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754 results found

2021 for the UK — From the COVID vaccine and economic downturn, to Brexit and Biden
Dec 29, 2020

2021 for the UK — From the COVID vaccine and economic downturn, to Brexit and Biden

The impact of the pandemic has been so pervasive that every prominent political and social issue facing the UK has become enmeshed with it.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less
Dec 29, 2020

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less

The pandemic has worsened the problems that Latin America and the Caribbean were already facing. 2021 will surely be challenging in terms of political

Future of the pandemic in 2021 and beyond — Africa’s economic challenges continue
Dec 29, 2020

Future of the pandemic in 2021 and beyond — Africa’s economic challenges continue

For 2021, governments in Africa will focus on improving their revenue and ending the economic recession, way more than it will focus on managing the p

Does the IOR need a cohesive Blue Economy framework?
Dec 23, 2020

Does the IOR need a cohesive Blue Economy framework?

Prioritisation of any one aspect — economic, social or environmental — would chart a lopsided course of development.

The cultural resilience factor in planning future cities
Dec 22, 2020

The cultural resilience factor in planning future cities

In the global urban context, cultural identity is becoming increasingly synonymous with the nature of prevalent collective activities.

The 2020s will be decade of digital lending with payments as steppingstone
Dec 22, 2020

The 2020s will be decade of digital lending with payments as steppingstone

As we move more towards a cash-flow based system of lending, companies are building their own risk assessment models for borrowers using both payment

People with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in India
Nov 28, 2020

People with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic in India

The goal of universal healthcare cannot be achieved without building accessible health facilities for people with disabilities.

Where the surprising US election leaves the new Biden team
Nov 26, 2020

Where the surprising US election leaves the new Biden team

What basic structural limits does the 2020 election outcome place on the new White House? Where will the new administration go from here?

A divided America and the world
Nov 23, 2020

A divided America and the world

America’s founding fathers didn’t anticipate a situation where a president refuses to accept the election results — the US Constitution has no d

Uable: Creativity-focused skill development in the 6-14 age group for next-gen leadership
Nov 12, 2020

Uable: Creativity-focused skill development in the 6-14 age group for next-gen leadership

An approach to building a child’s creative intelligence and skill development through real life roles, and building a strong sense of self and commu

China’s economic plans: Reading the tea leaves
Nov 04, 2020

China’s economic plans: Reading the tea leaves

The emphasis on self-reliance, innovation and the whole business of “dual circulation” seems to be aimed at convincing the country that the proces

The challenges and opportunities of innovating in India
Oct 30, 2020

The challenges and opportunities of innovating in India

We must build the credibility of Indian innovation within our borders and convince people that the quality of research done in India is at par with th

Work from home to work from anywhere: The future of co-working spaces
Oct 27, 2020

Work from home to work from anywhere: The future of co-working spaces

The accelerating remote work culture born during COVID-19 is bound to further propel the growth of flexible workspaces, especially since several emplo

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy
Oct 27, 2020

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy

The debates around work and the welfare architecture in India need to be urgently reframed and translated into practical reform.

Myanmar: India relations on upswing
Oct 20, 2020

Myanmar: India relations on upswing

The strategic location of Myanmar is beneficial for India’s economic engagement as well as physical and social connectivity.

Covid-19: An opportunity to redesign India’s formal-informal economy dynamics
Oct 15, 2020

Covid-19: An opportunity to redesign India’s formal-informal economy dynamics

The pandemic will bring in more of the unorganised sector in the formal fold by means of the economic stimulus announced, and increase the government�

The pandemic is ‘the’ moment. Hack yourself
Oct 13, 2020

The pandemic is ‘the’ moment. Hack yourself

If we are empowered enough, we can see order in chaos and focus our efforts on social innovation to ‘make things happen’ — but above all, we lea

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey
Oct 07, 2020

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey

Data localisation requirements under Turkish law have so far been sector-specific and, hence, limited in scope.

Public policy lessons from Pakistan’s experience with COVID-19
Sep 25, 2020

Public policy lessons from Pakistan’s experience with COVID-19

Pakistan must proceed beyond providing immediate relief to its people by investing in programmes that reduce vulnerability and lead to sustained impro

How QAnon can impact the upcoming US elections
Sep 24, 2020

How QAnon can impact the upcoming US elections

QAnon has been increasingly used as a hashtag to create content that continuously attacks Democrat leaders and points towards impending doom.

