quandary: Should it be granted full statehood, or maximum autonomy commensurate with its megalopolis status? is paper takes a tour of select national capitals to understand how other nations have arranged their governance and handled competing jurisdictions and functions. Lessons are drawn from this examination of other capitals, and recommendations are put forth towards a more sensi

Swine Flu: Challenges and Impact on the Indian EconomY
Sep 13, 2023

Swine Flu: Challenges and Impact on the Indian EconomY

Swine flu has seen a worrisome spread in India recently, and there are fears of another resurgence in the coming months. This issue brief explores the economic impact of swine flu and the challenges India faces in fighting the disease.

The Centre-State Fiscal Relationship: A Critique and Recommendations
Aug 23, 2023

The Centre-State Fiscal Relationship: A Critique and Recommendations

This Issue Brief aims to deconstruct the Centre-State fiscal relationship by describing the current status quo and the criticisms. It gives recommendations to correct and update the relationship such that it reflects the changed fiscal structure of the country, its States and its people.

The higher education commission of India bill: A failure of imagination
Aug 21, 2023

The higher education commission of India bill: A failure of imagination

The Ministry of Human Resource Development in late June floated the Higher Education Commission of India (HECI) Bill, 2018, to repeal the seven-decade-old University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956. The HECI, when established, will replace the UGC that has been the bedrock of India’s higher education system. This brief analyses the draft bill and examines its deficiencies. It suggests that the present bill fails to address the shortcomings of