Search: For - WTO

193 results found

WTO and its role in reducing the economic shock of the pandemic
Feb 11, 2021

WTO and its role in reducing the economic shock of the pandemic

The WTO has served as ‘constructed focal point’ during the pandemic by helping countries coordinate their policy responses.

Decoupling from China may be tricky while Chinese exports are surging
Dec 16, 2020

Decoupling from China may be tricky while Chinese exports are surging

The chances for implementation of decoupling appear very slim — at least for the time being.

कौन बनेगा विश्व व्यापार संगठन का नया महानिदेशक?
Nov 04, 2020

कौन बनेगा विश्व व्यापार संगठन का नया महानिदेशक?

चुनाव से पहले जब हर देश इस बात पर विचार कर रहा है कि वो किस �

Europe: The institutions with US have held stronger than you think
Nov 02, 2020

Europe: The institutions with US have held stronger than you think

In the larger scheme of Europe belatedly meeting its moment, Trump’s ‘disruptions’ that now unduly dominate analyses on transatlantic ties could

Multilateralism: Ground zero of American retreat
Nov 02, 2020

Multilateralism: Ground zero of American retreat

Trump paved the way for a bold, unapologetic approach to US foreign policy and trade—termed as ‘America First’. This launched a US retreat from

Who will be the next WTO Director General?
Sep 30, 2020

Who will be the next WTO Director General?

As countries contemplate which candidate to support, they must keep in mind the many roles played by the WTO DG. They represent the WTO in internation

Rebooting multilateralism? Lessons still to be learnt
Sep 23, 2020

Rebooting multilateralism? Lessons still to be learnt

There is an urgent need for convincing narratives, backed by data and grounded in fact, that can show people why multilateralism is worth preserving.

WTO के वजूद का संकट: भारत और यूरोपियन यूनियन का नज़रिया
Jun 08, 2020

WTO के वजूद का संकट: भारत और यूरोपियन यूनियन का नज़रिया

मौजूदा इतिहास में पहली बार लगता है कि अमेरिका का आधिपत्य �

COVID-19: Export bans, trade rules and international cooperation
May 23, 2020

COVID-19: Export bans, trade rules and international cooperation

World Trade Organisation rules are not pandemic proof, and have fallen short of addressing the ongoing disruption to global trade and commerce.

Multilateral trade: Promising or in peril?
Jan 28, 2020

Multilateral trade: Promising or in peril?

The WTO architecture, as it stands today, will experience varied changes, some quite deep. We will see a period of a cycle of apathy and chaos until a

The malaise of multilateralism and how to manage it
Jan 23, 2020

The malaise of multilateralism and how to manage it

Why multilateralism is in such a mess today boils down to three reasons: disillusionment with globalisation, lacklustre narratives in support of multi

Trade wars: Can the WTO strike back?
Oct 05, 2018

Trade wars: Can the WTO strike back?

More worrying are Washington’s actions before the WTO, which can affect the efficiency and capacity of its robust Dispute Settlement Mechanism. This

Is WTO relevant to India?
Dec 26, 2017

Is WTO relevant to India?

India has to compete with ASEAN and others around the world in increasing its share of global trade. It is promoting its own free trading arrangement

WTO आणि विकसनशील देशांचे मत्स्यव्यवसाय
Apr 23, 2023

WTO आणि विकसनशील देशांचे मत्स्यव्यवसाय

LDCs आणि विकसनशील देशांचे मत्स्यव्यवसाय अजूनही निर्वाह स्तरावर आहेत आणि विकसित राज्यांप्रमाणेच ते समान नियमांनी अडकले जाऊ नयेत.

WTO's Bali Ministerial: What is in it for India?
Jan 15, 2014

WTO's Bali Ministerial: What is in it for India?

To be relevant, the WTO cannot keep postponing handling the major sticking points. It has to fulfill its agenda of ending rich country farm subsidies and tackle issues like rules governing intellectual property rights - things that regional FTAs are already dealing with.

20 years of WTO: What next?
May 19, 2015

20 years of WTO: What next?

The US is currently training various African economies on how to meet common value systems standards, and India along with other economies, needs to press for a more inclusive system where countries "pressurise on how to manage concerns and reach viable solutions."

After WTO what?
Sep 21, 2018

After WTO what?

The WTO has been considerably weakened.

Govt should support farmers to augment production: Ex-WTO member
Dec 20, 2014

Govt should support farmers to augment production: Ex-WTO member

India's former member of the WTO Arbitration Committee, Dr. A.V. Ganesan, thinks that it would be unsustainable for India to rely on imported food grains, and hence it is imperative that India supports its farmers to augment food production to meet the domestic demand.

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?
Nov 15, 2014

India-US WTO patch-up: Will the TFA really help India?

In spite of some benefits, the TFA is embroiled in controversy. Trade facilitation, according to some scholars, will enhance the developed countries' access to Indian markets and may impact manufacturing growth. Studies have shown India is losing out in competitiveness in all product lines and there has been a 'hollowing out' of industries.

