Search: For - green economy

29 results found

ग्रीन ट्रांजिशन: विकास, स्थिरता और ऊर्जा परिवर्तन के बीच संतुलन ज़रूरी
Dec 27, 2024

ग्रीन ट्रांजिशन: विकास, स्थिरता और ऊर्जा परिवर्तन के बीच संतुलन ज़रूरी

भविष्य में भारत को ग्रीन इकोनॉमी यानी हरित अर्थव्यवस्था

Green transition: Balancing growth, stability, and energy transition
Dec 24, 2024

Green transition: Balancing growth, stability, and energy transition

Macroeconomic policies that manage the consequences of green transition and support from the Global North are essential to India’s future as a green

Financing instruments for Pacific Island Countries amidst climate change
Oct 03, 2024

Financing instruments for Pacific Island Countries amidst climate change

PICs need additional financial support from developed countries to build resilience to climate change while transitioning to a green economy

सर्कुलर इकॉनॉमीचा विस्तार करणे गरजेचे
Jun 26, 2024

सर्कुलर इकॉनॉमीचा विस्तार करणे गरजेचे

सर्कुलर इकॉनॉमीचा अवलंब केला, तर वाया जाणाऱ्या उत्पादना�

Scaling circular economy
Jun 13, 2024

Scaling circular economy

Implementing a circular economy can reduce discarded products, but policymakers must expand the contractual model's scope for maximum benefit.

हरित विकास प्रकल्पांचे वर्गीकरण करण्याचे धोरण: संधी आणि आव्हाने
Mar 05, 2024

हरित विकास प्रकल्पांचे वर्गीकरण करण्याचे धोरण: संधी आणि आव्हाने

हरित वर्गीकरण म्हणजे एक असा गुंतवणुकीचा पर्याय ज्याला आ�

Green taxonomies: A tool with underutilised potential
Feb 21, 2024

Green taxonomies: A tool with underutilised potential

Countries are increasingly adopting green taxonomies to foster a sustainable finance market to attract international investors

महिला आणि जलसंवर्धन: हरित रोजगाराच्या संधी
Oct 27, 2023

महिला आणि जलसंवर्धन: हरित रोजगाराच्या संधी

जलसंवर्धनाच्या अनेक उपक्रमांमध्ये महिलांचा सहभाग वाढव�

Women and water: Leveraging the potential of green jobs
Oct 13, 2023

Women and water: Leveraging the potential of green jobs

Many of the jobs created through large-scale programmes on water can be taken up by women as long as the skilling gap is addressed along with gender i

हरित ऊर्जा की तरफ़ बदलाव के लिए बजट-2022 में उम्मीद से कम इंतज़ाम!
Jul 30, 2023

हरित ऊर्जा की तरफ़ बदलाव के लिए बजट-2022 में उम्मीद से कम इंतज़ाम!

वैसे तो बजट में नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा उद्योग के लिए वित्तीय प्र�

बजट 2022: भारत के लिए ‘जलवायु’ अनुकूल बजट बनाने का अवसर
Jul 30, 2023

बजट 2022: भारत के लिए ‘जलवायु’ अनुकूल बजट बनाने का अवसर

इस वर्ष का केंद्रीय बजट जलवायु अनुकूल बजट बनाने का एक अवस�

सार्वजनिक हरे भरे स्थानों और शहरी जनसंख्या के बीच के संबंध
Jul 30, 2023

सार्वजनिक हरे भरे स्थानों और शहरी जनसंख्या के बीच के संबंध

बेहतर जीवन शैली के लिए, शहर योजनाकार के लिए अतिरिक्त आबाद�

COP 27 से उम्मीदें: हरित वित्त के ज़रिए हरित बदलाव का नया ख़ाका!
Jul 27, 2023

COP 27 से उम्मीदें: हरित वित्त के ज़रिए हरित बदलाव का नया ख़ाका!

