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२०२४ मध्ये जगभरातील लिंगभेद दूर करण्याच्या मोहिमेला अधिक ऊर्जेची आवश्यकता?
Feb 14, 2024

२०२४ मध्ये जगभरातील लिंगभेद दूर करण्याच्या मोहिमेला अधिक ऊर्जेची आवश्यकता?

अभूतपूर्व जागतिक संकटांमुळे लिंगभेद दूर करण्यासंदर्भा�

Bridging the global gender chasm in 2024: Need for more steam?
Feb 03, 2024

Bridging the global gender chasm in 2024: Need for more steam?

Due to unprecedented global crises, progress in bridging the gender divide has stagnated

North Korea's artillery fire and regional implications
Jan 09, 2024

North Korea's artillery fire and regional implications

Pyongyang’s recent live-fire drills could set in motion a series of events with far-reaching consequences for regional stability, diplomacy, and the

जागतिक अर्थव्यवस्था: वर्ष 2024 पासून अपेक्षा आणि शंकाकुशंका
Jan 08, 2024

जागतिक अर्थव्यवस्था: वर्ष 2024 पासून अपेक्षा आणि शंकाकुशंका

२०२४ मध्ये, वाढते अस्थिर जग जागतिक अर्थव्यवस्थेची स्थित�

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024
Dec 26, 2023

Shifting sands: Navigating the new geopolitical landscape in 2024

The year 2024 is poised to be a period of significant transformation, characterised by extensive changes on both domestic and international fronts

What to expect in 2024: Global economy
Dec 18, 2023

What to expect in 2024: Global economy

In 2024, an increasingly volatile world will define the state of the global economy

Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?
Oct 03, 2023

Iran’s BRICS membership: “Hello to the new world”?

Iran views its BRICS membership as a foreign policy success, however, whether this move will translate into long-term benefits remains to be seen

Faltering dragon: Chinese slowdown, global economy and Indian imperatives
Aug 31, 2023

Faltering dragon: Chinese slowdown, global economy and Indian imperatives

India needs to strike a balance between addressing short-term disruptions and pursuing long-term objectives in the face of growing trade relations wit

Tightening the reins: Regulating stablecoins
Aug 24, 2023

Tightening the reins: Regulating stablecoins

By regulating stablecoins, authorities can strike a balance between innovation and safeguarding the interests of users and the global economy.

डिजिटल रुपया: भारत की डिजिटल यात्रा का अगला पड़ाव
Jul 19, 2023

डिजिटल रुपया: भारत की डिजिटल यात्रा का अगला पड़ाव

दुनिया के तमाम देश CBDCs की संरचना और क्रियान्वयन से जुड़ी र�

Counting the costs: Child labour in the Global South
Jun 14, 2023

Counting the costs: Child labour in the Global South

To take advantage of their favourable demographic transitions over the coming decades, the developing and least developed countries (LDCs) need to add

BIMSTEC: A call for robust institutionalisation
Jun 07, 2023

BIMSTEC: A call for robust institutionalisation

BIMSTEC’s recent initiatives of strengthening institutional mechanisms are indeed a start but the road ahead is long if not arduous

Climate twins: Weathering climate actions with fiscal stability
Jun 05, 2023

Climate twins: Weathering climate actions with fiscal stability

The complex risks associated with climate change pose a threat to the global economy. Thus, it is crucial for regulators to proactively manage these r

China’s COVID surge can affect the global economy, yet again
Dec 27, 2022

China’s COVID surge can affect the global economy, yet again

The slowdown in the Chinese economy due to the recent surge has made the global economy quite vulnerable

Storm Warning: Zero-COVID, Chinese Slowdown, and Supply Chains
Dec 07, 2022

Storm Warning: Zero-COVID, Chinese Slowdown, and Supply Chains

It needs to be understood that no policy for supply chain resilience will be complete without accounting for China as a supplier in the short term.

China’s Solar Value Chain: The Early Drivers
Oct 03, 2022

China’s Solar Value Chain: The Early Drivers

China's export of cheap clean energy equipment is a public good as relatively poor countries can now afford large clean energy projects

The US sanctions Russia: The “thousand cuts” tactic inflicts collateral damage
Mar 16, 2022

The US sanctions Russia: The “thousand cuts” tactic inflicts collateral damage

The sanctions imposed on Russia is weighing down the global economy as supply chains are affected.

Cryptocurrency soar runs into hardware problems
Nov 30, 2021

Cryptocurrency soar runs into hardware problems

Regulators around the world must address the faultlines in newer technology-led concepts like crypto that can reshape the global economy

Inequity pandemic: The lost generation of the digital transformation
Nov 29, 2021

Inequity pandemic: The lost generation of the digital transformation

Active work must be done to ensure that those without digital access are not left behind

Three trends in geopolitics and geoeconomics in 2021
Jan 04, 2021

Three trends in geopolitics and geoeconomics in 2021

The story of 2021 in the global economy will continue to be dominated by the pandemic — but examining these trends will help us understand the struc

Does India benefit from a Sino-US trade conflict?
Sep 19, 2020

Does India benefit from a Sino-US trade conflict?

With its current status as the seventh largest global economy, but only the twentieth largest goods exporter — the extent to which India will benefi

Sino-Indian transitions in the energy sector
Apr 20, 2020

Sino-Indian transitions in the energy sector

Where China and India indicate conspicuous commonalities, aim for similar objectives and reflect identical challenges — exploring Sino-Indian partne

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?
Apr 19, 2020

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?

