Search: For - Asia

6779 results found

Economic fusion in South Asia
Jan 20, 2015

Economic fusion in South Asia

South Asia is one of the most populous region in the world, representing about 24 per cent of the world's population. Most countries in the region are in various stages of economic development, and aspire for regional economic integration.

Education and capacity building in Africa: The story of two competing Asian giants
Oct 01, 2020

Education and capacity building in Africa: The story of two competing Asian giants

Both India and China have largely played on two different planks.

Ensuring Water Security in Asia
Feb 18, 2011

Ensuring Water Security in Asia

Adequate access to water is not only a human right but it also forms the cornerstone of economic development. It is growing in importance in Asia where the population is rising at an exponential rate making it home to more than half of the world's population.

EU’s expanding engagement in Central Asia to counter Russia and China
Jul 14, 2023

EU’s expanding engagement in Central Asia to counter Russia and China

The geopolitical and security crisis has forced the CARs and the EU to rethink their foreign policy regarding the region's sovereignty, safety, and st

Evolving geopolitics in Eurasia: Implications for India
Jul 27, 2015

Evolving geopolitics in Eurasia: Implications for India

To improve India's role in Central Asia, its focus should recognize the diversity of relationships that are possible - economic, defence, and connectivity. Politically and historically, each of the five countries in the region is distinct.

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific
Sep 29, 2017

Evolving politics of the Asia-Pacific

The rise of Chinese military leaves Washington with the unenviable and the daunting task of balancing its economic ties with the Asia-Pacific.

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia
Aug 06, 2010

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia

Outlining the need for a concerted effort to deal with water challenges in South Asia, experts at a roundtable suggested that there was a strong reason to create collaborative rather than competitive frameworks.

Facing an aggressive China: The US may be inching towards Asian alliance
Nov 08, 2017

Facing an aggressive China: The US may be inching towards Asian alliance

The United States, Japan, India, Australia – may emerge as guarantors of free trade and defense cooperation to check China

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective
Nov 06, 2014

Five recommendations for US to make its South Asia policy effective

US President Obama's top priority now is the crisis in West Asia, ISIS and Ebola, and India-US relations though, not inconsequential, is not on Washington's top priority now, according to Michael Kugelman of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC.

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India
Nov 12, 2018

For a multipolar Eurasia, Russia must cooperate with India

India will not politically prefer Russia to the US — rather it must learn to work with both. In the Indo-Pacific, India’s equities lie with Washin

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia
Jan 08, 2013

For an India-led security architecture in South Asia

India's smaller neighbours are not as concerned about the reach, if any, of outside powers in the region. In this sense, the neighbourhood?s concerns about India are distinct from India's own concerns.

France is looking for new allies in Asia
Jul 20, 2019

France is looking for new allies in Asia

It would be worth France, India, and Japan beginning an institutionalised and wide-ranging dialogue to ensure that the three of them can better coordinate their activities in the Indo-Pacific — not necessarily to counter China, but to encourage it to cooperate.

France’s West Asia Moment
Feb 15, 2023

France’s West Asia Moment

France is stepping up its strategic role, providing an alternative for countries seeking security guarantees from a powerful, nuclear, Western militar

From hedging states to trump cards: China isn’t backing down in South Asia
Dec 28, 2020

From hedging states to trump cards: China isn’t backing down in South Asia

China isn’t going away any time soon from South Asia. India will have to work overtime — and in concert with like-minded partners.

From West Asia to Afghanistan: The worrying rise of fractured geopolitics to fight terrorism
Jan 04, 2023

From West Asia to Afghanistan: The worrying rise of fractured geopolitics to fight terrorism

The cracks in the world order provide terrorist outfits ample space to regroup and reorganise

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?
Feb 19, 2020

From ‘Pivot to Asia’ to Trump’s ARIA: What drives the US’ Current Asia policy?

