Search: For - WTO

193 results found

Will the World Trade Organisation pass the COVID “test”?
Nov 18, 2022

Will the World Trade Organisation pass the COVID “test”?

India must redouble its efforts in the WTO to have the TRIPS waiver extended to cover therapeutics and diagnostics and use its G20 Presidency and the

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection
Oct 26, 2022

The international politics of data: When control trumps protection

The general impetus seems to be control of data flows by nation states and not protection of data and privacy

দুর্বল বিশ্ব বাণিজ্য সংস্থা এবং একটি অনিশ্চিত বিশ্ব বাণিজ্য ব্যবস্থা
Oct 08, 2022

দুর্বল বিশ্ব বাণিজ্য সংস্থা এবং একটি অনিশ্চিত বিশ্ব বাণিজ্য ব্যবস্থা

একতরফা শুল্ক আরোপ এবং অন্যান্য প্রাক–অতিমারি বাণিজ্যিক

Weak WTO and an uncertain global trade order
Sep 05, 2022

Weak WTO and an uncertain global trade order

Due to unilateral tariff imposition and other pre-pandemic trade restrictions that undermined the multilateral trade order, the focus has now shifted

Too little too late: TRIPS waiver saga illustrates global policy hesitancy
Sep 02, 2022

Too little too late: TRIPS waiver saga illustrates global policy hesitancy

Given the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing monkeypox epidemic, concerns over global policy hesitancy need to be addressed.

"Comfort Women" issue and its impact on Japan-South Korea relations
Aug 06, 2022

"Comfort Women" issue and its impact on Japan-South Korea relations

If allowed to spiral out of control, Japan’s and South Korea’s domestic nationalist fervour against each other could further damage already fragil

क्या WTO मछली कारोबार से जुड़ी दुश्वारियों के निपटारे में कामयाब रहा है?
Jul 09, 2022

क्या WTO मछली कारोबार से जुड़ी दुश्वारियों के निपटारे में कामयाब रहा है?

अल्प विकसित देशों और विकासशील राष्ट्रों का मछली कारोबार

क्या WTO मछली कारोबार से जुड़ी दुश्वारियों के निपटारे में कामयाब रहा है?
Jul 09, 2022

क्या WTO मछली कारोबार से जुड़ी दुश्वारियों के निपटारे में कामयाब रहा है?

अल्प विकसित देशों और विकासशील राष्ट्रों का मछली कारोबार

Has WTO Addressed the 'Fish' in the Room?
Jul 05, 2022

Has WTO Addressed the 'Fish' in the Room?

The fisheries of the LDCs and developing countries are still at a subsistence level and should not be strapped by the same regulations as the develope

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया
Jul 02, 2022

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया

मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन का कोई ठोस एलान करने में नाकाम रहने

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया
Jul 02, 2022

विश्व व्यापार संगठन का 12वां मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन: अधूरा काम ज़्यादा रह गया

मंत्रिस्तरीय सम्मेलन का कोई ठोस एलान करने में नाकाम रहने

WTO MC12: More unfinished business
Jun 28, 2022

WTO MC12: More unfinished business

The inability of the ministerial conferences in not being able to produce any fruitful declarations further undermined the effective functioning of th

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts
Apr 28, 2022

Forging China-Resistant Supplier Compacts

China’s approach to trade has stood impervious to change. It is time for a new geoeconomic approach to counter China. Like-minded nations can fashio

Scripting a Third Way: The Importance of EU-India Partnership
Apr 28, 2022

Scripting a Third Way: The Importance of EU-India Partnership

The European Union (EU) and India must script the future together. The values that we cherish—indeed our very way of life—may depend on it.

Compromised  TRIPS waiver: One step forward, two steps back
Apr 16, 2022

Compromised TRIPS waiver: One step forward, two steps back

The watered-down version of the initial TRIPS waiver proposal put forth by India and South Africa indicates that the developed nations’ policy is bu

Harnessing New Opportunities in a World of Declining Multilateralism: What India Can Do for Itself and Others
Jan 26, 2022

Harnessing New Opportunities in a World of Declining Multilateralism: What India Can Do for Itself and Others

Amidst all the handwringing, it is often forgotten that the crisis of multilateralism could offer new opportunities that India should harness

India, the EU and the Future of Multilateralism
Jan 26, 2022

India, the EU and the Future of Multilateralism

India and the EU must explore new avenues for greater political and security cooperation to protect the world’s public goods

Rising India 2021: A Note from a Tropical BRICS Member
Jan 26, 2022

Rising India 2021: A Note from a Tropical BRICS Member

In the post-COVID-19 world, relevant middle powers like India with fine negotiating skills and a co-operative attitude will stand out

India, Covid-19 and the Global Health Agenda
Jan 26, 2022

India, Covid-19 and the Global Health Agenda

India’s global ambitions come with global health duties both amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and in its aftermath

