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284 results found

बिटकॉइन व्यवसाय: भारत के रणनीतिक हितों की सुरक्षा
Jul 12, 2022

बिटकॉइन व्यवसाय: भारत के रणनीतिक हितों की सुरक्षा

बिटकॉइन आने वाले वर्षों में सोना और अमेरिकी डॉलर के  ग्लो

बिटकॉइन व्यवसाय: भारत के रणनीतिक हितों की सुरक्षा
Jul 12, 2022

बिटकॉइन व्यवसाय: भारत के रणनीतिक हितों की सुरक्षा

बिटकॉइन आने वाले वर्षों में सोना और अमेरिकी डॉलर के  ग्लो

The Bitcoin business: Securing India’s strategic interests
Jul 04, 2022

The Bitcoin business: Securing India’s strategic interests

Bitcoin could replace gold and the US dollar as the global reserve commodity in the coming years, it would be prudent for India to adopt Bitcoin as pa

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया
Jul 02, 2022

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया

मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन का कोई ठोस एलान करने में नाकाम रहने

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया
Jul 02, 2022

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया

मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन का कोई ठोस एलान करने में नाकाम रहने

WTO MC12: More unfinished business
Jun 28, 2022

WTO MC12: More unfinished business

The inability of the ministerial conferences in not being able to produce any fruitful declarations further undermined the effective functioning of th

Xi resumes hunt for the ‘tigers’ of finance
Feb 09, 2022

Xi resumes hunt for the ‘tigers’ of finance

Anti-graft agency looks to sever business-CCP collusion

Blue opportunities for the Pacific Island Developing States (PIDS)
Feb 07, 2022

Blue opportunities for the Pacific Island Developing States (PIDS)

The PSIDS require a holistic approach to development as business-as-usual is proving to be detrimental to the ocean ecosystem and the people whose liv

For multinational corporations, there is a call to rise for the greater good
Nov 30, 2021

For multinational corporations, there is a call to rise for the greater good

Global corporations can proactively work towards sustainable and ethical development, particularly in the post-pandemic recovery

भारत: कारोबार जगत के लिए नेट-ज़ीरो से जुड़े ऐलान के मायने
Nov 27, 2021

भारत: कारोबार जगत के लिए नेट-ज़ीरो से जुड़े ऐलान के मायने

नेट-ज़ीरो के लक्ष्यों के साथ-साथ संक्रमण से जुड़ी विस्तृ�

What India's net zero announcement means for businesses
Nov 08, 2021

What India's net zero announcement means for businesses

As India moves towards achieving its net-zero commitments, businesses can aid in realising this mission by establishing their own set green pledges

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward
Oct 27, 2021

"The Great Game" 2.0: Belarus & India: The Way Forward

It is pivotal for Belarus and the world to raise awareness of how to do successful business with India

ये वक़्त व्यावसायिक उपग्रह सर्विसिंग को लेकर गंभीर होने का है
Oct 23, 2021

ये वक़्त व्यावसायिक उपग्रह सर्विसिंग को लेकर गंभीर होने का है

व्यावसायिक उपग्रह सर्विसिंग को लेकर जारी नैरेटिव को दोह�

The spoils of World War 2 are handing World War 3 victories to China
Sep 21, 2021

The spoils of World War 2 are handing World War 3 victories to China

The World Bank Group’s manipulation of Doing Business rankings to promote China is part of a larger and continuing malaise that needs to end now

मॉरीशस के भारतीय नौसेना बेस की ख़बर को ग़लत बताने पर क्यों ख़ुश हुआ मालदीव
Aug 26, 2021

मॉरीशस के भारतीय नौसेना बेस की ख़बर को ग़लत बताने पर क्यों ख़ुश हुआ मालदीव

भारत की सागर पहल हिंद महासागर में सिर्फ़ सुरक्षा तक ही सीम�

श्रीलंका: कोलंबो पोर्ट सिटी को लेकर भारत की दो चिंताएं; सुरक्षा और कारोबार
Jun 23, 2021

श्रीलंका: कोलंबो पोर्ट सिटी को लेकर भारत की दो चिंताएं; सुरक्षा और कारोबार

श्रीलंका के इस क़दम ने आर्थिक और सुरक्षा के मोर्चे पर भार�

Pricing carbon: Trade-offs and opportunities for India
Jun 05, 2021

Pricing carbon: Trade-offs and opportunities for India

A clear, robust regulatory framework for pricing carbon can play a key role in increasing the uptake of carbon pricing by businesses in India.

मालदीव: यामीन ख़ेमा भारत की तवज्जो क्यों चाहता है?
May 13, 2021

मालदीव: यामीन ख़ेमा भारत की तवज्जो क्यों चाहता है?

विपक्षी पीपीएम-पीएनसी गठजोड़ ने यामीन की रिहाई में मदद क�

विश्व बैंक को ईज़ ऑफ़ डुइंग बीजिंग रैंकिंग क्यों नहीं करनी चाहिए?
May 12, 2021

विश्व बैंक को ईज़ ऑफ़ डुइंग बीजिंग रैंकिंग क्यों नहीं करनी चाहिए?

इस लेख में साफ़ तौर पर सदियों पुराने संरक्षण और विकास के ब

Unpacking the India-EU economic relationship
Apr 26, 2021

Unpacking the India-EU economic relationship

Although India and the EU have not been able to tap into each other’s strengths, there is tremendous opportunity to overcome long-standing differenc

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy
Apr 14, 2021

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy

As a primarily economic discipline, the circular economy must empower business and industry.

