Search: For - INDIA

11798 results found

Regional connectivity: An opportunity for India and Nepal
Jun 06, 2022

Regional connectivity: An opportunity for India and Nepal

Both India and Nepal can seize the connectivity opportunities available in the region by fully utilising regional platforms such as BIMSTEC

Regional parties and Indian politics
Oct 07, 2016

Regional parties and Indian politics

The author writes upon, regional parties role in India, in the country’s parliamentary democracy

Regression in Learning: The High Cost of COVID-19 for India’s Children
Aug 02, 2021

Regression in Learning: The High Cost of COVID-19 for India’s Children

This brief examines the education crisis that has affected close to 250 million children in India due to school closures implemented as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It underlines that the switch to remote learning has created a “regression in learning” that, while cutting across the entire socio-economic spectrum, has disproportionately affected the poor, and among them, the girls. This pandemic-induced education divide and learning l

Regulating fees will not improve quality of Indian HEIs
Dec 11, 2019

Regulating fees will not improve quality of Indian HEIs

India’s demographic dividend will pay off only if the youth are either enrolled in higher education programmes or made job-ready with effective skil

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations
Jun 10, 2020

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations

This report tracks the changes to India’s business regulatory framework in the first 40 days of the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus. The Union and state governments have been highly proactive in creating spaces for doing business while managing the ongoing health crisis. The governments have attempted to modify the business-related legal infrastructure within the confines imposed through the lockdown. While under normal circumstan

Regulatory Sandboxes: Decoding India’s attempt to Regulate Fintech Disruption
May 24, 2023

Regulatory Sandboxes: Decoding India’s attempt to Regulate Fintech Disruption

In August 2019, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) released its final guidelines for a regulatory sandbox for fintech firms.[1] Technology innovations are disrupting the traditional financial sector, and the RBI’s regulatory sandbox exercise is an attempt to be more agile and absorb some of this disruption. ‘Sandboxes’ give regulators a chance to work with fintech innovators, mitigate potential risks and develop evidence-based policy, while fi

Reimagining India in the neighbourhood
Mar 31, 2022

Reimagining India in the neighbourhood

What is fuelling anti-India rhetoric in India’s neighbourhood despite the efforts made by the Indian government to allay such fears?

Reimagining India-Nepal ties: The decade that was and the road ahead
May 21, 2024

Reimagining India-Nepal ties: The decade that was and the road ahead

As the current government in India completes its second stint in power, the timing is opportune to reflect on the trajectory that the bilateral relationship has taken up in the past decade

Reimagining Indian economic planning: Planning Commission 2.0
Dec 16, 2014

Reimagining Indian economic planning: Planning Commission 2.0

The Narendra Modi government is going to close down the Planning Commission as it existed. But, any new organization of Indian economic leadership must learn from the failures and successes of the erstwhile Planning Commission, continuing its best aspects while reforming all that is irrelevant.

Reimagining India’s Engagement with BIMSTEC
May 11, 2023

Reimagining India’s Engagement with BIMSTEC

This brief outlines a framework for India if it is to play a more proactive role in integrating and reimagining its immediate neighbourhood, in particular with reference to the economic relations with its BIMSTEC partners. The analysis is done in the context of important economic and strategic developments in the Asia-Pacific region in the recent years. It describes how India can navigate between competing economic and geo-strategic imperatives b

Reimagining the Anglo-India partnership
Apr 29, 2021

Reimagining the Anglo-India partnership

Despite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, India–UK ties remain unfettered to harness new strategic convergences in sync with contemporary realities

Reimagining the Indian economy requires reimagining everything for women
Mar 08, 2021

Reimagining the Indian economy requires reimagining everything for women

It is crucial that we do everything possible to get it right for women.

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy
Oct 27, 2020

Reimagining work and welfare for the Indian economy

The debates around work and the welfare architecture in India need to be urgently reframed and translated into practical reform.

Reinforcing global and Indian democracy
Mar 16, 2022

Reinforcing global and Indian democracy

The emergence of ‘Surveillance capitalism' has tarnished the quality and undermined the principles of democracy all around the world

Reinvigorating deliberative democracy in India
Mar 05, 2024

Reinvigorating deliberative democracy in India

Gram Sabhas, notwithstanding many challenges, have brought a semblance of deliberative democracy in India

Rejuvenating Nepal-India bilateral relations through digital connectivity
Apr 26, 2024

Rejuvenating Nepal-India bilateral relations through digital connectivity

Attempts are being made by Nepal and India to revive the relationship through new avenues of cooperation with a focus on digital connectivity

Rekindling old ties: Sisi’s visit to India
Jan 12, 2023

Rekindling old ties: Sisi’s visit to India

The upcoming visit by President al-Sisi provides an opportunity to boost relations between India and Egypt

Renewable Energy Diplomacy: Enhancing India-Sri Lanka relations at its 75th milestone
Mar 30, 2022

Renewable Energy Diplomacy: Enhancing India-Sri Lanka relations at its 75th milestone

It would be prudent for both the countries to further consolidate their relations by exploring the opportunities available in renewable energy

Renewable energy in India: 2030 and beyond
Jan 14, 2010

Renewable energy in India: 2030 and beyond

India has over thirty years of experience in developing biogas, biomass and solar energy and this expertise needs to be leveraged better

Renewable energy in India: The demand for land
Mar 16, 2023

Renewable energy in India: The demand for land

The rush to install RE capacity could come at the expense of forest cover thus increasing India’s annual carbon emissions

Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India
Nov 12, 2013

Renewable Energy: Market and Policy Environment in India

This Paper outlines the potential of renewable energy in addressing India's energy supply and access; it identifies challenges and provide a discursive overview of the various market and policy instruments developed to scale up renewable energy generation. India’s significant economic growth over the last decade has led to an inexorable rise in energy demand. Currently, India faces a Ichallenging energy shortage. To grow at 9 per cent over t

Renewing historical ties between Egypt and India
Oct 21, 2022

Renewing historical ties between Egypt and India

The Egypt visit of Indian External Affairs Minister marks a thaw in India-Egypt relations after years of being in the “deep freeze”

Reopening Nepal-India border
Nov 02, 2021

Reopening Nepal-India border

After nearly 19 months, both the governments decided to lift the border closures. Does this reopening enable a review of the current arrangement of mo

Reorienting India’s global value chains post COVID-19
Apr 27, 2021

Reorienting India’s global value chains post COVID-19

With growing digitalisation and amid the ongoing pandemic, India needs to reorient its trade policy with emphasis on developing its own GVCs and upgra

Reorienting sustainability in the “post-normal age”: India’s policy imperatives
Feb 12, 2021

Reorienting sustainability in the “post-normal age”: India’s policy imperatives

There are growing calls amongst a section of political and industry leaders for a “great reset” of capitalism.

Repairing the complex India-Nepal relationship
Apr 07, 2022

Repairing the complex India-Nepal relationship

There needs to be quiet dialogue to resolve their many differences, with New Delhi needing to be sensitive and generous