Search: For - inequalities

47 results found

A multistakeholder approach to urban climate action in India
Jan 22, 2025

A multistakeholder approach to urban climate action in India

The climate crisis threatens livelihoods, worsens inequalities, and amplifies vulnerabilities. Building urban resilience to climate threats is essenti

डेटाच्या अभावामुळे निर्माण होणारी सामाजिक असमानता
Jul 12, 2024

डेटाच्या अभावामुळे निर्माण होणारी सामाजिक असमानता

डेटाची कमतरता किंवा अभाव ही समस्या राष्ट्रीय लोकसंख्या �

DATA में व्याप्त कमियां: खामोश आंकड़े और उनसे पैदा होते अंतर व सामाजिक असमानताएं!
Jul 11, 2024

DATA में व्याप्त कमियां: खामोश आंकड़े और उनसे पैदा होते अंतर व सामाजिक असमानताएं!

आंकड़ों की कमी या उनका न होने की समस्या जनसंख्या के राष्ट�

The fault in our data: Data silences and inequalities
Jul 10, 2024

The fault in our data: Data silences and inequalities

Data silences pervade both national population statistics and Big Data leading to a mode of unquantified exclusion. Overcoming it requires recognition

Optimising digital innovation ecosystems for development
May 17, 2024

Optimising digital innovation ecosystems for development

Digital innovation ecosystems are crucial for global development, but balanced growth requires adaptive capacity to optimise their performance

भारतात राष्ट्रीय स्तरावरील डिजिटल आरोग्य विषयक पायाभूत सुविधा निर्माण करणे
Apr 12, 2024

भारतात राष्ट्रीय स्तरावरील डिजिटल आरोग्य विषयक पायाभूत सुविधा निर्माण करणे

वैविध्यपूर्ण भागधारक आणि तांत्रिक गरजा लक्षात घेता, अधि�

डेटा निर्मितीपासून वितरणापर्यंत: AI क्षेत्रातील लिंग भेदभाव
Mar 15, 2024

डेटा निर्मितीपासून वितरणापर्यंत: AI क्षेत्रातील लिंग भेदभाव

एआय विकसित करण्याच्या प्रक्रियेत, त्याच्या डिझाइनपासून

From data to deployment: Gender bias in the AI development lifecycle
Mar 07, 2024

From data to deployment: Gender bias in the AI development lifecycle

The AI development process from design to deployment perpetuates gender bias. Future legislation should recognise these gender-based risks to mitigate

Whose AI is it anyway? Moving global debates from “mine” to “ours”
Feb 23, 2024

Whose AI is it anyway? Moving global debates from “mine” to “ours”

An inductive approach to AI development can improve the data foundation for discussions and mobilise a wider coalition advocating for its integration

Overcoming a climate of mistrust
Jan 08, 2024

Overcoming a climate of mistrust

A crisis of trust between developed and developing nations is poisoning the international climate regime. Taking responsibility on both sides is the f

Energy strategies for the South from the North: Freezing inequalities
Sep 27, 2023

Energy strategies for the South from the North: Freezing inequalities

If energy justice is taken seriously as it should be, the Global North must scale down excess production and consumption to enable the transition to a

हरित ऊर्जा के न्यायोचित उपयोग के लिए महिलाओं को सशक्त करने की ज़रूरत
Jul 30, 2023

हरित ऊर्जा के न्यायोचित उपयोग के लिए महिलाओं को सशक्त करने की ज़रूरत

भारत अगर भविष्य में नेट ज़ीरो का लक्ष्य हासिल करना चाहता �

Value capture taxation: A public policy approach
Jul 13, 2022

Value capture taxation: A public policy approach

India can implement value capture taxation that can help address urban land use challenges such as rising economic and social inequalities.

Empower women to achieve just energy transition
Mar 14, 2022

Empower women to achieve just energy transition

India needs to structurally tackle the gender inequalities in job opportunities available in the renewable energy sector for the country to achieve a

 Trickle-down Wage: Analysing Indian inequality from a gender lens
Jan 04, 2022

 Trickle-down Wage: Analysing Indian inequality from a gender lens

As women bear the brunt of the rising income inequality, the need for a positive policy change has become even more pronounced

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities
Nov 30, 2021

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities

All treatment facilities and protocols had a significant bias in favour of the ‘apartment-living citizen’, which is why the Dharavi model is so im

Digital biases: The chimaera of equality and access
Apr 22, 2021

Digital biases: The chimaera of equality and access

Online civic life across developing and developed countries has been adversely affected, with serious consequences to the offline world.

