Search: For - governance

828 results found

Is ESG more a backspace, than the next page?
May 04, 2023

Is ESG more a backspace, than the next page?

ESG has become more than a tool to aid the governance of business but also to drive the business of business itself

Is India’s civil service out of joint?
Aug 15, 2022

Is India’s civil service out of joint?

In the kind of politics that currently prevails, all civil service reform will prove to be meritless until politics attain the desire to improve gover

Is new urban middle class forcing change in politics?
Feb 06, 2013

Is new urban middle class forcing change in politics?

Though it is too early to interpret possible impact of the new activism of India's burgeoning urban middle class on nature and character of politics and system of governance, if we take recent global events as a sort of barometer, the change has already begun.

Is there anything in domain name?
Jul 15, 2014

Is there anything in domain name?

Shakespeare wondered what was in a name, but then again, it was a time before Top Level Domains, global brands with billions of dollars riding on them, and internet governance bodies like ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) existed.

IT solutions can transform India's poor PDS delivery mechanism
Oct 05, 2012

IT solutions can transform India's poor PDS delivery mechanism

For the first time in India's history, a common technological platform is available to provide governance services to all Indians through one single smart card.

Jurisdiction on the internet: How to move beyond the legal arms race
Oct 14, 2016

Jurisdiction on the internet: How to move beyond the legal arms race

Jurisdiction of Internet governance directly impacts other policy challenges such as developing global digital economies, providing legal aide, among

Justice System in Crisis: The Case of India’s Undertrial Prisoners
Aug 20, 2015

Justice System in Crisis: The Case of India’s Undertrial Prisoners

Six of every 10 of India's prisoners languishing in jails across the country are undertrials: their cases have yet to be tried, and they are spending more time in jail than they would have, if convicted. The slow march to justice for undertrials must be seen in the context of a criminal justice system in need of an overhaul. This paper examines the plight of the country's undertrials and recommends ways to move forward.

Keep our eyes on the sky
Apr 06, 2019

Keep our eyes on the sky

Now that India has successfully demonstrated its ASAT capability, it should play an important role in mitigating problems such as space debris, space traffic management, orbital frequency issues and other issues.

Leakgate: Govt needs more transparency, not less
Mar 31, 2015

Leakgate: Govt needs more transparency, not less

For a government committed to 'minimum government, maximum governance' it is time that policy making in key economic ministries become far more open and consultative, its acts and actions predictable. In the long run, that is the only way to ensure that policies for the auctions of licenses, processes of tendering and award, and actions to ensure their implementation -- are not subject to capture by select coteries.

Less corporate, more social
Aug 12, 2013

Less corporate, more social

There are multiple concerns around the audit of CSR and a discomfort with the lack of audit and oversight required for CSR activities. "Comply or explain" simply has not worked in the case of other existing regulatory frameworks that deal with corporate governance issues. It is time to realise that in India, only a few are in a position to ask, while nobody is in any hurry to explain.

Lessons from 2020 — Next steps for the France-India partnership
Dec 19, 2020

Lessons from 2020 — Next steps for the France-India partnership

France and India have shared a common belief in the importance of multilateralism and have a common respect for international rules and regulations. These shared beliefs can form the basis for a cooperation agenda.

Lessons from 30 years of women’s reservation in panchayats
Dec 07, 2023

Lessons from 30 years of women’s reservation in panchayats

Women representatives have played a critical role in redefining local priorities, but proper measures need to be adopted to address the existing chall

Let billionaires save the world
Dec 10, 2015

Let billionaires save the world

Could the private talent, which has demonstrated private success, be institutionalised for achieving similar success in global public affairs? This rhetorical question merits consideration because the governance record of multilateral institutions has been pretty lacklustre, particularly in matters related to global commons.

Let's stick to our guns on Pakistan
Jun 10, 2019

Let's stick to our guns on Pakistan

The Modi government has been diplomatically polite and is in no haste to reach out to Pakistan for bilateral talks yet.

