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59 results found

ब्रिटन अजूनही सॉफ्ट सुपरपॉवर आहे का?
Sep 20, 2024

ब्रिटन अजूनही सॉफ्ट सुपरपॉवर आहे का?

थंडावलेली अर्थव्यवस्था, ब्रेक्सीट, अंदाजपत्रकातील कपात

The UK: Still a soft power superpower?
Sep 10, 2024

The UK: Still a soft power superpower?

A stagnant economy, Brexit, budget cuts, and a renewed global focus on hard security have brought about a decrease in the UK’s soft power capabiliti

‘नाटो’चे आगामी सरचिटणीस कोण होणार?
Mar 29, 2024

‘नाटो’चे आगामी सरचिटणीस कोण होणार?

संपूर्ण युद्धात, स्टॉल्टनबर्ग यांनी ‘नाटो’ची एकता कायम �

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be NATO’s next Secretary General of all?
Feb 08, 2024

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who will be NATO’s next Secretary General of all?

Throughout the war, Stoltenberg has maintained NATO’s unity and built consensus in its response to Russia, making his shoes difficult to fill.

ब्रिटेन में ओमिक्रॉन के क़हर की आहट!
Jul 29, 2023

ब्रिटेन में ओमिक्रॉन के क़हर की आहट!

ओमिक्रॉन लहर के प्रबंधन में मिले-जुले संकेत और सरकार के ख�

Chaos over Chagos: Is the sovereignty dispute coming to an end?
May 03, 2023

Chaos over Chagos: Is the sovereignty dispute coming to an end?

Will Britain finally address the question of sovereignty over the Chagos Islands and the rights of the Chagossians?

A Refresh of the United Kingdom’s Integrated Review: What’s changed?
Mar 21, 2023

A Refresh of the United Kingdom’s Integrated Review: What’s changed?

Though IR2023 doesn’t bring any fundamental changes, it provides an important touch-up to its original and clearly reflects Britain’s refreshed th

अपने ही बुने जाल में फंस गईं ब्रिटेन की पीएम लिज ट्रस
Oct 20, 2022

अपने ही बुने जाल में फंस गईं ब्रिटेन की पीएम लिज ट्रस

ब्रिटेन अभूतपूर्व राजनीतिक हलचल से गुजर रहा है, लेकिन इस�

ब्रिटेन की नई प्रधानमंत्री पर देश को उबारने की जिम्मेदारी
Sep 07, 2022

ब्रिटेन की नई प्रधानमंत्री पर देश को उबारने की जिम्मेदारी

आर्थिक चुनौती केंद्र में रहेगी, ब्रिटिश अर्थव्यवस्था 10 प�

ऋषि सुनक और लिज ट्रस में किसके हाथ लगेगी बाजी
Jul 23, 2022

ऋषि सुनक और लिज ट्रस में किसके हाथ लगेगी बाजी

ब्रिटेन में नए प्रधानमंत्री की तस्वीर अब स्पष्ट होने लगी

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts
Apr 28, 2022

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts

China’s approach to trade has stood impervious to change. It is time for a new geoeconomic approach to counter China. Like-minded nations can fashio

Space race: Outlining space strategies
Feb 05, 2022

Space race: Outlining space strategies

The drawing up of space strategies by the US, Britain, and China are indicative of the growing space ambition of global powers

ब्रिटेन में ओमिक्रॉन के क़हर की आहट!
Jan 20, 2022

ब्रिटेन में ओमिक्रॉन के क़हर की आहट!

ओमिक्रॉन लहर के प्रबंधन में मिले-जुले संकेत और सरकार के ख�

विश्व: ब्रिटेन और अमेरिका के बीच अटलांटिक गठबंधन की बहाली
Oct 07, 2021

विश्व: ब्रिटेन और अमेरिका के बीच अटलांटिक गठबंधन की बहाली

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान संकट के चलते अमेरिका में जो बाइडेन के नए प�

Assessing the challenges to London’s Indo-Pacific tilt
Apr 19, 2021

Assessing the challenges to London’s Indo-Pacific tilt

The UK’s Integrated Review outlines a comprehensive Indo-Pacific framework, but overlooks some challenges facing London’s ‘Indo-Pacific tilt.’

The plots and manoeuvrings behind the making of Independent India (Part 1)
Nov 16, 2020

The plots and manoeuvrings behind the making of Independent India (Part 1)

In the first of a three part series, an excerpt from Sandeep Bamzai’s latest book, “PRINCESTAN: How Nehru, Patel and Mountbatten Made India” rev

बोरिस जॉनसन की ‘वैश्विक ब्रिटेन’ वाली दृष्टि में भारत की अहमियत
Oct 12, 2020

बोरिस जॉनसन की ‘वैश्विक ब्रिटेन’ वाली दृष्टि में भारत की अहमियत

अभी ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि यूके एवं भारत किसी भी समझौते से �

हुवावे पर ब्रिटेन का प्रतिबंध प्रतीकात्मक लेकिन इसका प्रभाव व्यापक
Jul 31, 2020

हुवावे पर ब्रिटेन का प्रतिबंध प्रतीकात्मक लेकिन इसका प्रभाव व्यापक

लोकतांत्रिक देशों द्वारा एक बेलगाम होते देश के ख़िलाफ़ त

ब्रिटेन में इस्लामोफोबिया और कोविड-19 की महामारी
Jul 02, 2020

ब्रिटेन में इस्लामोफोबिया और कोविड-19 की महामारी

ब्रिटेन में मुस्लिम विरोधी पूर्वाग्रह पहले ही एक बड़ी सम

From fringe to mainstream: The extreme rightwing in Europe
Jul 01, 2020

From fringe to mainstream: The extreme rightwing in Europe

This ideological confusion between violence and politics has become even more opaque with the growth of ideologically overlapping subcultures online.