Indian food security and the WTO deal
Jan 27, 2014

Indian food security and the WTO deal

A host of issues that were crucial to the interests of developing countries, and to a large extent India's, were off the table at Bali. For instance, rich country farm subsidies. The US has still not budged from its position vis-à-vis farm subsidies, despite years of push from poor countries, including in Africa.

Reforms at the WTO: Beyond Archaic Binaries
Jul 12, 2021

Reforms at the WTO: Beyond Archaic Binaries

For some years now, the trading system based on the World Trade Organization (WTO) has been showing signs of strain. The old binaries that informed the debates and decisions at the WTO are being challenged as the global economic landscape is changing. This brief discusses some of the most persistent issues around the WTO: among them, the ‘developing country’ status that countries self-declare; the dispute resolution system; and the understand

The WTO Crisis: Exploring Interim Solutions for India’s Trade Disputes
Sep 22, 2020

The WTO Crisis: Exploring Interim Solutions for India’s Trade Disputes

The ‘crown jewel’ of the World Trade Organization (WTO) — the dispute resolution mechanism — is facing a crisis. The US obstruction to new appointments in the WTO’s Appellate Body (AB) has frozen the appeals process and brought the mechanism to a halt. Until such crisis is resolved, New Delhi will need to explore other means for resolving its current and future trade disputes. This paper outlines interim solutions that India can emplo

The WTO dispute settlement system: An analysis of India’s experience and current reform proposals
Sep 02, 2019

The WTO dispute settlement system: An analysis of India’s experience and current reform proposals

Established in 1995, the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Dispute Settlement System (DSS) is used to resolve trade-related disputes between WTO member states. It has received over 500 complaints since its inception, and utilises both political negotiation and adjudication for dispute resolution. Today the DSS faces an unprecedented crisis due to US obstruction, which may render the system effectively dysfunctional by late 2019. It is likely tha

Was India's decision at WTO wise?
Aug 02, 2014

Was India's decision at WTO wise?

If India continues to act rigid, it will result in the failure of the Doha round and bring misfortunes for small countries and tragic outcomes for all the members of WTO. India shouldn't get carried away and link its food security and subsidy issues to the Trade Facilitation deal

गुंतवणूक सुविधा: WTO चे कायदेशीर संकट
Sep 14, 2023

गुंतवणूक सुविधा: WTO चे कायदेशीर संकट

जागतिक व्यापार संघटना WTO साठी सहा जुलै 2023 हा अतिशय महत्त्वाचा दिवस होता. या दिवशी तीन वर्षांच्या चर्चेनंतर सहभागी झालेल्या सदस्यांनी ‘इन्व्हेस्टमेंट फॅसिलिटेशन फॉर डेव्�

विकास के मुद्दे पर आम सहमति स्थापित हो: G20 के नेतृत्व में हो WTO में सुधार
Jun 16, 2023

विकास के मुद्दे पर आम सहमति स्थापित हो: G20 के नेतृत्व में हो WTO में सुधार

विश्व व्यापार संगठन (WTO) की स्थापना करने वाले समझौते की प्रस्तावना में विकासशील देशों को यह सुनिश्चित करने की आवश्यकता को पहचाना गया है कि वे “अपने आर्थिक विकास की आवश्यकता�

सभी के लिए बहुपक्षीय पहल को कारगर बनाना: समावेशी एवं विकास-अनुकूल दृष्टिकोणों के ज़रिए WTO में सुधार
Jul 26, 2023

सभी के लिए बहुपक्षीय पहल को कारगर बनाना: समावेशी एवं विकास-अनुकूल दृष्टिकोणों के ज़रिए WTO में सुधार

विभिन्न व्यापक एवं महत्त्वपूर्ण वैश्विक मुद्दों, जैसे कि खाद्य सुरक्षा, कोविड-19 महामारी के बाद उपजे हालातों पर काबू पाना, जलवायु परिवर्तन, पर्यावरण और सर्विसेज ट्रेड यानी

A New Agenda, A New Forum?
Dec 15, 2003

A New Agenda, A New Forum?

The coincidence is striking. The US ¿ban¿ on ¿non-participants¿ in the ¿international coalition¿ to participate in $ 18-billions worth of ¿works contract¿ for Iraq¿s reconstruction, and also the follow-up talks on the deadlocked WTO negotiations at Cancun. Between them, the two may have begun designing a new course for politics and cooperation in the international arena, where economy now has a major say.

China’s FTA with Mauritius: A Strategic Mix of Trade and Diplomacy
Nov 14, 2024

China’s FTA with Mauritius: A Strategic Mix of Trade and Diplomacy

In October 2019, China’s Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Mauritius opened the Chinese market to Mauritian exporters and investors. Not long after, concerns arose that Mauritius might be lacking in the capacity to benefit significantly from the agreement and thus lose in terms of a trade imbalance that clearly favours China. This brief revisits China’s motivations for the FTA, and finds economic and geopolitical goals. Given Mauritius’s smal