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1250 results found

Politics of oil amidst the Venezuela crisis
Jul 17, 2019

Politics of oil amidst the Venezuela crisis

The defect in Venezuelan economy led to its dependence on oil.

The Politics of Aid in Afghanistan
Jul 02, 2019

The Politics of Aid in Afghanistan

The Afghans need to pick up the spade and start doing their own digging — they must come out of the war economy mindset that facilitates aid money p

Rocking the boat in the South China Sea
Jun 21, 2019

Rocking the boat in the South China Sea

There has been a status quo of tensions in the South China Sea, a focal point of frequent upheaval.

Will Manmohan Singh once again succeed in making a comeback to Politics?
Jun 20, 2019

Will Manmohan Singh once again succeed in making a comeback to Politics?

In the present day Congress, there is a near consensus that Manmohan Singh is a politician among politicians.

दाँव पर लगा है दलित राजनीति की पैरोकार मायावती का राजनीतिक भविष्य
Jun 17, 2019

दाँव पर लगा है दलित राजनीति की पैरोकार मायावती का राजनीतिक भविष्य

अपने मूल वोट बैंक पर अपनी कमजोर पकड़, घमंडी दृष्टिकोण और कम

Headless in Brussels
Jun 17, 2019

Headless in Brussels

The short European spring might be over if the European Union fails to come up with a more democratic mandate.

Mayawati the Czarina of Dalit politics; Nation awaits her next political move
Jun 14, 2019

Mayawati the Czarina of Dalit politics; Nation awaits her next political move

Mayawati’s sharp turns and twists resulted in her political success and advancement in the past primarily because her fortress of Dalit voters was i

The “three-language” formula: Why rake up Language Issue again?
Jun 13, 2019

The “three-language” formula: Why rake up Language Issue again?

Putting language off the agenda of politics was one of Nehru’s major contributions. Why some thought it was time to bring back the idea of imposing

Social media and politics in Africa: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Jun 07, 2019

Social media and politics in Africa: The good, the bad, and the ugly

As significant as the surge of multiparty politics has been, the decade since a social media boom started in Africa is driving even more transformatio

Drawing lines on the internet: Border conflicts and the politics behind digital maps
Jun 05, 2019

Drawing lines on the internet: Border conflicts and the politics behind digital maps

The act of referring to a country’s map is often a political statement.

Ziaur Rahman: The assault on Bangladesh’s history
Jun 01, 2019

Ziaur Rahman: The assault on Bangladesh’s history

Multi-party democracy was not inaugurated by Zia, the rehabilitation of communal politics was --- through the entry of ‘Bangladeshi nationalism’ a

फ़ैसला 2019: भारतीय राजनीति की नई परिभाषा गढ़ते नरेंद्र मोदी!
May 23, 2019

फ़ैसला 2019: भारतीय राजनीति की नई परिभाषा गढ़ते नरेंद्र मोदी!

भारतीय समाज और यहां का राजतंत्र  इस बात को समझने में बुरी �

India Elections: Six lessons from Verdict 2019
May 23, 2019

India Elections: Six lessons from Verdict 2019

A mandate only places a particular politics in power; it does not mean, as in authoritarian regimes such as China, the power to run individual or coll

Elections 2019: From radical to democratic politics in Jammu & Kashmir, the challenge is here to stay
May 21, 2019

Elections 2019: From radical to democratic politics in Jammu & Kashmir, the challenge is here to stay

In the 2019 election most of the strongholds of PDP recorded very low polling which indicates a shift of public mood from soft separatism to a more ha

Did urban issues resonate in the 2019 polls?
May 20, 2019

Did urban issues resonate in the 2019 polls?

What is missing in most manifestos is a coherent and comprehensive vision backed by a workable strategy to address the challenges that India’s growi

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure
May 14, 2019

IMF’s $6 billion loan to Pakistan risks supporting its terror infrastructure

There is a deeper politics at play here, a politics of negotiation and a transaction of international power games that is diluting the dangers of Paki

Emerging technologies and geopolitical contestation
May 07, 2019

Emerging technologies and geopolitical contestation

The battle for setting up the 5G network has become the latest flash-point for geopolitical competition between the US and China.