Green Trade Agenda: Impatience can endanger the prospects
Jan 08, 2022

Green Trade Agenda: Impatience can endanger the prospects

Adopting a uniform approach to climate-friendly trade regulations could be detrimental to developing countries and could jeopardise future cooperative

Southeast Asia’s choices: Economic, political, and geopolitical integration face complications
Dec 14, 2021

Southeast Asia’s choices: Economic, political, and geopolitical integration face complications

In light of the new developments in the Indo-Pacific region, heightened economic and political integration comes with multiple hurdles that will, in t

Transnational corporations and the challenge to underwrite trade disruptions scare
Nov 29, 2021

Transnational corporations and the challenge to underwrite trade disruptions scare

The flailing multilateral system has led global corporations to rethink just how connected they ought to be

विश्व व्यापार संगठन: विकासशील देश विशेष और अलग बर्ताव का लाभ उठा रहे
Nov 17, 2021

विश्व व्यापार संगठन: विकासशील देश विशेष और अलग बर्ताव का लाभ उठा रहे

डब्ल्यूटीओ को एक पैमाना विकसित करने की ज़रूरत है ताकि ये �

Fault lines at the G20
Nov 02, 2021

Fault lines at the G20

Can G20 rise up to the occasion and meet the global expectations by coming to a universal agreement on crucial issues like trade and climate?

The World Trade Organisation: Developing countries availing special and differential treatment
Nov 01, 2021

The World Trade Organisation: Developing countries availing special and differential treatment

WTO needs to develop a set of parameters to ascertain which countries qualify as “developing” in order to wind up the challenge associated with S&

Undermining institutions, underwriting OBOR: Beijing and the crisis of global governance
Sep 21, 2021

Undermining institutions, underwriting OBOR: Beijing and the crisis of global governance

Will the world end up underwriting the further rise of China by allowing the CPC to take over global institutions?

The spoils of World War 2 are handing World War 3 victories to China
Sep 21, 2021

The spoils of World War 2 are handing World War 3 victories to China

The World Bank Group’s manipulation of Doing Business rankings to promote China is part of a larger and continuing malaise that needs to end now

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum
Sep 17, 2021

BRICS @15: From an economic to a strategic plurilateral forum

Critique of BRICS is logical and natural but can be unfair without careful examination of its evolution and contribution

भारत में विशेष इकॉनमिक जोन: डब्ल्यूटीओ के तहत शामिल पक्षों को लेकर विवाद
Jun 17, 2021

भारत में विशेष इकॉनमिक जोन: डब्ल्यूटीओ के तहत शामिल पक्षों को लेकर विवाद

अमेरिका का ऐतराज़ भारत द्वारा निर्यात को बढ़ावा देने वाल

Why the trading system needs even more multilateralism today
May 17, 2021

Why the trading system needs even more multilateralism today

Pandemic-induced economic challenges and trade uncertainties are not a threat but an opportunity to ‘multilateralise’ new and deeper trade integra

Sovereignty in a ‘datafied’ world: A framework for Indian diplomacy
May 02, 2021

Sovereignty in a ‘datafied’ world: A framework for Indian diplomacy

New Delhi must avoid getting caught up in tired existing machinations and instead forge a new path for itself that prioritises Indian strategic intere

An Indian perspective on reviving the World Trade Organisation
Apr 28, 2021

An Indian perspective on reviving the World Trade Organisation

For countries like India, the multilateral trading system embodied by the WTO provides security and predictability.

A roadmap for sustainable food security
Apr 26, 2021

A roadmap for sustainable food security

Given the rapidly growing population, resource constraints and climate change concerns, accompanied by the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic — it is

Diplomacy in a divided world
Apr 21, 2021

Diplomacy in a divided world

Diplomacy is not often revolutionary. This does not fit well in a time that wants rapid change and immediate solutions to problems.

The Biden administration and the future of multilateralism
Apr 13, 2021

The Biden administration and the future of multilateralism

For multilateralism to be credible, the Biden administration will need to reconsolidate a US political consensus on global engagement and persuade for

Right to equitable access to COVID-19 vaccination — if not now, then when?
Apr 09, 2021

Right to equitable access to COVID-19 vaccination — if not now, then when?

The world needs the vaccine today — not tomorrow — to stop the disease and end the pandemic. We need to embrace the access to medicine movement �

डब्लूटीओ को पहली बार मिली महिला और ‘अफ्रीकी मूल’ की महानिदेशक
Feb 19, 2021

डब्लूटीओ को पहली बार मिली महिला और ‘अफ्रीकी मूल’ की महानिदेशक

विश्व व्यापार संगठन के 27 प्रतिशत सदस्य अफ्रीका से आते हैं

The WTO gets its first woman and first African Director General
Feb 12, 2021

The WTO gets its first woman and first African Director General

The organisation has never been led by an African, despite Africa representing 27 percent of the WTO’s membership, with 35 percent members from deve