Leveraging the India-EU Partnership During India’s G20 Presidency
Jun 12, 2023

Leveraging the India-EU Partnership During India’s G20 Presidency

Amongst India’s stated priorities in its G20 Presidency are reforming multilateral institutions, climate action alongside energy transition, digital transformation and governance, sustainable economic growth, and women’s empowerment. In many of these concerns, countries in the Global North and Global South have serious divergences, thereby hampering progress towards consensus and unified action. To remove some of the deadlocks

Limits to efficiency: Rethinking current perspectives on climate action
Sep 19, 2018

Limits to efficiency: Rethinking current perspectives on climate action

Climate change and economic development are emotive subjects that are closely related: yet one is caused by the other. People’s lives are increasingly getting affected by the negative side-effects of climate change, particularly in developing countries which, at the same time, face enormous challenges to their aspirations for economic growth. Leading scientists agree that global warming is a reality and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are requir

Long live multilateralism
May 12, 2021

Long live multilateralism

The pandemic might be exactly the crisis needed to force global unity and confrontation of the long-needed structural change to the UN system, and the

Lula 3.0- लुला की तीसरी पारी: विश्व मंच पर ब्राज़ील की वापसी
Jul 26, 2023

Lula 3.0- लुला की तीसरी पारी: विश्व मंच पर ब्राज़ील की वापसी

तीसरी बार राष्ट्रपति बनने के बाद लुला (Lula) ने ब्राज़ील की घ�

Mainstreaming sustainability outcomes in big infrastructure projects
May 13, 2020

Mainstreaming sustainability outcomes in big infrastructure projects

Urban infrastructure projects using brownfield or greenfield development can cause damage to natural habitats. To achieve the Agenda 2030 goal of “leaving no one behind” while mitigating the destruction of habitats, an integrated approach towards infrastructure development must be adopted. This paper outlines the current paradigms of sustainable infrastructure provision, highlighting how and why sustainability outcomes are overlooked at diffe

Managing Expectations: Explainable A.I. and its Military Implications
Aug 16, 2023

Managing Expectations: Explainable A.I. and its Military Implications

The rapid uptake of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military in the past couple decades has been accompanied by a slow but gradual build-up in attempts to understand how these AI systems work to achieve better results in military operations. The idea behind what is called ‘eXplainable AI’ (XAI), and the technologies driving it, are a manifestation of this trend. The question, however, is if XAI in its current form is the solution

Manifestos as a Tool for Accountability: A Content Analysis of the 2004-2019 UPA and NDA Poll Manifestos
Aug 14, 2023

Manifestos as a Tool for Accountability: A Content Analysis of the 2004-2019 UPA and NDA Poll Manifestos

This brief analyses the manifestos of the Indian National Congress and Bharatiya Janata Party in the past four Lok Sabha elections. It introduces the concept of “falsifiability” to evaluate whether promises made in manifestos can be verified, to begin with; it then outlines the poll promises that are falsifiable across various sectors. The authors examine whether or not the promises were fulfilled, and if not, if they were carried aga

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis
Apr 22, 2024

Mapping the Literature on Development Assistance in Health: A Bibliometric Analysis

This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the literature on private health aid and official health assistance between 2000 and 2022. It provides an overview of the sites and themes in the literature pertaining to development assistance in health, and collates the significant policy recommendations presented therein. Several crucial findings emerge from the bibliometric analysis: 44.2 percent of the 489 papers/articles assessed focused on low

Measuring urbanisation in India
Dec 13, 2017

Measuring urbanisation in India

Living conditions in fast-growing rural areas across India are deteriorating due not only to the impact of urbanisation but the lack of capacity of the local governments to manage such transitions. This brief makes the case for changing the administration status of such areas from “rural” to “urban”, establishing urban governance mechanisms therein, and making them resilient. For identification of such areas, the state government’s opin

Media regulatable, but not by government
Apr 06, 2013

Media regulatable, but not by government

Attributing activism by media to rapid decline in governance, economic scams, failings of Government agencies and religious heads, management and media consultant T.V. Krishnamurthy says the present media scenario in India is 'regulatable' but cannot be done by the government.

Midterm Elections in America: मध्यावधि चुनावों में तगड़ा झटका झेलने को तैयार डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी!
Jan 10, 2023

Midterm Elections in America: मध्यावधि चुनावों में तगड़ा झटका झेलने को तैयार डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टी!

महंगाई, तेल के ऊंचे दाम और स्पष्ट संदेशों की कमी ने डेमोक्

Military takeover in Gabon: A coup d’état or palace revolution?
Sep 15, 2023

Military takeover in Gabon: A coup d’état or palace revolution?

The coup in Gabon highlights a fundamental cause of coups throughout Africa: The demise of electoral processes and the rising popularity of military a

Mired in a power tussle
Jan 09, 2015

Mired in a power tussle

The Himalayan nation is far from resolving its governance woes more than five years after the democratisation and a change of elected government. If charges of corruption against government functionaries were not enough,

Modi 2.0: From conquest to consolidation
Aug 05, 2019

Modi 2.0: From conquest to consolidation

PM Modi’s first term was about expanding political power. This term is about instituting governance.