US protectionist strategy to affect Indian labour markets and competition?
Mar 22, 2019

US protectionist strategy to affect Indian labour markets and competition?

India must be prepared to tackle the uncertainty surrounding international politics and economics, especially the Trump Administration by creating a s

चुनाव 2019: असभ्य संवाद, घटिया राजनीति
Feb 18, 2019

चुनाव 2019: असभ्य संवाद, घटिया राजनीति

राजनीति की भाषा चमत्कारिक रूप से कुछ ऐसी हो गयी है कि पुरा

बजट 2019: स्मार्ट राजनीति, स्मार्ट अर्थशास्त्र
Feb 04, 2019

बजट 2019: स्मार्ट राजनीति, स्मार्ट अर्थशास्त्र

इस बजट में उल्‍लेख किए गए अहम प्रस्तावों के जरिए मुख्य रू�

Budget 2019: A trimurti of troikas
Feb 01, 2019

Budget 2019: A trimurti of troikas

It is a budget whose politics overrides its economics, whose economics plays with politics, and whose pitch is sharply focused on Elections 2019.

Budget 2019: A trimurti of troikas
Feb 01, 2019

Budget 2019: A trimurti of troikas

It is a budget whose politics overrides its economics, whose economics plays with politics, and whose pitch is sharply focused on Elections 2019.

Budget 2019: Smart politics, smart economics
Feb 01, 2019

Budget 2019: Smart politics, smart economics

Key proposals unveiled in this budget are primarily aimed at rural communities and the urban middle classes.

How mainstream political parties enable separatist politics in Kashmir
Jan 30, 2019

How mainstream political parties enable separatist politics in Kashmir

Evolution of the electoral space has somehow not been able to take place at the cost of “all retentionist” separatist sentiment and politics.

बांग्‍लादेश में गठबंधन की सियासत ने सत्‍ताधारी पार्टी की चिंता बढ़ाई
Nov 15, 2018

बांग्‍लादेश में गठबंधन की सियासत ने सत्‍ताधारी पार्टी की चिंता बढ़ाई

बांग्‍लादेश के सामने तमाम चुनौतियां हैं। हांलाकि सियास�

बांग्लादेश की राजनीति में इंडिया फ़ैक्टर
Oct 22, 2018

बांग्लादेश की राजनीति में इंडिया फ़ैक्टर

बांग्लादेश के लिए दिल्ली के नीति निर्माताओं के दिमाग़ मे

प्रतिबंधों की पॉलिटिक्स, कितने कारगर होंगे अमेरिकी प्रतिबन्ध
Aug 18, 2018

प्रतिबंधों की पॉलिटिक्स, कितने कारगर होंगे अमेरिकी प्रतिबन्ध

प्रतिबन्ध किसी भी तरह की भूराजनीतिक चुनौती के लिए पश्चिम

Beyond JCPOA: Iranian and regional politics
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA: Iranian and regional politics

While the consequences of a complete disintegration of the JCPOA will be felt globally, much of the brunt will have to be absorbed by Rouhani.

World Cup: A 'GLO-BALL' affair
Jul 12, 2018

World Cup: A 'GLO-BALL' affair

Sports and geopolitics are supposed to be like oil and water – they don’t mix. But even oil and water are intertwined in geopolitical discourse

सिविल सर्विसेज़ में सुधार? राजनीति में सुधारों से हो शुरुआत
Jul 02, 2018

सिविल सर्विसेज़ में सुधार? राजनीति में सुधारों से हो शुरुआत

सिविल सर्विसेज में सीधे प्रवेश कराने का विचार दशक भर पुर�

The new bipolarity: Myth or reality?
May 31, 2018

The new bipolarity: Myth or reality?

There are growing tensions between countries traditionally considered partners. For those who love binaries — is this the new bipolarity?

राजनीती सावधान! इंसान कि जगह लेगी मशीन
May 18, 2018

राजनीती सावधान! इंसान कि जगह लेगी मशीन

एक राजनीतिक फैसला लिया जाना चाहिए जिसमें किसी भी आने वाल�

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories
May 17, 2018

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories

The bigger question the Karnataka verdict poses to us is: in the emerging disruptive trend of India’s democracy does voter choice matter at all?