The COVID19 pandemic has impacted the rich and developed countries. It has reiterated the importance of effective and adequate primary healthcare faci

COVID19 impact on India to be more than $40.9 billion in first quarter
Apr 13, 2020

COVID19 impact on India to be more than $40.9 billion in first quarter

Like any other country Indian economy is dealing with a once-in-a-lifetime tectonic disaster.

5G matters: (Geo)politics and critical national infrastructure
Jan 24, 2020

5G matters: (Geo)politics and critical national infrastructure

Instead of seeing it as just another step forward for telecommunications, states must also view 5G’s strategic technology as critical national infra

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2
May 27, 2019

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2

In a constantly-evolving discourse and a politically and economically disruptive world, new ideas will demand a greater control over Modi’s actions.

Cairns G-20 meeting: Can it help revive the global economy?
Sep 30, 2014

Cairns G-20 meeting: Can it help revive the global economy?

Several challenges and threats may hinder achieving two percent growth for the world economy. For instance, the plans of IMF and Central Bank to raise the interest rate are likely to result in wiping out efforts to achieve the target. Also the investment is witnessing lower volatility.

India and the Global Economy: The Next 15 Years
Jan 14, 2011

India and the Global Economy: The Next 15 Years

Prof. Arvind Panagariya of Columbia University argues that India has not actually emerged, as US President Barack Obama said during his visit to India, but it is in fact rising. He presented his assessment about India as a rising power during a discussion at ORF.

South Asia-2011: Focus of global economy and security
Jan 21, 2012

South Asia-2011: Focus of global economy and security

It is four years since Observer Research Foundation launched an exclusive South Asia Weekly, with scholars specialising in individual nations of the region presenting a weekly report of individual countries with their assessments.

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 40 | China’s President warns APEC leaders against isolationism
Nov 25, 2016

China Weekly Report | Volume VI; Issue 40 | China’s President warns APEC leaders against isolationism

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on Apec nations to play a leading role in global economy, which faces challenges and uncertainty and other roundups

G20 Ministerial: Should focus on global and Asian economy
Nov 09, 2015

G20 Ministerial: Should focus on global and Asian economy

The agenda hosts Turkey has set for the G20 summit is undoubtedly overloaded. But, to achieve good results, it would make sense for global leaders to focus on the most pressing regional issues affecting the global economy in general and Asia in particular, before the next summit in China in 2016.

Global Framework for Regulating State-Owned Multinational Enterprises
Nov 02, 2021

Global Framework for Regulating State-Owned Multinational Enterprises

The IMF estimates that State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) assets totalled US$45 trillion in 2018, close to 50% of the global GDP, and calculated the debt of the largest SOEs to be US$7.4 trillion. Clearly, SOEs have a direct bearing on the global economy. The most systemically important SOEs are the State-Owned Multinational Enterprises (SOMNEs) since they are focused on cross-border financing and business. A global framework for regula

Inadequate financial governance: Nowhere near perfect solution
Jul 29, 2013

Inadequate financial governance: Nowhere near perfect solution

One can see the problem of illicit financial flow in a narrow view in terms of loss of tax revenue, but the more often missed out perspective is that these illicit flows create imbalances in the global economy that upset the efficiency of capital. Illicit financial flows cannot be curtailed without the collaborative effort of both developing as well as developed countries

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality
May 27, 2023

Inconvenient truths: those opposing Cop28 leadership should face own reality

Cutting oil and gas out of the climate conversation won’t work because – like it or not – they will underpin the global economy for years to come

Increasing Women’s Economic Productivity: The Case for Gender Lens Investing
Jan 27, 2023

Increasing Women’s Economic Productivity: The Case for Gender Lens Investing

The year 2022 saw the global economic outlook deteriorate amidst high inflation, fiscal tightening, and supply chain uncertainties arising from both the Russia-Ukraine war and the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. Global Gross Domestic Product (GDP), after expanding by some 5 percent in 2021, contracted in the first half of 2022. This brief makes a case for gender lens investing (GLI) as a means to boost women’s participation in economic act

India leads: Two to Tango with in 2023
Oct 06, 2022

India leads: Two to Tango with in 2023

India is assuming the leadership of SCO and G20. While the two groupings have divergent goals, Delhi will need to ensure that the concerns of developing nations are not ignored. An assertive foreign policy that seeks to shape and steer conversations will help

Internet Governance: The Key Questions for India
Mar 05, 2014

Internet Governance: The Key Questions for India

The idea of the 'global village', the efforts to create a global economy and emerging global digital marketplace, are all likely to be impacted if nations and communities do not find it within themselves to agree to norms and laws that would apply to this realm.

Invest, Acquire, Dominate: The rise and rise of China tech
Nov 11, 2019

Invest, Acquire, Dominate: The rise and rise of China tech

In response to their experience of western colonialism, countries like China and India have sought to develop their own, indigenous and autonomous technology base. China, in the last 30 years, has succeeded in this endeavour, becoming a major manufacturing power and adopting policies to develop and market its own technologies. Such success, however, is not without critics. Developed countries, especially the US which is its principal trading part

Jaishankar in Moscow: India’s Russian Roulette
Nov 10, 2022

Jaishankar in Moscow: India’s Russian Roulette

Russia will wait and watch to see the impact of winter on Western public opinion, and Ukraine is counting on its battlefield gains to secure a lasting momentum. That the West is getting restless about Ukraine's position is evident from the backchannel negotiations between the US and Russian officials.