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1250 results found

The 2020 US elections: What’s at stake for India?
Jun 12, 2020

The 2020 US elections: What’s at stake for India?

The dramatic change in just three months illustrates the unpredictable nature of US politics at an unpredictable time for the world — including Indi

Europe, Russia and attitudes towards the ‘New Cold War’ between US and China
Jun 09, 2020

Europe, Russia and attitudes towards the ‘New Cold War’ between US and China

In the near future we will be able to observe a certain convergence of the diplomatic positions of Europe and Russia regarding the central problems of

Recurring controversy about Governor’s role in state politics
Jun 06, 2020

Recurring controversy about Governor’s role in state politics

The negative image of the state governors as above all “an agent of the centre” has proved difficult to erase.

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s 50 years in politics? Triple threats & balancing triple spheres in Sri Lanka
Jun 05, 2020

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s 50 years in politics? Triple threats & balancing triple spheres in Sri Lanka

Mahinda Rajapaksa stands out as a symbolic leader surviving political office with internal and external pressure at various interludes.

COVID-19: International and domestic challenges await Sri Lanka
May 15, 2020

COVID-19: International and domestic challenges await Sri Lanka

With Geopolitical Cold War 2.0 and domestic economic strain, President Gotabaya Rajapaksa has the two daunting challenges ahead of him. He would have

Three intelligence dictums recapitulated in the US’s COVID-19 surprise
Apr 29, 2020

Three intelligence dictums recapitulated in the US’s COVID-19 surprise

Where the stakes are high, political leaders have few incentives to take intelligence warnings seriously.

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy
Apr 25, 2020

Covid19: China-Russia make strategic geopolitical moves in Italy

As the political leadership cedes to the manoeuvres of the China-Russia combine, Italians are taking a stand.

Covid19 influencing Begum Khaleda Zia’s release
Apr 04, 2020

Covid19 influencing Begum Khaleda Zia’s release

Given the uncertainties, it is early to predict a future of Bangladesh politics, especially the path it takes after Khaleda Zia's release.

संकुचित राजनीति का बढ़ता चलन यानी मैदान में उतरा नया ‘दबंग’
Mar 03, 2020

संकुचित राजनीति का बढ़ता चलन यानी मैदान में उतरा नया ‘दबंग’

नई शताब्दी में उदारवाद के पश्चात की एक ऐसी व्यवस्था ने स्�

आईडेंटिटी पॉलिटिक्स से दंगों तक: अपनी पहचान ढूंढता ‘दिल्ली’ शहर!
Mar 02, 2020

आईडेंटिटी पॉलिटिक्स से दंगों तक: अपनी पहचान ढूंढता ‘दिल्ली’ शहर!

महात्मा गांधी ने भी संपूर्ण राष्ट्र को एक आईडेंटिटी के ज�

भौगोलिक राजनीति के डिजिटलीकरण का सफ़र
Feb 05, 2020

भौगोलिक राजनीति के डिजिटलीकरण का सफ़र

अंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदाय को आज ऐसी व्यवस्था बनाने की भी ज़रू

5G matters: (Geo)politics and critical national infrastructure
Jan 24, 2020

5G matters: (Geo)politics and critical national infrastructure

Instead of seeing it as just another step forward for telecommunications, states must also view 5G’s strategic technology as critical national infra

राजनीति, व्यापार, विचार: 2020 दशक से संवाद
Jan 08, 2020

राजनीति, व्यापार, विचार: 2020 दशक से संवाद

विचारों के मोर्चे पर ताक़त इस बात पर आधारित होगी कि कौन लं

Politics in the garb of impeachment
Dec 19, 2019

Politics in the garb of impeachment

American society and polity remains as polarised as three years back when Trump was elected. If anything, the polarisation seems to have only increase

ट्रंप के खिलाफ़ महाभियोग के बहाने राजनीति
Dec 19, 2019

ट्रंप के खिलाफ़ महाभियोग के बहाने राजनीति

ट्रंप को पद से हटाने के लिए सीनेट में दो तिहाई बहुमत की जर�

Protesting is a right, violence carries consequences
Dec 18, 2019

Protesting is a right, violence carries consequences

Those in charge of India’s governance, both at the Centre and in the States, need to understand the 21st century politics are at cross-purposes with

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary
Dec 17, 2019

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary

As things stand in Pakistan, the army and the government claim to be on the same page. The judiciary — for now — is standing apart.

भारतीय राजनीति के संदर्भ में इलेक्टोरल बॉन्ड योजना की व्याख़्या
Dec 02, 2019

भारतीय राजनीति के संदर्भ में इलेक्टोरल बॉन्ड योजना की व्याख़्या

चंदे की मोटी रक़म का मतलब है बड़े औद्योगिक घराने बड़े-बड़�

महाराष्ट्र की राजनीतिक करवट और राजनीति में पवार, सोनिया का शानदार कमबैक!
Nov 28, 2019

महाराष्ट्र की राजनीतिक करवट और राजनीति में पवार, सोनिया का शानदार कमबैक!

महाराष्ट्र की राजनैतिक उठापटक अनेक महत्वपूर्ण संदेशों �

शक्ति की राजनीति और परमाणु अप्रसार
Nov 25, 2019

शक्ति की राजनीति और परमाणु अप्रसार

अगर सहयोगी देशों के सुरक्षा की अमेरिकी गारंटी और कमजोर प�

The undeniable potential of the India-US strategic partnership
Nov 19, 2019

The undeniable potential of the India-US strategic partnership

India and the United States are natural allies because of structural and systemic convergences that the two countries experience in contemporary globa

Ayodhya: Politics, law and tactics
Nov 09, 2019

Ayodhya: Politics, law and tactics

Ayodhya was never merely a title suit. It was a claim about dominance, restitution, identity and history.

अयोध्या: राजनीति, कानून और तिकड़म
Nov 09, 2019

अयोध्या: राजनीति, कानून और तिकड़म

अयोध्या सिर्फ जमीन के मालिकाना हक का विवाद कभी नहीं रहा ब�

“Politics by other means”: Fostering positive contestation and charting ‘red lines’ through global governance in cyberspace
Oct 21, 2019

“Politics by other means”: Fostering positive contestation and charting ‘red lines’ through global governance in cyberspace

“Politics by other means”: Fostering positive contestation and charting ‘red lines’ through global governance in cyberspace

Kashmir needs empathy for integration of hearts and minds, not rhetoric
Sep 21, 2019

Kashmir needs empathy for integration of hearts and minds, not rhetoric

Will politicians rise above party politics and see Kashmir as a national agenda is the key question that will decide what unfolds ahead on the ground.

Understanding the different shades of populism around the world
Aug 14, 2019

Understanding the different shades of populism around the world

The 21st century sees the rise of populist politics. It should be investigated in its myriad manifestations taking root across the world.

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role
Aug 01, 2019

The India–US trade dispute and India’s evolving geopolitical role

While the strategic partnership between the United States and India remains robust, some analysts see the relationship as becoming significantly strai