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India’s water crisis: A permanent problem which needs permanent solutions
Jul 09, 2019

India’s water crisis: A permanent problem which needs permanent solutions

The government has announced an ambitious target of providing piped clean drinking water to all rural households by 2024. Although a worthy goal, it i

India’s wiggle-room between Russian and American stalemates in Afghanistan
Nov 23, 2018

India’s wiggle-room between Russian and American stalemates in Afghanistan

Recent developments signify an Afghanistan held hostage by competing interests of Russia and the United States.

India’s ‘Amrit Kaal’: Budget 2022’s vision for Sustainable Development
Feb 02, 2022

India’s ‘Amrit Kaal’: Budget 2022’s vision for Sustainable Development

As the Union Budget charts the pathway to development for the next 25 years, faltering consumption demand is still a concern

India’s ‘surgical strikes’ and the SAARC Summit
Oct 12, 2016

India’s ‘surgical strikes’ and the SAARC Summit

In aftermath of the Indian army’s ‘surgical-strikes’ on ‘terror launch-pads’ inside Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) has claimed it's first c

India’s “big government” targets high growth
Mar 11, 2024

India’s “big government” targets high growth

Making the correct trade-offs can support higher growth over the long term as can implementing a foundational reform agenda

Indications of industrial revival
Aug 19, 2014

Indications of industrial revival

On the job creation front, there is need for higher manufacturing growth and the creation of 'decent' jobs and not just menial jobs of security guards and peons as around 10 million people will be enter the job market each year over the next decade.

Indigenous Technology as a strategic moat for India
May 24, 2023

Indigenous Technology as a strategic moat for India

Technology is vital to enabling accelerated socio-economic growth, effective governance, and relief delivery at scale. Many economies are adopting and developing technology-first frameworks to strengthen their population’s social welfare net, and support economic growth. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed both the challenges and opportunities in India that can be addressed and driven by multidimensional technology frameworks. With the rebalancin

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far
Jun 09, 2023

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far

The Canadian government, instead of robustly standing up to extremism, has found it easier to pander to some of the most violent and aggressive groups. This is partly because of how these extremist groups have increased their influence over state institutions

Indo-Iranian stalemate over Farzad B
May 16, 2017

Indo-Iranian stalemate over Farzad B

Iran is not an easy customer, and this has been proven time and again with India’s projects in the country.

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor
May 28, 2009

Indo-Japanese Partnership: The Security Factor

There is a fundamental transformation in the Japanese assessment of India's role in the shaping of new Asian security architecture. There has been a perceptible change in the nature of the bilateral partnership since the turn of the century. Rather than being centred on economic interactions. Indo-Japanese ties today cover a far wider spectrum of subjects...

Indo-Japanese Relations: Hype & Reality
Jun 13, 2005

Indo-Japanese Relations: Hype & Reality

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi of Japan visited New Delhi for talks with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other Indian leaders in the last week of April,2005. In interviews given before the visit, he did not characterise the emerging relationship between India and Japan as a strategic partnership. However, he spoke of a convergence of strategic interests.

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers
May 07, 2020

Indo-Nepal borderland: The fate of migrant labourers

The plight of the Nepali migrant labourers stuck in foreign countries like India advertently questions the interest of these labourers to travel abroa

Indo-Nepal relations
Dec 01, 2003

Indo-Nepal relations

Nepal's outgoing Ambassador in India, HE Mr Bhekh Bahadur Thapa, gave an impassioned call to all countries in the South Asian region to cooperate in curbing, if not eliminating, the culture of violence and fighting insurrectionists. 'Weapons do not respect sovereign borders'

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement
Jun 09, 2023

Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity Reaches Supply Chain Agreement

That IPEF member countries have come so far since the group’s establishment a year ago suggests that there is a near unanimous view about supply chain vulnerabilities.

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward
Jun 16, 2004

Indo-Pak Nuclear CBMs: Time to Move Forward

As part of the Indo-Pak Composite Dialogue process, the two countries will hold official-level talks in nuclear confidence building measures (CBMs) on June 19-20, 2004. This is a welcome development since the last round of such discussions was held at the ill-fated Lahore summit in February 1999, even though the CBMs agreed upon were rather general in nature and, at least in spirit, the Pakistan army was not a willing party to them.

Indo-Pak ties: From incrementalism to big vision
Dec 20, 2012

Indo-Pak ties: From incrementalism to big vision

As a precursor to the wider project of energy cooperation between Central Asia and South Asia, India and Pakistan must take baby steps towards energy trading as part of their ongoing trade liberalisation. Petro-products delivered by Indian refineries in the north and west to Punjab and Sindh regions would save Pakistan at least $14 per barrel of oil.

Indo-Pak ties: Increasing people-to-people contact is the way forward
Feb 12, 2013

Indo-Pak ties: Increasing people-to-people contact is the way forward

A desire to find a solution to the conflict that plagues both India and Pakistan was the common thread that run through the discussion at ORF on the bilateral relations and the way forward between Indian experts and retired military officials from Pakistan.

