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71 results found

धर्मादाय पैशांचा विकास वित्त म्हणून वापर हा आजचा नवा मंत्र
May 24, 2024

धर्मादाय पैशांचा विकास वित्त म्हणून वापर हा आजचा नवा मंत्र

धर्मादाय संस्थांची आर्थिक क्षमता ही सरकारच्या पलीकडची �

Philanthropy as development finance: The new normal
May 18, 2024

Philanthropy as development finance: The new normal

Philanthropic organisations have a financial capacity beyond that of governments. Thus, governments should create conditions that enable the private s

Reinvigorating deliberative democracy in India
Mar 05, 2024

Reinvigorating deliberative democracy in India

Gram Sabhas, notwithstanding many challenges, have brought a semblance of deliberative democracy in India

2024 मध्ये न्याय्य वित्तपुरवठ्यासाठी ODA मध्ये बदल करण्याची मागणी
Feb 01, 2024

2024 मध्ये न्याय्य वित्तपुरवठ्यासाठी ODA मध्ये बदल करण्याची मागणी

विकास वित्तपुरवठ्याच्या दृष्टिकोनातून 2024 हे वर्ष महत्त�

2024 में न्यायोचित वित्तीय सहायता के लिए ODA में बदलाव की मांग
Jan 18, 2024

2024 में न्यायोचित वित्तीय सहायता के लिए ODA में बदलाव की मांग

2024 का साल विकास के लिए आधिकारिक वित्तीय मदद के मामले में ध�

Refashioning ODA for ‘just financing’ in 2024
Jan 16, 2024

Refashioning ODA for ‘just financing’ in 2024

2024 could turn out to be a pivotal year for development finance as it would be interesting to see how countries direct their ODA allocations alongsid

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!
Oct 04, 2023

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!

वैश्विक स्थिरता के लिए केवल सतत विकास लक्ष्यों (SDGs) को हास�

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!
Oct 04, 2023

OECD देशों के लिए बेहद ज़रूरी है सतत उपभोग लक्ष्यों (SCGs) को अपनाना!

वैश्विक स्थिरता के लिए केवल सतत विकास लक्ष्यों (SDGs) को हास�

Are recent reforms in China’s development cooperation programme effective?
Oct 03, 2023

Are recent reforms in China’s development cooperation programme effective?

Although China has initiated steps to improve its development cooperation programme, many of the commitments have yet to materialise

OECD countries need to adopt Sustainable Consumption Goals (SCGs)
Sep 20, 2023

OECD countries need to adopt Sustainable Consumption Goals (SCGs)

SDGs are not enough for global sustainability. OECD countries need to adopt Sustainable Consumption Goals (SCGs).

हवामान बदलासाठी तांत्रिक उपाय
Apr 14, 2023

हवामान बदलासाठी तांत्रिक उपाय

तंत्रज्ञान - पर्यावरण आणि हवामानासाठी वरदान की हानी?

पूरे विश्व में मंडरा रहे संभावित ऋण संकट का समाधान क्या है?
Mar 07, 2023

पूरे विश्व में मंडरा रहे संभावित ऋण संकट का समाधान क्या है?

ऑर्गेनाइजेशन फॉर इकोनॉमिक कोऑपरेशन एंड डेवलपमेंट (OECD) एव�

What to do with the potential debt crisis looming over the world?
Mar 04, 2023

What to do with the potential debt crisis looming over the world?

Policy makers in both the OECD and developing countries should use this opportunity to improve the current framework for debt restructuring and crisis

Financing digital public infrastructure: The India story
Oct 26, 2022

Financing digital public infrastructure: The India story

India's unified payment interface (UPI) is an example of DPI whose design, financing, and operation are based on the principles of interoperability, m

Challenges faced by the global South in achieving SDGs
Aug 24, 2022

Challenges faced by the global South in achieving SDGs

Going forward, the collaboration between developed and developing countries toward achieving SDGs is essential.