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy
Nov 30, 2015

Modi and Buddhism: Between Cultural and Faith-Based Diplomacy

India has always been shy of adding a religious tint to its foreign policy. In the last decade, however, the aspiring global power began engaging in what has come to be called 'Buddhist diplomacy' in its outreach to countries in the South, East and Southeast Asia. 􀀫e prime minister is diligently pursuing India's 'Buddhist agenda' and taking it beyond its borders, emphasising the Indian and Hindu links with Buddhism. Concurrently, another Asian

Modi places big bets for India in Silicon Valley
Sep 29, 2015

Modi places big bets for India in Silicon Valley

If all goes well, India and the US could partner at the ICANN high table, in the sort of Security Council of Internet governance. In engaging with the tech community in California, Modi was bolstering India's credentials for such a role.

Move the wheels of justice
Dec 08, 2017

Move the wheels of justice

We live in a day and age where justice is, more often than not, meted out on the streets and our courts are busier waging internecine war amongst themselves. The average citizen finds himself left out in the cold with neither justice nor governance within his grasp.

Multilateralism: Ground zero of American retreat  
Nov 02, 2020

Multilateralism: Ground zero of American retreat  

Trump paved the way for a bold, unapologetic approach to US foreign policy and trade—termed as ‘America First’. This launched a US retreat from

Municipal finance reforms in South Africa and its applicability for India
May 27, 2019

Municipal finance reforms in South Africa and its applicability for India

It is time that India lays emphasis on changing its approach to urban governance and makes pragmatic changes in its policy books to make its cities fi

Myth of the Gujarat model miracle
Feb 13, 2013

Myth of the Gujarat model miracle

There is more to good governance than just Economic Freedom. Gujarat has not done too badly, but to claim that it is the "best governed state" is to be somewhat economical with the truth.

Nagaland has poorest maternal and child healthcare indicators in Northeast India
Feb 27, 2018

Nagaland has poorest maternal and child healthcare indicators in Northeast India

Nagaland needs a sociopolitical vision on health governance.

Narrow the Open Standards debate
Jun 24, 2012

Narrow the Open Standards debate

No one knows what an Open Standard is. If we don't define it explicitly in time, India's ambitious digital governance plans will surely derail.

Nasheed Govt did not show courage to follow democracy
Jul 04, 2012

Nasheed Govt did not show courage to follow democracy

Maldives Dhivehi Rayyethunge Party (DRP) chief, Mr. Thasmeen Ali, has said that the first government under the new Constitution, the government of President Nasheed, did not display courage and patience to follow the path of democratic governance.

NDA-II prefers controlling people's lives to changing things for the better
Sep 28, 2015

NDA-II prefers controlling people's lives to changing things for the better

The NDA II government seems to be displaying a controlling streak rather early in its tenure. Across the land, the word 'ban' seems to have become the leitmotif of its governance style and its personnel seem determined to tell the citizen what he must eat and when, what he can watch, hear or study.

NeGP: Much ground covered, much remains to be covered
Jun 18, 2013

NeGP: Much ground covered, much remains to be covered

The National electronic Governance Plan (NeGP) has more or less got all the right ingredients. It just needs to be mixed in the right proportions.

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace
Aug 11, 2023

Nepal’s Continuing Quest for Federalism and Peace

This paper analyses the debate surrounding federal restructuring in Nepal and the position taken by various political stakeholders. It argues that an early political consensus on federalism is imperative; otherwise, the country may slip into greater ethnic conflict. Nepal is currently experiencing perhaps one of the most turbulent phases in its contemporary political history. In 2008, Nthe 240-year-old institution of monarchy—for long seen a

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India
Sep 13, 2023

Net neutrality and antitrust: Options for India

By most indications, India has arrived at a principled affirmation of net neutrality; the country must now turn its attention to its regulatory aspects. This essay examines whether the Competition Commission of India (CCI) can assume the primary role in enforcing net neutrality. It will trace the Commission?s short history to determine whether it has adequate jurisdiction and the strength of precedent to regulate the internet.

No splinternet
Mar 19, 2014

No splinternet

India's challenges in negotiating a new framework for internet governance do not lend themselves to the old clichés of Indian diplomacy. Instead, India must strive to find the appropriate balance between the multiple antinomies that define the debate.