Africa’s quest for securing COVID-19 vaccines
Mar 24, 2021

Africa’s quest for securing COVID-19 vaccines

The race to secure COVID-19 vaccines has laid bare the inherent inequalities in access to global healthcare, which adversely affects developing popula

Inevitable questions, concerns, and inequalities in the fourth industrial revolution
Dec 30, 2020

Inevitable questions, concerns, and inequalities in the fourth industrial revolution

Perhaps, the most integral step towards inclusivity in the fourth industrial revolution is trust.

The need for African centrality in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons debate
Apr 08, 2019

The need for African centrality in the Lethal Autonomous Weapons debate

LAWS are transforming into an arena of geopolitical and strategic competition while also reflecting the same inequalities that have characterised tech

The SDG India Index — Can bold global ambition be translated into effective ground reality?
Jan 15, 2019

The SDG India Index — Can bold global ambition be translated into effective ground reality?

The Index is a good start, but future developments will need to be watched with a critical eye.

70 Policies — Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969
Aug 06, 2018

70 Policies — Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969

A five-decade-old issue — concentration of economic power, dominance in the hands of the few and the resultant inequalities — remains alive even t

Inequalities equally visible in China as in India
Oct 12, 2013

Inequalities equally visible in China as in India

India and China have many similarities and the inequalities in incomes are clearly visible in China as in India, according to Mr. M.R. Sivaraman, former Revenue Secretary of the Government of India.

South Africa’s COVID19 Responses: Unmaking the Political Economy of Health Inequalities
Feb 17, 2021

South Africa’s COVID19 Responses: Unmaking the Political Economy of Health Inequalities

South Africa’s Covid-19 responses are marred by policy paradoxes. How does a country with one of the most sophisticated health systems in Africa account for the highest number of Covid-19 fatalities? This brief argues that contemporary approaches to South Africa’s social, domestic, and foreign policy responses should be viewed through the theoretical lenses of racial capitalism—a racially hierarchical political economy constituting war, mil

Widening income inequalities
May 16, 2014

Widening income inequalities

To correct the trend of agglomeration of wealth, young economist Thomas Picketty has suggested an annual progressive tax on wealth. He also says it will be difficult to implement it because there will always be flight to tax havens. In India, any type of wealth tax would be hardest to implement because a huge amount of wealth is already stashed away abroad.

ASAT: An asymmetrical response capability vs China?
Mar 30, 2019

ASAT: An asymmetrical response capability vs China?

As China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) continues to undertake significant organisational reforms, the asymmetric inequalities between the Indian military and PLA are set to widen.

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships
Mar 30, 2023

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed most economies into recession and heightened inequalities within and across countries. Mitigating current challenges requires greater solidarity, innovative thinking, and more effective international development cooperation. This paper makes a case for triangular cooperation as an instrument of development cooperation in current times. It outlines its advantages, examines the challenges involved in such partnerships,

Drastic reforms needed to bridge inequality
Apr 08, 2019

Drastic reforms needed to bridge inequality

The problems India is facing are hard to solve in the short term and only incremental changes can be undertaken in the five-year term of any government at the Centre. As per an Oxfam survey, India is a highly unequal country on all counts. There are inequalities in wealth, income and consumption as well as structural inequalities of opportunity, region and social groups.

England's Riots - The Language of the Unheard?
Aug 17, 2011

England's Riots - The Language of the Unheard?

London is the most unequal city in the developed world, with its richest 10 percent more than 100 times better off than the poorest ten. London's wealth inequalities are said to be approaching those that "have not been seen since the days of the slave-owning elite."