केवल ऊर्जा परिवर्तन से हरित बदलाव नहीं लाया जा सकता है; इस

Debt restructuring of vulnerable countries
Jun 21, 2023

Debt restructuring of vulnerable countries

Debt for climate swap has the capacity to promote climate action and potentially contribute to macroeconomic stability

APEC 2022: Pros and cons of BCG Bangkok model
Dec 15, 2022

APEC 2022: Pros and cons of BCG Bangkok model

Though the BCG model has many positives, it is yet to be seen if it is as sustainable as it claims to be.

Start of a new era: From Jakarta to Nusantara
Feb 21, 2022

Start of a new era: From Jakarta to Nusantara

Why is Indonesia’s plans to shift its capital met with criticisms?

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy
Apr 14, 2021

Decade of Action: Importance of a circular economy

As a primarily economic discipline, the circular economy must empower business and industry.

डिजिटल हरित अर्थव्यवस्थेकडे
Jan 30, 2021

डिजिटल हरित अर्थव्यवस्थेकडे

कृषी कायद्यांवर भांडत राहण्यापेक्षा, पारंपरिक पद्धती ब�

Paving the way for digital green economy in Indian agriculture
Jan 27, 2021

Paving the way for digital green economy in Indian agriculture

The need for the sector to transition from the traditional industrial model into a modern, digital and sustainable one is more urgent than ever.

Forking paths: Sustainable development in the time of a pandemic
Jan 04, 2021

Forking paths: Sustainable development in the time of a pandemic

We could either choose the way that leads to better institutions and global systems, or the other, which compromises on environmental, social and ethi

Moving Forward: A sustainable green transition amidst the pandemic
Dec 23, 2020

Moving Forward: A sustainable green transition amidst the pandemic

What we need is a shift of national economies away from fossil fuels on to a low-carbon footing and generate new jobs quickly.

Smaller states are leading India’s path to a greener economy
Dec 18, 2020

Smaller states are leading India’s path to a greener economy

Our future as a country depends upon the route we take towards growth and, at the same time, how we resolve our environmental challenges.

Blue Economy under Indian G20 Presidency: Not an altruistic intent, but a development imperative
Jan 07, 2023

Blue Economy under Indian G20 Presidency: Not an altruistic intent, but a development imperative

Given the global importance of the Blue Economy, India’s G20 Presidency brings about the unique opportunity to prioritise the BE for the purpose for growth, green economy and social equity.

Financing India’s Green Transition
May 12, 2023

Financing India’s Green Transition

Climate change has emerged amongst India’s most formidable challenges to sustained GDP growth. To accelerate the implementation of the country’s commitments under the Paris Agreement and advance its progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, finance is key. India needs to develop a comprehensive strategy and an integrated policy approach that aligns the country’s financial systems with the long-term needs of the economy while incor

Identity and energy access in India:  Setting contexts for Rio+20
Jun 08, 2012

Identity and energy access in India: Setting contexts for Rio+20

India's macro position on equity at international fora such as Rio +20 must be reflected in its domestic resolve to offer energy equitably to its diverse population. The imperatives of creating a 'green economy' must only follow and complement such efforts.

भविष्याची दिशा ‘हिरवी’ हवी
Oct 15, 2020

भविष्याची दिशा ‘हिरवी’ हवी

आजपासून दहा वर्षांनी जेव्हा तुम्ही सकाळी उठून चहा करण्यासाठी बटन दाबाल, त्यावेळी त्यात आलेली ऊर्जा कदाचित जकार्ता किंवा बँकॉकवरून आलेली असेल.

भारताच्या हरित पुनरुत्थानाचा मार्ग
Feb 01, 2021

भारताच्या हरित पुनरुत्थानाचा मार्ग

आर्थिक विकासाचे प्रारूप ठरवताना हवामान बदल आणि जैवविविधतेच्या संकटाचा विचार केला जायला हवा हे कोरोनाच्या जागतिक महामारीने दाखवून दिले आहे.