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1253 results found

राजनीती सावधान! इंसान कि जगह लेगी मशीन
May 18, 2018

राजनीती सावधान! इंसान कि जगह लेगी मशीन

एक राजनीतिक फैसला लिया जाना चाहिए जिसमें किसी भी आने वाल�

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories
May 17, 2018

Indian politics has decoupled winnings from victories

The bigger question the Karnataka verdict poses to us is: in the emerging disruptive trend of India’s democracy does voter choice matter at all?

कावेरी विवादः राजनीति से परे है समाधान
May 08, 2018

कावेरी विवादः राजनीति से परे है समाधान

क्या कर्नाटक विधानसभा चुनावों के बाद आने वाली नई सरकार क�

The future trajectory of the Sino⎯Indian water relations
May 02, 2018

The future trajectory of the Sino⎯Indian water relations

What are the emerging geopolitical implications of water sharing of the Brahmaputra between China and India?

Karnataka electoral battle to decide national politics
May 02, 2018

Karnataka electoral battle to decide national politics

A Karnataka victory would go into the account of Rahul Gandhi whose credentials as a leader would get strengthened and accepted by his friends and foe

Will ‘Russian imbroglio’ deflect the West off Maldives?
Mar 30, 2018

Will ‘Russian imbroglio’ deflect the West off Maldives?

It is not unlikely that the West’s current engagement/disengagement with Russia could lead to a situation — if not immediately — where the post-

Germany’s dominant culture: Islamophobic or inclusive?
Feb 09, 2018

Germany’s dominant culture: Islamophobic or inclusive?

The biggest challenge for the Germans is perhaps introspecting who is a German and what do they want Germany’s future to be.

Budget 2018 consolidates past policies and invests in future politics
Feb 01, 2018

Budget 2018 consolidates past policies and invests in future politics

The days of Budgets being policy statements and media events are over. Budget 2018 does what it is supposed to: balance the books — the fiscal defic

World in flux: India’s choices may help manage disruptions
Jan 25, 2018

World in flux: India’s choices may help manage disruptions

The political and cultural arrangements states and communities arrive at will be heavily implicated by the one major transition Foreign Secretary S. J

राजनीति में सरकारी फंडिंग: क्या सीख सकते हैं हम दुनिया से
Jan 19, 2018

राजनीति में सरकारी फंडिंग: क्या सीख सकते हैं हम दुनिया से

क्या भारत में भी पार्टी के आंतरिक चुनाव के लिए सरकारी फंड�

With rebel Dinakaran’s win in Jaya’s constituency, TN politics set to realign
Dec 28, 2017

With rebel Dinakaran’s win in Jaya’s constituency, TN politics set to realign

Dinakaran, once Jayalalithaa’s troubleshooter, has emerged as the inheritor of Jayalalithaa’s legacy. It means that the two factions of the ruling

Need for a ‘Chipko 2.0’ movement
Dec 20, 2017

Need for a ‘Chipko 2.0’ movement

Environment is becoming good politics. The timing is apt for both an administrative and political vision to give a Green Roadmap for India.

North Korean crisis and the strategic space in Asia
Nov 29, 2017

North Korean crisis and the strategic space in Asia

It is necessary to contextualise the North Korean nuclear crisis with regards to Asian geopolitics and its implications for India.

The politics of the redback: Chinese economic statecraft and global finance
Nov 22, 2017

The politics of the redback: Chinese economic statecraft and global finance

An internationally accepted ‘redback’ and financial institutions under Beijing give China the requisite arsenal to project economic influence and

गठबंधन राजनीति: नेपाल की राजनीति में नया मोड़
Nov 13, 2017

गठबंधन राजनीति: नेपाल की राजनीति में नया मोड़

क्या वाम मोर्चे के सत्ता पर काबिज होने में के बाद देश एक ब�

पाकिस्तान: सेना, सत्ता और तख्तापलट की राजनीति
Oct 31, 2017

पाकिस्तान: सेना, सत्ता और तख्तापलट की राजनीति

क्या पाकिस्तान में तख्ता पलट के लिए फौजी बगावत के अलावा औ�

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum
Sep 30, 2017

New strategic order: Nuclear conundrum

If military strength is the final argument in international politics, nuclear weapons are its most emphatic manifestation.

Women in the new world order
Sep 30, 2017

Women in the new world order

Women must play an equal and active role in framing ethical imperatives and defining prosperity, responsibility and accountability in international po

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific
Sep 29, 2017

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific

The rise of Chinese military leaves Washington with the unenviable and the daunting task of balancing its economic ties with the Asia-Pacific.