ও ই সি ডি-র বৈশ্বিক কর চুক্তি: ভারতের উপর এর প্রভাব এবং সামনের পথ
Aug 08, 2022

ও ই সি ডি-র বৈশ্বিক কর চুক্তি: ভারতের উপর এর প্রভাব এবং সামনের পথ

একটি ন্যায্য এবং অন্তর্ভুক্তিমূলক বৈশ্বিক ডিজিটাল অর্থ

Exploring India’s manufacturing exports dynamics
Jul 02, 2022

Exploring India’s manufacturing exports dynamics

Is India missing out on the opportunity to expand its export-led growth by not focusing on low-skill manufacturing?

OECD का वैश्विक टैक्स समझौता: भारत पर इसका प्रभाव और आगे की राह
Jun 30, 2022

OECD का वैश्विक टैक्स समझौता: भारत पर इसका प्रभाव और आगे की राह

विकासशील देशों की अर्थव्यवस्थाओं की बेहतरी को केंद्र मे�

OECD का वैश्विक टैक्स समझौता: भारत पर इसका प्रभाव और आगे की राह
Jun 30, 2022

OECD का वैश्विक टैक्स समझौता: भारत पर इसका प्रभाव और आगे की राह

विकासशील देशों की अर्थव्यवस्थाओं की बेहतरी को केंद्र मे�

OECD’s global tax deal: Its impact on India and the way forward
Jun 24, 2022

OECD’s global tax deal: Its impact on India and the way forward

It's important to reform the international tax system to create a fair and inclusive global digital economy that takes into consideration the welfare

Two divides redefine South Korea’s politics
Jun 21, 2022

Two divides redefine South Korea’s politics

Creating opportunities for women in different spheres to tackle gender inequality has invoked fear amongst young Korean men about losing opportunities

Technocratic Solutions to Climate Change
May 17, 2022

Technocratic Solutions to Climate Change

Technology - a boon or a bane for the environment and climate?

Climate narratives: Reading between the lines
Apr 29, 2022

Climate narratives: Reading between the lines

Developing countries are lagging behind in implementing decarbonisation policies as appropriate climate finance and green technology aren’t being ex

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people
Mar 16, 2022

Gaps in social protection: The US is failing to make needed investments in people

It is high time to dispel the notion that social assistance breeds welfare dependency, as evidence suggests otherwise.

Budget 2022: Enabling finance for green growth and innovation
Jan 28, 2022

Budget 2022: Enabling finance for green growth and innovation

Budget 2022 could be a turning point for India in achieving its climate ambitions if adequate steps are taken to improve investments and innovation in

How sustainable are India’s development partnerships?
Jan 03, 2022

How sustainable are India’s development partnerships?

India’s development partnerships could be a potential game changer if sustainability is incorporated into the agenda

Taxing corporations in the 21st century
Nov 30, 2021

Taxing corporations in the 21st century

It is clear that the reform that began by addressing tax challenges from digitalisation is now one of taxing MNEs better

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal
Nov 22, 2021

From “phase-up” to “phase-down” of coal

Instead of pioneering new, green technologies, coal-dependent nations continue to rely on expensive energy technologies of the wealthier world.

कार्बन उत्सर्जन में गिरावट: एक समसामयिक पड़ताल
Nov 19, 2021

कार्बन उत्सर्जन में गिरावट: एक समसामयिक पड़ताल

आज दुनिया में कार्बन की रोकथाम से जुड़ी ज़िम्मेदारियां द

Financing the end of coal: The market case for decarbonising India's energy sector
Nov 12, 2021

Financing the end of coal: The market case for decarbonising India's energy sector

For India to conform to the coal-free trend, more foreign capital flow needs to be diverted to green sectors.

Financing the green transition
Nov 11, 2021

Financing the green transition

Public-private cooperation is the first step towards securing financial investments and adopting new technologies for our green future.