The effectiveness of deradicalisation programmes
Apr 10, 2020

The effectiveness of deradicalisation programmes

Prevention must mean more than the detection of people at risk of radicalised behaviour, it should rely on the adoption of a healthy lifestyle.

Global Britain and an emerging India in the backdrop of the Commonwealth Summit
May 02, 2018

Global Britain and an emerging India in the backdrop of the Commonwealth Summit

The possibility that over the next few years the Commonwealth might become an Anglo⎯Indian project is now in the air.

Britain should shed its China obsession to seize the moment in the Indo-Pacific
Aug 05, 2020

Britain should shed its China obsession to seize the moment in the Indo-Pacific

Post-Brexit Britain needs to move away from its China-centric policy and step up trade engagements in the region, which offers potential for win-win economic gains. London should also look to join its allies, including the US, India, Australia in the support of regional security to manage the risks posed by Beijing

Fair share of nuclear power
Jan 17, 2006

Fair share of nuclear power

The Iran nuclear issue is touching yet another point of criticality. The build-up was evident to the naked eye, the crescendo almost predictable. It was six weeks ago that Secretary of Iran¿s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani, expressed Teheran's frustration that EU-3 (Britain, France and Germany) was stonewalling in the negotiations, meandering into blind alleys, lost in thoughts.

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts
Aug 14, 2023

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts

China’s approach to trade has stood impervious to change. It is time for a new geoeconomic approach to counter China. Like-minded nations can fashion rapid arrangements to grow the supply chains that matter most, such as for electric vehicles (EV). The US and India, plus Australia, Canada, Japan, Britain, Taiwan, Korea, and Mexico can form an EV supply chain compact to create a level playing field within the group and incentivise their

India and China should take leadership role at the global climate change platform
May 01, 2013

India and China should take leadership role at the global climate change platform

Britain's former Chief Scientific Advisor and Head of the Government Office of Science, Sir David King, has said that both India and China should take a leadership role at the global platform for Climate Change.

Modi, Cameron and India's neighbours
Nov 18, 2015

Modi, Cameron and India's neighbours

Britain's strong endorsement of India's regional interests marks an important shift in the way two countries relate to each other in the Subcontinent and the Indian Ocean.

Outline of New World Order?
Mar 19, 2011

Outline of New World Order?

Lebanon backed by Britain and France introduced the UN resolution on Libya, supported by the US. What next? Not quite clear except that a huge question mark has been placed on the future of east Libyan oil reserves, rather like the one on Kirkuk in Iraq's Kurdish north.

Principle of 'closest partners'
Oct 01, 2013

Principle of 'closest partners'

The US has placed India in the category of 'closest partners' for defence cooperation. The official spin was that New Delhi would now be on the same footing as the closest allies of the US such as Britain. That may be the endpoint that New Delhi and Washington have decided upon, but it is far from the current reality. Both sides would need to do an enormous amount of work to attain that goal.

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge
Sep 10, 2013

Securing Afghanistan: Historic Sources of India’s Contemporary Challenge

This paper looks at debates from the days of the British Raj until now that have shaped India's strategic thought on Afghanistan. It highlights the impact of India's territorial construct on its strategic imagination and argues that India's Afghan policy is determined by its political geography. Afghanistan has proved to be a security lynchpin in South and A Central Asia over the last two decades. Home to a variety of militant networks with regi

South Asia South Asia Weekly 3
Jan 27, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 3

President Pervez Musharraf is doing what he likes to do best: promote himself. The week saw him on a whirl-wind tour of Europe--Belgium, France and Britain-addressing the media and others.

The message from the UK riots: The government needs to keep its ear to the ground
Aug 16, 2024

The message from the UK riots: The government needs to keep its ear to the ground

The anger of White Britain is a reality and Brexit in more ways than one was a response to this fury but things have continued to grow worse for this demography

The question of Arab unity and reform?
Apr 15, 2005

The question of Arab unity and reform?

¿Arise, ye Arabs, and awake!¿ was the seditious 19th century slogan of Arab nationalism in its infancy. It aroused them against the Ottoman rule but did not hinder the subsequent imperial designs of Britain and France. The moment of liberation became the start of newer forms of dominance.

Why India should view Trump's idea of mediation with caution
Jul 24, 2019

Why India should view Trump's idea of mediation with caution

The US merely followed the lead of Britain in pushing the UN resolutions of 1948 making a dispute out of India’s complaint of Pakistani aggression in Kashmir.

ऋषि सुनक का प्रधानमंत्री बनना ब्रिटेन के लिए अहम है, भारत के लिए नहीं
Oct 29, 2022

ऋषि सुनक का प्रधानमंत्री बनना ब्रिटेन के लिए अहम है, भारत के लिए नहीं

हमें इस बात को समझना होगा कि सुनक के एजेंडे में भारत का पहला नंबर नहीं है. ब्रिटेन की अर्थव्यवस्था गर्त में जा रही है और पूर्व इन्वेस्टमेंट बैंकर के तौर पर ऋषि सुनक को उसे सं�

द ग्रेट ब्रिटेन: मोनार्की के सामने भविष्य का सबसे बड़ा प्रश्न!
Sep 12, 2022

द ग्रेट ब्रिटेन: मोनार्की के सामने भविष्य का सबसे बड़ा प्रश्न!

क्वीन की इस सॉफ्ट पावर को दुनियाभर में बहुत फायदा भी मिला है.