Cold War 2.0
Sep 29, 2017

Cold War 2.0

The shared history and its repercussions — which raises doubts regarding a Cold War-like confrontation — limits possibility of such recurrence.

प्रवासी राजनीति और विदेश नीति
Sep 28, 2017

प्रवासी राजनीति और विदेश नीति

क्या विशाल प्रवासी भारतीय समुदाय ने भारतीय हितों का विदे

Why India should go for national election fund?
Sep 22, 2017

Why India should go for national election fund?

While it would cost the public exchequer a bomb, still, time is ripe for India to have a national election fund. Given that India’s current politica

म्यांमार की घरेलू राजनीति के सामरिक निहितार्थ
Sep 06, 2017

म्यांमार की घरेलू राजनीति के सामरिक निहितार्थ

भारत को म्यांमार के लोकतांत्रिकीकरण का लाभ मिला है। बहरह

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics
Sep 05, 2017

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics

India has been a beneficiary of Myanmar's democratisation. However, the positive trend in their bilateral relationship can be affected by the emerging

China signals a shift in geostrategic goal
Aug 16, 2017

China signals a shift in geostrategic goal

The ever-increasing list of 'core interests' involving land and maritime territories indicates an open-ended expansionist drive on the part of China.

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China
Aug 02, 2017

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China

Several emerging trends like increasing congestion of global commons, especially in the maritime domain and the rapid development of disruptive techno

सत्ता की सरगर्म राजनीति और ओबीओआर की त्रासदी
Jul 24, 2017

सत्ता की सरगर्म राजनीति और ओबीओआर की त्रासदी

यदि ओबीओआर को चीन की 21वीं सदी की मार्शल योजना के रूप में दे

दोराहे पर दलित राजनीति
Jul 17, 2017

दोराहे पर दलित राजनीति

2014 के आम चुनाव और उसके बाद के विधानसभा चुनावों से स्पष्ट ह�

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR
Jul 12, 2017

Great power politics and the tragedy of OBOR

If OBOR is to be seen as China's 21st century Marshall Plan, the expanding economic influence would require deeper military commitments.

Dalit politics at crossroads?
Jul 11, 2017

Dalit politics at crossroads?

Results of the 2014 general election and the subsequent Assembly elections clearly established that Dalit politics is undergoing a change.

दोराहे पर दलित राजनीति
Jul 10, 2017

दोराहे पर दलित राजनीति

2014 के आम चुनाव और उसके बाद के विधानसभा चुनावों से स्पष्ट ह�

Tokyo assembly polls: A warning shot for Abe
Jul 07, 2017

Tokyo assembly polls: A warning shot for Abe

In the past, Tokyo has acted as a harbinger of change in Japan's national politics. Could outcome of Tokyo election influence course of national polit

US withdrawal from Paris Agreement: India should withstand pulls and pushes
Jun 23, 2017

US withdrawal from Paris Agreement: India should withstand pulls and pushes

The Paris Agreement differs radically in as much that the commitment made by a Party in the Agreement is basically about the process.

Challenges before new South Korean President
May 19, 2017

Challenges before new South Korean President

South Koreans could not have chosen a better candidate than Moon Jae-in for the presidency, considering the current tense political and strategic situ

दुनिया के विकास पर राजनीति को हावी न होने दें
May 12, 2017

दुनिया के विकास पर राजनीति को हावी न होने दें

चूंकि वैश्वीकरण की अगुवाई में हो रहा आर्थिक विकास पूरब क�

लोकलुभावन राजनीति से बाज आएं, तभी हालत सुधरेगी
May 05, 2017

लोकलुभावन राजनीति से बाज आएं, तभी हालत सुधरेगी

बात ​इतनी नहीं है कि पैसे की मात्रा कितनी है यां आंकड़ों क

लोकलुभावन राजनीति से बाजे साथी, संभावित सूरतेहाल
May 05, 2017

लोकलुभावन राजनीति से बाजे साथी, संभावित सूरतेहाल

बात ​इतनी नहीं है कि पैसे की मात्रा कितनी है यां आंकड़ों क

राष्ट्रपति चुनाव से साल भर पहले ही मालदीव में गरमायी राजनीति
May 01, 2017

राष्ट्रपति चुनाव से साल भर पहले ही मालदीव में गरमायी राजनीति

मालदीव में स्थानीय काउंसिल के चुनाव राष्ट्रपति चुनावों �