After President Donald Trump’s 2017 visit to Asia, the Indo-Pacific region assumed greater significance in the United States’ foreign policy calculus, as articulated in the ‘Indo-Pacific Strategy Report’ released by the US Department of Defence. On 31 December 2018, Trump passed the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act (ARIA), which authorises US$1.5 billion in spending for a range of US programmes in East Asia and Southeast Asia to “develop

Future of Universal Health Coverage in Asia: Learning from each other
Sep 30, 2017

Future of Universal Health Coverage in Asia: Learning from each other

Universal health coverage is really a health system issue. It is not a scheme, it is not a programme — it has much to do with all aspects that go in

G20 Ministerial: Should focus on global and Asian economy
Nov 09, 2015

G20 Ministerial: Should focus on global and Asian economy

The agenda hosts Turkey has set for the G20 summit is undoubtedly overloaded. But, to achieve good results, it would make sense for global leaders to focus on the most pressing regional issues affecting the global economy in general and Asia in particular, before the next summit in China in 2016.

G20 returns to Asia
Oct 30, 2021

G20 returns to Asia

The ‘duplex of Asian G20 presidencies’ led by Indonesia and India takes on a formidable agenda, one that is likely to shape the world economy for

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia
Jul 23, 2007

Gas powers energy politics in Central Asia

The May 2007 summit at Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan between Russia, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan has once again brought the Central Asian Republics (CARs), especially Turkmenistan, in the limelight of international energy politics.

GCC and Central Asia Summit amidst great power competition
Aug 03, 2023

GCC and Central Asia Summit amidst great power competition

Amidst the fragile world order and great power competition, the recent GCC-CAR summit aims to strengthen political and strategic relations

Gender and conflict in Asia
Feb 14, 2017

Gender and conflict in Asia

Although the proportion of women globally, and in Asia, has decreased over time, it is important to note that the trend is not irreversible.

Gender Gap in Agriculture and the ‘South Asian Enigma’
Oct 11, 2021

Gender Gap in Agriculture and the ‘South Asian Enigma’

Current data suggests that the global community is far from achieving the 2030 agenda of ending hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition. By the end of 2019, 650 million people suffered from chronic hunger and 135 million experienced acute food-insecurity. Not all regions are equal: the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2020 found that some are experiencing less severe incidence of hunger on the GHI scale, compared to others. The most serious levels of

Geo-economics in East Asia: A word of caution on China
Sep 17, 2013

Geo-economics in East Asia: A word of caution on China

Can China slow down without imploding? No, says Mr. Osamu Tanaka, the Executive Vice President of the Policy Research Institute of the Ministry of Finance, Japan. He predicts that 2017/8 will be the beginning of a Chinese financial meltdown.

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia
Jun 29, 2012

Geo-strategic uncertainties will drive India and Japan to maintain balance of power in Asia

The geo-strategic uncertainties that prevail in Asia will drive India and Japan increasingly in the direction of jointly addressing the need for maintaining the prevailing balance of power in the continent, according to scholars from India and Japan.

Germany needs to board the right train in Asia
May 06, 2023

Germany needs to board the right train in Asia

With Berlin left vulnerable to the weaponisation of its dependence on China, it is high time Germany diversifies to safer alternatives

Giants of Asia in Silicon Valley
Sep 30, 2015

Giants of Asia in Silicon Valley

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping have just made back to back visits to the United States. In keeping with the times, both began their tours from that Mecca of our age - Silicon Valley.

Global terrorism expanding, especially in Asia?
Feb 03, 2014

Global terrorism expanding, especially in Asia?

West Bengal Governor and former National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan recently noted that contrary to what many security and strategic analysts in the West profess, terrorism remains by all means a grave threat to the civilised world. The reality is global terrorism is expanding, especially in Asia.

Global Trends And Strategic Changes: The Asian View From India
Dec 27, 2004

Global Trends And Strategic Changes: The Asian View From India

In the early years of the 21st Century, we find ourselves relearning the most enduring lesson of history. That is, ¿Only thing constant in nature is change. It is not the reality that is changing but change, which is becoming a reality.¿ The difference now is that the revolution in technology is making changes, including global trends and strategic changes, faster than ever before.

Growing Chinese influence over Central Asia
Nov 10, 2022

Growing Chinese influence over Central Asia

Xi’s aspirations of Chinese hegemony are accelerating as his control over Central Asia expands

Hamas attack against Israel seeks to counter-shape regional order in West Asia
Oct 09, 2023

Hamas attack against Israel seeks to counter-shape regional order in West Asia

Hamas attack and Israel’s response to these terror strikes will single-handedly reshape the trajectory of regional geopolitics at least in the near