Indo-Pak Ties: Terror, Water, Afghanistan
Jun 27, 2010

Indo-Pak Ties: Terror, Water, Afghanistan

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's vision of making borders with Pakistan irrelevant seems to have made a measured beginning on the ground.

Indo-Pak: Time right for serious business
Apr 04, 2012

Indo-Pak: Time right for serious business

Though domestic politics will continue to pose challenges to Dr Manmohan Singh's image, his firm commitment to Indo-Pak engagement has put both countries on course for at least a manageable relationship, if not a cordial one, based on mutual interests rather than vicissitudes and emotions.

Indo-US Agricultural Cooperation From “Green” to “Evergreen” Revolution?
Jul 23, 2023

Indo-US Agricultural Cooperation From “Green” to “Evergreen” Revolution?

India and the US are poised to expand agricultural cooperation with the hope of bringing about a "Second Green Revolution" in India. Cooperation in this area would, however, need to take into account the interests of Indian farmers as well as issues related to bio-diversity and the environment.

Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Implementation Hurdles
Jan 18, 2006

Indo-US Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement: Implementation Hurdles

The Observer Research Foundation hosted at round-table discussion on the Indo-US Nuclear Deal of July 18, 2005 to look at the hurdles that are being faced in its implementation. Since the agreement was signed, it has been the subject of intense debate and varied interpretation by interested groups in both the countries.

Indo-US cyber dialogue should include hardware security
Jul 03, 2014

Indo-US cyber dialogue should include hardware security

Much like the Indo-U.S. strategic partnership, Indo-U.S. cyber engagement appears to have plateaued and could benefit from a tailored reset. Adopting various measures to ensure trust in defence hardware is essential to both India and the United States, and should therefore be explored as a mechanism for deeper cooperation.

Indo-US defence cooperation: Challenges ahead
Apr 03, 2015

Indo-US defence cooperation: Challenges ahead

Though domestic politics have not always promoted closer US-India defence cooperation, changed geopolitical context, regional and global advances now pull India and America together, says the US co-chair of the DTTI, Frank Kendall. Even perceptions of security challenges of both the countries are increasingly converging.

Indo-US relations: A reality check
Dec 18, 2012

Indo-US relations: A reality check

Despite a few hiccups in the initial years of the Obama administration, relationship now stands at a comfortable juncture of increased confidence and a substantially high level of cooperation across a host of issues including Afghanistan where the US, despite some initial apprehensions, now increasingly see India's role as positive in nature and pivotal for the economic resurgence of the Afghan people.

Indo-US Strategic Dialogue
Dec 10, 2003

Indo-US Strategic Dialogue

Observer Research Foundation in collaboration with RAND organized a two-day Indo-US Strategic Dialogue at ORF Campus, New Delhi, on December 10 and 11, 2003.

Inducting BIMSTEC into BRICS talks was a good idea
Oct 25, 2016

Inducting BIMSTEC into BRICS talks was a good idea

Inducting BIMSTEC into BRICS talks was a good idea because it meant a wider awareness and participation with India’s neighbouring countries minus Pa

Indus Treaty: Why India cannot afford to fight fire with water
Feb 25, 2019

Indus Treaty: Why India cannot afford to fight fire with water

India must honour its treaty commitments over a resource that everyday lives depend on.

Indus Waters Treaty: Opening the water front
Jan 28, 2023

Indus Waters Treaty: Opening the water front

Examining the grounds for modification of the Treaty and its practical implications for both India and Pakistan

Indus: Connecting the drops
Jun 26, 2012

Indus: Connecting the drops

Given the dependence of Indus River on glacial melt, extensive joint studies on the complex and unique Himalayan systems must be conducted and data must be shared openly, suggested an international conference in Kathmandu organised by ORF, Stimson Center, USA, and Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Pakistan.

Infibeam Avenues: One-stop for payments, digital infrastructure and platforms
Nov 05, 2020

Infibeam Avenues: One-stop for payments, digital infrastructure and platforms

As part of the Digital India movement, we see several initiatives in e-governance that are bound to transform India into a digitally empowered society

Inflation is back: The number of poor in India may rise
Jun 30, 2011

Inflation is back: The number of poor in India may rise

India is experiencing the fastest increase in prices among the big emerging market countries. The Reserve Bank raised interest rates 10 times since March 2010 to control inflation, and its adverse impact on the demand for goods and services, investment and corporate profits is already visible.

Inflation tames petroleum taxes
Nov 19, 2021

Inflation tames petroleum taxes

Upward trends in crude oil prices and inflation have made a further increase in taxes on petroleum prices unlikely.

Inflection point for the West-led global order
Feb 26, 2022

Inflection point for the West-led global order

Its future will be defined by how it responds to the crisis in Ukraine, and in the shadow of growing Russia-China ties

Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on electricity access  
Jan 04, 2022

Influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on electricity access  

To meet the SDG target of universal access to electricity and regain the lost momentum, off-grid solutions must be embraced in the short term    

Informal modern education the only hope in present Kashmir crises
Sep 21, 2019

Informal modern education the only hope in present Kashmir crises

As Kashmiris stare at an uncertain future, mohalla schools have kept the lamp of education burning for the Valley’s children.