Gender Parity in the Entrepreneurship Cycle in Kenya
Jun 06, 2022

Gender Parity in the Entrepreneurship Cycle in Kenya

Gender disparities in Kenya’s entrepreneurship cycle are a manifestation of both the historical marginalisation of women and the structural barriers limiting equal participation in the economy. Recent progress in the legal framework has been suboptimal in closing the gender gaps, as seen in the persistent inequalities in formal employment and the high concentration of unlicensed women-owned enterprises in the informal sector. The inequalities a

Gendering the G20: Empowering women in the digital age
Jun 28, 2017

Gendering the G20: Empowering women in the digital age

Women make up a majority of the four billion people excluded from the digital economy. Policy narratives assert that the digital economy has the potential to transform the world of work. Conversely, there are concerns that the existing ‘digital divide’ within and across nations will simply exacerbate existing social inequalities and reinforce gender hierarchies. G20 member states have repeatedly committed to bridging pervasive gender gaps in

How the dominant man subjugates other men, women and society
Nov 02, 2016

How the dominant man subjugates other men, women and society

Call for public discussions over how certain types of behavior associated with dominance and power create inequalities within and between man and woman

Need for social safety net for jobless and sick
Oct 04, 2013

Need for social safety net for jobless and sick

Even if GDP growth rises in India, there will be growing inequalities unless there are strong policies aimed at the uplift of the vulnerable sections and the rich are taxed in an efficient and judicious manner. There should be some insurance against unemployment and sickness which will enable low income families to live with dignity.

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace
Sep 10, 2013

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace

This paper analyses the debate surrounding federal restructuring in Nepal and the position taken by various political stakeholders. It argues that an early political consensus on federalism is imperative; otherwise, the country may slip into greater ethnic conflict. Nepal is currently experiencing perhaps one of the most turbulent phases in its contemporary political history. In 2008, Nthe 240-year-old institution of monarchy—for long seen a

Scaling Climate Finance for locally-led Adaptation: lessons from the Global South
Sep 25, 2024

Scaling Climate Finance for locally-led Adaptation: lessons from the Global South

As the frequency and impacts of climate events increase, demand for adaptation at the local level becomes urgent. The adaptation finance received from developing and least- developed countries is estimated to be less than USD 25 billion per year, which is exponentially less than the required amount of USD 215 billion per year. Further, the evidence indicates that less than 10% of global climate finance reaches the local level. Local communities l

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State
Sep 15, 2023

Social Marginalisation in Urban India and the Role of the State

Urban inequality is a blight experienced by many cities, even in the developed world.In developing countries like India, these social and economic inequalities become even morepronounced, with living conditions in certain populations crossing the line to the abysmal. Inthese cities, agencies responsible for addressing welfare concerns are unable to do so, as theythemselves grapple with a host of challenges. This paper argues that any positive tra

The Case for a Feminist Approach to Gender-Based Violence Policymaking in India
Apr 11, 2023

The Case for a Feminist Approach to Gender-Based Violence Policymaking in India

India’s social structure, with enduring gender inequalities rooted in patriarchal norms, plays a significant role in perpetuating gender-based violence (GBV). Women in India have been victims of infanticide, selective abortions, sex trafficking, stalking, dowry demands, child marriages, acid attacks, and honour killings. This brief explores the social dimension of GBV in India and assesses how gaps in legislation help to perpetuate them. It als

The Rising Fourth Wave: Feminist Activism on Digital Platforms in India
Jul 21, 2020

The Rising Fourth Wave: Feminist Activism on Digital Platforms in India

Feminist movements have historically lacked inclusivity, often growing within a limited Western upper-class psyche, based on their own challenges and needs. The digital revolution has paved the way for a new iteration of feminism. The digital space can bolster feminist activist movements by encouraging inclusion and improving accessibility in organising collective action. It also helps weave local stories with global narratives to highlight commo

Understanding the Link Between Food Insecurity and Negative Mental Health Outcomes
Jan 22, 2025

Understanding the Link Between Food Insecurity and Negative Mental Health Outcomes

Food insecurity and mental health issues are linked in a syndemic relationship, where their interplay exacerbates negative outcomes, particularly among vulnerable populations. Chronic food insecurity contributes to psychological distress and depression, creating a self-perpetuating cycle that hinders access to adequate nutrition and undermines mental well-being. This bidirectional dynamic is further influenced by socio-economic disparities, gende

असमानतेच्या रोगापासून शहरे वाचवायला हवी
Dec 09, 2021

असमानतेच्या रोगापासून शहरे वाचवायला हवी

कोरोनासारख्या रोगांच्या साथीला तोंड देताना, इतर विकसनशील देशांसाठी केस स्टडी म्हणून धारावीचे प्रारूप अतिशय महत्त्वाचे ठरले आहे.