A tale of four manifestos in the battle over Bengal: The development dimension
Apr 05, 2021

A tale of four manifestos in the battle over Bengal: The development dimension

One thing is pretty sure from the manifestos. Political parties are more interested in showing the carrots that are readily saleable to their electora

Five tracks for the next ten years: Could this be India’s decade?
Mar 19, 2021

Five tracks for the next ten years: Could this be India’s decade?

As the nation swam through the challenges actuated by the pandemic, its economy faced a fair share of learnings along the way.

अलीबाबा के कारोबार में चल रही उथल-पुथल दूसरे कारोबारियों के लिए एक सबक़
Mar 17, 2021

अलीबाबा के कारोबार में चल रही उथल-पुथल दूसरे कारोबारियों के लिए एक सबक़

चीन में निजी क्षेत्र और सरकार नियंत्रित कंपनियों के बीच �

Thaw in Nepal’s relations with China
Mar 16, 2021

Thaw in Nepal’s relations with China

It is not known why Nepalese businessmen are being made to suffer in their trade with China when relations between the Communist Parties of the two co

Saving digital media from digital platforms: The Australian way
Mar 07, 2021

Saving digital media from digital platforms: The Australian way

Digitalisation has adversely affected the advertisement-driven business model of journalism. While there has been an acknowledgement that steps should

मुंबई को दुनिया का एंट्रेपोट व्यापार का केंद्र बनाना होगा
Feb 01, 2021

मुंबई को दुनिया का एंट्रेपोट व्यापार का केंद्र बनाना होगा

अगर हम मुंबई को वैश्विक केंद्र बना पाए तो यह दूसरे शहरों क

Is deplatforming the answer to countering hate-speech?
Jan 24, 2021

Is deplatforming the answer to countering hate-speech?

A flawed business model that monetises hate and finds it more lucrative to polarise opinions — rather than bridge them — needs to be upended, befo

Kyrgyzstan embarks on a precarious course
Jan 19, 2021

Kyrgyzstan embarks on a precarious course

The decisive result of the presidential election — and referendum on 10 January — has provided a temporary relief to the people, businesses, and s

Women’s work during pandemic in the BIMSTEC region
Jan 15, 2021

Women’s work during pandemic in the BIMSTEC region

The adverse impact of the pandemic on women has been felt through a number of ways including employment and income loss.

A shakedown at Alibaba holds lessons for business
Jan 07, 2021

A shakedown at Alibaba holds lessons for business

In China, the line between state-led and private sector has become blurred over the years.

The business of capacity-building — US and China scramble for the arms market in the Indo-Pacific
Dec 28, 2020

The business of capacity-building — US and China scramble for the arms market in the Indo-Pacific

Across the Indo-Pacific, countries big and small are building up their military capacity through domestic production and imports.

Unemployment remains the biggest challenge for Nepal
Dec 18, 2020

Unemployment remains the biggest challenge for Nepal

Before it is too late, it is necessary on the part of the federal, provincial and local governments to provide easy loans and grants to entrepreneurs,

प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (एफडीआई) को लेकर नेपाल की चुनौतियां!
Nov 25, 2020

प्रत्यक्ष विदेशी निवेश (एफडीआई) को लेकर नेपाल की चुनौतियां!

साल दर साल,  विदेशी निवेशकों ने नेपाल में जलविद्युत, औद्य�

China’s economic plans: Reading the tea leaves
Nov 04, 2020

China’s economic plans: Reading the tea leaves

The emphasis on self-reliance, innovation and the whole business of “dual circulation” seems to be aimed at convincing the country that the proces

Bloomsbury saga is a battle of platforms, driven by an ecosystem, powered by ideologies
Aug 24, 2020

Bloomsbury saga is a battle of platforms, driven by an ecosystem, powered by ideologies

Preserving free speech should be the gut reaction of anyone in the business of ideas — authors, academics, journalists. There is no space for select

Can the Indian economy afford boycotting Chinese products?
Aug 21, 2020

Can the Indian economy afford boycotting Chinese products?

This article attempts to put forth alternatives that could better India’s fight against China’s economic monopoly and envisage a plausible route t

Amalgamating small cogs in the giant tech machine: Three lessons for regulators following the Congressional hearings
Aug 13, 2020

Amalgamating small cogs in the giant tech machine: Three lessons for regulators following the Congressional hearings

The prevailing school of thought on antitrust laws cannot reign in Big Tech. Focus should be given to other forms of anti-competitive behaviour.

Russia-China relations in the Russian Far East
Jul 16, 2020

Russia-China relations in the Russian Far East

The Russian Far East has had to deal with the impact of a stagnating Russian economy in aiding regional growth and has itself witnessed a decline in b

A case for “GDP of the poor” to make conservation everybody’s business
Jul 02, 2020

A case for “GDP of the poor” to make conservation everybody’s business

That development is a multi-dimensional phenomenon entailing delineation of institutions, processes, and structures to ensure sustainability and equit

A flight of opportunity: COVID-19 and India’s drone industry
Jun 18, 2020

A flight of opportunity: COVID-19 and India’s drone industry

The government should look at realigning the regulations of the drone industry with the central policies of ease of doing business and Aatmanirbhar B

How fake news is complicating India’s war against COVID-19
May 13, 2020

How fake news is complicating India’s war against COVID-19

Many would not have imagined fake news becoming a major menace in the time of life-threatening pandemic. Yet, this has become business as usual in Ind

कोविड19: लॉकडाउन के बाद पटरी पर कैसे लौटेगी अर्थव्यवस्था
May 04, 2020

कोविड19: लॉकडाउन के बाद पटरी पर कैसे लौटेगी अर्थव्यवस्था

सबसे बड़ी समस्या जो आने वाली है वो यह है कि जो निर्देश दिल