Japan’s Digital Agency: Another shot in the dark or an emblem of change
Nov 11, 2021

Japan’s Digital Agency: Another shot in the dark or an emblem of change

Japan needs to work around its structural impediments to embrace digitalisation via the new Digital Agency

G20 returns to Asia
Oct 30, 2021

G20 returns to Asia

The ‘duplex of Asian G20 presidencies’ led by Indonesia and India takes on a formidable agenda, one that is likely to shape the world economy for

The potential role of G20 in driving financing for SDG4 “Quality Education for All"
Oct 30, 2021

The potential role of G20 in driving financing for SDG4 “Quality Education for All"

How can G20 assist the Global South to undo the negative impact of the pandemic in the education sector and help achieve the SDG targets? 

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets
Oct 30, 2021

It is G20’s imperative to act as a leader in regulating crypto-assets

Multilateral groupings such as the G20 should aim to regulate the cryptocurrency space as it will be the defining asset of the future internet economy

Carbon emission reduction: Taking stock
Oct 11, 2021

Carbon emission reduction: Taking stock

The reduction in carbon emission needs to be observed through a global perspective, as most countries have reformed the sectorial makeup of their econ

A Supply Chain Resilience Agenda for the Quad
Sep 24, 2021

A Supply Chain Resilience Agenda for the Quad

India could spearhead Quad’s Supply chain resilience Agenda by becoming the next economic pivot with the support of other members, by enhancing its

How finance can deliver real environmental and climate impact
Apr 22, 2021

How finance can deliver real environmental and climate impact

The next few years will be critical to ensure the financial system is fit for purpose to deliver the financing needed to achieve environmental and oth

G20 countries’ agreement promises to trip the tech giants
Jun 27, 2019

G20 countries’ agreement promises to trip the tech giants

Enforcement of the G20 agreement shall see stringent rules in order to contain the situation of tax avoidance.

G20, still is a rich countries' club
Jul 21, 2017

G20, still is a rich countries' club

The real reform of the international financial architecture can only be completed when Emerging Economies or the other half of the G20 are fully repre

Economic diplomacy and development partnerships: Rethinking India's role and relevance
Oct 28, 2016

Economic diplomacy and development partnerships: Rethinking India's role and relevance

Looking through an emergence prism, India’s development partnerships and economic diplomacy must be built around three concentric circles.

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy
Feb 22, 2014

Japan has second highest poverty level among OECD countries despite being third largest economy

The challenges that Japan and India face are largely complementary and thus hold promise for enhancing ties. A robust India-Japan partnership will support and promote India's increasingly assertive and strong role as well as Japan's leading position in the east Asian region.

A Stocktaking of BRICS Performance in Climate Action
Feb 14, 2022

A Stocktaking of BRICS Performance in Climate Action

Global temperature rise is set to exceed 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial levels by 2100. Efforts to ramp up climate action must be accompanied by an assessment of countries' existing strategies to combat climate change. At the same time, it is crucial to determine the effectiveness of multilateral institutions in mitigating climate change by galvanising member countries in this direction. This report presents a comparative analysis based on fiv

Beyond Poverty Alleviation: Envisioning Inclusive Growth in the BRICS Countries
May 26, 2023

Beyond Poverty Alleviation: Envisioning Inclusive Growth in the BRICS Countries

This paper presents a status report of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) on two crucial development parameters—inequality and poverty—that have a significant bearing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; especially SDG-1 and SDG-10). The paper tracks the origins and movements of absolute and relative poverty, and income and wealth inequality in the BRICS economies over time, highlights the associated cha

Bridging the Gaps in Public Finance for Climate Adaptation
Nov 27, 2024

Bridging the Gaps in Public Finance for Climate Adaptation

The current gap in global adaptation finance for developing countries is estimated at US$194-366 billion per year. This brief highlights the critical role of domestic public funding in driving adaptation initiatives. While international climate finance mechanisms exist, their effectiveness is limited by slow disbursement processes and regional disparities in fund distribution. Public finance management systems can act as catalysts for mobilising