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh
Aug 21, 2023

Infrastructure, institutions and industrialisation: The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor and regional development in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh

The Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) is one of several infrastructure megaprojects underway in India, intended to boost industrial modernisation and generate manufacturing employment for India’s young, largely unskilled workforce. Field research in DMIC investment sites in Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh shows that its implementation is highly uneven across States and regions. The research, along with the literature, suggests that regional ind

Innovation in Biotechnology: Ethical and Regulatory Challenges
Apr 08, 2021

Innovation in Biotechnology: Ethical and Regulatory Challenges

This brief analyses the regulatory, security and ethical challenges facing states and the international community regarding emerging technologies in biotechnology, focusing on the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system and artificial gene synthesis. It highlights the inadequacy of current mechanisms such as export control regimes to regulate these emerging technologies because of a fundamental shift in the nature of challenges posed and an altered globa

Innovation: Key to become ‘aatmnirbhar’ in the defence sector
Apr 10, 2021

Innovation: Key to become ‘aatmnirbhar’ in the defence sector

Defence innovation, driven by the government — primarily though funding and hand holding — but executed by the private industry will bring togethe

Inside an Elusive Mind  Prabhakaran: Some Comments
Mar 08, 2004

Inside an Elusive Mind Prabhakaran: Some Comments

Sri Lanka has remained a fractured country for the major portion of its existence due to the ethnic divide between the majority Sinhalese and the minority Tamils. Today, it is again at the crossroads as it awaits the results of the snap general elections, due on April 2, 2004, following the dissolution of Parliament on February 7, 2004 in the wake of seemingly irreconcilable differences between President Chandrika Kumaratunga and Prime Minister R

Inside Pakistan - I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process
Feb 18, 2003

Inside Pakistan - I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process

That there is massive change in the mindset of Pakistanis towards India is an impression that this writer got during a visit to Pakistan last August. This impression has got further strengthened during a recently concluded visit. The desire for peace with India is no longer limited to the usual suspects; rather it is to be found even in the quintessential establishment types who have traditionally thrived on India-baiting.

Inside Pakistan I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process
Feb 18, 2003

Inside Pakistan I, Pakistan's Strategic Dilemma Propels Peace Process

That there is massive change in the mindset of Pakistanis towards India is an impression that this writer got during a visit to Pakistan last August. This impression has got further strengthened during a recently concluded visit. The desire for peace with India is no longer limited to the usual suspects; rather it is to be found even in the quintessential establishment types who have traditionally thrived on India-baiting.

Inside Pakistan-III, The Kashmiri and Religious Politicians Perspective
Feb 24, 2004

Inside Pakistan-III, The Kashmiri and Religious Politicians Perspective

Amanullah Khan, chairman of the JKLF, is most unhappy with the peace process between India and Pakistan. For a man who knows what it means to be first used by a state and then unceremoniously disposed off after the state has achieved its purpose, Khan realizes that the peace process, if successful, is probably the end of the road for people like him. There was a time in the late 1980's and very early 1990's when Amanullah Khan was a really happen

Institutionalising Net Zero
Nov 12, 2021

Institutionalising Net Zero

Now that India has committed to achieve net zero targets by 2070, we have ample time to institutionalise the green policy pathways using a top-down ap

Insurrection in the ‘other’ Kashmir
May 16, 2024

Insurrection in the ‘other’ Kashmir

Although the current uprising PoJK is predominantly centred around economic issues, there is a deeper underpinning of issues of political economy and

Integrated rocket force: Imperfect but a step in the right direction
May 27, 2023

Integrated rocket force: Imperfect but a step in the right direction

Although the primary reason for the establishment of India’s Rocket Force is China’s rapidly expanding missile and nuclear forces, the IRF contras

Integration good for not only Bangladesh but for all of South Asia
Dec 17, 2013

Integration good for not only Bangladesh but for all of South Asia

At a roundtable on "Understanding Contemporary Bangladesh", attended by vice-chancellors from nine universities of Bangladesh, the consensus view was that regional integration is not only beneficial for Bangladesh but for all of South Asia.

Integration vital for Asia's energy future
Aug 17, 2012

Integration vital for Asia's energy future

China and India, sooner than later, must assume regional leadership, which must be inclusive, allowing for not just coopera-tion and collaboration but the accom-modation of all stakeholders in energy. Despite their burgeoning share in energy market, both countries remain price takers rather than price makers now.

Intelligence Agencies in India: Need for a public interface
Aug 23, 2023

Intelligence Agencies in India: Need for a public interface

Today's intelligence agencies operate in highly complex environments. Cold War definitions and understanding of threats have long become redundant. Threats are multiple, layered, networked, diffused and transcend social and spatial boundaries.

Intelligence Failures in the USA, UK and Russia: Lessons for India
Oct 20, 2004

Intelligence Failures in the USA, UK and Russia: Lessons for India

Under its International Terrorism Watch Project, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a one-day Workshop at New Delhi on October 20, 2004, on the theme: "Recent Intelligence Failures in the USA, the UK & Russia: Their Lessons for India".