हमें अपने शहरों के लिए नये सामाजिक नियमों की ज़रूरत क्यों है?
Sep 22, 2020

हमें अपने शहरों के लिए नये सामाजिक नियमों की ज़रूरत क्यों है?

अपनी आपदा प्रबंधन क्षमता में कमज़ोरी और सामुदायिक भागीद�

मुंबई: सोशल हाउसिंग में बहुत मददगार हो सकता है धारावी री-डेवलपमेंट प्लान
Sep 15, 2020

मुंबई: सोशल हाउसिंग में बहुत मददगार हो सकता है धारावी री-डेवलपमेंट प्लान

मुंबई के भूगोल की जटिलता के साथ-साथ इसकी बेतहाशा बढ़ती आब�

Frenemy to Foe: Changing contours of US-China ties under Trump
Sep 15, 2020

Frenemy to Foe: Changing contours of US-China ties under Trump

With prospects of convergence of strategic interests prompted by geopolitical calculations being overshadowed by divergences in social, cultural and p

Deciphering the colours of India’s economic growth
Sep 11, 2020

Deciphering the colours of India’s economic growth

Can a system — where social security has traditionally been a failure — at all opt for the normative ethical principles of degrowth for the cause

Afghanistan: Peace talks must prioritise inclusivity and compromise
Sep 08, 2020

Afghanistan: Peace talks must prioritise inclusivity and compromise

The talks must be viewed as an opportunity to transform the Afghan social and political landscape, by reflecting local voices – especially that of w

Why we need a new social contract for our cities
Sep 08, 2020

Why we need a new social contract for our cities

Many cities are suffering due to the weakness of their disaster management capacities and inadequacies of community engagement mechanisms.

Returning to Abraham’s fold: Tolerance in the Gulf
Sep 02, 2020

Returning to Abraham’s fold: Tolerance in the Gulf

Tolerance, both as a term and as a concept, is a commodity that has made strong headway over the past few years in the Gulf — a region more than oft

उग्रवाद से इतर कश्मीर में ड्रग्स और सामाजिक उठा-पटक की चुनौतियां
Sep 01, 2020

उग्रवाद से इतर कश्मीर में ड्रग्स और सामाजिक उठा-पटक की चुनौतियां

लगातार हो रही हिंसा और उसकी वजह से पैदा होने वाले तनाव के �

Controlling crowds in public areas as India unlocks
Aug 28, 2020

Controlling crowds in public areas as India unlocks

A decentralised cluster planning approach holds the key to social distancing in urban public spaces.

Analysing the impact of the Taliban deal on jihadist violence in South Asia
Aug 24, 2020

Analysing the impact of the Taliban deal on jihadist violence in South Asia

This deal temporarily shields US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, but has directly harmed Afghan civilians, security forces and allies in the region.

Brazil’s COVID-19 response and regional dynamics
Aug 21, 2020

Brazil’s COVID-19 response and regional dynamics

Multiple social issues, such as rising crimes, poverty and lack of education have made it difficult to contain the spread of the pandemic and spread a

‘सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफ़ार्म: न देश के क़ानून से ऊपर, न अपने-आप में कोई क़ानून!’
Aug 20, 2020

‘सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफ़ार्म: न देश के क़ानून से ऊपर, न अपने-आप में कोई क़ानून!’

प्लेटफ़ॉर्म को उनके फ़ैसलों के लिए ज़वाबदेह बनाना चाहिए औ

क्या सोशल रेंटल-हाउसिंग को अपनाने से रोज़गार के अधिकार में मदद मिलेगी?
Aug 19, 2020

क्या सोशल रेंटल-हाउसिंग को अपनाने से रोज़गार के अधिकार में मदद मिलेगी?

नेशनल अर्बन रेंटल हाउसिंग पॉलिसी की योजना को हक़ीक़त बनन

NEP 2020: Vocational education needs structural changes in the labour market
Aug 08, 2020

NEP 2020: Vocational education needs structural changes in the labour market

In a free market economy like India, albeit with some socialist characteristics, education is largely seen as an investment for economic growth, espec